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Hannah is starting chemo

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Hannah starts chemo this morning, Monday, at 8cst. We will be staying in the hospital overnight so she can get extra fluids and meds to counteract the side effects of the chemo.


So far, Hannah is viewing this as a neat field trip. She has her bag packed with her favorite books, gowns, and friends, and is planning what she will do in the playroom when she gets there. She will be released some time late Tuesday afternoon.


Please pray everything goes smoothly.








Edited by Melinda S in TX
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Melinda, I'm thankful to catch this update. Praying for Hannah, for healing, strength, her doctors, her treatment, and an easy time with the chemo; for your family to continually be reassured by God's closeness to you, that He reveal Himself to you in unexpected ways, and that for this to ultimately bring you all--and others--closer to Him.


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:grouphug: Hugs for Hannah and family. It speaks well to how you have prepared Hannah for her chemo to have her be so positive! Take care of yourselves the best you can, parents.


:iagree: It is so hard on the parents. I always cried during the night or in the bathroom at the hospital. When I was with dd I tried to be her protector and cheerleader. Take care of yourself. :grouphug:

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Hannah's chemo went well. The hardest part for her was the wait to go upstairs. She finished chemo at 11:30, but it took them until 3:30 to get her in a room. She did throw up a couple of times, but a dose of Zofran and she was fine.


Hannah spent the afternoon and evening having fun with her friends. She loves the playroom and the Child Life Specialists are great.


Doctor G. discharged Hannah the next morning, but told her to stay as long as she wanted. So, she played in the playroom and ate lunch before we left.


I know things will get harder as Hannah gets more chemo, but I am grateful it was "easy" this time. Hannah is a real trooper, and has done so well through all of this.


Thank you for praying for us. It really means a lot.




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Hannah's chemo went well. The hardest part for her was the wait to go upstairs. She finished chemo at 11:30, but it took them until 3:30 to get her in a room. She did throw up a couple of times, but a dose of Zofran and she was fine.


Hannah spent the afternoon and evening having fun with her friends. She loves the playroom and the Child Life Specialists are great.


Doctor G. discharged Hannah the next morning, but told her to stay as long as she wanted. So, she played in the playroom and ate lunch before we left.


I know things will get harder as Hannah gets more chemo, but I am grateful it was "easy" this time. Hannah is a real trooper, and has done so well through all of this.


Thank you for praying for us. It really means a lot.






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Hannah's chemo went well. The hardest part for her was the wait to go upstairs. She finished chemo at 11:30, but it took them until 3:30 to get her in a room. She did throw up a couple of times, but a dose of Zofran and she was fine.


Hannah spent the afternoon and evening having fun with her friends. She loves the playroom and the Child Life Specialists are great.


Doctor G. discharged Hannah the next morning, but told her to stay as long as she wanted. So, she played in the playroom and ate lunch before we left.


I know things will get harder as Hannah gets more chemo, but I am grateful it was "easy" this time. Hannah is a real trooper, and has done so well through all of this.


Thank you for praying for us. It really means a lot.





I'm glad that it was easy for her this time too.

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