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How long do you usually leave people on your IGNORE list?

Guest Dulcimeramy

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Oh, shoot. I forgot that I'm gonna look like a real loser if nobody responds to my thread about the use of the ignore list! LOL


"Poster learns the hard way that entire board has her on 'ignore.' Cries buckets."


:lol: My ignore list is very wee, and you're not on it.

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Just for clarity, the two people who post but are on my list are not on there for disagreeing with me. They are people I find randomly rude and judgmental to lots of different people in regular (not political) threads.


That is the sort of person that I ignore. Folks who are quick with a harsh judgmental answer or personal jibe.

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I don't ignore anyone on this board and never have. I put someone on another board on my ignore list for personally attacking me over something so stupid I was irritated, but then I took him off ignore because I was curious to know what he said in a particular thread that got others so hot and bothered! :tongue_smilie:

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I don't think ignore lists are used as often as the concept of being "deliberately ignored."


It took me a bit to figure it out, to tell you the truth. I finally saw the pattern: A person will write out an answer and then, a few posts later, a couple/few of posters who had written different answers prior to the person being ignored will write/agree to essentially the exact same response. Then that "group" will do a "well isn't it great that the 3 of us found the answer!" kind of thing. Or the OP will thank them.



As someone I know has said "The internet: where you can be in Jr. High forever."





Lol, I barely even notice that sort of stuff. I am really not very socially savvy- you know how some people here know so many people and are great online friends and remember all these details about others and who said what when? Of course there are people here I am very familiar with after years of hanging around, and some details do stick out in my mind, but not nearly as many as I think I should be familiar with, considering how much I hang around :)

I have a friend IRL who is in everyone's business. She is so social- she is nosy, manipulative, a great source of gossip..but very, very good at making others feel welcome and included socially. Some people just have that gene more than others. I don't. Sometimes I notice people here who are Queen Bees or whatever and honestly, I don't think I ever saw their name before, and I feel a little rude for not noticing them before when they obviously have posted a fair bit.

But as for ignoring them- I am not intending to. There is not one person here who annoys me that much. Some people just haven't said anything that triggers my radar enough times to register them significantly for them to stick in my brain. Sometimes i think I should keep a folder next to me of WTM people so I can keep track-but I think that could backfire if I remember negative things someone said- I would rather forget and treat them fresh!

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I admit it, I like to ignore anyone who has a very rapid animated picture for there avatar. That is my own reason I have every put anyone on ignore. :p


I have to rapidly scroll past a particular avatar that does that. It only goes really fast in Firefox though. It's a more normal pace in Chrome. (Or maybe I have that reversed?)

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Lol, I barely even notice that sort of stuff. I am really not very socially savvy- you know how some people here know so many people and are great online friends and remember all these details about others and who said what when? Of course there are people here I am very familiar with after years of hanging around, and some details do stick out in my mind, but not nearly as many as I think I should be familiar with, considering how much I hang around :)

I have a friend IRL who is in everyone's business. She is so social- she is nosy, manipulative, a great source of gossip..but very, very good at making others feel welcome and included socially. Some people just have that gene more than others. I don't. Sometimes I notice people here who are Queen Bees or whatever and honestly, I don't think I ever saw their name before, and I feel a little rude for not noticing them before when they obviously have posted a fair bit. But as for ignoring them- I am not intending to. There is not one person here who annoys me that much. Some people just haven't said anything that triggers my radar enough times to register them significantly for them to stick in my brain. Sometimes i think I should keep a folder next to me of WTM people so I can keep track-but I think that could backfire if I remember negative things someone said- I would rather forget and treat them fresh!


I agree with the bolded above. I can't say how many times I've noticed a poster for the first time and then realized they have a couple thousand posts. I don't know if I've just never noticed them or if our posting paths really have rarely crossed.


I think there are so many posters and so many threads on so many boards that it is easy for a dozen different people to spend the same amount of time on the board and come away with totally different experiences and impressions of what is going on.


I do wish everyone here all the best in homeschooling and in life. Even the folks who rub me the wrong way.

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To the OP: I found it funny that you think you're being ignored because I often feel like I could follow you around the boards going, "yeah, what she said." I think you're pretty cool. :coolgleamA:


And I've never ignored anyone. I would probably always be clicking to see the post, anyway.

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On huge threads...I've used the ignore feature when someone monopolizes / bullies and intentionally stirs the pot. This feature allows me to read in peace.


They were banned shortly after I figured out how to ignore them though.

Edited by Tammyla
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Once you're on my ignore list, you tend to stay there. If you've annoyed me enough that I've had to re-search the forum to figure out how to ignore you, then you're done to me.


And it does get a bit awkward when someone on my ignore list quotes me because then I have to remember I've got that person blocked before I can figure out what the heck they are saying. :D


So ultimately, I end up annoyed all over again. It's a great feature for me. :001_unsure:

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Lol, I barely even notice that sort of stuff. I am really not very socially savvy- you know how some people here know so many people and are great online friends and remember all these details about others and who said what when? Of course there are people here I am very familiar with after years of hanging around, and some details do stick out in my mind, but not nearly as many as I think I should be familiar with, considering how much I hang around :)


:iagree: I was recently made to feel VERY uncomfortable by someone who posted about my posts, what they thought of me and my posts, etc. I totally disagreed with what they said mentally but didn't respond because not only did I feel their post was somewhat stalkerish, I just didn't want to waste my time with them. I don't study any single person's posts enough to be able to comment on them as a whole.


I *know* that I forget a lot of things said in anger on the boards, and other times I just over look. I don't understand holding grudges, especially with an online community with someone you don't know!


I've never used the ignore feature but would if I kept being attacked by someone.

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Every poster has an option to put any other poster on ignore. Each list is private. You can't see who is on anyone else's ignore list.


I never realized that, so now everyone knows they are not on my ignore list because I don't even have one :tongue_smilie:...I like reading the different responses, so I will keep it the way it is...I don't agree with everything, but I still like to read it...

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Once someone is on my ignore list, they never come off. I have ignored 3 people over the years. Two were later permanently banned, so I only have 1 on right now. She rarely posts anyway. I don't ignore people for having different opinions than I do. I ignore them for repeatedly being jerks, without the value of adding anything of meaning to any of the threads they participate in. Subjective, I know, but I think I'm fair.

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I occasionally read the posts of someone I have on ignore (i've only got a few, and the first one was put on there after sending me a nasty PM). If they seem to have gone normal, I'll read their stuff again.


If I have someone on ignore, I take them off when I find myself clicking "see post" too often. I only ignore a few people though.


ETA: I find your posts interesting and thought provoking. :grouphug:

:iagree:A couple on my list don't post anymore. It seems that they were here just to talk about politics.

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Once someone is on my ignore list, they never come off. I have ignored 3 people over the years. Two were later permanently banned, so I only have 1 on right now. She rarely posts anyway. I don't ignore people for having different opinions than I do. I ignore them for repeatedly being jerks, without the value of adding anything of meaning to any of the threads they participate in. Subjective, I know, but I think I'm fair.


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Which is totally worthless for those of us with little self-control because we just think, "Oooooh, what did that nut say now???" and read it just to get mad at them again.


:lol: Too funny. :lol:


What some of us really need is a friend list, an ignore list, and an evaporate list. Or, for Twilight Zone fans, a "whisked-away-to-the-cornfield" list.


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I don't use it.


I can disagree to the extreme with someone on one thread, but turn around and offer them prayers and support in another, both with total sincerity.


Even if I think someone is a dipstick, I don't ignore them. I figure I can ignore their posts without using a list to do it for me, if I need to.


Besides, you never know where wisdom may come from. :001_smile:


:iagree: Exactly! Well, except that I don't think anyone here is a dipstick. :lol: I don't have anyone on ignore. :)

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I would just like to acknowledge the 12 people who obviously do not have me on ignore at the moment. Thank you, thank you...

You're not on my ignore list. :)


I'm sorry, did you say something? :lol: Oh, (wipes tears)....I crack myself up sometimes!



Also, you guys do realize this would have been a MUCH funnier thread had no one replied? I read it and didn't reply, mwa ha ha, but was quickly foiled by people who are nicer than me.



My ignore list consists of posters who have established a pattern of behavior of being a complete donkey



I think it's the same person I've ignored. This person seems to be here only to showcase superiority and be rude.


Tara, yep, most probably the same one.


How do we find out when someone is banned?

Why would someone be banned? That's pretty bad ... :glare: ... wouldn't want that to happen to me.

I'm quite sure that I'm on some ignore lists and that's fine with me. That's life. Can't please everyone.

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I have 4 people on my ignore list. One of them ... I think is someone whom quite a few of us have on our ignore lists ;).

A few times when this certain individual has posted and replied to something that I said, in a way that I know is rude, since this person is almost always rude, I have said, "Sorry, I can't hear you. You're on my ignore list". :D :lol: I never read this person's replies. Ever. No interest whatsoever. Some of you may know who I'm talking about ... :D


I think it's the same person I've ignored. This person seems to be here only to showcase superiority and be rude.





Tara, yep, most probably the same one.


How do we find out when someone is banned?

Why would someone be banned? That's pretty bad ... :glare: ... wouldn't want that to happen to me.

I'm quite sure that I'm on some ignore lists and that's fine with me. That's life. Can't please everyone.


It is one thing to discuss the ignore feature of the boards and why or under what conditions. It is another step entirely to turn the thread into a thinly veiled discussion of which board members are on ignore and who is on the most ignore lists. That must be the fastest way to get this thread locked or deleted or even get banned for violating some rule. And of course lots of folks who read the thread are now thinking--oh no, they are talking about me. None of which is very kind or polite or anything but pointless.


Of course maybe it's me y'all have on ignore so you won't see this post anyway. But hey-I'm sure this thread doesn't need to turn into a gossip piece about other board members (even if they aren't named outside of the PMs that must be flying around).

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I must not be around enough, I have no idea who you are talking about! I mean, I have read some rude posts and some "I am better than you" posts (ok, LOTS of them actually), but can't think of someone who consistently gets on my nerves.




I have 4 people on my ignore list. One of them ... I think is someone whom quite a few of us have on our ignore lists ;).

A few times when this certain individual has posted and replied to something that I said, in a way that I know is rude, since this person is almost always rude, I have said, "Sorry, I can't hear you. You're on my ignore list". :D :lol: I never read this person's replies. Ever. No interest whatsoever. Some of you may know who I'm talking about ... :D

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It is one thing to discuss the ignore feature of the boards and why or under what conditions. It is another step entirely to turn the thread into a thinly veiled discussion of which board members are on ignore and who is on the most ignore lists. That must be the fastest way to get this thread locked or deleted or even get banned for violating some rule. And of course lots of folks who read the thread are now thinking--oh no, they are talking about me. None of which is very kind or polite or anything but pointless.

Of course maybe it's me y'all have on ignore so you won't see this post anyway. But hey-I'm sure this thread doesn't need to turn into a gossip piece about other board members (even if they aren't named outside of the PMs that must be flying around).

You're right. I'll delete my post right away.

Obviously, you're not on my ignore list.

Yet, it is quite funny to me how 2 people on my ignore list were extremely rude to me. I'm talking personal insults. Yet, they were never admonished, warned, got a light slap on the hand, or anything. Nothing at all. Guess it's okay to be rude and give personal insults. They were being anything but, "kind or polite". Things that make you go hmmm ... the things that make you go hmmm, hmmm - sorry listening to C&C Music Factory did that to me ...

So talking about it is worse than actually doing it??? :confused: It's not okay to talk about the rudeness done without mentioning names or actual threads, but it is okay to be extremely rude and insulting. I don't get it.

Now I'm off to delete my post. :)

Edited by Negin in Grenada
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Sometimes I notice people here who are Queen Bees or whatever and honestly, I don't think I ever saw their name before, and I feel a little rude for not noticing them before when they obviously have posted a fair bit.


I agree with the bolded above. I can't say how many times I've noticed a poster for the first time and then realized they have a couple thousand posts. I don't know if I've just never noticed them or if our posting paths really have rarely crossed.


I think there are so many posters and so many threads on so many boards that it is easy for a dozen different people to spend the same amount of time on the board and come away with totally different experiences and impressions of what is going on.


I do wish everyone here all the best in homeschooling and in life. Even the folks who rub me the wrong way.



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So talking about it is worse than actually doing it??? :confused: It's not okay to talk about the rudeness done without mentioning names or actual threads, but it is okay to be extremely rude and insulting. I don't get it.

Now I'm off to delete my post. :)


I interpret this idea to be related to how one shouldn't stoop to the level of the abuser. As soon as you respond in any way other than a hug, and even that can be turned around and made into something ugly, you're being as rude and harrassing as the first person. And so then you try to ignore that person, but she continues to trash you to others and because you aren't defending yourself, they start believing there is truth to the 1st person's accusations. And when you complain, you're told that life isn't fair and to suck it up and deal with it. I've seen this scenario played out more than once during my lifetime. It usually ends with the victim being told that people who believe bad things about them weren't meant to be their friends in the first place. Whatever.

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So talking about it is worse than actually doing it??? :confused: It's not okay to talk about the rudeness done without mentioning names or actual threads, but it is okay to be extremely rude and insulting. I don't get it.



In my opinion, context matters. I've talked about posters and threads that I was having trouble with in PMs to a few close friends. They know me enough to know that I'm blowing off steam and am really asking them to keep me in line.;) I dislike innuendo and veiled comments on the forum itself because it brings in all sorts of people going "What happened? Who is it?" It generates it's own bad vibes in the group.


And, no it is never ok to be extremely rude and insulting. I've had people call me on my own rudeness and have always apologized in a PM or on the open forum. Many don't respond that way if called on it, though.

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When you put someone on 'ignore' it shows you that they did post but you can't read the post unless you click a little button called "view post."


Which is totally worthless for those of us with little self-control because we just think, "Oooooh, what did that nut say now???" and read it just to get mad at them again. After two days of this, we realize we aren't even sort of ignoring the person and have gotten over whatever the beef was...and take them off ignore. (Or am I the only one who does that.)


What some of us really need is a friend list, an ignore list, and an evaporate list. Or, for Twilight Zone fans, a "whisked-away-to-the-cornfield" list.


Hilarious. And yes I am just like this.


I don't usually use the ignore feature. Hardly anyone annoys me that bad. I have been very hurt in the last few weeks by a poster....so I find myself steering clear of her for a while. I'm usually fairly tough skinned though.

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In my opinion, context matters. I've talked about posters and threads that I was having trouble with in PMs to a few close friends. They know me enough to know that I'm blowing off steam and am really asking them to keep me in line.;) I dislike innuendo and veiled comments on the forum itself because it brings in all sorts of people going "What happened? Who is it?" It generates it's own bad vibes in the group.


And, no it is never ok to be extremely rude and insulting. I've had people call me on my own rudeness and have always apologized in a PM or on the open forum. Many don't respond that way if called on it, though.


I, too have done this. I've also sent a pm directly to the person when I felt it was more personal than the thread called for or when I wanted to clarify something. It's worked good. I've reconciled quite a few times. I so hate to have animosity!

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I interpret this idea to be related to how one shouldn't stoop to the level of the abuser. As soon as you respond in any way other than a hug, and even that can be turned around and made into something ugly, you're being as rude and harrassing as the first person. And so then you try to ignore that person, but she continues to trash you to others and because you aren't defending yourself, they start believing there is truth to the 1st person's accusations. And when you complain, you're told that life isn't fair and to suck it up and deal with it. I've seen this scenario played out more than once during my lifetime. It usually ends with the victim being told that people who believe bad things about them weren't meant to be their friends in the first place. Whatever.

Great post.

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I must not be around enough, I have no idea who you are talking about! I mean, I have read some rude posts and some "I am better than you" posts (ok, LOTS of them actually), but can't think of someone who consistently gets on my nerves.


Dawn, trust me, you're very, very lucky. :)


I interpret this idea to be related to how one shouldn't stoop to the level of the abuser. As soon as you respond in any way other than a hug, and even that can be turned around and made into something ugly, you're being as rude and harrassing as the first person. And so then you try to ignore that person, but she continues to trash you to others and because you aren't defending yourself, they start believing there is truth to the 1st person's accusations. And when you complain, you're told that life isn't fair and to suck it up and deal with it. I've seen this scenario played out more than once during my lifetime. It usually ends with the victim being told that people who believe bad things about them weren't meant to be their friends in the first place. Whatever.

Same thoughts went through my head also.

Thank you.


In my opinion, context matters. I dislike innuendo and veiled comments on the forum itself because it brings in all sorts of people going "What happened? Who is it?"


Agreeing with everything you said, Jean.

But this is not by any means the first time we've seen innuendo. There have been plenty of times and I definitely was not the first person on this very thread to do so.

One particular individual who was very rude and insulting never did respond when asked as to why the rudeness.

Edited by Negin in Grenada
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