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I'm biting my tongue and trying not to judge...

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It is their right to take a 10 yo to a raunchy R rated movie. It is also the right of other movie goers to be appalled at that decision. It's a free country.


I'm not sure why they are surprised. It would make more sense if they just didn't care what other people thought, since they didn't take the care to think about the appropriateness of the movie in the first place.

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What is it with that movie? My sister told me she went to see it and said that there were a few people with kids my daughters age in there (7)!! What the heck are people thinking? My sister said it was a very dirty movie (we do not see movies like that).

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Well, I'm looking at this in a different way than everyone else. I'm more concerned about the reactions from the other moviegoers. Did they just give dirty looks or did they berate the family verbally? I can't imagine a stranger telling me how to parent my children. It doesn't matter if they think it's inappropriate. Now if the parents were doing something illegal, I can understand speaking up. But inappropriate does not necessarily equal child endangerment.

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It is their right to take a 10 yo to a raunchy R rated movie. It is also the right of other movie goers to be appalled at that decision. It's a free country.


I'm not sure why they are surprised. It would make more sense if they just didn't care what other people thought, since they didn't take the care to think about the appropriateness of the movie in the first place.



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I'm not familiar with the movie, but was it really anyone else's business? I'm assuming that they bought tickets and didn't sneak into the theatre, so whatever the rating was it must not have been "only adults over the age of 18".


I can see the thread now:


I took my kids to and some strange woman there gave me a hard time! How dare she tell ME how to parent MY OWN KIDS?!?! The nerve!



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Mine have seen their share of no where near appropriate for their ages movies ... But I'd never take them to see one. If we watch something, it's at home. This is not only to avoid comments by others, but also to pause, chat, and explain if needed.


I'm surprised that they're upset. They should have known someone would say something!

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Well, I'm looking at this in a different way than everyone else. I'm more concerned about the reactions from the other moviegoers. Did they just give dirty looks or did they berate the family verbally? I can't imagine a stranger telling me how to parent my children. It doesn't matter if they think it's inappropriate. Now if the parents were doing something illegal, I can understand speaking up. But inappropriate does not necessarily equal child endangerment.


I believe a couple of patrons asked them what in the world were they thinking taking children to this movie. I also believe they received plenty of dirty looks from others.

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It is their right to take a 10 yo to a raunchy R rated movie. It is also the right of other movie goers to be appalled at that decision. It's a free country.


I'm not sure why they are surprised. It would make more sense if they just didn't care what other people thought, since they didn't take the care to think about the appropriateness of the movie in the first place.




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I'm not familiar with the movie, but was it really anyone else's business? I'm assuming that they bought tickets and didn't sneak into the theatre, so whatever the rating was it must not have been "only adults over the age of 18".


I can see the thread now:


I took my kids to and some strange woman there gave me a hard time! How dare she tell ME how to parent MY OWN KIDS?!?! The nerve!




This is why I am not saying a word (to them). It is their business, not mine. They are the parents of those kids. But I have seen that movie, and I wish I hadn't seen some of the things in that movie. I left feeling very confused, lol.

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Ok. Dh and I loved the first movie and are dying to see the second. However, there would be no way in h-e-double-hockeysticks that we would bring (or ever allow) our 10yo to see it. Heck, I know dh and I probably shouldn't watch it, but the first was just so funny.


OP, I'm glad you vented here. That is a parenting decision that would have me scratching my head as well. But, to each his/her own, I guess.

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I'm not familiar with the movie, but was it really anyone else's business? I'm assuming that they bought tickets and didn't sneak into the theatre, so whatever the rating was it must not have been "only adults over the age of 18".


I can see the thread now:


I took my kids to and some strange woman there gave me a hard time! How dare she tell ME how to parent MY OWN KIDS?!?! The nerve!




I think children are only prohibited from NC-17 rated movies in theaters. Parents are free to decide if they want to take their kids to R-rated movies.

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My girlfriend was at a showing of this movie over the weekend and witnessed moviegoers giving parents crap for taking their kids. ;)


I wonder if knowing there are kids in the theater makes the movie less enjoyable. I don't know if I would be able to enjoy a movie for adults if I knew that there were children sitting next to me. I'll have to consider that. It's kind of like how some people do not like to have adult conversation among other moms when children are present.

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Mine have seen their share of no where near appropriate for their ages movies ... But I'd never take them to see one. If we watch something, it's at home. This is not only to avoid comments by others, but also to pause, chat, and explain if needed.


I'm surprised that they're upset. They should have known someone would say something!


I agree!


I let my kids watch things that I am sure other people would not approve of. However, we watch those things at home. We discuss things that they see. I think that I am the best judge of what is appropriate for MY kids.


I would not take them to the movie theater to see those things.


Different families have different comfort levels. Whether or not we watch or do things that other people would think are appropriate or inappropriate, we need to understand there is a time and a place.


My kids also know not to repeat things that we might deem appropriate but others would deem inappropriate.

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I really don't care what movies other parents allow their children to view. I was very upset when a friend allowed MY child to see The Hangover. Also, I don't want to sit next to a kid in an R-rated movie. I just don't want to. I had to sit next to a kid when I watched The Matrix 2...and apparently I'm still irritated about it. ;)

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Ok. Dh and I loved the first movie and are dying to see the second. However, there would be no way in h-e-double-hockeysticks that we would bring (or ever allow) our 10yo to see it. Heck, I know dh and I probably shouldn't watch it, but the first was just so funny.


OP, I'm glad you vented here. That is a parenting decision that would have me scratching my head as well. But, to each his/her own, I guess.



I was thinking the same thing as I read your first paragraph. My sister gave me a DVD of the first movie and I think it must have been one of the DUMBEST movies I've ever watched. :leaving:

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I wonder if knowing there are kids in the theater makes the movie less enjoyable. I don't know if I would be able to enjoy a movie for adults if I knew that there were children sitting next to me. I'll have to consider that. It's kind of like how some people do not like to have adult conversation among other moms when children are present.


Haha! We posted at the same time. YES.

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I wonder if knowing there are kids in the theater makes the movie less enjoyable. I don't know if I would be able to enjoy a movie for adults if I knew that there were children sitting next to me. I'll have to consider that. It's kind of like how some people do not like to have adult conversation among other moms when children are present.


I completely agree with this.


Hubby and I went to see 'Paul' (movie about an alien and had the guys from Shaun of the Dead in it) and a woman brings in three boys, probably aged 7-11 and sits them in the seats behind us and then walks away :confused:


It was very uncomfortable to sit infront of children and hear them laughing about jokes that should be miles over their head.


*as an aside, the movie was overly full of curse words, incredibly raunchy and took a very harsh 'there is no God' stand. DH and I regret seeing it:glare:

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I can understand them being upset, because it's no one's business what they deem appropriate for their children. I would not take a child that age to see either of the Hangover movies. I don't even want my 13 year old (and rather immature for his age) to see Hangover 2. However, anyone bringing their children would not find out how I felt about it. I'd probably make a snarky comment to dh, but I'd be sure we were out of earshot of the parents.

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I don't watch many movies (home or away) and especially not dreck like this . It makes me sick to hear how much money was made/ how many people watched The Hangover 2 this past weekend.


I would never say anything to another mother's child; just how hypocritical would that be? As I'm in the movie theater getting ready to watch filth?


I'm probably in the minority here, but if something is raunchy and awful, it is raunchy and awful for ALL ages.


How anyone can read a review like that (linked) and still watch it makes no sense to me. If you don't agree with me, I would like to know what else would have to be included in a movie in order for you to consider it pure dreck.


"Need evidence? The Hangover Part II's star Zach Galifianakis, who plays the movie's goofy man-child Alan, told comingsoon.net, "It is so bad in parts that I told my mom she is not allowed to see it. I forbid, forbade, forbid her from coming." But as Time's Joel Stein reports after talking with him, "When kids come up to [Galifianakis] and say how much they love The Hangover, he yells at their parents for letting them see it. In fact, he's not sure how he feels about adults' seeing the movie. After his mother watched the first Hangover, she voiced objections to the crass humor. 'I had to get on the phone with my mom and say, "I agree with you,"' he says. 'But at some point, as it did well at the box office, all that embarrassment flew out the window. As long as I can fly them all over the world, they don't care. I could be in porno.'"

Edited by dmmosher
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I don't watch many movies (home or away) and especially not dreck like this . It makes me sick to hear how much money was made/ how many people watched The Hangover 2 this past weekend.


I would never say anything to another mother's child, because just how hypocritical would that be? As I'm in the movie theater getting ready to watch filth?


I'm probably in the minority here, but if something is raunchy and awful, it is raunchy and awful for ALL ages.


How anyone can read a review like that (linked) and still watch it makes no sense to me. If you don't agree with me, I would like to know what else would have to be included in a movie in order for you to consider it pure dreck.


"Need evidence? The Hangover Part II's star Zach Galifianakis, who plays the movie's goofy man-child Alan, told comingsoon.net, "It is so bad in parts that I told my mom she is not allowed to see it. I forbid, forbade, forbid her from coming." But as Time's Joel Stein reports after talking with him, "When kids come up to [Galifianakis] and say how much they love The Hangover, he yells at their parents for letting them see it. In fact, he's not sure how he feels about adults' seeing the movie. After his mother watched the first Hangover, she voiced objections to the crass humor. 'I had to get on the phone with my mom and say, "I agree with you,"' he says. 'But at some point, as it did well at the box office, all that embarrassment flew out the window. As long as I can fly them all over the world, they don't care. I could be in porno.'"






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I'm a bit surprised that they would even care what other moviegoers thought since they didn't seem to care beforehand to check out **it's** appropriateness for that age.

:blink: :ack2:


::looks around for Mrs. Mungo::

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I don't watch many movies (home or away) and especially not dreck like this . It makes me sick to hear how much money was made/ how many people watched The Hangover 2 this past weekend.


I would never say anything to another mother's child, because just how hypocritical would that be? As I'm in the movie theater getting ready to watch filth?


I'm probably in the minority here, but if something is raunchy and awful, it is raunchy and awful for ALL ages.


How anyone can read a review like that (linked) and still watch it makes no sense to me. If you don't agree with me, I would like to know what else would have to be included in a movie in order for you to consider it pure dreck.


"Need evidence? The Hangover Part II's star Zach Galifianakis, who plays the movie's goofy man-child Alan, told comingsoon.net, "It is so bad in parts that I told my mom she is not allowed to see it. I forbid, forbade, forbid her from coming." But as Time's Joel Stein reports after talking with him, "When kids come up to [Galifianakis] and say how much they love The Hangover, he yells at their parents for letting them see it. In fact, he's not sure how he feels about adults' seeing the movie. After his mother watched the first Hangover, she voiced objections to the crass humor. 'I had to get on the phone with my mom and say, "I agree with you,"' he says. 'But at some point, as it did well at the box office, all that embarrassment flew out the window. As long as I can fly them all over the world, they don't care. I could be in porno.'"


:ack2: read the review, what a raunchy sounding movie.

Edited by JENinOR
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Ok. Dh and I loved the first movie and are dying to see the second. However, there would be no way in h-e-double-hockeysticks that we would bring (or ever allow) our 10yo to see it. Heck, I know dh and I probably shouldn't watch it, but the first was just so funny.


OP, I'm glad you vented here. That is a parenting decision that would have me scratching my head as well. But, to each his/her own, I guess.



Please read the reviews before you go. I truly hope you will change your mind. Maybe try Candid Camera reruns or Funniest Home videos--they will give you the laugh you want without the feeling of guilt.

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Yikes. That was not wise.


But as an adult, I thought the first was hysterical and can't wait to see the second.


I did not see the first one. Please tell me what (obviously IYE) was the most hysterical thing that happedned in the movie>

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I did not see the first one. Please tell me what (obviously IYE) was the most hysterical thing that happedned in the movie>


I can't pick one thing. Zach is *so* dry. That's just my type of humor, deadpanned lines. He had me rolling. He played it so, so straight that the absurdity is hysterical. The chicken loose in the hotel room, the tiger in the bathroom, Mike Tyson singing.

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I'm really starting to wonder whether people look at reviews before they go to movies, or is it just blissful ignorance helping them make the choice?


That sounds kind of insulting. I'm an adult, I can watch what I want. It may not be your taste, but I'm not ignorant.

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Please read the reviews before you go. I truly hope you will change your mind.



Would you care less if she read the reviews and still decided to go? Is it that you believe the viewers are ill informed that bothers you?

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I'm really starting to wonder whether people look at reviews before they go to movies, or is it just blissful ignorance helping them make the choice?


Um.. I purposefully do not read reviews. I choose movies based on what looks interesting to me. What other people think about it is totally irrelevant to whether or not I may see it.

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but I have to let it out somewhere! A family that we know took their ten and eleven year old sons to see The Hangover 2. And they are upset that some of the moviegoers gave them a hard time. That is all. I just had to get it out.


I'm actually glad to hear that some of the other movie goers spoke up (though personally, I don't think it's a movie fit for anyone...saying this only from what I've seen of previews).

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Won't reading the reviews spoil the movie?;)


If you read the parents control at IMDB you can usually get a good idea without too many spoilers. They do cover some spoilers.


I've taken ds to some R rated movies, but the Hangover II? That's not a movie I would see in the theater (wait for Netflix), but I would try to sit away from any children.


If you like crass humor and Zack G, Due Date was hilarious in all the wrong ways. He and Robert Downey Jr were great together.

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That sounds kind of insulting. I'm an adult, I can watch what I want. It may not be your taste, but I'm not ignorant.



It was not meant as an insult. What I meant by "blissful ignorance" is that (TO ME) it seems like people do not want their movie experience *spoiled* by finding out what is in it. And because of that they don't do the research to see if a movie is filth or not.

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If you read the parents control at IMDB you can usually get a good idea without too many spoilers. They do cover some spoilers.


I've taken ds to some R rated movies, but the Hangover II? That's not a movie I would see in the theater (wait for Netflix), but I would try to sit away from any children.


If you like crass humor and Zack G, Due Date was hilarious in all the wrong ways. He and Robert Downey Jr were great together.


Please explain this to me (the blue). I don't understand what the difference is where you are sitting.

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I'm really starting to wonder whether people look at reviews before they go to movies, or is it just blissful ignorance helping them make the choice?


Reviews have nothing to do with it.

Some people just make really, really, different choices for their kids (gender free babyhood, anyone? :lol:)


I know someone who let his preschooler watch Scarface, for instance. :001_huh:

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