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Is Amazon Prime Worth the Money?

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It depends on how much you order. I more than make up the $79, (:glare:) and the convenience of two day shipping is fabulous. It feeds my need for instant gratification.


Last year I had a charcoal grill shippped to my FIL for Christmas. The free two day shipping on that alone almost paid for the $79.


I puffy heart it!

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I am glad you started this thread...I have the Prime for a couple months as a free trial...I must say I LOVED it and it came in handy at Chrsitmas time when I needed something tomorrow and it came...I could hardly believe it...but as far as paying for it...I am not sure...I have often wondered...but I also wonder if it would hurt my bank account in the sense that I can more easily impulse buy...which, by the way I am VERY good at...

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I signed up for a free month trial right now (needed something shipped fast) and I am debating keeping it. I guess for procrastinators like myself it could come in handy. And not needing the minimum $25 keeps me from buying something I don't need right away (although I have a constant list of things in my cart - saved for later - so I am buying things I had always planned on buying anyway.)

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And not needing the minimum $25 keeps me from buying something I don't need right away



:iagree: I think the money I save by not trying to come up with the $25 for free shipping pays for the Prime Membership, and I love getting stuff in 2 days.

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It has absolutely been worth it for us. Shipping is getting pretty expensive (and sometimes I feel guilty because I really abuse the free shipping) and I can recoup the cost in just a couple of orders. I did find myself buying things I didn't really need at that moment just to get the free shipping before.


Free, quick shipping makes school really easy. I order just about everything through Amazon though.


Just be aware that the "one-click" button becomes dangerous :glare:

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Yes, I think the prime is worth it. I had it for over a year and had to cancel it. I'm still waiting for the money to renew it, not so patiently. I've missed out on a few cheap books (used, offered by amazon) that I needed for next year because I had money for the book, but not the shipping fee. I also didn't have enough money to add for the 25.00 free shipping. The other thing thing is once you've had two day shipping, waiting for free shipping seems to take forever. Free shippings takes at least a week, sometimes 8 days to get here. That's also a lot more time for things to get damaged in shipping.


I paid for shipping on one order, I had about five or six books. That shipping alone was 11.00. So imo, yes, prime is worth it. Plus now you can get the DVDs streaming. That will probably be an expanding market.


If you haven't tried Amazon Mom, that's free for a couple of months. Moms with kids of any age are eligible.

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The other thing thing is once you've had two day shipping, waiting for free shipping seems to take forever. Free shippings takes at least a week, sometimes 8 days to get here. That's also a lot more time for things to get damaged in shipping.


:iagree: OMG this is so true! I had the amazon mom trial that went through Christmas. Now it seems to take forEVER to get my stuff. Like right now--waiting on 3 packages and it's been almost 2 weeks already and they're still not here. I think amazon does it on purpose just to make us desperate enough to pay the $79. BUT, to get all that free streaming has further tempted me. I think I may crack and buy it already.

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It's totally worth it! I'm now really spoiled on how fast things get shipped to my mountain home, hehe.


That said, I did switch to Amazon Mom Prime early this year. I got two free months, and they refunded $57 of my normal Prime membership. Within that two months, I purchased enough to get extra free months. So I managed to quickly and easily get Prime completely for free this year! The only thing is that I can't get Amazon Streaming, but I hear it's not as good yet as Netflix Streaming which I have.

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LOVE my membership. With 5 book hungry daughters, running into the bookstore just to pick up "Just one thing" is a dangerous and fruitless mission.

Amazon Prime rocks! The prices are often cheaper than local retail and two day shipping means that if I'm planning on a Sunday and find a "Just have to have" item, we'll have it in our hands to start school on Wednesday morning. Also, Amazon has been very reasonable with returns.

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Okay, just to have at least one person voice a different opinion...


I do not have prime and don't think I need to spend $79 a year for it, yet I still get all of my home school books when I need them. It just takes a little planning. And if you are trying to NOT be a super-consumer, it takes away that temptation. We get books from our library, library used-book sale, and local used book store. I plan my home school year the winter before we start--I have 6-8 months to track down the cheapest place to buy them. I can always get free shipping because I always know a title or two I will need for the next year. It's really not a big deal to wait for books if you plan well ahead of when you need them. I have stacks sitting in my bedroom for next fall. Getting them a week earlier would not have made any real difference in my life. We only use Amazon for books and an occasional dvd...maybe other shopping patterns would benefit more. But for the way I use it, Prime would just eat up $79 that I could use on more books (with slower shipping).

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Totally worth it for me, especially with family all over the country at the holidays - shipping to them would cost me more just for Christmas items than the annual fee of $79!


I also think it's a huge bargain for the next day for $3.99 if I've procrastinated or forgot to get something that's a big ticket item....that alone is a huge savings too!

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What is Amazon Mom Prime? I've never heard of it. How is it different from regular Prime?


Here's their Amazon Mom Prime page. At first I thought I'd end up getting only the first two months free, as I don't buy baby diapers anymore. But you'd be surprised how many homeschooling-related items there are available that I purchased to make the rest of the year free.

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It depends on how much you order. I more than make up the $79, (:glare:) and the convenience of two day shipping is fabulous. It feeds my need for instant gratification.


Last year I had a charcoal grill shippped to my FIL for Christmas. The free two day shipping on that alone almost paid for the $79.


I puffy heart it!



:iagree:on both counts!

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Here's their Amazon Mom Prime page. At first I thought I'd end up getting only the first two months free, as I don't buy baby diapers anymore. But you'd be surprised how many homeschooling-related items there are available that I purchased to make the rest of the year free.


I've had the Amazon Mom Prime for awhile now. Amazon keeps extending my subscription. I think it goes through November now, and I don't even have a baby. I'd check into it. I love Prime, but I wouldn't pay for it.

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I signed up for free Prime with Amazon Mom in November and I still have it for free. Don't know why....maybe because I buy a lot....but I'm not complaining. Going on six months now and still free!! Woo hoo!! You might try that route and see if it happens for you, too!

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Okay, just to have at least one person voice a different opinion...


I do not have prime and don't think I need to spend $79 a year for it, yet I still get all of my home school books when I need them. It just takes a little planning. And if you are trying to NOT be a super-consumer, it takes away that temptation. We get books from our library, library used-book sale, and local used book store. I plan my home school year the winter before we start--I have 6-8 months to track down the cheapest place to buy them. I can always get free shipping because I always know a title or two I will need for the next year. It's really not a big deal to wait for books if you plan well ahead of when you need them. I have stacks sitting in my bedroom for next fall. Getting them a week earlier would not have made any real difference in my life. We only use Amazon for books and an occasional dvd...maybe other shopping patterns would benefit more. But for the way I use it, Prime would just eat up $79 that I could use on more books (with slower shipping).


This is how I feel about it. It requires me to be more careful about my purchases, but I should be anyway. I keep a running list in my cart, and it's easy enough to add something I need but was procrastinating on to put me over the $25 threshold. And the last order I placed from them came in two days anyway! Don't get me wrong, I miss Prime terribly, and I'll probably end up signing up for it around Christmas anyway (that's when I really think it's a great value), but until then, I'll save my money and/or mess around with Amazon Mom. (Truly though, between the library, my B&N education discount, and buying things used, I don't buy as much at Amazon as I used to!).



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Yes, it's worth it; I haven't left the house in 3 years!




Of course I'm joking - but I honestly think I save some money with it, because sometimes it's easier to order an item and get it in 2 days, rather than head to the store and spend time & gas money that way.

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Totally worth it for me, especially with family all over the country at the holidays - shipping to them would cost me more just for Christmas items than the annual fee of $79!




This is a big deal to me. All of our family lives far away, and what I used to spend on shipping gifts to them would have paid for amazon prime many times over. Now I can get things to them, also in just 2 days, without an extra charge. If you send very many gifts this may be something to consider.


Like Angela, I joined amazon mom and now have a free year of amazon prime. We buy a lot of household items that some in huge boxes, and I love that I don't have to pay extra shipping charges on these items. For us, yes it is so worth it.

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Every penny! Especially around the holidays. I can still do shopping from my couch days before Christmas. I don't have to wait until I have $25 to make a purchase, or look for odds and ends to get to $25, and everything comes so quickly. It's so much easier to know you'll have something in 2 days than it is to take 4 small children shopping. We've ordered spark plugs, furnace filters - all kinds of things that have saved us time and trips to the store. Love it, love it.

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Yes! Yes! Yes!


I love the free 2 day shipping and $3.99 for next day. Now that there is free streaming of videos for Prime members it is even more of an added bonus! We stream all the time with it. I have to use my computer, but hey I am not complaining!



Now also I might add I live far away from a Walmart or anything (1.5 hr to closest walmart). So, for me it is well worth it! I order everything I can from Amazon, books, batteries, tea, disks, movies, everything.

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Here's their Amazon Mom Prime page. At first I thought I'd end up getting only the first two months free, as I don't buy baby diapers anymore. But you'd be surprised how many homeschooling-related items there are available that I purchased to make the rest of the year free.


Thank you! I think I will switch over to this. There are multiple baby/toddler purchases I have to make in the near future, and hey...saving $79 is saving $79!

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I order tons of stuff through amazon. Their subscribe and save feature is a great feature. I order stuff so much the ups man know me by name and asks what I've ordered this time. :D we live 45 minutes from the nearest real town so i order from amazon instead of going into town and if you consider that it costs about $7/month that's way less than gas and the lunch I usually need to buy to go shopping. Love my prime. I've had it for years.

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Yes, it's worth it; I haven't left the house in 3 years!




Of course I'm joking - but I honestly think I save some money with it, because sometimes it's easier to order an item and get it in 2 days, rather than head to the store and spend time & gas money that way.


I freaking love Prime. :D
What they said. :D
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I don't know what I'd do if I wasn't a Prime member! It has more than paid for itself numerous times. I like that I can place a tiny order, still get free shipping, and then it's here so quickly. It's saved me money in that I don't search for things to buy to reach the $25 mark to receive the free shipping. I've also ordered things that would be costly to ship and instead shipping is free. Love it!

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I will probably get Prime in the fall because my dd will be going away to college. She has been at the cc and has the Student Prime, which is free and gives free 2 day shipping. It is so convenient! I will miss it when she moves away to school, so I think I will join then. We use it to ship gifts, etc. to people because that is cheaper than buying it, then paying to mail. Plus, when I pick out a gift I don't have to worry about how much it weighs since shipping is free.

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I freaking love Prime. :D




My hubby and kids also freaking love Prime.


My dh has bought numerous non-book items from amazon because they are generally cheaper and we can get them quickly.


My kids have gotten in the habit when we're out and they are looking to purchase something with their allowance, "mom can you check your phone to see if amazon has it cheaper and if it comes with prime shipping" their willing to wait that day or two if it means they can get a better price for their item of choice.

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I get almost all of my books from Amazon but I don't order very often and when I do it is always over $25 so I get free shipping and the order come very quickly anyhow so I really don't see any need to pay for Prime. As a matter of fact, I think I would be more likely to buy way more and overspend if I had it.

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I buy everything on Prime. I just bought a cat scoop and litter the other day instead of heading to Petsmart or Safeway. Oftentimes, I'll jump on and purchase something I need in 2-3 minutes. It's on my doorstep before I'd have had the time to work in an errand day. Sometimes I forget that I've purchased an item I needed and when it shows up it's like a surprise present :D That's always fun.



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I love love love it!!! My poor DH, he was shopping for a new carpet cleaner on my Amazon acct Thursday night. He didn't realize one click REALLY meant one click. BUT... he got the entire carpet cleaner shipped pretty much overnight (we got it Saturday morning) for $3.99. That was a HUGE savings!!


I would pay for it, but since I have babies, I use Amazon Mom which is basically the same thing. I have to buy $25 worth of product a month from the Baby Store to keep the next month of Prime benefits. We put diapers on subscription and do it that way.

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Oftentimes, I'll jump on and purchase something I need in 2-3 minutes. It's on my doorstep before I'd have had the time to work in an errand day. Sometimes I forget that I've purchased an item I needed and when it shows up it's like a surprise present :D That's always fun.



:D I agree.



I order everything I can from Amazon.






ETA - my dogs can hear the UPS truck coming from the next street over.

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