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middle names

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Charlotte True..how cute!


Charlotte Eden

Charlotte Ophelia

Charlotte Arinne/Erin

Charlotte Theresa

Charlotte Catherine

Charlotte Lindy

Charlotte Sarah

Charlotte Olivia

Charlotte Patrice

Charlotte Noelle

Charlotte Marissa

Charlotte Joy

Charlotte Christine


It seems to work better with a 2+ syllable middle name.

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You obviously have to say the full name with the last name (and only you know that so forgive me if some of these sound horrible with the last name :001_smile:) but here are a few suggestions



Charlotte May?


Charlotte Renee'


Charlotte Annelise


Charlotte Raye


Charlotte Danae


Charlotte Linnea


Charlotte Raina


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I personally don't like Charlotte Ainsley. Charlotte is so classic and "soft" while Ainsley is (IMO) a bit more harsh and modern (plus I just don't like the name Ainsley at all...sorry!).


I always call my dc by both first and middle names and I cannot tell you how many times people have stopped me at the store or wherever when they hear me say "Charlotte Rose" and tell me how beautiful her name is. :)

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