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Age to Begin Wearing Makeup

What age did you allow your daughter to begin wearing makeup?  

  1. 1. What age did you allow your daughter to begin wearing makeup?

    • 9 yo
    • 10 yo
    • 11 yo
    • 12 yo
    • 13 yo
    • 14 yo
    • 15 yo
    • 16 yo
    • 17 yo
    • 18 yo

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We don't have an age here. My dd14 has no desire to wear any (won't even wear lip gloss)


My other two occasionally wear lip gloss but that's it. I don't really wear any myself, and I guess it's rubbed off. I have told them that makeup should be used to ACCENT your face, not make a new one, and that their faces don't need any help looking pretty. If they decided to wear it, it would have to be subtle.

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here;s how I do it/plan on it...


age 13 she can wear 1 item of makeup at a time...whatever she wants, just one item....


age 14, she can wear 2 items at a time....


age 15, 3 items at a time.....


and so on.


( i don't count nail polish or lip gloss. My girls wear those as soon as they want!)

Edited by fairfarmhand
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My daughter 12 goes to ps and started to try to be like her friends with wearing make up. So, to avoid her sneaking and making her self look really over done I bought her make up in colors that look nice on her. Showed her how to apply it and what to do.


She wears a bit of mascara, light eye shadow, lip gloss and or light lip stain. I will not allow dark eye liners, which is what she was going for by copying her friends.

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I voted 9, but you didn't specify what type of makeup. My older dd has a port wine stain over one cheek. We have decided that, as soon as she asks, we will let her wear covering makeup. At almost 8, she hasn't asked and I will not suggest it....unless issues come up. I hope its a long while.


Beyond that, we already let them wear flavored (not bright) lip gloss and nail polish. They go with funky and fun over "too old" colors. Baby blue, glitter, rainbow, etc...


As far as eye shadow and more, I'm thinking 13. But, this is one area where I will take into account what her peers are doing.

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Guest momk2000

My dd (10yrs) can wear lip gloss (only clear or with a slight tint), and she may wear nail polish. I voted 15yrs on the poll though because this is the age that I feel most appropriate for her to start wearing "real" makeup, if she chooses to do so.

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She was allowed chapstick till she was 9 which is considered makeup in my home. Then she could have lipgloss, at about 12-13 she started with the eye liner and eye shadow but she knows I reserve the right to tell her to wash it off if it is way out of control. She also knows I will do this publicly and embarass her so it has only happened once. She is about to turn 14 and wants to wear the powder stuff so I let her as long as it is put on right. She has no want to wear blush and she will not be using concealer for anything because it just makes a breakout worse. Makeup is also a privelige that she can lose so she tends to be very respectful.

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I don't have a set age.. I have a principle: you don't put it on unless you can apply it properly and tastefully (no dutch dolls here, thank you!). So my two older DDs have had nail polish for a year or so, and a set of pale eye-shadows. DD11 has just bought herself some pale pink lip gloss. Eyeliner.. mascara.. maybe another couple years? But whatever, I vet it first. ;)

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We've never made "rules" based on a child's age. I'm thinking dd showed an interest around 13-14, and that was fine. We also never had rules about what she could or could not wear. Makeup (or clothes for that matter) has to basically pass the "mom" test, meaning I'm fine with it. I'm pretty liberal with what my dd wears for makeup--it's no reflection of her heart. She went through a stage when she wore quite a bit of eye makeup, but it was age appropriate, imo.


It seems that setting an "minimum age" would encourage a child to look forward to something in which they might otherwise have no interest.

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My oldest DD is 9. Occasionally, for her birthday, Christmas, stuff like that, she'll get either chap-stick or clear gloss as a gift, and she can wear that. (Until she looses it, which usually happens pretty quickly.) For actual "make-up," though, she'll have to wait until she's 15, at least, and then only if she can prove that she can apply it tastefully.

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Diva can wear tinted chapstick/clear gloss. That's it.


I had to nicely inform my mother that I didn't appreciate her sending Diva make up for Christmas when she was 10. *I* wasn't allowed makeup before 15, so what the heck was she thinking? I'm more conservative than my parents ever were, so I'm guessing she just wasn't thinking at all.


Nail polish, I don't care about. As long as its applied outside. I can't stand the stink, and its ended up in the carpet before :cursing:

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Just kidding.


I don't have a clue when I'll let her wear make-up. She is nearly 12 and completely uninterested. I don't wear any and never have. We don't even have any in the house so I imagine it will be quite a while before she shows any interest.


I'm sure if she showed interest we'd negotiate an acceptable solution. Blush maybe or lip gloss. I don't really think anyone needs lipstick, eye make-up, or foundation in their teens or even 20's. But then I'm a nature girl who is proud of every single wrinkle and gray hair. I earned them all.

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dd11 is allowed to wear unshaded lipgloss in public. She has a few shaded glosses but isn't allowed to wear them outside the house without asking first. I normally will let her wear those if we're on a weekend away, just the two of us, as it's a special treat. They aren't dark colors.


Other than that, I'm thinking she can wear a LIGHT eye shadow and tinted gloss at 13. It will have to look natural.


The boys are already taking notice. :glare:

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14 is the age when I allow my dds to wear makeup (foundation, a little blush, mascara, toned down gloss) BUT none of my girls care about it. LOL My 16yo and almost 14yo only occasionally use something to cover blemishes.


The 16yo has used lip gloss maybe half a dozen times. You know, I'm *wanting* them to enjoy the wonders of makeup WITH me!!! LOL Whatever they want is fine with me, though. :)

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My 13yo has absolutely no interest in wearing makeup. Right now she has to wear some for theater and she hates it. I am sure my 10yo will be different and will ask at some point because contrary to her sister she loves having to wear stage makeup.

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I think it depends on what and why. Dd is 12, and since she cut her hair off, *I* would like to see her wear a little mascara or light colored lip gloss (or even tinted Burt's Bees!) just so she looks more feminine. But she doesn't like the "fake" look, or the way it feels on her face, and I can appreciate that. So, if she were to decide tomorrow she wanted to wear a little makeup, I'd be okay with it.


My own parents were opposed to make up on girls - they felt that the only reason to wear it was to attract men/boys. I disagree to this day (and I wore it anyway; I put it on on the bus in the morning and wiped it off on the bus on the way home). I personally still wear it every day, but not to attract anyone ;); I just like to feel pretty :). So, in the case of a young girl, I would need to understand why at 12 they want to wear it and how much of it they want to wear, and if I was satisfied that the answer was entirely personal, then I would teach that child how to wear it so it is natural and age appropriate.

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I don't mind covering a pimple - although it's usually me saying "hey, let me cover that red bump for you."


Lip balm at any age - I don't think anyone's asked for actual gloss, though I think one of my 12yos has sometimes dipped into the gloss she had from a ballet performance - but it's not glaring so I don't mind.


Nail polish I'm also fine with at any age - can't stand the stuff myself, but two of my three dds like it and that's fine. The third is like me and doesn't get the point.


Foundation/blush/eye makeup - that's what I'd usually consider "makeup" - well, I didn't start wearing it till 18 or so (didn't want to), so my view may be skewed. My mom actually brought me to a place to show how to wear makeup at 15 - I put the stuff in a drawer and never touched it. I didn't want to.


No one's asked me so far for what I'd think of as "real" makeup - I think I'd prefer they wait till 16, but I'm honestly not sure what I'd do if someone started begging me for a little at a time (like some others have posted). One thing I've always told them is that makeup worn properly doesn't call attention to itself - it should enhance, not make you look like a clown.

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I'm surprised to see "chapstick" considered as makeup… you guys ARE talking about the stuff for chapped lips, right?


As to the wearing of makeup.. dd14 can wear whatever makeup she wants. :) Most days, she wears some light foundation/powder, sparkly eye shadow, and lip gloss. Mascara from time to time.

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:iagree: I'm in the same boat. One night she came to dinner looking like she was about to go to a native war dance or something. She had put dark pink lipstick all over her eyes and cheeks and tried to pretend she didn't know what I was talking about when I mentioned it. :001_huh:




I'm right there with you! My 5 yo LOVES to pretend she's putting makeup on. She has some "fake" makeup that someone gave her. I let her play with it, but not wear it out of the house. She loves to make me up too. I have the feeling she'll want to wear it early. I don't know what I'll do yet. but, I don't have a set age.

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One thing I've always told them is that makeup worn properly doesn't call attention to itself - it should enhance, not make you look like a clown.


Makeup can be for more than JUST "enhancement" though ;)… that's one style. Another style is more dramatic - this is the sort of thing that my dd14 enjoys doing from time to time..here's an example of what I mean (from google):

very purple

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My dd is only eight, but the plan is that she can start dressing in a more grown-up manner, including things like make-up, pierced ears, shoes with high heels (beyond that little chunk they put on some little girl shoes), and so forth, when she is twelve. If she wants to. In our church twelve is the age that kids move out of the children's organization and into the youth organization, and we figure that when she is 'officially' recognized as a 'young woman' then she will be old enough to behave like a young woman rather than a big girl. At that point, if she's interested in make-up we'll make a mother daughter "thing" of it and I'll take her shopping for appropriate shades and show her how to apply it tastefully. I don't wear much make-up myself, these days, and never had my ears pierced (I was dying to have them pierced when I was eight because all my friends had pierced ears, but by the time I was twelve and allowed to pierce them it just looked like a lot of bother to me and they made lots of cute clips anyway). Dd has never been interested in sitting still to get her hair done and usually cares more about her clothes being "comfy" than stylish, though just recently she has started being pickier about what she wears from an asthetic standpoint. She likes quirky, bright clothes with just a little attitude, but is very conscientious about modesty. She does occasionally like to wear a little sparkly lip gloss or paint her nails in fun, bright colors, and we have no problem with that. It's very "little girl". I suspect when she's twelve she will probably want her ears pierced and to start wearing a little makeup, but she might surprise me. She's a bit of a tomboy with a girlie streak, and I'm never quite sure which will win out in any given situation.

Edited by MamaSheep
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Age 13.


We do a special shopping outing on 13th birthday (or within a few days) of going "girl" shopping. We buy natural/neutral shades of lip gloss, eye shadow, and blemish cover-up/face powder.


That is it until they turn 16. Then they can use other make-up (natural shades only still) until age 18 when I legally don't have a say (but I do if they still live in my house -LOL).


Also, I only buy the first make-up when they turn 13. I do not ever buy any more after that for them. If they want it... they buy it with their own money.


So far I haven't had any issues regarding make-up for Niece or Dd. Niece was very tasteful in applying make-up and actually she is tomboyish so she didn't want a lot. Dd wears it occassionally (she is 16 in a few days) but I think about 85% of the time she doesn't wear any make-up. She still sticks with only using lip gloss, eye shadow, and blemish cover-up. She will occassionally use blush. She hates mascara and eye liner.

Edited by AnitaMcC
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I'm surprised to see "chapstick" considered as makeup… you guys ARE talking about the stuff for chapped lips, right?


As to the wearing of makeup.. dd14 can wear whatever makeup she wants. :) Most days, she wears some light foundation/powder, sparkly eye shadow, and lip gloss. Mascara from time to time.


For us, it's how it's worn. DD considers it grown up make up (at least the cherry flavored one), and so that's how it's treated. ;) It's a good way to get her used to wearing lipstick and cosmetics in general "responsibly," in other words, not looking like a clown.

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What age did you allow your daughter to begin wearing makeup? :)


Clear lip gloss only until her 13th birthday when we made a special outing to the Bare Minerals store at the mall and had it done so we could get a good idea of what to buy and the best way to wear it for her. Turned out to be a great experience because the gal who did dd did not try to upsell us at all but was very helpful and even sent dd home with free samples. We bought a minimal kit and with the free sample stuff she was good to go for a long while. We prefer a very natural look here and thankfully dd does too.

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I told my daughter at 13 she could start wearing mascara but she had no interest. She has been to Sephora and bought lipgloss, mascara, blush and some eyeshadow. She is nearly 15 and the makeup sits in a cute makeup case collecting dust. I just don't see her ever wanting to really cake on the makeup.

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I have offered for all three of my girls that I will take them to Ulta and have the person there match their skin tones to the correct shade of makeup. I allow base, blush, and lip gloss at 13yo. I also have the Ulta person teach my girls how to apply makeup. I don't do makeup myself and when I did try it, I just succeeded in making myself look like a clown.


My oldest took me up on the offer and she probably wears her makeup 3-5x/year. She's had it for 5 years and isn't anywhere close to even 1/4 of the way through it.


My middle wants nothing to do with makeup.


My youngest is eagerly awaiting her 13th birthday so she can start makeup.


I'll probably allow eye shadow at 15yo or 16yo.


No mascara in my house though. That stuff freaks me out. No way is anybody in my house going to get something like that scary brush thing that close to an eye. No way! No contacts either. Those are also seriously freaky. My kids laugh because I have to cover my eyes whenever a commercial comes on with mascara or contacts.

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I took my dds to Clinique for their 13th birthday to have them shown how to do it nicely and subtly. They both had their eyes done, and that's all they use really. They could wear lipgloss if they wished, but they still just use lip balm. I like make up and think it's fun, and as long as they don't start with that terrible-looking too-much-black-eyeliner stuff, I am pretty easy going. :D

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