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Safe weather locales

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If you could live anywhere, based on weather safety issues, where would you live? I love my friends in Middle TN but the tornadoes and storms are wearing on me.


'tis one of the best things about Brazil. No natural disasters.


Well, mud slides in some regions in rainy season, but those are easily avoided if you live in non-mud-slide prone areas.


If limited to the US.....I don't know. East Coast I think....risk of hurricane (slight) but if you are southern East Coast no winter weather, no earthquakes, no tornadoes really (right? do they have them much in, say, the Carolinas??) and hurricanes are easy to avoid (sufficient warning).


But I'll be returning to Texas once we are back in the US. 'Cause, there's just no place like it, weather issues and all. -dreamy sigh-

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I'm from Oklahoma. I've lived in California, Virginia, Germany (2 different places), North Carolina (this is our second time here), and Hawaii. Earthquakes, volcanoes, high winds, heat waves, mud slides, dust storms, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, earthquakes, wildfires, volcanoes, blizzards, ice storms, BTDT.


You can't escape Mother Nature's fury in one form or another.


eta: The Reader-I'm in NC and we had terrible storms with dozens of tornadoes over the weekend.


Edited by Mrs Mungo
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Michigan, especially the west side close to the lake. I would love to live somewhere else, but one of the appeals of where we live is the lack of natural disasters. We have snow, and that's it. We're so close to the lake that tornadoes are very rare, and when they do occur, they are super small and don't do much damage at all.

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I think northern states on the east coast and in the middle of the country are least prone to natural disasters. I grew up in the northeast and the only issues we ever had were ice/snow storms and flooding in the spring. The first is very easy to deal with if you get a generator and are content to stay home when the weather is bad. The second is also easy to deal with, don't live in a flood plain.


Even though the weather was safe it was cold and miserable for at lest half of every year so we moved south. The midatlantic may have hurricanes and tornadoes occasionally but at least it doesn't snow in April.

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I'm in NY and I love the climate. I mean, I could do with a little less snow, but not in exchange for a hurricane. Every time we see news clips of catastrophes across the country, we're glad to live right here.

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Not many natural disasters to deal with here in Phoenix, AZ...but there are the 115* days in the summer. Sigh.


Now that's the great thing about living up here in Northern AZ--it rarely gets over 93 or so. No natural disasters up here, just high winds and snow. Well...I take that back. Last year we had a freak tornado, which had not happened in my whole lifetime. I suspect it won't happen again.

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I'm from Oklahoma. I've lived in California, Virginia, Germany (2 different places), North Carolina (this is our second time here), and Hawaii. Earthquakes, volcanoes, high winds, heat waves, mud slides, dust storms, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, earthquakes, wildfires, volcanoes, blizzards, ice storms, BTDT.


You can't escape Mother Nature's fury in one form or another.


eta: The Reader-I'm in NC and we had terrible storms with dozens of tornadoes over the weekend.



It was the NC tornadoes that really got me thinking about this... So sad, so much life lost. I hate tornadoes more than the other weather I've dealt with in other places. I don't mind some snow, or heat (not too much humidity though). Just can't stand these tornadoes. Hoping our next move in 3 or 4 years gets us out of tornado country.

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It was the NC tornadoes that really got me thinking about this... So sad, so much life lost. I hate tornadoes more than the other weather I've dealt with in other places. I don't mind some snow, or heat (not too much humidity though). Just can't stand these tornadoes. Hoping our next move in 3 or 4 years gets us out of tornado country.


The thing is in places like Oklahoma or Tennessee you don't generally have that type of loss of life because the meteorologists are really good about warning people and people do exactly what the meteorologist tells them to do. Our county wasn't even under a severe storm warning on Saturday. I've *never* been through a tornado in Oklahoma where I didn't have any warning it was going to happen!

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The thing is in places like Oklahoma or Tennessee you don't generally have that type of loss of life because the meteorologists are really good about warning people and people do exactly what the meteorologist tells them to do. Our county wasn't even under a severe storm warning on Saturday. I've *never* been through a tornado in Oklahoma where I didn't have any warning it was going to happen!


I understand where you're coming from on that. We've got the Ft. Campbell sirens, the college sirens and the city sirens. If you aren't close enough to those, you know to have the tv and radio on because you know the conditions are ripe. Unlike an area that is not used to tornadoes.

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I understand where you're coming from on that. We've got the Ft. Campbell sirens, the college sirens and the city sirens.


I grew up in SE VA, not too many tornadoes there unless they come off a hurricane. But here in NC, we got a weather radio just for the purpose of knowing.


We were visiting my aunt in Ohio years and years ago and the sirens went off. I had no idea what they were. She told us and down to the basement we went. They really do need some here. It probably would have helped.

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Try Canada, or at least western Canada. We do get the odd weather warning, but usually it's nothing, or a small tornado in a field. We had one major one 20 years ago or so here. Nothing since. We do get cold and snow, but nothing terrible by our standards..lol. No ice storms, no hurricanes, no shutdowns because the city is ill prepared for weather.

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NE FL. Our only disasters are Hurricanes and frankly those rarely hit here in this area. I've lived here my whole live (32yrs) and have only been through two mild hurricanes. Basically just skimming off the coast.

Never seen a tornado, though my mom told me when I was little they sound like trains. Not a good idea since we were surrounded by train tracks. No earthquakes. No snow storms. It is HOT here in the summer which seems to last forever. We have had some flooding in the past though nothing major.

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If you could live anywhere, based on weather safety issues, where would you live? I love my friends in Middle TN but the tornadoes and storms are wearing on me.



I grew up in Shelbyville, TN and we never, ever, ever had a tornado. I think it's so weird that they are tearing through Middle TN all the time now. I wonder what has changed.



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The thing is in places like Oklahoma or Tennessee you don't generally have that type of loss of life because the meteorologists are really good about warning people and people do exactly what the meteorologist tells them to do. Our county wasn't even under a severe storm warning on Saturday. I've *never* been through a tornado in Oklahoma where I didn't have any warning it was going to happen!


Yeah...I am Oklahoma as well and I think I would be seeing red if I didn't have any sort of warning.


There was that F-5 that hit and the death toll was very low even though some neighborhoods were obliterated most of the people who died were not from Oklahoma. Oklahomans do exactly what they are told in storms.

Edited by Sis
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Now that's the great thing about living up here in Northern AZ--it rarely gets over 93 or so. No natural disasters up here, just high winds and snow. Well...I take that back. Last year we had a freak tornado, which had not happened in my whole lifetime. I suspect it won't happen again.


Hey! I am in Northern Arizona, too! We have mostly wonderful weather. We get lots of beautiful snow in the winter (200+ inches), but it's almost always sunny (300+ days a year). The summers are mild. But, springtime (i.e. today) is windy. Lots of hiking, skiing, biking, canoeing, and other outdoors fun to be had around here.

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Same story in Vegas. We occassionally get high winds and every 10 years or so there's a decent flash flood to worry about. Otherwise, we have hot weather from end of June through August. That's are only worry. No earthquakes, tornadoes (although we do have cute little dust devils), etc. I like it here.

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I grew up in north central Tennessee and we never had storms that often. I think there are more storms everywhere now....


We're northwest of Nashville. Storms all the time... or the threat of them.

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Depends on what you consider safe :)


Northern California, Oregon, Washington State - all good. Nevada is pretty safe (not many tornados in the Western part of the state). I don't recall any problems in northern New Mexico. We did have some tornado watches in South Dakota, but never actually had one hit us.


Hurricane country - well - you have a lot of warning that they are coming :)

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I don't know. We're back in the mid-west after a few years in the south. I'd almost take the threat of hurricanes (we went through 3-4) over the snow. I hate the blasted snow. But we're here for the long haul. Even now the stupid weather changes everyday.


I don't know that there is a perfect place. I grew up with the threat of tornadoes, I can sleep very well in a basement. The hurricanes were more emotionally trying as you have days to watch and wonder where it will go. Floods, wildfires, earthquakes, chemical leaks....well no place is immune.


My ideal place would be near a beach, weather be da****. There are no beaches in the mid-west, not real ones anyway. That vacation home in Belize might be okay.

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My ideal place would be near a beach, weather be da****. There are no beaches in the mid-west, not real ones anyway. That vacation home in Belize might be okay.


West Michigan has some beautiful beaches and sand dunes. We have the rare tornado but most of them jump up with the sand dunes and aren't very big.


The issue is that we DO get snow...........as evidenced by the 4+ inches we got this morning.

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Michigan, especially the west side close to the lake. I would love to live somewhere else, but one of the appeals of where we live is the lack of natural disasters. We have snow, and that's it. We're so close to the lake that tornadoes are very rare, and when they do occur, they are super small and don't do much damage at all.


I was just going to put in Michigan. Cold winters, like many other states, but no natural disasters waiting to happen. (or dangerous snakes or spiders. . .:) )

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Massachusetts, Boston area, away from the coast to avoid direct hits by hurricanes. We lived there for 20 years, with nary a tornado or earthquake. Blizzards are no big deal, but I hated the long, cold winters. Summers are great, but are way too short. No bug problems. No snake problems (there are 3 types of poisonous snakes there, but the Museum of Science snake lady told me it would be a day to celebrate if I ever saw one, they are that rare.


It is close to beaches, mountains, and the rest of New England -- tons of stuff to do, boredom not a problem, great library systems, too.

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I live in central California and we don't have much of anything. It gets hot, (but not unbearable) in the summer, not too bad in the winter, we don't get earthquakes like other parts of the state, or floods or tornadoes. We may get a little bit of hail in spring, but it's about the size of peas.

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I'll take hurricanes over tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, blizzards, ice storms, etc any day. At least with a hurricane you know it's coming and can prepare and evacuate if you need to. Can't do that with tornadoes or earthquakes. Even though we do get the occasional tornado or water spout, they usually aren't strong enough to really do much damage.

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Central Texas. :001_smile: No hurricanes, no tornadoes (although there was one once that was pretty bad, but, well, that was just one), no earthquakes. Sometimes big thunderstorms, which may result in flooding, but can happen anywhere.

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We've moved to TN just within the past year and the tornadoes are freaking me out! We lived in Cali before. While it was super windy, no natural disasters in our area. We were in NC before that and lost many things to a hurricane in '03. I'd take hurricanes over tornadoes any day. With so much warning, I can grab my hubby, kiddos, my pet, and my sentimental valuables and leave town. I just do not feel safe here and cannot wait to move.

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We moved to middle TN from CA 6 years ago. The weather doesn't bother me. There is SO much warning for tornadoes and severe thunderstorms. The first thing we did was buy a shelter. We have only used it 2 or 3 times, but it's nice for peace of mind. In the time we've been here there has never been a tornado in our town (south of Nashville). We've never even had hail! Maybe you should move South a little....the storms always seem to go around us:)

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We moved to middle TN from CA 6 years ago. The weather doesn't bother me. There is SO much warning for tornadoes and severe thunderstorms. The first thing we did was buy a shelter. We have only used it 2 or 3 times, but it's nice for peace of mind. In the time we've been here there has never been a tornado in our town (south of Nashville). We've never even had hail! Maybe you should move South a little....the storms always seem to go around us:)


Seriously, I do believe that there are tornado alleys-- places more likely to get hit than others just a few miles away.



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...except for those pesky earthquakes... :0)


Funny you should say that! I just saw this article when I went to check my email! :eek: That is so scary. I think I'm just fine with my hurricanes thank you! At least we aren't anywhere near the edge of a Tectonic Plate. :eek:

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Honestly, the central PA area is fairly low-risk for lots of stuff. We'll get residual rain from southern hurricanes, but not generally too bad. We get hot days in the winter, but not like the south. We get snow most winters, but even this winter, it was nothing compared to New England. We just got a ton of rain and some tornadoes this past weekend, but that's pretty unusual. I kind of feel like we get a little of everything but aren't particularly prone to the major sorts of disasters that other areas of the country are.


(And we have fairly balanced seasons here too, plus spring and fall are like slices of heaven.)

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Not many natural disasters to deal with here in Phoenix, AZ...but there are the 115* days in the summer. Sigh.


Now that's the great thing about living up here in Northern AZ--it rarely gets over 93 or so. No natural disasters up here, just high winds and snow. Well...I take that back. Last year we had a freak tornado, which had not happened in my whole lifetime. I suspect it won't happen again.


Yes. I was going to say Tucson, if you can stand the heat :)

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Tornadoes are common further out from the city, but nothing much here where we are (about 20 miles north/northwest of downtown Chicago). But, we do have the occasional blizzard.


I spend a lot of time with friends in Arkansas, but I try not to go during tornado series. They got hit a couple of years ago... Took the steeple off of a church less than half a mile from their house. I think I was more scared than they were and I was in Illinois at the time! And now they're getting earthquakes due to drilling for natural gas in the area.


But yeah, pretty much everywhere has some risk of weather-related problems/natural disasters (or sometimes man-made as in the case of the earthquakes). As someone said, it's a matter of what bothers you the least and then taking whatever steps/precautions you can and being prepared in case it does happen.



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Agreeing with Central PA (we are in South Central PA) and MD. I grew up in MD (Baltimore) and have lived here in PA for almost 9 years. Maybe a hurricane once in a while (but compared to those on the coasts, it's really like a big thunderstorn, kwim?). No earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, etc. I think about moving sometimes but am very content with our weather here.

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You should come out West, if you can stand the heat! Right now, it's the perfect weather! Come now! :)


I was just telling someone about one of my first tornado warning experiences in TN. A friend and I had our young kids sleeping in my bathtub during one of those warnings. Both our DHs were deployed at the time. It was at night and we were totally stressed. I decided not to do tornado warnings with friends anymore. We just played off each other and made the situation much worse than it should've been! :tongue_smilie:


Here, the worst weather is the extreme heat, but as long as you're indoors, you're fine!

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LivingOutLove, when you say it is ok if you're indoors, is that because you have really good aircon, or are your houses well built for the climate? (Derailing the topic a bit, but we're about to build a passive solar house, but still expect to need aircon... I don't cope well with the heat!) Just curious!



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Agreeing with Central PA (we are in South Central PA) and MD. I grew up in MD (Baltimore) and have lived here in PA for almost 9 years. Maybe a hurricane once in a while (but compared to those on the coasts, it's really like a big thunderstorn, kwim?). No earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, etc. I think about moving sometimes but am very content with our weather here.


OP here... I grew up in Maryland (Howard County but most of my family was in the Baltimore area) too. Some snow, occassional storms, nothing too scary (or maybe I was too young to realize I should be scared... moved away at 23).

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You should come out West, if you can stand the heat! Right now, it's the perfect weather! Come now! :)


I was just telling someone about one of my first tornado warning experiences in TN. A friend and I had our young kids sleeping in my bathtub during one of those warnings. Both our DHs were deployed at the time. It was at night and we were totally stressed. I decided not to do tornado warnings with friends anymore. We just played off each other and made the situation much worse than it should've been! :tongue_smilie:


Here, the worst weather is the extreme heat, but as long as you're indoors, you're fine!


LOL... you understand.... hey, I thought you had a basement in that house. At least I thought so when I was in it...

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LivingOutLove, when you say it is ok if you're indoors, is that because you have really good aircon, or are your houses well built for the climate? (Derailing the topic a bit, but we're about to build a passive solar house, but still expect to need aircon... I don't cope well with the heat!) Just curious!




Hi, Min!


We live on a military base, so our houses are pretty basic. :)


No special stuff built-in, just AC and ceiling fans in most of the rooms!


Sorry I couldn't be more help!



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