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Do you hear voices when you read?

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I mean that when I read silently, I "hear" the words being spoken. If I'm reading something where I've heard a particular voice have that part (like the Jeeves books where I've heard Hugh Laurie play Bertie Wooster), I hear "Bertie's voice" saying the words. Does everyone do this? Or does this mean I'm more auditory in some way?

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I hear the words, but the voice is usually mine or similar to mine.


Auditory learners hear the words. Visual learners see vivid images. My dh makes movies in his head and adds his own scenes, lol. My 14 yo dd makes movies and says she can re-wind them and watch them anytime.

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Yes! I do hear the character voices. This is why I always have to read the books first if a movie is made out of them.


The book is always better but the main reason is because I not only hear the character voices, I also visualize what the characters look like. So if I see the movie first it completely messes the story up for me.

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I hear voices in my head all the time, but that's probably a different thread... ;)


But to answer your question, yes, I do hear the characters' voices in my head when I read, and as was already mentioned, audiobooks are often a disappointment to me as a result.



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I do. I'm not auditory either as I must read the book. I hate to be read to and even leave the captioning on the TV so I can keep up with what's happening better.


If I've ever heard the author speak (SWB) I hear their voice in my head as I read their books. Otherwise the voice just fits the character in some way. (Some books even get actors--when I read The Kommandant's Girl, Liam Neeson was the Kommandant.)


You all have your own voice here at the WTM forums too.

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Always, which is why the writer's punctuation is so important. :001_smile: And it's also why I lol when I'm reading. I have character voices in my head, too.


The *wildest* thing is when you go to a reading and you hear how the author *intended* for it to be heard and it doesn't jive with what's in your head.


And yes, when I read TWTM, SWB's voice is in my head. And I'm with Darla, y'all have your own voices.

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I hear voices and music when I read novels. I love to listen to movies as I drive. I don't need to see a picture.


When I read non-fiction, I hear my own voice or if I have heard the author, I hear their voice.


I never see pictures when I read. Books with too much descriptions are annoying to me.

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Yes! I do hear the character voices. This is why I always have to read the books first if a movie is made out of them.


The book is always better but the main reason is because I not only hear the character voices, I also visualize what the characters look like. So if I see the movie first it completely messes the story up for me.


:iagree: I'll often avoid seeing a movie if I've read the book because I don't want the movie to ruin the book. I'm currently reading Outlander, and my brain is having a great time with the English and Scottish accents! :D

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I read too fast for this. However, when forced to slow down because of complexity, I can hear it, or, rather, I make myself hear it.


I recently read Stand in the Trench Achilles by Elizabeth VanDiver, who I've heard lecture many times on tape. She has a mild Floridian accent. The book was dense, and right up my alley, so I savored every word. I heard her through the whole book, except, :001_smile:, the footnotes.

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No. When I read, It is like I am watching it happen, but I can't hear anything.


ETA: I am about as far from auditory as you can get.


This is me. That is why I go crazy when my kids start reading their math problem to me for help. I have to see it people!

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I mean that when I read silently, I "hear" the words being spoken. If I'm reading something where I've heard a particular voice have that part (like the Jeeves books where I've heard Hugh Laurie play Bertie Wooster), I hear "Bertie's voice" saying the words. Does everyone do this? Or does this mean I'm more auditory in some way?



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I don't hear voices, but I do visualize the story - see it in pictures as I read. Which is why I hate being interrupted while reading. It's like pulling me out of a dream. Once I'm deep into the story, leave me alone until I'm ready to surface.

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This is how I watch television! It drives my dh nuts. Every now and then I'll look up to see what is making some strange noise on the screen. Otherwise, I'm listening to the show while I type on the WTM forums.


Same here!


When I read fiction, I can hear their voices and see the scenery, but books that go on and on with detail about the setting annoy me because I usually have a solid picture in my head and the author's details get in the way. LOL


When I think about people, I think of them in terms of how they sound. I can identify people by their voices, even if I haven't seen them in a long time. At the same time, I'm very sensitive to noises.

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Love this thread! :D


When I read fiction, it's like I'm watching a movie complete with sound, and the characters do have distinct voices -- but they are not especially well-defined, and the images are not necessarily well-defined either. I may or may not hear the non-dialogue parts as if I'm reading aloud to myself, depending on the book. If it's a book which is also a movie, my inner movie may or may not sync up with the actual movie depending on how much I liked the actual movie and whether or not I read the book first.


When I read non-fiction (or message boards, for that matter) it's like I'm reading aloud to myself, and I hear my own voice.


Since people have mentioned this previously, I read very fast either way. I actually read fastest when I'm very caught up in a fiction book.


When I listen to people read aloud half of what is being read goes in one ear and out the other (unless they are REALLY good at reading aloud -- then it's only about a quarter). If I listen to fiction, I can't get a picture very well. I do not like audio books, nor do I like being read aloud to. I've been this way since I could read for myself.


When I read aloud (which rarely happens), I only get about half of what's being read and there's no way I could visualize anything. I recently had an epiphany that I'm going to have to get used to reading aloud in the next year or two..there's no way I'm not reading aloud to my kids, no matter how I personally feel about it. They are GOING to have that exposure to books! :D

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Yes! I do hear the character voices. ...


The book is always better but the main reason is because I not only hear the character voices, I also visualize what the characters look like. So if I see the movie first it completely messes the story up for me.


Ditto this. I hear the voices, see the characters, and also visualize the scene. I think this may be part of why I read so slowly.

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Yes, I "hear" what I'm reading, but the voice is always my voice. I get into comprehension trouble if I don't "hear" the words on the page. I like to see them as well.


I never thought of myself as an auditory learner, but I'm learning belatedly that I must be. When I think back to times when I've learned something, I remember someone's voice saying it, even if it's just my own as I read.

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Yes, I hear what I am reading. Sometimes a characters voice, sometimes my voice. I was shocked when I discovered this year that my ds sees a movie when he reads. I didn't know this was possible. Turns out my dh is the same way.


I now understand why my dh can not locate the ketchup in the fridge if the bottle is facing backwards.

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