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Who else's zodiac is different now?

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Apparently I'm now the new zodiac, Ophiuchus. I'm not a follower of astrology, but I think it's fun to look at them now and again, in the same way I enjoy reading fortune cookies. I had an English teacher in high school who totally believed in that stuff and liked me purely because I was a Sagittarius like her (she outright said as much). I wonder what she thinks now. :lol:


Anyways, I was wondering if anyone else's sign has now changed, and what does that mean for your future? :001_smile:

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I'm in the new sign too, but it really doesn't matter much for Westerners, as we follow the tropical zodiac that didn't change, apparently. I don't follow astrology closely, but DH's family does, so I'll be interested to see what they say (because they just might follow the "other" zodiac that did change).

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Guest RecumbentHeart

When did these changes happen and what are they? I don't follow fortune telling but have always found the relative accuracy of personality descriptions rather interesting and curious.

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Guest RecumbentHeart

Awesome. I used to pay attention to this stuff as a child and I grew up with issues about being a Virgo because I thought it meant that I would be an old maid all my life. (it didn't help that I grew up without significant men in my life .. I got the idea that me being a Virgo was related)


Now I find out I'm really a Leo anyway.



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I've been bumped from a Gemini to a Taurus. I refuse to be a Taurus. I"m not a Taurus, a Gemini personality-wise

I've jumped from a Taurus to an Aries. I don't think so! I'm definitely a Taurus.


And a Rabbit in Chinese astrology. Both are dead on for me.


Oh and there is a new sign...Ophiuchus...hubby just got bumped from Sagittarius to that.

Edited by mommaduck
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I'm now a Sagittarius... I always felt more like a Sag than a Cap half the time. I don't think it really matters, though.


I now have 2 dd who are Caps (doesn't fit the oldest), oldest DS is a Leo, and I have two Geminis... not sure what they were before, either.

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Guest RecumbentHeart

I looked in to it and, except for pride, I am almost nothing like a Leo.


"Virgos can worry almost to the point of being neurotic." <--- that's me. :D Unfortunately. :glare: Hence the neurotic concerns through childhood. :tongue_smilie:

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No, it's still in force, it just didn't change one of the zodiacs, the tropical one. The other one is different now.


But according to the article, the tropical one is the one we've always used in the west anyway.


But before astrology fans scrape the ink from their arms because they think they're now a Virgo instead of a Libra, they should consider this: If they adhered to the tropical zodiac - which, if they're a Westerner, they probably did – absolutely nothing has changed for them.
Edited by kokotg
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Well, my sign has been in flux my entire life, and apparently, after an internet search today, still is. So, this having a different sign thing is nothing new to me. ;)


My birthday is Nov. 22, which according to some makes me Sagittarius, and others think it makes me Scorpio. Who to believe?


When I was a kid, I went with Sagittarius, but as I read the descriptions today, I find that I'm more of a Scorpio. I'm ok with that.


However, the 'new' thingy would have me be a Libra, and that I am most certainly not. My ds, however, is. :D

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I've been bumped from a Gemini to a Taurus. I refuse to be a Taurus. I"m not a Taurus, a Gemini personality-wise


Yup, me too. I don't believe in astrology, but I will say that the description if a Gemini is pretty darn close to my personality. The Taurus....not at all!!

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Apparently, it was all a big misunderstanding:




thank goodness, because I really couldn't have handled being a pisces.


Thank goodness. Only one person in my entire family would have kept their original sign. Most people would have moved back one sign except for one person who would have moved back two and I would have got an entirely new one that I can't even pronounce. I am just too old for such radical shanges.

Edited by KidsHappen
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How funny. Despite not believing any of it, the Aquarius description is pretty spot on for me. Years ago someone who read astrology informed me that I am a "double Aquarius" (sun & moon in Aquarius on my natal chart).


I didn't want to be a Capricorn under this new chart! Thankfully, this has been cleared up :D.

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This is false. Your zodiac didn't change if you have been using the traditional Western identifiers (Libra, Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini, Cancer, etc. etc.) I do people's charts all the time, so I follow these things. This little "wobbly earth" theory has been floating around for years now, but is entirely irrelvant for Western astrologers. Besides that, your sign is based on the date time and place you were born, NOT where you are at the moment. It wouldn't even matter if you were in a different star system. The earth could teleport from this galaxy to another and you'd still have been born when and where you were. If you were a Leo when you were born, you're still a Leo today.

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This is false. Your zodiac didn't change if you have been using the traditional Western identifiers (Libra, Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini, Cancer, etc. etc.) I do people's charts all the time, so I follow these things. This little "wobbly earth" theory has been floating around for years now, but is entirely irrelvant for Western astrologers. Besides that, your sign is based on the date time and place you were born, NOT where you are at the moment. It wouldn't even matter if you were in a different star system. The earth could teleport from this galaxy to another and you'd still have been born when and where you were. If you were a Leo when you were born, you're still a Leo today.


Thank goodness! I'm a Taurus and didn't want to be an Aries. Taurus fits my personality.

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Mine has supposedly changed from Aries (I mean, come on - who wouldn't want to be THE RAM!) to Pisces! (A fish? Blech. No offense meant to pisceans here.)


I don't really care about the zodiac and it doesn't inform anything to me, but still...can you get any further apart than Aries and Pisces? I identify with everything Aries and have always thought Pisces was the sign I was sorry anyone gets stuck with. :tongue_smilie: And what does that even mean? That for 39 years I was aligned with the god of war and now I'm...a fish? :confused:

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This is false. Your zodiac didn't change if you have been using the traditional Western identifiers (Libra, Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini, Cancer, etc. etc.) I do people's charts all the time, so I follow these things. This little "wobbly earth" theory has been floating around for years now, but is entirely irrelvant for Western astrologers. Besides that, your sign is based on the date time and place you were born, NOT where you are at the moment. It wouldn't even matter if you were in a different star system. The earth could teleport from this galaxy to another and you'd still have been born when and where you were. If you were a Leo when you were born, you're still a Leo today.
Thank you, Audrey! Yay! Good to know! Thank God...er,...the gods. :lol:
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I didn't want to be a Capricorn under this new chart! Thankfully, this has been cleared up :D.


No one wants to be a Capricorn, but let me tell you, it is good to be a Capricorn. No matter how broke you are, you can always scrounge enough dosh together for lunch. :D





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Well, my sign has been in flux my entire life, and apparently, after an internet search today, still is. So, this having a different sign thing is nothing new to me. ;)


My birthday is Nov. 22, which according to some makes me Sagittarius, and others think it makes me Scorpio. Who to believe?



I was born 9-22. I grew up thinking I was a Virgo. A few years ago, SIL, as gifts, had our charts done. Mine came back Libra. It's funny how something like that floors you :D.


Anyway, going by birthdate, I could be either. If I'm on a website that needs my place of birth and time, it's Libra every time. Only by about 6 hours, though. :tongue_smilie:

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No one wants to be a Capricorn, but let me tell you, it is good to be a Capricorn. No matter how broke you are, you can always scrounge enough dosh together for lunch. :D









I do get the Capricorn astrology song stuck in my head:





.....much more often than the Aquarian astrology song:




Maybe it was foreshadowing?!


I was shocked (should I really be?) to find these astrology songs linked on youtube. A friend of mine in college had a VHS tape with Harvey Sid Fisher's astrology songs 18 years ago. They are SO bad, they're good :lol:. Everybody ran around our rental house singing these horrible songs for months. Unfortunately, youtube doesn't seem to have the full version of yours where Harvey starts saying(singing?) "The Goat. The Goat. The Goat" over and over.


I just love how he says that as an Aquarian, "I am in love with humanity. It's just some people I cannot stand." Yeah, that's about right :D.

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I was shocked (should I really be?) to find these astrology songs linked on youtube. A friend of mine in college had a VHS tape with Harvey Sid Fisher's astrology songs 18 years ago. They are SO bad, they're good :lol:. Everybody ran around our rental house singing these horrible songs for months. Unfortunately, youtube doesn't seem to have the full version of yours where Harvey starts saying(singing?) "The Goat. The Goat. The Goat" over and over.


I just love how he says that as an Aquarian, "I am in love with humanity. It's just some people I cannot stand." Yeah, that's about right :D.


I have that CD :D ...love it! I also think that, aside from being catchy, they're great little summations of the sun signs. For me life is fun....'cause I am number one.

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I'm still a Pisces. Darn it. I've never identified with that sign. It just doesn't fit.


My previously Pisces daughter is now an Aquarius, just like her brother. That sign fits her more than him.


DSS is still a Taurus.... which is funny because his nickname is "El Toro" (because he is the proverbial bull in a china shop). The sign isn't a good fit, but maybe as he matures he will grow into it.... or not.


And DH went from Libra to Virgo. Oh, he's not going to be happy with that!

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It says I'm a Libra now. I reject that. I liked being a Scorpio. Not that it made any difference in my life whatsoever, since I don't follow horoscopes, but still. Scorpio is far more intriguing sounding than Libra. LOL (no offense to Libras)


My birthday is Oct. 23, and I've always been either depending on the source (or maybe the year?). I never got into it, so never figured out why.

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No one wants to be a Capricorn, but let me tell you, it is good to be a Capricorn. No matter how broke you are, you can always scrounge enough dosh together for lunch. :D






So that's how we've always done that.:D Funny, everyone here in our immediate family stayed the same: 3 capricorns and a tauraus. Now, everyone in my family back home changed!

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No one wants to be a Capricorn, but let me tell you, it is good to be a Capricorn. No matter how broke you are, you can always scrounge enough dosh together for lunch. :D






Yup! I am quite fond of being a Capricorn!!!! and would have know idea what to do with myself if I was suddenly a Sagitartius ;).

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Wait! I've moved from Cancer to Gemini. What does that mean?? Since I learned about this tonight, will I wake up feeling different tomorrow? Did I change when this was decided and didn't know? ;) Interesting


Edited: I just looked up Gemini. It is nothing like me whatsoever. Although I haven't ever followed it I have found Cancer to be surprisingly much like me. Gemini is almost the opposite of me. Weird.

Edited by PinkInTheBlue
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My birthday is Oct. 23, and I've always been either depending on the source (or maybe the year?). I never got into it, so never figured out why.


The sun has to move to the next twelfth at some point during the day, so which sign you are depends whether you were born before or after it crossed the border.



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