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temp in house

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You guys are hard core! Up until this month, I insisted that we keep the temp between 68 and 70 because I was so cold. I need to save some money (see blog entry here) so I decided to try to get there by turning down the thermostat. We've been at 64 for a little over a week now. I'm chilly and wearing sweatshirts and socks all the time around the house, but I'm surviving. I'm really hoping the bill is lower vs. last year at the end of our billing cycle or I'm going to be bummed out.

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58 at night and 66 - 68 during the day when we are home. If we are not going to be home, we set it down to 60. The heat goes down to 58 at 5pm as by then we are usually out in the living room around the wood stove which will routinely heat the room up to about 78 and we sit with the front door open.

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In the mornings it can be 34 or so in the kitchen. During the day it might warm up to 45. I hesitate to turn on the furnace because we are still under construction and the heat goes right out through the rafters. One morning the kids' rooms were 18 and they said they slept pretty well. We do have a space heater in the bathroom, and another small heater that we can direct to our toes when it gets unbearable.

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It's 75 in my house right now and I'm pretty happy with that. Any colder and I'll get the fireplace going. I used to turn it down to save money but realized that I'm just miserable. I figure if I'm going to be home all day with kids the least I can do is have a bearable (to me) temperature. Life with toddlers can be hard enough. :tongue_smilie:

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It's 75 in my house right now and I'm pretty happy with that. Any colder and I'll get the fireplace going. I used to turn it down to save money but realized that I'm just miserable. I figure if I'm going to be home all day with kids the least I can do is have a bearable (to me) temperature. Life with toddlers can be hard enough. :tongue_smilie:


This is us. DH will turn it up to 77 or higher when he gets home at night. The nice thing is, heat is cheaper than A/C and we keep it just as warm in summer. DH is from Turkey and he's used to heat, not cold, even after all these years in the US.


The floors are still freezing, even at 77, even with rugs on top of carpets. No insulation in this house. :glare:

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63 during the day, 55 at night (with room heaters for individual rooms where there are actually people - more efficient than heating the whole house, plus the kids' room doesn't have a heater vent). The heater goes up to 68 at 5:30am-8:30am, and again from about 5:30-9:00pm.


I think it's uncomfortably cold during the day, but the kids don't complain, and I'd rather put on another sweater than spend more on propane.

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It's 75 in my house right now and I'm pretty happy with that. Any colder and I'll get the fireplace going. I used to turn it down to save money but realized that I'm just miserable. I figure if I'm going to be home all day with kids the least I can do is have a bearable (to me) temperature. Life with toddlers can be hard enough. :tongue_smilie:


Yep us too. If I get too cold I just sit around all day huddling under blankets and getting nothing done. DH doesn't mind. He prefers to be comfy at home.

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The temp in the house is 68-70 during the day and 60-65 at night. Bedrooms are upstairs so it's not so cold upstairs as compared to downstairs when I turn down the heat at night. We would go colder during the day but the baby gets cold really, really easily and it's really, really hard to warm him back up if he gets too cold so we decided to make it simple and go with a temperature that we know that works for him.

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Currently 62. I usually keep it between 61 and 63 during the winter. If it's damp or extremely cold, I might bump it to 64.


This is what we have our home at most of the time as well. At night it goes down to 60, but with it being in the teens lately (which is extremly cold for us) it is still working over-time.


We have a space heater for the bathroom and we just bought a nice heater for the main living area, so that means we will be able to bump down the furnace even more :D

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We keep it set between 68-72. We have two furnaces (one for the main floor and finished basement) and one for the second floor. The second floor gets hotter because of the rising heat and the line of windows facing west. We have natural gas. Dh is from the east where they use oil and radiators. It's crazy to hear how expensive that is compared to what we pay for natural gas.

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We're keeping it at 66 in the winter. Two story house, thermostat upstairs, very open (to the 2nd story) great room, so that's the coldest room.

Going downstairs, at about the 3rd step from the bottom, you feel the temperature difference.


I wear long underwear and generally 3 layers.

Still cold.



I miss California weather - I don't think we even had a thermostat in the apartment....


Summer we keep it at 83, but I'm comfortable there!

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It's 75 in my house right now and I'm pretty happy with that. Any colder and I'll get the fireplace going. I used to turn it down to save money but realized that I'm just miserable. I figure if I'm going to be home all day with kids the least I can do is have a bearable (to me) temperature. Life with toddlers can be hard enough. :tongue_smilie:




We keep ours at 72-73. We have a lot of windows and the warmth just doesn't stay in.


We keep the fireplace going whenever we're doing schoolwork and in the evenings. I love that 'cozy' feeling of it.


I used to try and keep the temp down and 'tough it out' like you said but it was me having to do all the 'toughing'. Dh is at work for long hours and the kids stay warm since they are constantly playing and running around. I would just be cold and miserable.

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Our house is around 50 - 54 overnight this time of year and we heat it up to 62 or so during the day. We keep it that low to assist our heat bills, but we honestly don't mind it either (usually). Of course, when I go to work at school (ps) I get HOT!


In the summer we don't use ac unless it's over 82 or so.


We find we're also healthier (or at least it seems that way) when we use as little artificial heat or ac as possible. That said, we don't use so little they we freeze to death or bake!

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Oil heat was toastier. We would keep it set at 65 or less at night, 69 daytime, in Maryland.

This electric stuff, eh. My bathroom and bedroom are 64 or less. Heat is set in hallway on the other side of the house at 74, and it won't come on until it hits 72, and that is just in the hall! We don't live in the hall! I'm wearing socks, jeans, shirt, fleecy pull-over and it feels C-c-c-cold. To make it warm in my room I have to set it at 74 or 75. This is a two year old house, but it is definitely not energy efficient.

Edited by gingerh
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When dh is home it's 73. I bump it down to 71 when he's gone. He's out of town and I set it at 69, it got too cold. Now it's back to 71. Granted it's negative wind chill outside.


I grew up in a house with cold winters and hot summers. I vowed as an adult to be comfortable in my house. Thankfully I married someone who felt the same. That might be the most important deciding factor in whom to marry. :tongue_smilie: Frugal or comfortable?

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Usually 68 during the day, down to low 60s at night. I'm seriously taking one for the team on this issue. I hate being chilly :( I'd be happier at about 72 or so. Today I had my long sleeved shirt and jeans on and the girls were running around in their underwear.:blink:


During the summer I don't turn the cooler on until we're in the low 80s inside. Otherwise, we just use fans.

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16C/60F. I wear layers and am very comfortable. I'm currently wearing lined jeans, long underwear, two pairs of socks, fleece slippers, camisole, turtleneck and fleece. My hands are comfortably warm.


We used to have the heat on for a few hours morning and evening. We are experimenting with having it on at a low level but continuously. We'll see how our fuel consumption goes.


I used to find it uncomfortable when we would visit my parents in law in Dallas in winter. Winter to me is a time for nice cozy layers and cool temperatures, not T-shirts indoors and lots of heat. The first time I went to stay I packed turtlenecks: that year's pictures all have me with a pink face, sweltering in the heating.


ETA: we also have a wood stove, so anyone who wants can go and get warmer by the stove.



Edited by Laura Corin
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Are you serious? 18F? :001_huh:


How could anyone sleep in that? That's beyond chilly - if it's that temp outside, people wear winter jackets and throw snowballs.


I'm really hoping she was giving temperatures in Celsius. They would make since then. Otherwise :001_huh:

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Are you serious? 18F?


How could anyone sleep in that? That's beyond chilly - if it's that temp outside, people wear winter jackets and throw snowballs.


I'm really hoping she was giving temperatures in Celsius. They would make since then. Otherwise :001_huh:


I don't think so - celsius is what I normally work with (I gave my house temps in F for the thread as most people use it on here) and 18C isn't anything that you'd bother noting the kids' reactions about....and the other temps in her post would be sweltering if they were in C. ;)


(maybe a typo and she meant 28F instead of 18F? that would still be REALLY COLD for inside, but.... ?)

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I would prefer for the indoor temperature to be 55-60 degrees at night and 65 during the day.


The rest of my family would prefer for it to be around 75-78 degrees all the time.


The house is actually set at 70 degrees downstairs and 75 degrees upstairs. The temperature downstairs has to be at least 3 degrees lower than the temperature upstairs or the heat pumps get out of balance and the downstairs pump tries to heat the upstairs or the upstairs pump tries to cool the downstairs.

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Unfortunately, yes I was serious--18 degrees F. They had the option of sleeping in the basement, which is 45 or so, but they preferred their rooms. One did succumb to an electric blanket, the other just piles on lots of blankets. We have an electric blanket on our bed but it is a chilling trip from the bathroom to the bed. Even so, I sleep warmly and don't need to turn my side on. Amazing what one can get used to...

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You guys are hard core! Up until this month, I insisted that we keep the temp between 68 and 70 because I was so cold. I need to save some money (see blog entry here) so I decided to try to get there by turning down the thermostat. We've been at 64 for a little over a week now. I'm chilly and wearing sweatshirts and socks all the time around the house, but I'm surviving. I'm really hoping the bill is lower vs. last year at the end of our billing cycle or I'm going to be bummed out.


In winter, we keep ours at 69/70 during the day. I wear sweatshirts, usually with a turtleneck underneath, and I wear my socks and shoes all day too, but it's still cold to me. We set the thermostat for 65/66 at night, and use quilts and electric blankets. Our power bill was over $400 this past month for the first time EVER. That's nearly double what it normally is. :(

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If it's below 68 I get cold. So I usually keep it at 68-69. DH tends to get colder than I do though. He likes it 70 or above, so we bump it up a bit in the evening when he gets home. Of course, our heater doesn't seem to work half the time - I think the thermostat is flaky - so sometimes we are freezing because the dang thing won't come on. Hoping to get it fixed soon!

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68F during the day, 66F at night.


Everyone has slippers. we wear layers. I DO love winter layers. We have an OLD house but a brandy spankin new German furnace that runs like a dream. And for this size house, with no insulation, a slate roof and old windows? Tonight it's supposed to be 9F.

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Unfortunately, yes I was serious--18 degrees F. They had the option of sleeping in the basement, which is 45 or so, but they preferred their rooms. One did succumb to an electric blanket, the other just piles on lots of blankets. We have an electric blanket on our bed but it is a chilling trip from the bathroom to the bed. Even so, I sleep warmly and don't need to turn my side on. Amazing what one can get used to...


I know you're 'under construction', but...none of you should have to "get used to" sleeping in that kind of cold. That really sucks. :(

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My spouses keep setting it to 68, and I keep putting it back down to 62-65. DH argued that DD tends to be shivering if it's set so low, as her room is the coldest in the house and quite a bit colder than the house thermostat temperature.


I started enforcing pajamas at bedtime since she does tend to kick off blankets, and turn the heat down at around 4 AM when I get up for work, and during the day if they turn it up when they get up in the morning...I caved about turning it UP this summer (I kept trying to set it at 78-80, everyone else wanted it down at 72ish), and when we hit our annual level pay adjustment the bill went up $25/mo....


I'm a cheapskate; everyone else just wants to be comfy.

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