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And so I'm bawling...

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our sweet kitty cat is being put down tomorrow. It is time. He has been blind for 4 years, lost half his body weight, can't swallow, and now he's throwing up blood. It is time. But right now, as the whole house is asleep, he is sitting on my lap, purring and trying to touch noses. I love his cold, wet nose. I've been here before, but managed better due to bigger things happening (my dad's death, then my dd's birth) but this is just surprisingly hard.


My dd is going to have a really difficult time with this, I need to be there for her. She's just devastated that she's lost two pets in the span of 2 weeks. So right now I'm loving on him. Now is my time for goodbye.


Goodbye, Sneekers. The cat who used to sneak but really ought to be renamed Bumpy. You were the coolest blind cat around. xx

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I am so sorry. :grouphug: I remember sitting up all night with our dog the night before she was put down. She was ready, but it was still hard. It was nice to have that last quiet night with her though and to be there to comfort her. Will be thinking of you and your family tomorrow.

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I feel your pain. I really do and my heart is breaking for you. I lost my sweet 13 year old girl back in July to a long battle with stomach cancer in July, and I rushed my 14 year old Siamese to the ER vet on Sunday because he couldn't swallow and was lethargic. I am now syringe feeding and watering him every hour through the day. I can't bear to lose another one so soon! I hurt for you today. My prayers are with you! You are doing the right thing...but I know that doesn't make it any easier. *HUGS*

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our sweet kitty cat is being put down tomorrow. It is time. He has been blind for 4 years, lost half his body weight, can't swallow, and now he's throwing up blood. It is time. But right now, as the whole house is asleep, he is sitting on my lap, purring and trying to touch noses. I love his cold, wet nose. I've been here before, but managed better due to bigger things happening (my dad's death, then my dd's birth) but this is just surprisingly hard.


My dd is going to have a really difficult time with this, I need to be there for her. She's just devastated that she's lost two pets in the span of 2 weeks. So right now I'm loving on him. Now is my time for goodbye.


Goodbye, Sneekers. The cat who used to sneak but really ought to be renamed Bumpy. You were the coolest blind cat around. xx


Karyn, :grouphug: So sorry. I read your thread and I'm fighting back tears. This is so very hard (we went through this with our beloved lab 8 years ago).


Just remember how much you all loved him and he you! I hope remembering that he knows you love him and vice versa will help comfort you.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: I am so, so, so sorry! I know what you're going through. Our dear Kitty was also a gentle, loving, loud-purring, affectionate, lap cat. He also lost weight and went blind near the end of his life. He developed congestive heart failure and died the week before Christmas of 2009 at age 17. Oh, how I grieved! And I still grieve, especially on cold, wet days when he would normally have been on my lap, snoozing and purring. And I grieve also when I read posts like yours, because it brings it all back so vividly. I'm grieving with you, ((((specialmama)))).

Edited by ereks mom
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:crying::crying::crying:How sad. I'm so sorry, I know how difficult it is. Ultimately, you're doing this because you love Sneekers so much. You will always miss him.


My 14.5 year old rat terrier is just the best little dog I've ever seen. I love her SO much. She's my shadow and life will never be the same without her. She's got a bad heart and I know time is running out. I got an idea of how hard it was going to be when I TOTALLY panicked a few nights ago when I looked over and thought she was dead. Since she started to get worse, I bring her to bed with me and really, I thought she was dead. The feeling I felt............. I just dread that day.


I think I missed something. My wtm time has been sporadic lately. Which other pet did you lose recently?


I'm really sorry for you all.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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There are no words to fully express the pain caused by the loss of a beloved animal. We lost three of ours over a three-month period in the spring of 2009. I miss and grieve for them still. It does lessen after a time, but remembering them is still bittersweet.


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:grouphug::grouphug: I am so sorry. Losing a pet is SO HARD. I'm crying with ya.


We lost one of our miniature schnauzers in Nov. Putting him down was the hardest thing, and I still miss him every day. Our other dog, Max, misses his brother. It is just so sad.


Pets bring so much joy to our lives, they are part of our family, and it is so hard to say goodbye. Many more :grouphug::grouphug: to you.

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Thanks, everyone... we've been home for a few hours and it was, as expected, difficult. My dd held him and hugged him as the needle went in. After a few minutes she asked if we could have some scissors and a piece of scotch tape. She snipped some of his lovely orange fur and put it in the tape so she could still pat his soft fur. I'm sure it will have a place of honour on a page in her journal. We worked so hard getting his paw print in plaster this morning, and here our vet does memorial paw prints for free. :D


For those that asked, I apologize I did not link the other thread, my dd was cat-sitting for someone and accidentally left her bedroom door ajar. The cat killed her beloved budgie. She had a lot of guilt about that, but I was able to share the story about that mom who had to bury her sweet little boy before Christmas, how it was an accident, and they call them accidents because if we could have prevented it we would have. She is just dealing with so much grief right now. It's quite hard on my sensitive girl. I do appreciate the prayers very much. :grouphug:

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Thanks, everyone... we've been home for a few hours and it was, as expected, difficult. My dd held him and hugged him as the needle went in. After a few minutes she asked if we could have some scissors and a piece of scotch tape. She snipped some of his lovely orange fur and put it in the tape so she could still pat his soft fur. I'm sure it will have a place of honour on a page in her journal. We worked so hard getting his paw print in plaster this morning, and here our vet does memorial paw prints for free. :D


For those that asked, I apologize I did not link the other thread, my dd was cat-sitting for someone and accidentally left her bedroom door ajar. The cat killed her beloved budgie. She had a lot of guilt about that, but I was able to share the story about that mom who had to bury her sweet little boy before Christmas, how it was an accident, and they call them accidents because if we could have prevented it we would have. She is just dealing with so much grief right now. It's quite hard on my sensitive girl. I do appreciate the prayers very much. :grouphug:



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Thanks, everyone... we've been home for a few hours and it was, as expected, difficult. My dd held him and hugged him as the needle went in. After a few minutes she asked if we could have some scissors and a piece of scotch tape. She snipped some of his lovely orange fur and put it in the tape so she could still pat his soft fur. I'm sure it will have a place of honour on a page in her journal. We worked so hard getting his paw print in plaster this morning, and here our vet does memorial paw prints for free. :D


For those that asked, I apologize I did not link the other thread, my dd was cat-sitting for someone and accidentally left her bedroom door ajar. The cat killed her beloved budgie. She had a lot of guilt about that, but I was able to share the story about that mom who had to bury her sweet little boy before Christmas, how it was an accident, and they call them accidents because if we could have prevented it we would have. She is just dealing with so much grief right now. It's quite hard on my sensitive girl. I do appreciate the prayers very much. :grouphug:


Oh Karyn. What a difficult day and a difficult time for your poor dd. Will keep on praying for you all. :grouphug::grouphug:

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I'm so sorry :grouphug:

I went through this last Feb with my 12.5 year old dog Rumples. She was my constant companion while dh was on his first deployment and was the best dog ever when we had each of our children. She got cancer and I had to let her go when dh was on his most recent deployment. My 11 year old son was devastated, she was his best friend. He and I still have moments where we just sit together, look through pictures of her and have a good cry.


I'll keep you and you're family in my thoughts as you go through this very hard time.

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