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s/o: Can we do a LEAST favorite book of 2010 thread?

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Heather's thread for favorite books was HARD! After answering it, I realized I could much more easily choose a LEAST favorite fiction and non-fiction book that I read this year. How about you? What would you choose? Here's mine:


Fiction: Skipping Christmas, by John Grisham

Non-fiction: Dance of a Fallen Monk, by George Fowler

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I tried to read Life of Pi and Sense and Sensibility. I think fiction is just wasted on me, unfortunately. Dd and dh keep urging me to read The Book Thief, but I think it would be depressing, and I just don't need any more of that in my life . . .

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I tried to read Life of Pi and Sense and Sensibility. I think fiction is just wasted on me, unfortunately. Dd and dh keep urging me to read The Book Thief, but I think it would be depressing, and I just don't need any more of that in my life . . .


Those are hard or boring or yucky books! Fiction's supposed to be fun. No wonder it's wasted on you, with those as your choices.

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I wince as I write this, but Sons of Encouragement by Francine Rivers. I LOVE Francine Rivers, but for some reason this collection of men in the Bible is only boring me. :confused:


I also have to add in Octavia E. Butler's Patternmaster series. First I found the order of publication and read that book first. It seemed a bit disjointed, but okay I can handle it.... Then I see another list that says they actually GO in a totally different order, so I started again with Wild Seed and just couldn't get into it.

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Well, out of the books I actually read all the way through, I would have to say Life of Pi. On one hand, the writing is beautiful. It is a fascinating story. (It also had my favorite cover art of the year.) Yet, I felt like that book crushed my soul. It really did. I was so upset after reading it that I didn't want to read *any* books for awhile.


Out of books that I stopped part-way through & didn't finish, I would pick The Hunger Games. I just couldn't get over the ick factor of children being pitted against each other to the death.


Other books I started this year & didn't finish because I couldn't get into them:

Bicycle Diaries

The Canon

The Illuminator

The Elegance of the Hedgehog

the YA version of Three Cups of Tea

The Swan Thieves

The Ballad of Peckham Rye

Napoleon's Buttons

The Black Nile

The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet (I'd actually like to read/finish this one -- just ran out of time before it was due back at the library)

Act of Will

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Wolf Hall. UGH....it is the first book I ever read that I never actually finished...although I read half of it and at that size I think it should count as a whole book! Just awful.


Me, too! I love the subject content normally, but that book. Ugh. What a snoozer!

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Out of books that I stopped part-way through & didn't finish, I would pick The Hunger Games. I just couldn't get over the ick factor of children being pitted against each other to the death.




This is what got me.


There are books I've read all the way through only to realize I didn't like them, but none were in 2010.

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Without a doubt -- Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. I stuck through with it halfway -- 300 pages! -- because I was sure it must get better. Over a thousand Amazon reviews said it was their favorite book ever!


Finally I realized that no, it wasn't going to get better. I stopped reading it and was sorry I had stuck with it that long.

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Without a doubt -- Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. I stuck through with it halfway -- 300 pages! -- because I was sure it must get better. Over a thousand Amazon reviews said it was their favorite book ever!


Finally I realized that no, it wasn't going to get better. I stopped reading it and was sorry I had stuck with it that long.


This was my experience too.

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Without a doubt -- Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. I stuck through with it halfway -- 300 pages! -- because I was sure it must get better. Over a thousand Amazon reviews said it was their favorite book ever!


Finally I realized that no, it wasn't going to get better. I stopped reading it and was sorry I had stuck with it that long.


I despised and loathed both Outlander and a book called Little,Big. They are the two worse books I read this year...and I read them both all the way through. I especially hated Little, Big but I read the whole long, horrible thing because it was my pick for book club and I had to lead a discussion on it. It was torture.

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The Element by Ken Robinson. I have it sitting by the computer with 10 pages left. I haven't liked it from the first chapter, but I am determined to finish it so that no one can tell me it gets better. I am not a "special unique snowflake" kind of gal. I also can't stand when a book includes its own special vocabulary word ("Element" in this case) in almost every single sentence. I've tried to ignore those things and judge the book on its other merits, but I can't get through more than a page without rolling my eyes.

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I think its called 'Perilous Proposal'.


I really, really tried to like it...but I can't stand a book that's written in slang. This was set in the Civil War, and from the perspective of slaves mostly, so the language used is representative of the time and people...but I cringe at it anyways, even though I know its historically accurate.


I just don't want to work that hard to get through fiction. :o

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I wince as I write this, but Sons of Encouragement by Francine Rivers. I LOVE Francine Rivers, but for some reason this collection of men in the Bible is only boring me. :confused:



I love her books, too, but when I had dh buy them for me (because I just knew I'd love them) I couldn't get through them. I found them very boring, as well. :(


My least favorite (that I finished) for 2010 was The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

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The Bronze Bow. It was a read aloud with the kids. We made it about 3/4 of the way through. We just couldn't finish it. The kids were SO bored and I dreaded reading it to them. And I had heard so many great things about it......


I love, love, love that book. But you know, we listened to it on audiobook, so I wonder if that makes a difference?

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I now give books only 10% - if they don't do anything for me in the first 10%, I give up. We do that with our read-alouds also. Life is too short to read rubbish that doesn't appeal to us.


Way to go, Negin! I love your confidence!

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