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How often do you go out?


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I am wondering how often people go out during the week verses spending the entire day at home...I am thinking of taking the kids out either for an activity, library, or errands...


I share a car with my DH for now, and because of it, I feel like we are always out when he is home...We all go out to run errands and do things...I feel like we are out too much...

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We stayed home on Monday and Tuesday--no errands, no field trips, no nothin' until late, late afternoon or after dinner.


We went to the library on Wednesday mornings; afterwards we might have done errands, but not usually. Mostly we went to the library and then came home for the rest of the day (church in the evenings).


We left the house every Thursday for a field trip. No errands or anything else except field trip on that day.


We cleaned house every Friday (bathroom, all the laundry, dusting/vacuuming, everything), with a park day once a month.

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I am wondering how often people go out during the week verses spending the entire day at home...I am thinking of taking the kids out either for an activity, library, or errands...


I share a car with my DH for now, and because of it, I feel like we are always out when he is home...We all go out to run errands and do things...I feel like we are out too much...

I try to not go out more than once or twice a week. I guess more than not it is twice as I use Mon. for our running but don't normally have the time to do the lib. run on that day also. I try to get the kids to the library once a week.

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Almost daily. Depends on the day and if we have appointments, etc. The kids are in Awana and the entire family takes karate. DD4 has speech once a week and we have a large list of Dr appointments coming up (vision and hearing). The kids and I do Bible study and I work at the church one morning a week. We do a coop once a week (3, 6 week sessions). Sometimes it is amazing we get any school work done!

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It depends...now with the snow and cold, not very often. In the summer, I try to get the girls out daily unless my allergies are too terrible. We do go to things like library story time in the fall and recreation in the summer at the school. We went to the science museum today.

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We don't go out during the school day any time except Friday when we have band/orchestra. My dd does gymnastics 4 days/week, we go to church 2 days. Mondays and Thursdays are our only days we go nowhere and starting in January, ds will go to another band rehearsal Monday nights.


We like going places and having interactions with others. However, we do make sure our school time is not interrupted and we do spend a lot of quality family time together, even though it might sound impossible.

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I am never home all day.


Monday- I work in the afternoon and the little man has cub scouts.


Tuesday- My junior has an economics class and we go to Chik-fil-A family night.


Wednesday- The little man has violin and my junior goes to a math tutor.


Thursday- My junior has a composition class and sometimes I work in the afternoon.


Friday- The little man has an art and drama class in the morning.


Saturday- I work in the mornings.


Sunday- We always get out and do something.


I wish I had at least one day that I didn't need to leave, but that just isn't the case this year.


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We're only home all day once a week. The other 4 school days there are activities. 3 days the activities start after 2:30 (Judo, piano, gymnastics, public speaking) and the 4th day we're out is an all day enrichment program.


I much preferred when we had fewer activities, but these are non-negotiables right now and they fill needs.

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Mon evenings we go to art and cub scouts

Tue and Thur mornings we go volunteer at food pantry/pregnancy center and run errands (post office, groceries, bills, in town library) those afternoons


Every other weekend we go to the big library (and run errands).


Other than that we are home. All day Wen, Fri, and at least either Sat. or Sun, but often both days (we don't go to church).


Mon, Wen, Fri, and Sat are our big school days. Volunteering is something I love and it is as important to my week as getting through school ;)

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Almost daily - whether to run errands or go to classes and various commitments. I recognize that having a whole day at home - especially now that the weather is unpleasant and there's no drive to get outside - is really good for us so I'm trying to carve out that space once a week. But I find that's enough.

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We are home most days. It didn't use to be like this, but due to my health issues, it is. My youngest has piano lessons once a week and that is about it. She also has a monthly Girl Scout meeting. I exercise where I leave the house about twice a week and the girls stay home. We go the library on the weekends, so my husband can carry the books. I do a lot of putting them on hold.


When we began, I found most every activity we could do and we went. My oldest took gymnastics, PE, ice skating lessons, field trips, andany party that came along, etc. Then we began a co-op and I helped coordinate, taught classes for several years, then went to a different kind of co-op where it was smaller classes but it still took part of a day.


I have found that as my girls get older, they need their time at home and are fine with less activities. The oldest would benefit from an art teacher; the last one moved away. I haven't looked for a new one, but hopefully will do that soon. The youngest likes her piano and Girl Scouts.


I have friends who are out every day with either art class, orchestra, field trips, etc., and they seem to struggle with getting the schoolwork finished as their children grow older.

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I'd say we are home more than we are not.


Mon, Thurs we are home all day.


Wed - home all day but church in the evening.


Tues afternoon we go to the library.


Friday afternoon we go to homeschool park day (12-3)


Occasionally we have to miss a day of school because of a doctor's appointment but I usually make those appointments for afternoons.


Saturday - running errands and doing fun stuff as a family.


Sunday - church and then home.

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We are most often home all day Monday, and don't leave until Tuesday after dinner to run to the library. Wednesday, also our committment is after dinner. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday are the days we are most often out of the house.


We have more than one vehicle, but we both prefer to drive the same one (mine). Oh, and all stores are 20+ minutes away, so I really limit and group errands.

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Sunday - church

Monday - DS has Kindermusic late morning

Tuesday - church for Bible study in the morning.

Wednesday - sometimes storytime at the library, church at night

Thursday - DD has ballet in the later afternoon

Friday - nothing!

Saturday - whatever DH wants to do, fun family activities


We get all our school done easily in an hour and a half, so even Monday and Wednesday we can do everything if we start on time. I try to stay home on Fridays and not do errands.

We are inside more in the winter. Out and about in the beautiful fall and spring. At the pool all summer!

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Several times a week for hs co-op, library and music lessons. However, I try to run all errands on a day we are already out for another reason. Our co-op meets every other week, and we do not school at home on those days. However, if we don't school at least four days a week, we finish our work over the weekend.


My dh works shift work, so our schedule is a little different than others. He is off in the a.m., and that is usually our family time. Then, we do our school work in the late morning and after lunch. DH is getting ready to go to days so I'm sure this will totally change things! ;)

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You guys are really making me not want my kids to grow up! I'm very introverted and prefer to be home. I just caved and we are cutting down to a four day school week; we will be doing Cub Scouts, park day, and errands/library on Fridays. I had the opportunity to participate in a Bible study on Tuesday mornings, but I just don't think I can bring myself to be out another day.


We do Awanas/piano on Wednesday afternoons/evening and if a field trip comes up, we will go to that.

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I like to be home more than away ans so does my kids.


Mon-home(no activites)

Tue-Piano @ 12:30/workout at the gym

Wed-every other Wed I have Bible study for me/Art upstairs for kids

Thurs-home ( no activites)

Fri-Co-op 10:30-2:00/ 4:30 I work out at the gym

Sat- Family day



** Really thinking about giving up BS on Wed but not sure if I want to or not!

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Every.Day. :glare:


Monday: coopish group, orchestra, soon gymnastics

Tuesday: ballet

Wednesday: violin lessons, ballet, skating

Thursday: ballet, play rehearsal

Friday: piano lessons, ballet, biweekly science coop, until recently robotics

Saturday: German Sat. School

Sunday: church, until recently robotics, soon chorus


This doesn't even include the recent craziness of the Nutcracker (Sunday rehearsals, 8 performances) and a bunch of other Christmas-oriented stuff we've been involved in. Thank heavens the last of that is an orchestra performance this Friday. Boy, am I going to need the Christmas break!


Ballet on Weds will be over end of Jan, and skating will move to Thurs at the same time as ballet (different kids) once the play is over in early Feb - and then maybe I'll have Weds free except for violin! Except that they want to take art then... :001_huh:


I also didn't include things I do on my own... Pilates Tu/Th mornings and chorus Tues evenings.


Time was, I made sure there were two days a week we were home with no activities. But with the kids getting older, it seems impossible!

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Not as much as I would like, but I would like to stay home pretty much everyday.



it was different when they were babes. I always encourage folks of littles to choose their activites very, very carefully. Once they have passions and developed talents, it's much harder to stay home. :) Hear me well on that.

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All the time. Day and night.


We have something every day during the day, although I'm dropping swim lessons for the winter. We have CC on Mondays, a science class on Tues. Wed. was swim and art and choir. We'll keep choir for a bit more. Thurs. is a religion class taught by local seminarians. And Friday is our fun co-op day. It's crazy, but it's hard for me to cut back on anything. Next year we'll do CC at home, and probably skip the science class.


And then our afternoon nights are busy. Mon. night we have off, but I really want to start piano lessons. Tue. and Thurs. are mixed martial arts. Wed. is chess and fencing.


My kids love this. Me--not so much. But, I do love the breadth of what they're be exposed to.


I try to get Latin, math and writing done every day and fill in the extras when we have time. We listen to a lot of things on cd in the car (like SOTW and BOCD). The upside is my kids almost never watch tv or play computer games. And I live for the weekends when we have more time to chill.



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Monday and Friday are homeschool swim and gym classes at the YMCA from 12:15 to 1:15. Piano is Wednesday at 3:30, but it's an hour from our house, so it's an event. We try to hit the library Mon or Fri after the Y. Sometimes we'll get out on a Tuesday afternoon because that's when most of the local free days are in my town (science museum, zoo, etc.).

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Depends on the week. Rarely are we in the house all day on any given day. Even if we just run to the post office or something, we are usually out and about for some period of time. When co-op is in session, we are out all day one day a week. Sometimes I get tired of it all and will spend a day in the house. Right now, I have no choice. We are snowed in!

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Our weekly rhythm:


Monday--library day, errands, orthodontist (1 per month)

Tuesday--4-H (2 times per month), Karate (evening activity)

Wednesday--at home

Thursday--grocery shopping, karate

Friday--playgroup, errands

Saturday--grandparents day, at home

Sunday--at home


We try to have at least 1-3 days at home per week.:001_smile:

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Kids have activities on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, but all the kids don't always go out to all the acitivites. If dh is home, the littles stay home for 12yo's tae kwon do and fencing. The 12yo stays home when the littles are at swimming and gymnastics. So we're all home all day only on Wednesday and Friday, and once in a while we're out for errands on those days. And actually most of the activities don't take a lot of time, so we're usually around for most of the day and just out for a couple of hours.


eta: All the activites are after school hours or in the evening except for a fortnightly homeschool group.

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I love to be at home! I do not like being out if I don't have to. We have music class on Monday mornings then try for the park with friends or a goodwill shop before coming home. Home on Tues, Wed, Thurs for school. Then Friday is our field trip day and evening is Ymca night for swimming. Saturday is family day for us and sometimes we will go somewhere and sometimes we just stay home and catch up on cleaning and schoolwork. Sunday afternoon is our Arabic school so my husband and I have 4 hours of time together shopping and lunch before picking up the kids :)


Last year we did Karate 3 evenings a week and I was crazy :) But we are looking at starting gymnastics in January for a change of exercise so we will see how that goes...


I really do not know how to get school in when we have to go out on a day. Maybe it is just me, but when I go out (even just into town for a short errand) it seems that I can not get into school when we get back in the house.

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We have something every day. I keep our mornings and early afternoons free from everything and only go out after school, though. The exception is my 11yo dd who is a competitive gymnast. She has gym M-F from 12:30 to 4:30 and has to get some schoolwork done in the evenings.

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I live in the country, about 35 miutes from anywhere. I school the littles in the morning and the biggies in the afternoon. We are broke. I don't leave much! We do have piano and guitar lessons once a week in the morning and I have a bible study I do once a week where the big kids go to it and hang out with their friends but my husband stays with the littles. I try not to go out too much because I will just spend money and we will get behind in school.

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I really do not know how to get school in when we have to go out on a day. Maybe it is just me, but when I go out (even just into town for a short errand) it seems that I can not get into school when we get back in the house.


It is not just you...I have this same difficulty, and am wondering if I need to not go out as much, or go out at a different time...


From what I am reading, many people go out way more than we do...The only set activities we have outside the home is church Sunday morning, church Wednesday evening, 4-H meeting once a month, and some church related activities on a Sunday or Saturday once a month...I was going to try to go ice skating once a week...And we also have farm CSA pickup once a week during the growing season (May - Nov) and a dairy farm pickup twice a month on Saturday morning...I do that one alone...


Because we are sharing a car, most errands I run like foodshopping or whatever else I do when my husband is off work...He is off work on Wednesdays and Sundays and works late on Mondays...So most Wednesdays, school does not happen because we are all over the place, trying to run a week's work of errands and appointments...Whatever I can't do on Wednesday I do Monday morning...Not a good way to start the week!


I think the answer for us is to try and get a second car, so I can go out during the aftternoon if I need to, after school but before dinner...Until we get another car, I have to become super organized about our errands, so that they can be done on Wednesday afternoons before dinner, but after school...


School has not been a priority for us in the past, and that is something that will change this year...Until I read WTM I didn't have a strong conviction at all about education...I am grateful for that book and for this forum...For all of you ;)

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I didn't read all the replies, but we are home every day until 1:00, except the day we have piano, and on that day, we leave at noon. BUT, that time slot gave us all day Monday at home, AND the kids each have 30 minutes one on one with me, while the other gets her lesson.


We are home all day Monday and Friday. Tuesday, we leave at noon for Piano, Wed. they are at co-op from 10-4 (I am home/free). Thursday they have gymnatics from 1-3.


Monday evening they have choir and AWANA and TH evening they have American Heritage Girls. Wed. is Date Night :) We worked really hard to get our schedule so we could FOCUS on school more than we have in the past. With being home all day on Monday and Friday, they DO have more work on those days. But they still have plenty of work on Tues and Th. No homeschool on Wed.

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As far as the kids' activities, we're out very early on Monday a.m. for art class, then again on Thursday afternoons for Chemistry and Physical Science for my oldest two. Ds 15 also takes Great Books and Latin online, so we don't have to leave the house for those.


I purposely scheduled Monday art very early and Thursday Science very late. That way, our basic school day is uninterrupted. I hate having middle of the day activities. It ruins the whole day for us.


I try to fit in my one-on-one time with the kids for schoolwork in the mornings. That way, I can run errands if I need to in the afternoon while they're working independently. I have to take my 4 year old with me, though.


I try to schedule Dr. appointments on holidays, summer break, or very early in the a.m....again, to avoid interruptions in the middle of the day. I also do a great deal of shopping online (clothes, shoes, housewares, books, office supplies, etc...) so I don't have to leave home.

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We couldn't stay in yesterday (something came up) so today was supposed to be our day of pajama rest. Then I broke the heater......... we're going "Christmas Shopping" (aka loitering to enjoy heat till dh gets home to fix the heater).




So far this week, we can look forward to Thursday being a day in.

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My kids are older high school, and middle school. All errands and extra activities are after school hours or on the weekends now. We just don't have much time flexibility and enjoy finishing our lessons between 2 or 3 o'clock.


When they were younger, Friday was our Free-day, and they had other classes that fell within our usual school hours. I did try to bundle everything into one or two days a week.

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I never plan anything on M or T, except maybe an appointment for myself where dh can stay home with the kids while I'm out. We have library/PE on Wednesday so we're out of the house most all of the day. Then Th, I try to plan something fun in the afternoon--park day or *something*...we usually have abbreviated Fridays so we'll have the afternoon free if we need to do something...usually my mom comes to get them Friday afternoons so mama can have a little break!! :) Saturday is my hubbys off night & he's a home-body so we usually stay home... sunday is when I usually do my grocery shopping, then we hole in for M & Tu again. :) Works for us!! :D

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I am wondering how often people go out during the week verses spending the entire day at home...I am thinking of taking the kids out either for an activity, library, or errands...


I share a car with my DH for now, and because of it, I feel like we are always out when he is home...We all go out to run errands and do things...I feel like we are out too much...


We share a car, too. I know how you feel especially about being gone when dh is home. We're down to one outing during the week (most weeks) and once or twice on the weekends. Once we got used to limited travels it become easier to plan errands more efficiently. Plus we don't feel as stuck because we are always planning for our day out.


Good luck on your situation.

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Well, I'm going to be the voice of dissent here. I am all for staying home and doing school if I want to do it justice. We are out everyday but Wednesday, although it is always after lunch and I have young ones so I can get school done in the morning.


Even so, I think it is too busy, and we will pare it down for next year. I really want my kids to be bored and have downtime, because I feel that is when they develop their creativity and explore their passions. Right now, there is not enough time here for exploration or to let grammar go on for an hour because we take a rabbit trail into statehood, and I don't like feeling like I'm racing the clock everyday.

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I try to stay home all day on Mon.


Tues we hit the books early since 2 of 3 kids go to grandparents' to stay until late Wed. One child goes to late dh's parents, one to new dh's parents, and one stays home with me and they all rotate so everyone gets their turn in each place. It bothers me that each child only gets in a full week once every three weeks. I thought of canceling this for the school year, but then I thought that relationships is part of why we hs. So, we will work with it until their schedules make it necessary to stop. Dh has class until late, so I and dc with me will go to grocery store and run errands.


Wed I do school with the dc that is home with me. If I absolutely need to leave town for something, I plan it this day since 2 kids are already missing school. Kids and dh go to AWANA in evening.


Thurs-stay home


Fri-stay home unless something is planned for evening, but rare.


Sat-usually stay home, but may go visit dh's parents or something




I would love to stay home all week long and only get out on the weekend. I have put off getting kids involved in anything the last couple of years. They used to have soccer, ballet, and I had Bible study. We were never home in the evenings. I like it better now, but honestly would cut out AWANA if kids wouldn't be too upset.

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Typically we are home M-TR all day except for piano on Mon at 1:00, but we are gone for only an hour. We have a co-op on Fridays from 10-2.


Dd has ballet on Tuesday, but we don't leave until 4. My dh works from home so I am able to leave the littles for thing and run an errand in the late afternoon if needed.

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