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My hair started to fall out.

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It is happening. I was hoping to have just a few more days. We bought a camcorder last night as I want to make a lot of videos with the kids etc. I wanted to do some with my hair in place. Maybe I can quick do some before we leave for my treatments today. On Tuesday I am getting fitted for a wig.


Please pray that the process won't be too traumatic, especially for my children, and that I can get to the wig salon before it all falls out and maybe make some videos.


We leave tonight and won't be home until Wednesday night.


Hugs to my hive friends. :grouphug:

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I will pray for you and your children.


One of my best friends is going through chemo. She has four young chldren, and her 6 yr old son was so worried about her losing her hair. He talked about it constantly, and was so afraid about it happening. When her hair started to come out, the kids actually were fascinated. And when she came down with her new wig, her son commented, "I like your new hair... I think it is nicer than your real hair." He wasn't upset at all.


I hope your children will adjust as quickly:).

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:grouphug: :grouphug::grouphug:


I had radiation tx several years ago, before ds. I was feeling pretty confident about things then I went to shower and pulled out a clump of hair. I started bawling like a baby. I only lost part of my hair but it was the change, something that made it all seem more real. The good news was I didn't have to shave my armpits for at least two years. :grouphug::grouphug:


I wish you strength.

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I know it's hard, but embrace the change. Embrace the process. Say good bye to your hair for a while. It's just a season in this roller coaster ride you're on.


Get a couple different wigs so you can go blond or red or something new. Get all kinds of hats and scarves. The kids will take their cue from you. Make it fun; ask for their help and critique of headwear and wigs to match with different outfits.


You are awesome, and your kids are awesome. It's just another step on your journey together.



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I know it's hard, but embrace the change. Embrace the process. Say good bye to your hair for a while. It's just a season in this roller coaster ride you're on.


Get a couple different wigs so you can go blond or red or something new. Get all kinds of hats and scarves. The kids will take their cue from you. Make it fun; ask for their help and critique of headwear and wigs to match with different outfits.


You are awesome, and your kids are awesome. It's just another step on your journey together.





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My best friend went through chemo for breast cancer two years ago. She had beautiful, thick hair and was devastated when it all fell out. People kept telling her it was "just hair", and she would say, "But it's not YOUR hair!"


Well, to make her feel better, I went with my kids to the beauty salon and had my head shaved. My kids were a little freaked out by bald Mommy, but they got over it quickly and yours will, too.


BFF and I went shopping for lovely head coverings, but since it was August, it was too warm to wear them most of the time. Guess what? People out in public don't really make that big of a deal over a bald head. BFF is doing well and her hair is back and beautiful again, but she sometimes misses the bare head. :lol:


I hope your hair loss isn't too traumatic for you and I hope you feel better all around.

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I was thinking of you just this morning while driving to visit a church about an hour away. I pray God heals you ultimately and gives you strength for each step of the painful journey.


Thanks for the update. I have a dear friend who suffered with breast cancer (and survived, and is thriving now, many years later). The treatments left her completely bald for that time, and honestly, she was just beautiful. She had always been gorgeous, but when her hair fell out the features of her face were even more beautiful.



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Carpe .... If you'd like, I can crochet you a hat.


I make hats for people undergoing chemo and radiation. (In honor of my mom, who I lost to cancer many years ago)


My DD is modeling my most popular style of chemo cap, but if you'd prefer another style I can change it up a bit.



If you are interested - just PM me with your favorite colors, and your shipping info.


I probably won't have time to start it until Christmas break, but it works up pretty quickly once I get going on it.



Edited by mom2jjka
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We were away on a weekend getaway with the kids when my hair started falling out. At first, it was so surreal to me that even though I was totally expecting it, I was like, "What's the deal with my hair?" LOL!


Dh shaved it off for me b/c it was really tough losing clumps of it here and there. I was really scared about what my kids would say since they were so young, but they were really cool about it. They agreed that I looked like an alien, but that I had a nicely shaped skull :)


I wore scarves all the time, and hats. I slept in really comfy cotton hats and never left my house bald. That was just how I was comfortable. Number 1, it was winter and my poor head was coooold! Number 2, I just didn't feel good with how I looked bald (shocking!).


People always reminded me that my hair would grow back, and of course it did, but that didn't make it any less traumatic to face. Losing my hair was the first time I looked like I was sick, kwim? When a tumor is in your breast, nobody can see it. But when your hair falls out from chemo, it's a witness to the world that you're battling a disease.


It was incredibly difficult, but I was able to accept it, as were all my kids and my dh. God will give you the same peace and grace.


I will pray for you and your family. Believe it or not, my kids can barely remember me being bald. I'm willing to bet it will be a fuzzy memory for you all one day, as well.


Love and hugs,


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:grouphug:, prayers, and positive thoughts being sent your way. Sounds like it's time for new hair looks, funky hats, gorgeous scarves and a yummy, luxurious moisturizing lotion for your beautiful noggin. Do not skimp on the pampering. If anyone deserves to be pampered, you do!!!!!!

:iagree:with all! I'd opt for a cap from mom2jjka. May God Bless You, Dear


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My aunt and one of my midwives have both started to get their hair "back" after treatment. Can I just tell you that they both look incredible - young, funky, and vibrant - with their new spiky 'dos! They don't necessarily believe those of us who tell them that, but it really is true! Just a little something to look forward to.

Keep warm! :grouphug:

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It is happening. I was hoping to have just a few more days. We bought a camcorder last night as I want to make a lot of videos with the kids etc. I wanted to do some with my hair in place. Maybe I can quick do some before we leave for my treatments today. On Tuesday I am getting fitted for a wig.


Please pray that the process won't be too traumatic, especially for my children, and that I can get to the wig salon before it all falls out and maybe make some videos.


We leave tonight and won't be home until Wednesday night.


Hugs to my hive friends. :grouphug:

I've known many children who had to watch the women in their lives go bald. It's not as traumatic as you might think. My boys were very proud that their gramma had a buzz cut :lol:


I'm praying for you Christine. Don't be troubled or worried. Your treatments, your health, your hair (every strand of which is numbered), your life and your family are in the best and most capable of hands.



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It is happening. I was hoping to have just a few more days. We bought a camcorder last night as I want to make a lot of videos with the kids etc. I wanted to do some with my hair in place. Maybe I can quick do some before we leave for my treatments today. On Tuesday I am getting fitted for a wig.


Please pray that the process won't be too traumatic, especially for my children, and that I can get to the wig salon before it all falls out and maybe make some videos.


We leave tonight and won't be home until Wednesday night.


Hugs to my hive friends. :grouphug:


:grouphug: Hugs back to you Christine. I'm praying for you!

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I've known many children who had to watch the women in their lives go bald. It's not as traumatic as you might think. My boys were very proud that their gramma had a buzz cut :lol:


I'm praying for you Christine. Don't be troubled or worried. Your treatments, your health, your hair (every strand of which is numbered), your life and your family are in the best and most capable of hands.




Yes, :iagree:


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(((Christine))) I don't think anyone is fully prepared for losing their hair so quickly.


Praying that your progress keeps going so well. It sounds like you are doing super! Keep kicking those cancer cells to the curb!


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Thank you to my hive friends!!!! We just got back last night from MN. I was there longer for testing on Monday and my chemo on Tuesday. Thank you for all the loving and uplifting replies about losing my hair. The bad thing is that we took the camcorder with us and it didn't get packed into the car to come home. So, we will pick it up at my brother in laws house next week. Hopefully, I will still have my hair then or maybe a great wig.


We picked up a wig in MN but honestly I don't like how it looks on me. Every wig I tried on my husband and I just laughed. It looked like some bushy-tailed animal croaked on top of my head. Then I cried when I realized that I wasn't going to walk out of there with a beautiful wig. I got over it and picked the best one even if I didn't like it. It looks better on my husband!!!! The kids are getting a big kick out of it! Today I am getting in to the local wig salon to see if they can get me a better looking wig that I will feel comfortable wearing.


I'll make a new post for my latest news.


I love you guys. And yes, I would love a beautiful hat homemade from my hive friend Momtojjka. :grouphug:

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