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You know you have a book lover when....(fill in the blank)

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Mine goes like this....


You know you have a book lover when you surprise your kids with the rest of the week off school for Thanksgiving and your child yells "YES! Now I can read ALL DAY!" :001_smile:


My oldest son has been reading now for almost 4 straight hours, only taking one 30 minute break when I asked him to play with his little brother.

Edited by MyBlueLobsters
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You know you have a book lover when your child complains about only being allowed to bring 10 books on vacation.


You know you have a book lover when your child's librarian asks your child what books she should buy next for the library.


You know you have a book lover when your child tries to walk around Costco with a book in her face.

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When you can use, "If you don't stop that I'll only read you one book instead of three" as a viable threat for good behavior at bathtime. I really hated to use that one, and don't pull it out often, but it does seem to curb the soaking of the bathroom, hysterical hair-combing drama stuff. And it shortens the getting to bed routine, unlike time out or spankings or such.

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From a few days ago...


Me: Son, why is there pee-pee all over the floor in the bathroom? Did you forget to aim?


DS: The book was so good, I didn't want to put it down.


Me: Rrrrrr.


(And a million other reasons, too. If I've done nothing else, I've raised my DC to love reading.)



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When your dh starts checking the house for structural integrity every time you go to the bookstore, a garage sale, or a box comes from Amazon.


When you have to move books off the couch to sit down.


When you have to yell at your kids to turn off the lights or else ... and that means the flashlight under the covers.


When you have to learn whether that wiggling child is just reading an exciting part or really needs to go to the bathroom (because he is so engaged, that he is no longer heeding bodily signals.)


When everyone in the house fights over the Anderson's Bookshop 20% off coupon and sale flyer.


When nary a birthday or Christmas go by without a book on the wish list.


You know YOU are a book lover ... when you forget you have children because a great, engrossing novel came out.

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You know you have a book lover when your child tries to walk around Costco with a book in her face.




You know when you have a book lover when your child is rarely seen without a book under his arm. When going on field trips. When going out to dinner. When going over to a friend's house to play. When running errands...

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From a few days ago...


Me: Son, why is there pee-pee all over the floor in the bathroom? Did you forget to aim?


DS: The book was so good, I didn't want to put it down.


Me: Rrrrrr.


(And a million other reasons, too. If I've done nothing else, I've raised my DC to love reading.)


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He will only wear cargo pants because he must have room for a book. (dh)


She celebrates her 16th birthday by eating at Olive Garden then wandering Barnes & Noble for 4 hours with her best friend. (me)


She rummages through her sister's room to "adopt" all the neglected and abandoned books that are shoved in drawers, in the closet, and under the bed. (I still have them 16 years later, though I've promised to give them back if she ever wants them.)

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I am a book lover! Always have been.. :)


-I would read books in my spare time instead of doing anything else.

-I take a book pretty much everywhere.

-When I was a kid, I would fill a library bag with books and bring them all home, read them, and get just as many the next time.

-I once finished thirty books in a month. The shortest one was 100 pages..most were about 300. I think I was 12 or so.

-I calculated once that I'd read over a thousand books in my lifetime..easily. This was a couple of years ago.

-The library clerks at the library I grew up at until about age 14 *still* remember my family's name, and we haven't gone there regularly since I was about 14!

-I've lost track of time because I was reading.

-I've read books cover to cover in one sitting several times...and these were not always short sittings. A couple involved doing nothing but reading for about 10 hours. A couple of these were also Harry Potter books.

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when you tell your dd to put the book down and she is NOT to pick it up again unless she asks first because:


you've forgotten what her voice sounds like...


what her face looks like...


she has not been doing her share of the chores... for days...

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When your dd talks of her dream bedroom/house, it's basically a library with wall to wall bookshelves and a bed.


When your dd wants to be a librarian, and volunteers at the library because it's fun.


When going to the library 2X a week isn't enough.


I was this child! I've spent the past three and a half years working at my college library and I still might consider getting my Master's in Library Science. :) I have a friend a year older than me who's doing that right now.

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You know you have a book lover when your child tries to walk around Costco with a book in her face.


We've mastered the technique if you'd like to give her some pointers. Of course, you have to be willing to play your part.


To navigate through shopping trips if a cart is available:

We get a cart, whether we need one or not. I pull, rather than push, the cart while she walks at the handle. She keeps one hand on the handle, keeping her body close, and reads while I lead with the cart. This won't work if she gets lazy and leans on the cart -- adding weight (i.e. WORK!) to the arrangement. This is her preferred method.


For walking or shopping if a cart is not available:

I steer by placing my hand on the back of her neck. She reads and walks and I steer. This requires trust, which we have plenty of, but wouldn't work if she thought you might bump her into something. I think this is my preferred method.

As you can see, we take our reading pretty seriously.

Edited by MomOfOneFunOne
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I was the book lover! When I was a child and had misbehaved and had to be sent to my room in the evening, my DM had to come up and take my lightbulb too or I would just settle in and enjoy the evening reading. To this very day I blame some of my poor eyesight on those evenings spent under the covers with a pitiful little flashlight shaped like a ladybug, reading into the wee hours.

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