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Things you don't do, even if it is for the kids

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I don't put our family in debt. This isn't snarky - I'm facing this decision right now on kid activities that they love and are good at. But - even for the kids, I won't put the family in debt.


Oh that's another for us too.


Neither of us will camp or do debt.


(it's rather annoying how many people just assume my dh will do it. He is more against camping than I am.)

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Play in very cold ocean water... nope... not happening...


Water ski or wake boards... too risky for me to get hurt... I will knee board, though and love it, but no tricks...


I think that's about it... that I can think of...

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Camping or participate in any outdoor activities really. I will go to the zoo if it is not too hot or too cold but that is about it. No fairs, festivals, oceans, lakes, hiking, biking, etc. If they ask me to do something outside, I pretty much tell them I am allergic and if for any reason I do have to go outside my response is generally, "Ewww, I have the outdoors all over me!"

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Hm. I honestly can't think of anything right now.


But about the camping thing- we go- and get cabins. No sleeping in tents or on the ground or on an air mattress or anything like that. We rent camping abins- with heat, air conditioning, electricity and so on lol.


Then we get to enjoy the campground and its amenities and facilities, we get to experience cooking out and roasting marshmallows and sleeping away from home and all of that- but with minimal discomfort. :D

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This area is INSANE for soccer. I will not do any activity that requires us to give up every aftenoon for practice and every Saturday morning for a GAME. That just isn't ever going to happen.


Actually, when I think about it, most sports. I don't ever want to be in the middle of a good book with the kids and have to go to practice.


We have 10 acres. If you need to burn off energy, go run outside. :D


And the crazy fairs/festivals with rides that pop up frequently in the summer. They used to be fun - when I was a kid but now it's incredibly expensive, the food is disgusting, and I'm skeptical that the people I've seen working at the fair are actually capable of putting those rides togther every place they go.

Edited by Jennifer3141
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We've decided that amusement parks are a waste of time and money for us so we don't do them anymore. Dh and I only ride the tame roller coasters and it's SUCH a huge hassle to find a ride that everyone can ride and we have to take turns and the food is expensive and....blaaaaaah. Hate those places. LOL

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I just can't bring myself to get a dog or cat.


I just. Well. I just don't want one, ok? I just don't. We have a snail habitat with four snails, and we have a beta in a bowl. WHY is that not good enough?!


I just don't like dogs and cats. They're dirty, they smell, there's all the hair, they cost a lot, they're a lot of work. I just don't want one.


There. I said it. Even for the kids, I won't get a dog or cat.


(No offense to anyone who loves dogs/cats. Really. To each his own. But they're not for me.)

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I can't think of anything right off that we haven't done. She is interested in the new gymnastics school that opened in town, but I told her no. She has 3 dance classes, karate, Little Flowers, Sunday school and alter serving. That really is enough for any one child.

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Camping or participate in any outdoor activities really. I will go to the zoo if it is not too hot or too cold but that is about it. No fairs, festivals, oceans, lakes, hiking, biking, etc. If they ask me to do something outside, I pretty much tell them I am allergic and if for any reason I do have to go outside my response is generally, "Ewww, I have the outdoors all over me!"

Ha ha, I see you live in Tennessee where it is unbearably hot and humid to be outside in the Summer. When we lived in Alabama I could not stand being outside in the hot, humid weather. Oh, and the bugs. Not everyone has bugs like you do in the south. We have bugs here in the NW but they are not near as creepy or numerous as your bugs. :lol:

I love being outdoors here in the NW. But in Alabama with the humidity and heat and bugs, not so much. :tongue_smilie:

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Camping or participate in any outdoor activities really. I will go to the zoo if it is not too hot or too cold but that is about it. No fairs, festivals, oceans, lakes, hiking, biking, etc. If they ask me to do something outside, I pretty much tell them I am allergic and if for any reason I do have to go outside my response is generally, "Ewww, I have the outdoors all over me!"



:lol: Thank goodness I'm not the only one!


I also have to agree on the "won't get a dog or cat" - sorry, I'm severely allergic to both and just plain don't like dogs. Yet weekly Becca begs for a pet. :glare:

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I will not listen to children's music. Even for the girls. :tongue_smilie:



:lol: I have been called a bad mamma (by relatives) for this too, but I stand tall and proud in my meanness! What my kids don't know about music and movies I hate, will not hurt me (or them :tongue_smilie:) As I said to these annoying relatives, there are plenty of options we all like, so there's no need to spend time or money on things I hate, particularly when the kids aren't even old enough to ask for them!




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LOL! I do not like county fairs (or fairs of any kind, pretty much), either!! All of those stinky animals and rickety (in my imagination) rides do not make a day of fun for me! lol I'm a city girl, what can I say.

Well, for me it's not the stinky animals (see my sig line! :tongue_smilie:).

It's not even the rickety rides!

It's the people...I'm sorry...I wouldn't ordinarily rate people in terms of "classes", *other than at the fair!* Between the half-dressed girls :svengo:, the tattooed, pierced guys wearing shirts offering "moustache rides" :ack2:, the roving gangs of small but scary-looking Asian or Latino thugs :leaving:, and the sleazy midway hawkers offering lewd comments and expressions :blink:, I just can't stand to be there, *especially* with my kids. :glare:

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I won't cook meat. I was raised vegetarian, and only prepare vegetarian foods at home. My inlaws are omnivores (farmers, too) and feel a vegetarian diet is unhealthy so they're always shoving meat at my kids. Both kids showed an interest at age 4-5, and I allow them to indulge that curiosity while at my inlaws or at friends' homes but I absolutely refuse to buy, prepare, or permit meat foods in my home. It was a point of contention with my MIL when she visited, because she likes to cook her foods for my kids. I don't mind her taking over the kitchen, but I won't be flexible about the food she cooks in my kitchen (or with my equipment).


I hate camping, so my brother or my parents take the kids. I'm fortuate to come from a large and close-knit family so for every activity I dread there is always an aunt, uncle, grandparent or cousin willing to step in!


I also dislike holiday craziness, whereas my brother's wife is gaga about it. She has the house where it looks like every holiday has vomited all over the interior and yard. She makes sure my kids get a little holiday fix, whether it's a holiday tee-shirt or bathroom handtowel, or going to a neighborhood event (looking at Christmas lights, etc.) I refuse to participate in any of that, aside from my best friend's annual cookie exchange over Christmas. And I only go to that for the cookies, I don't participate in the ornament exchange or wear holiday garb LOL. Signed, Grinch



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I also dislike holiday craziness, whereas my brother's wife is gaga about it. She has the house where it looks like every holiday has vomited all over the interior and yard.



:lol: holiday vomit! I love it! (And such an accurate description!!) I will not decorate my yard with anything more than one strand of white twinkle lights. I will not EVER put colored lights on my tree no matter how many times the kids beg for the oh so beautiful lights. Nope not happening!!!!


I will not let my kids stay at my moms house. I don't trust her with anything that needs to be fed let alone with one my children. THis breaks her poor heart and I say oh well! :) I play nice on every other account and am generally the peacemaker but I wont budge on that one.....not even for the kids.

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I will not play video games. I hated them way back when it was Space Invaders and Pac-man, and I still hate them. I'll watch the kids play them (with half an eye), but I will not play so stop asking me! ;)


I also will not watch stupid movies. Life is too short.

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I *hate* playing dolls/babies with my dd...hate.it. Camping is ok. My dh really likes it and I know many ppl that go multiple times in the summer, but I really don't get it. You spend all this time/effort packing up your stuff to sleep in a tent/camper and cook your food on a grill and just sit around the fire. Then, you have to pack up everything, go home and unpack, put away, and wash everything? Sorry, too much effort for the lack of fun. Don't tell my dh I feel that way though lol.

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I couldn't think of any until I scrolled through. I saw these, which apply to us too:


I don't play video games, we don't go to amusement parks, we don't do most sports (team sports), we don't go to the state fair.


But, it's funny what we'll do vs not do, because some people would wonder what the difference is.


I don't play video games with them because I've just never liked them, and they can have fun doing that by themselves. We have family game night with board games or card games though.


We don't do amusement parks because we don't consider it worth the investment. They are SO expensive, between admission and food, and then I have a 16, 10, 8, and 6 yr old, and soon to be infant. We can't even find rides everyone can go on with that age spread. My 16 yo goes by himself with friends, and my other kids can just go by themselves when they're older too.


The state fair is along those same lines, and it's always horribly crowded (TX state fair), and there are smokers everywhere you turn. The one year we tried it, I said never again. Once again, that's something they can go do on their own as teens.


But we go to the rennaisance festival every year. It's not so crowded, there are fun events besides rides; the historical, educational, and opportunities for imagination are far more abundant than at amusement parks or at the state fair.


My eldest was in soccer for awhile. Ugh on so many weekdays and weekends taken up by practices and games. And he just didn't enjoy it. We're just not big sports people and don't find it worth it. My kids seem to enjoy athletic things that are more individual- like gymnastics and swimming, or they'd rather take art and music classes.


But Chuck E Cheese doesn't bother me. We go on a weekday evening when it's empty, every once in awhile. And we have a zoo membership and go all the time. We also go to the water park in the summer a lot, but I guess because it's so hot here and we're limited in the summer, it seems worth it to me. And it's less expensive than the amusement park- we can pack a cooler and only pay for admission.

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Malls or any kind of recreational shopping (not that they've asked yet)

Cats (but I see a dog in my future)

TV or Wii. No thanks.

I'm not big on theme parks or amusement parks, but on those I won't say never.

A museum of any sort on a rainy Saturday.

I wish I could say no to soccer but I don't. And my kids aren't even at all good at at. Like their mother, they have no ball instincts but can do anything in a straight line (swim, run, etc.) for hours.

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Oh my gosh I feel like such a shrew nodding in agreement over so much!


Fair- nope. It's always around my birthday and there's never funds for the rides, so basically I'm supposed to pay a blooming fortune to smell animals, smoke and walk around looking at stuff for sell? Um I'll pass thank you.


Amusement parks I love, but my back no longer permits me to fully enjoy being yanked about at high speeds anymore. Dh takes all the kids over 42" who agree to ride all except no more than 2 rides. They have had great fun the last two times he went.


Team sports and scouts, which also hits the no camping issue. I refuse to give up Sundays for anyone but God. Extracurriculars for kids under age 10 in general is an automatic no go here. I'm willing to drive all over town four days a week and stay up late with my teens. Littles though need more unorganized play time and home time and sleep time, IMO.


I just hate being constantly on the go. It's not the going that bothers me. It's the CONSTANT factor. So I minimize by insisting one clear day a week and focusing on the higher needs of my olders.

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I don't put our family in debt. This isn't snarky - I'm facing this decision right now on kid activities that they love and are good at. But - even for the kids, I won't put the family in debt.


Quite a few activities/purchases fall under this category for us. Our children have all wanted to do different things - some quite expensive - and we've said no because it would have put us in debt.


I'm sure there are a few things they wanted to do, and we (the parents' haven't (not due to money). I just can't think of one right now. Hmmm.... My second oldest wanted to paint her room black, and we said NO.

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I won't get a dog, and I'll avoid outdoorsy activities as much as possible. Fortunately, I have a kid who adores cats and once said, shuddering and in all seriousness, "I think I just touched... nature" (while frantically wiping his hand on his pants).


If Charlotte Mason were alive, she'd probably slap me. :)

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I guess anything adventurous or terribly uncomfortable. That would include camping (unless in a camper trailer with full amenities), any type of sport whatsoever, canoeing/kayaking, water skiing, skiing/sledding, roller-coaster rides, that sort of thing. I just don't *do* adventure. I guess I don't really *do* outdoors much in general, unless it is for a pleasant walk or other benign activity (watching the kids play at the park or play sports, garage sales, sight seeing).


Lucky for my dc, dh is "Mr. Adventure", and will do any and all of the above with them. Even my dear parents will kayak, hunt, fish, hike, swim and sled with them, so I'm off the hook :tongue_smilie:. I sit home, keep food on the table, and enjoy the peace and quiet time with a good book and/or the internet ;).

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I don't ski. I see no need to go down a mountain that fast or be outside when it is that cold. However, I did go on a three hour kayak tour this past summer, which I never thought I would do. So maybe there is hope for skiing, yet. (Especially since my uncle lives in Telluride:D)

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:lol: I must be really weird because ....


I LOVE camping and really anything outdoors.

I think Chuck E Cheese is pretty fun.

I can't wait till my kids are old enough for amusement parks.

I am total addict when it comes to video games.

Kid music doesn't bother me too much - I'll even sing along.

And glitter is too cool not to use.


Guess I'm just a kid at heart. ;)

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