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My avatar is me. Don't I look delicious? :D


I'm usually the one holding the camera, so there aren't many pictures of me floating around. This one was taken in August of this year. That's my husband with the cheesy smile.




There are a few others on my blog, but they're few and far between. :)

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well, actually, I don't know if it's just me, or my kids and me. That's sad. Anyway, this is my kids and me on Thanksgiving Day, '09. I haven't changed much (well, I probably have more gray, but I color it anyway!!) (Don't mind my hair in the pic anyway; the wind was blowing it in all directions!!)


ETA: Sorry this came out so large - I reduced it WAY down, and thought it would help. Apparently not.

ETA (again) that clearly my avatar is just me. ;-p



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This is me. And one of my dogs, Ruby (who loves me very much).


Disclaimer: This is me first thing in the a.m. without hair done and make up done. And the dog definitely needed some grooming herself.


I chose this picture because this is me in the midst of a very tough year (emphasis on very tough). That morning I was just mulling over the day ahead and actually feeling quite down. Then the dog jumped into my lap with such love and it made me realize how much I have to be thankful for (in addition to the dog :) )


Maybe one day I'll post one with my eyes open.





Dogs are awesome!! This is the most precious photo. They just know, don't they.

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well, actually, I don't know if it's just me, or my kids and me. That's sad. Anyway, this is my kids and me on Thanksgiving Day, '09. I haven't changed much (well, I probably have more gray, but I color it anyway!!) (Don't mind my hair in the pic anyway; the wind was blowing it in all directions!!)


ETA: Sorry this came out so large - I reduced it WAY down, and thought it would help. Apparently not.

ETA (again) that clearly my avatar is just me. ;-p



What a great picture of you and your kids! Great looking group!

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I swear you look about 25, Dawn. Amazing! Who knew the homeschool moms were such a bunch of hotties?!


:iagree: I have always thought she looked amazingly young and lovely.


Trust me, it's the lighting. I definitely look my age (38). :lol:


Dawn in VA, I love your hair!!!



Thanks so much!

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You know, for some reason, you look exactly like I expected you to look! I don't know why that is--you must have described yourself once or something and maybe it stuck in my head.


Tara, you look just like I imagined you (and yes, that's a good thing:))


Tara' date=' you have my next haircut. I AM SO ENVIOUS!!



Thanks, y'all! It's nice to know that my personality fairly represents my looks. Or maybe my looks fairly represent my personality? ;) And my hair is LONG right now. For the past six months it's been shaved. Too cold for winter though!!



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well, actually, I don't know if it's just me, or my kids and me. That's sad. Anyway, this is my kids and me on Thanksgiving Day, '09. I haven't changed much (well, I probably have more gray, but I color it anyway!!) (Don't mind my hair in the pic anyway; the wind was blowing it in all directions!!)


ETA: Sorry this came out so large - I reduced it WAY down, and thought it would help. Apparently not.

ETA (again) that clearly my avatar is just me. ;-p




What a beautiful family!!!!

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I LOVE these threads. It's so awesome putting names with faces!


Here I am with my kids this past Friday... (sorry it's big, it was this size on my blog and I'm too lazy to resize it! lol)



You and your kids are beautiful. I think I would trade my house for that baby. I LOVE those teeny, tiny ones.

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Some of y'all are REALLY young looking, especially for the age of your children!


For some of y'all my age and older, how are you keeping it from happening? I've noticed considerable aging in the last two years. Soon I'm going to look old enough to have a 15 and 18yr old (or maybe I already do....shhhh). I would like to put it off though.


Any ideas?

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Some of y'all are REALLY young looking, especially for the age of your children!


For some of y'all my age and older, how are you keeping it from happening? I've noticed considerable aging in the last two years. Soon I'm going to look old enough to have a 15 and 18yr old (or maybe I already do....shhhh). I would like to put it off though.


Any ideas?


keep the stress away, or learn how to deal well with it. I've aged a ton in the past several years.

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There were several comments here about my pic looking like Sarah Palin, which I hear often, even from strangers, when I pull my hair up.


Although I've never heard the Amanda Peet or Susan St. James resemblance before, I can see it.


Pamela, you asked how to stay young looking. I think it has a lot to do with genes. My parents have always looked terrific and young for their ages. I'm living proof that it has nothing to do with diet or exercise, haha.


No one ever guesses me anywhere close to my age, which is 47.

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Pamela, you asked how to stay young looking. I think it has a lot to do with genes. My parents have always looked terrific and young for their ages. I'm living proof that it has nothing to do with diet or exercise, haha.





I have been mistaken for a teen most of my adult life, although I've apparently made it up to mid 20's now. My gray is filling in like crazy though, so I won't be able to keep up that illusion much longer. But I have done nothing to keep looking young...in fact I've probably done much to make the opposite true. My grandmother looked younger than her age most of her life too, in spite of being a heavy smoker.

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I think I have the gene part which will definitely help. I just can see around my eyes, especially with the weight loss. And people don't guess quite as young anymore. Which is good as I don't need to look like a teenager, by any stretch. I just noticed that my mom aged a good bit at two key periods (one being just under 30 and the other closer to 50) and would like to not do so too much (well, I can't do much about 30 since it passed years ago and what is done now is done, but you know what I mean).


But my life has been WAY stressful from the moment we found out about the stupid layoff which has turned our lives upside down. And these health issues haven't helped, of course. But maybe now life will calm down for awhile. This job, though temporary, is going well for hubby so we're staying put. The people here are nice. This doctor is a miracle worker! I've decided to take an extra term so I don't stress about getting the rest of my degree. So maybe I'll quit aging for awhile :)

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When I was in school, everyone always thought I was MUCH younger, and it was raelly embarrassing for me. People always told me I would appreciate it when I got older, and they were right! So now I look really young, people think I am a teenage mom, except my oldest is almost 11. :-) I think it is all genetic, as I live with plenty of stress. So, I guess I am just now finally getting to appreciate looking young.

My kids now get the same treatment I got when I was young....my almost 11 year old looks about 8, my 8 year old is often asked if she is in K or 1st grade. Oh well! I guess they'll appreciate it one day!

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It was funny one day. There was a knock on the door. It was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. My ds was just a tiny tyke at the time, like 18months and came to the door with me. The woman asked for my mom. I told her I was a mom and she couldn't hide her surprise and mentioned how young I looked. Then my daughter, who was 4, I guess, came over to see who mama was talking to. I was sure the woman would fall over! "She's yours too?" "Yes ma'am" :) So hubby, being the silly guy he is came up behind me, put his arm around my shoulders and said, "hey mama..." We all laughed. (Note: I surprised her even more when she came back six months later and I had 3 more littles!)


I was a real baby face. I think I did gain some age with gaining the weight. I wonder if I will lose or gain years by losing weight. Guess I'll have to keep losing to find out :D

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I have always looked extremely young and it was the bane of my youth. When I was 25 and pregnant with my first dd people would constantly walk by and shake their heads sometimes muttering what a shame because they thought I was a pregnant teenager:glare:. It was so frustrating I thought of getting a t-shirt made stating that I was in fact 25, married and old enough to be a parent. It's definitely genes because I look like my mother and she went through the exact same thing.

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Some of y'all are REALLY young looking, especially for the age of your children!


For some of y'all my age and older, how are you keeping it from happening? I've noticed considerable aging in the last two years. Soon I'm going to look old enough to have a 15 and 18yr old (or maybe I already do....shhhh). I would like to put it off though.


Any ideas?


Luck. I think karma is trying to make up for the sorry state of my health.

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My avatar is me and my youngest son, taken at Disney's Animal Kingdom about 3.5 years ago. I haven't changed much. The layers in my hair and my bangs have grown out, but I usually pull it back like in the avatar picture anyway.

Here's a more recent one of me with my dh and kids when we took a trip to DC for our oldests 10th birthday in 2009.


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