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S/O How many books are you reading right now?

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I usually have 2-3 going--one or two on hs or gardening or farming I read in the evenings before actually going to bed, and one bedtime book. Right now I'm reading "Five Acres and Independence" and another book about sustainable agriculture. I'm also reading "Hold onto your kids." As for dd, we usually read them each 3-5 books a day (picture books or chapters out of longer ones.)

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Let's see...


I'm re-reading one book. I'm slowly making my way through House of Intellect. I'm proceeding more quickly through Drive and Gender Outlaws. I'm also in the middle of a couple of books on my Kindle app.


Dh does the longer read-alouds with the kids most of the time. I read ds 2-5 books a day, depending on the length of each.

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I'm not sure you really want to know, LOL. I have a big stack this week for history, plus I'm finishing up:


Gulliver's Travels (about to book three)....

Treasure Island

Pocahontas (Bruchac)

a James Houston Arctic legend

The Samurai's Tale



...beginning Birchbark House this week....


We're listening to The Crucible this week....


Maybe that's all....


Oh, I'm still slugging through Napoleon's Buttons just for me....

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Read-alouds for the dc:


The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen


Reading for myself:

The Girl Who Played with Fire (will probably finish it tonight); when that one is finished, I'll be starting two more:

Frankenstein (for my book club)

The Monsters: Mary Shelley & the Curse of Frankenstein


Typically, I work on one to two read-alouds for the dc at a time & from one to three books for myself.

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Guest weavingmomma

Reading aloud with my ds6:

The Magic Tree House Series

Happy Birthday Mrs. Piggle Wiggle


Reading myself:

The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin

Whence Came a Prince by Liz Curtis Higgs

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Right now:


School related:

Johnny Tremain as read-aloud for Sonlight

Courage of Sarah Noble for MFW Adventures

Knowing & Teaching Elementary Mathematics



Girls in Trucks - Don't remember who recommended this book to me, but it's just awful. Think I'll just toss it.

Life As We Knew It - Another recommendation. Just started.

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For me: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


For dc: The Golden Goblet, Tales of Ancient Egypt


Failing to read: Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt (got too far behind, gave up), Mara Daughter of the Nile (I was going to add this in to our Egypt studies, but haven't), Shadow Hawk (dd is reading it and not liking it. I was going to read it too so we could discuss it, but don't think I'll get to it. Should have gone with Mara.), The Great Typo Hunt (had it from the library, read a couple of chapters, couldn't get into it).

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Our read alouds:


Little Town on the Prairie (Every other day)


Return of the Indian (Every Day)


The Adventures of Poor Mrs. Quack (Every other day)


Wisdom and the Miller's (Every day)


We also add in whatever we're supposed to for history-last week it was Christopher Columbus books.


I just finished An Almost Perfect Moment, by Binnie Kirshenbaum, and am starting Fear of Fifty, by Erica Jong. (And no, I am not anywhere near that number-it just spoke to me:D) I'm on a selfish reading kick. All for entertainment, right now.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

For me: Reading through The Guardians of Ga' Hoole series (currently on book 4), re-reading TWTM, and Monk Habits for Everyday People


With the dc: Life in the Great Ice Age, Reddy Fox, Uncle Wiggly's Story Book, School Days with the Millers, and :blushing: Diary of a Wimpy Kid (slightly edited for 6yo)

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With both dc at bedtime: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

With dd for school: Stowaway

With ds for fun: Ramona Quimby, Age 8


For myself:

The Falls by Rankin

The Family Kitchen Garden

catching up on the stack of National Geographics on my bedside table

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I'm reading White Fang and Heroes of America: George Washington to my son. I just finished Blind Eye, the first book on a serial killer I've read since Helter Skelter about 35 years ago (someone at work loaned it to me), I'm re-reading An Irreverent and Thoroughly Incomplete Social History of Almost Everything at night for fun, and Arithmetic for Parents from the Singapore Math store website. It is obviously translated, but worthwhile nonetheless.

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A Pound of Paper by John Baxter, which is marvelous fun.


And Margery Kempe, which isn't.



I'm still reading picture books to the kids, so they all get finished in one sitting. Dd seems ready to move to longer read alouds if they are adequately illustrated though. I haven't anything suitable so I shall have to ask at the library on Saturday.



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Seeing all the titles you moms are reading to your younger kids brings back many fond memories.


I'm reading 2 non-fiction and 2 fiction books right now:

Zoo Story: Life in the Garden of Captives

Blue Latitudes: Boldly Going where Captain Cook has Gone Before

Hero of the Ages

Watership Down (listening on audio -- it is a re-read as I read this aloud a few years ago)


For school I'm re-reading To Kill a Mockingbird so I can discuss it with my 15yo.


School reading is quite a different beast in high school! I recently read Moby Dick, for instance. I kind of miss those Indian in the Cupboard or Golden Goblet days. And I really miss those afternoons with stacks of picture books. *sigh*

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I'm with JennW, nostalgic for the days of children's stories. It's just too hot here in southern California for what we're currently reading.


Reading to dd, aged 14: The Disappearing Spoon (history of chemistry); The Glamour of Grammar (self-explanatory -- or maybe not); Packing For Mars (the science of dealing with the human body in space)


Reading to myself: Through the Language Glass (how and to what point our native language affects the way we think); Thud (Terry Pratchett fantasy/satire)

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Late last night I finished reading "Cleopatra's Daughter" by Michelle Moran (historical fiction).


Tonight I'll probably start reading "Fly Away Home" by Jennifer Weiner.


My 10 y/o and I are STILL reading "On The Banks Of Plum Creek" aloud together (we take turns reading it aloud, and it's taking us forever to get through because we keep stopping to read other books).


We're on the last couple of stories in "Tales Of Ancient Egypt" (SOTW1) which I usually read aloud to her.


For school, she's reading "...If You Sailed On The Mayflower In 1620" aloud to me, and "Pocahontas And The Strangers" to herself.

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1 - Piper

2 - Gurganus

3 - Bible

4 - De Moss

5 - Michener

6 - Schafer


So, six, I think. They are just in different places in my house and one one my iPhone, I read a chapter here and there as I get a chance or as required by school.


I really dislike having more than 2 books going at once, so I am working on tying up some of these loose ends. I don't think I get the biggest bang for my buck when I try to take in too much at the same time. Just don't have as much free reading time as I used to...:glare:

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I'm listening to The Cat Who Read Backwards as an audiobook. I'm reading Mrs Piggle-Wiggle as a read aloud and the Children's Catholic Illustrated Bible. For my personal fun reading I'm reading Home Comforts and just starting His Majesties Dragon.

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Read a loud: The Swiss Family Robinson


Myself: Les Miserables(trying to keep ahead of my TOG Rhetoric student), The Excellent Wife and A Patriot's History of the US. I finished Sir Gawain and the Green Knight on Sunday, which is a book I was determined to read after floundering with it a bit last year.

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  • 1 month later...


Deconstructing Penguins: Parents, Kids and the Bond of Reading

Time Traveler's Guide to Medieval England

Asperger's in Pink: Empowering Females with Asperger's Syndrome



Rascal by Sterling North. I'd forgotten that this is an amazing book.


Reading with ds9:



Reading with ds7:

Ramona Quimby, Age 8

What Your Second-Grader Needs to Know


Reading with ds5:

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle

What Your Kindergartener Needs to Know



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My strong preference is to read one chapter book for the boys and one book I'm reading myself. Well, I go through books quickly myself but one at a time. I'm fine reading other books to them outside of chapter books but I do not enjoy reading multiple "multi-day" books at once. My boys and husband though seem to like having lots of books going at once. The boys generally get their other chapter books from audio books or their father though.


Right now we are reading a Burgess book together and they are listening to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and the Chronicles of Narnia using audio books. They've got one going on the computer and the other on the kitchen CD player. My husband is reading them some book in the evening as well that has something to do with lives of saints I think. My husband is also reading at least 4-5 books at a time on his own. I try to tune it all out! I really don't "get" enjoying multiple books at once but clearly some people prefer it!

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At the moment I've got three books on the go for me plus a pile of books I've started and temporarily put aside, plus a couple I'm reading to the kidlets, and a couple they're reading to me. I enjoy reading several books concurrently, but I try to do serial monogamy with the kids' read alouds.

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Where the Sidewalk Ends (poetry read-aloud)

American Tall Tales (read-aloud)

Earth's Biomes (our dorky read-aloud - don't hold it against us)


we just finished Pigling (a Korean fairy tale) and Apple and the Arrow.


I think our next read-aloud will be Farmer Boy.


I'm reading (myself) The Underground History of American Education (Gatto). But, what I really wanna read is The Cost of Discipleship (Bonhoeffer). :auto:

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I'm reading "Meridon" to myself (it's the third and last in the "Wideacre" series by Philippa Gregory- "Wideacre" was the first book she ever wrote).


I'm reading "Johnny Tremain" aloud with my 10 y/o.


And I have "Deconstructing Penguins" started but haven't touched it in a while (in fact I forgot I had it and only found it on the floor behind my night table while searching for something else yesterday heh).

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Me: Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows audio

Sh*t My Dad Says, Justin Halpern

Susan Wise Bauer, History of the Ancient World


All together: The Silver Chair with Family Guide to Narnia devotions


4th grader read alouds: The Golden Goblet

A Picturesque Tale of Progress, Conquests I

History of US: Age of Extremes with Truthquest

free reading, assorted mythology books and The Lightning Thief (again)

Audio, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince


9th Grade: Homer's Odyssey (primary reading Omnibus)

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (secondary reading Omnibus)

free reading , The Secrets of the Immortal Nicolas Flamel, Michael Scott (these were awesome btw)

Audio, Swiss Family Robinson

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I missed this the first time around so I will play now. :001_smile:


Read alouds:

with 7 yr. old-- The Twits

with 9 yr. old-- Princess and the Goblin

with 11 yr. old-- The Hobbit

with family-- The Black Cauldron and The Black Ships of Troy


For me:

The Once and Future King by T.H.White

Six Great Ideas by Mortimer Adler

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Love these threads! Always head to my library's website to reserve books after reading them!


For me:

The Red Queen by Philippa Gregory


With kids:

Just finished The House at Pooh Corner and getting ready to start My Father's Dragon


I am not one to read multiple books at once.

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Just finished "Pagan Christianity" and am 1/4 into "The Invisible Wall" for myself.


Also just finished re-reading, "Waiting for Odysseus" last night (both for myself and for school).


Read "Black Ships Before Troy" yesterday with the girls and read aloud the first half of "The Wanderings of Odysseus" with them this morning. Will finish it this afternoon so we can watch "The Odyssey" dvd tonight.

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W/dd 13 I'm reading:


The Screwtape Letters

The Hobbit


W/dds 8 I'm reading:


Son of Charlemagne

Happy Little Family

The Biography of a Grizzly


Me alone:


Just finished Drood by Dan Simmons.

Am now looking for a happy book to take its place.

Deconstructing Penguins

Sister Carrie - which I will see to the end

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