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S/O Husband work hrs...Can you/are you able to describe his job?

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Now, I'm curious. Do you have a course title? :D


I like it when people accept, "He's a professor" and don't press me for further details. 'Cause it *is* hard to explain! And I rarely do a good job of conveying his actual area of study and expertise, and he doesn't fit neatly into a category people are familiar with...
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I can, but the vast majority of the people out there prefer the shortened version of, "He's a Civil Engineer working mainly with [designing] water and wastewater systems or environmental issues with land."


Why would I want to go into it more in depth - other than with a prospective student who's thinking of shadowing or someone looking to work with him or become a client? I guess potential clients are those that get the in-depth version most often. He's only had one shadower - a kid that DID go on to college to do similar work.

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My husband provides IT services to small businesses. This includes troubleshooting, repairing, and doing new installs of servers, workstations, desktops, and laptops. His work is primarily with the hardware but he doesn't balk at assisting with software installs, as well. (One of his former employers lost a customer to him because they refused to help install a very expensive program that sat on the shelf gathering dust lack of such assistance.) He also provides monitoring of systems and often knows when a client is having computer problems before they do. He can often assist clients remotely and has a few loyal clients in other states. He provides similar work for individuals when asked.

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My dh's second job used to be cleaning banks -- and I don't mean cleaning out the money. LOL This was before I met him.


He also used to work at a few hardware stores and a chicken processing plant.


Yes, I'm pretty sure I could describe what dh does all day. He sorts mail into little wickets for about 2 hours. Then he takes all that mail and distributes it to a bunch of houses for about 6 hours.


His second job is even more exciting. He vacuums, cleans toilets and sinks, and removes trash from several doctors' offices.:D

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My husband is a stage manager & theatre technician. He runs theatre productions, stops actors maming themselves, buys/makes props. Organises stuff, schedules stuff, writes lists, phones people. Points lights at things and plugs them in. Does sound editing, presses buttons. Finds things people have lost. Glues things together when they are broken. paints stuff. Carries many pens around which people borrow and loose. Buys the biscuits and tea bags. Sometimes builds theatre sets. Handles health and safety stuff. Does long hours for bad pay.


I used to do this job too which is why I understand it but it bores me to tears to hear about it now.

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I can, but the vast majority of the people out there prefer the shortened version of, "He's a Civil Engineer working mainly with [designing] water and wastewater systems or environmental issues with land."


Why would I want to go into it more in depth - other than with a prospective student who's thinking of shadowing or someone looking to work with him or become a client? I guess potential clients are those that get the in-depth version most often. He's only had one shadower - a kid that DID go on to college to do similar work.


Well, I would :) I just have a deep curiousity about how people earn a living, and what their day to day life is like.


OH, and I'm not asking or pressing anyone to divulge more than they want to, far from it...I'm most interested in WHETHER you know the details and ARE ABLE to explain them...but I love the details many have volunteered...I find it interesting.


Thanks, and carry on, anyone else that wants to chime in :)

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I know A LOT about dh's job, can tell you what he does in detail. I can tell you his work meeting schedule (about 15 per week) and what each is for and who will be there (barring exceptions). I can tell you the different personalities of his coworkers/bosses to the point that I know if he has a project with one of them, what the coworker will bring to the table for strengths/weaknesses. LOL


I work in retail and he is a district manager to retail stores, so I understand his job from both his and the customer's point of view.


He moved up in his company, doing 3 different jobs before he got his promotion. He now manages people who did is former jobs, so I understand his position from the employees point of view too. I knew the details of his old positions too.


I know the acronyms he uses and what they mean.


He has said several times, that I could do his job if I ever wanted too. LOL




DH and I both work and we talk about our days often.

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How many of you are aware or can explain the DH's day-to-day business/wage or income earning activities?


Of course I can. Usually, I give people the short version:


My husband is a lighting contractor.


But I could say:


My husband is an energy efficient commercial lighting contractor, whose company, SmartWatt, won a bid with National Grid to help small businesses become more energy efficient.

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My husband is a Personnel Officer in the Marine Corps. The short version of his job description is that he oversees the staff that maintains and updates the personnel, training, and pay records for the Marines attached to the command (both staff and students of four schools) in which he serves. He's basically the Human Resources Director for the unit he's with. There's more he does, but he's uncomfortable with me giving out too much information online.

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Yep. Dh is a marketing VP/strategist for a small telecom company in Canada. Dh calls or visits his gazillion contacts in the telecom field (generally cable TV providers), encouraging them to consider buying dh's company's product in order to enhance their own product.


So he's kind of doing some sales too now, but for a long time he was just drumming up interest in a product that had yet to be built. Drove him crazy waiting. When the product was finished, he was the guy that accompanied the engineers to test sites in order to better communicate to the customer what was going on during testing. French-speaking engineers and American companies need someone to bridge those (French/English AND engineer/marketing) communication gaps.:D

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Of course I can. Usually, I give people the short version:


My husband is a lighting contractor.


But I could say:


My husband is an energy efficient commercial lighting contractor, whose company, SmartWatt, won a bid with National Grid to help small businesses become more energy efficient.

Wowza! Way to go :D

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Yes, I can. Dh is an electrical engineer with a largish multinational corporation. Since he interviewed me and trained me for a similar position, I know exactly what he does. He has designed control schemes for automatic throwover systems (the specific work I did) but now does lots of training, speaking and writing white papers. It is nice to be able to speak his language, and he often runs things by me for comment. (But I'll never go back to engineering─my heart wasn't in it.)

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Yes, I can describe his job in detail, because we used to work together and could sub for one another! (That still continues to this day, as he's my substitute teacher).


However, I won't bore you with the answer because I learned long ago that he and I are two of the few people in this world who are interested in the details! ;)

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When my now 20 year old was 5 she used to tell people that her dad "Took care of the crazy animals."


Dh is a psychologist. "No, he is not a doctor. I mean, he is a doctor, just not that kind of doctor. He just sits there and he's usless!" (one of our fav movie lines around here).

Edited by laughing lioness
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In Detail? For example:


My Husband is an engineer...


My husband designes CNC machines that mill precision aeronautical components for the commercial airline industry.




My Husband is in law enforcement...


DH is a detective in a state wide money-laundering task force targeting Mexican drug gangs.


How many of you are aware or can explain the DH's day-to-day business/wage or income earning activities? Just curious...


I know what he does, but for many reasons it's best if I speak only in generalities: my husband is a software engineer focused primarily on cyber-security.

Edited by Mama_Rana
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I know a lot of about DH job but that is also because I run his office and anything else he might need.

He is home maybe 4 days a month, extremely lucky if we can get 6 days out of that month.

Since he owns his own trucking business we can call him an owner operator instead of a truck driver :001_smile: and of course his pay is varies a lot since you aren't sure you will get a load or you might have a huge breakdown!!

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My dh owns a software development company specializing in a specific database software. He and his staff design and develop custom software applications for a variety of businesses from Pacific Gas and Electric to the New York Philharmonic to small local companies right here in our local area.

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Yes, I could describe dh's job both in general (Flash developer, specializing in online games and interactive training applications) and in detail. I could even tell you what projects he's currently working on and what the biggest hang-ups are, and what he's done lately that he's particularly proud of. Except then I'd have to invent a memory-wiping gizmo or something because there are nondisclosure agreements involved. I only get to know because dh is the boss and I am covered under the agreement as an employee of the company because I sometimes pitch in and help when there's a time crunch, even though I don't work there very much or very often. But yeah, I know what goes on at work. And he gets to hear all about school too...lol.

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My dh is a metrologist at an AFB ( not a meteorologist ) and I could tell you pretty much everything a metrologist does but I don't have a top secret security clearance like he does so I'm not privy to the details of many of the projects. I'll ask him sometimes what he did at work today and his response is, "I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you." :lol:

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Yes I can. He's an Army helicopter pilot.


According to DH he spends the day taking small cars and move it into the hanger so that the owner thinks it's stolen, putting saran wrap on the toilet seats, and many other practical jokes.


Actually he spends a lot of time in classes and a lot of prep work. He also spends about 5 hours a day studying and then continues for an hour or two almost every day when he gets home. And he spends a lot of time in the phone or with his buddies going over engine stuff. If he works 60 hours a week, he only spends about 10 of that actually flying.

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I have found this thread very interesting!


My DH is the engineering manager at a boutique hotel product for one of the major international chains. I personally think his title is kind of silly because he isn't an engineer, he fixes things, but that is apparently the term used for facilities/maintenance in the hospitality industry because it has been the same or similar at the other properties he has worked for as well. Anything in the hotel that breaks or gets messed up he, or the employees he supervises, repairs. He also is in charge of preventative maintenance on the entire property, securing contracts with outside companies for some of it. He also does the budget and ordering for the facility needs. He is on call 24/7.


Oh, and yesterday he became an exterminator. He had to kill a spider for the front desk girls. :tongue_smilie:

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My husband is a patrol officer with the county police department. He makes traffic stops (including DUI stops), answers calls, and will soon be taking the field training officer certification course to become a FTO, which is the officer who oversees new officers still in their probationary period (rookies!) and is responsible for additional on-the-job training and daily/weekly reports on the rookies' job performance.

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My husband is an enterprise architect. He models, builds, and maintains software systems at a leading L.A. production company. He is also an adjunct music professor at a local college. He teaches musical composition and advanced theory courses with an emphasis on 20th century counterpoint. In his free time :-) he runs, conducts, and composes for his own orchestra which specializes in playing music written in the 21st century.

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My husband provides IT services to small businesses. This includes troubleshooting, repairing, and doing new installs of servers, workstations, desktops, and laptops. His work is primarily with the hardware but he doesn't balk at assisting with software installs, as well. (One of his former employers lost a customer to him because they refused to help install a very expensive program that sat on the shelf gathering dust lack of such assistance.) He also provides monitoring of systems and often knows when a client is having computer problems before they do. He can often assist clients remotely and has a few loyal clients in other states. He provides similar work for individuals when asked.



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In Detail? For example:


My Husband is an engineer...


My husband designes CNC machines that mill precision aeronautical components for the commercial airline industry.




My Husband is in law enforcement...


DH is a detective in a state wide money-laundering task force targeting Mexican drug gangs.


How many of you are aware or can explain the DH's day-to-day business/wage or income earning activities? Just curious...



Since we work together day by day, and I am in his office setting up appointments and ordering materials and taking classes on the products we sell...I can comfortably say YES....I can be very specific in what my dh does for a living.


He is a licensed plumber and HVAC technician who specializes in heating and air conditioning systems; especially high efficiency ones. He is an expert troubleshooter. He also developes and designs his own ductwork and consults on many larger installations.



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My husband is a medical student. He goes to class and listens to lectures about the human body and then comes home and studies until midnight. Every day Monday-Friday. On weekends he studies for about 8 hours a day, depending on when his next test is. He usually takes an hour or 2 off at night to spend time with the family and put our older daughter to bed. I'd say he works about 80 hours a week on average. He's received straight A's so far though, so it's paying off!

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Why gee, if I try really hard and squint my eyes or scratch my head I might be able to describe dh job. Particularly since I have a law degree and specialize in the same area . Your question is dated, sexist and frankly insulting to the many very well educated persons who populate this board. If I were asked that question in any other setting you would be wearing a cocktail on your head. No kidding.

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Why gee, if I try really hard and squint my eyes or scratch my head I might be able to describe dh job. Particularly since I have a law degree and specialize in the same area . Your question is dated, sexist and frankly insulting to the many very well educated persons who populate this board. If I were asked that question in any other setting you would be wearing a cocktail on your head. No kidding.


:lol: I'm just waiting for an 'Oh dear me, he/I didn't mean that at all. You misunderstood" , or other insulting, 'You're so emotional' reply.

Edited by LibraryLover
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Why gee, if I try really hard and squint my eyes or scratch my head I might be able to describe dh job. Particularly since I have a law degree and specialize in the same area . Your question is dated, sexist and frankly insulting to the many very well educated persons who populate this board. If I were asked that question in any other setting you would be wearing a cocktail on your head. No kidding.


So, are you saying that all of us who did respond must be un-educated? I didn't find Mr. Barry Goldwater's question insulting at all and I happen to be very well educated...thank you very much. You are welcome to say that you found it insulting but please don't speak for me. No kidding.

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So where is my cupie doll prize?


So, are you saying that all of us who did respond must be un-educated? I didn't find Mr. Barry Goldwater's question insulting at all and I happen to be very well educated...thank you very much. You are welcome to say that you found it insulting but please don't speak for me. No kidding.
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Lol, it's not that I can't...its that I prefer to be vague about it!

My husband is a spiritual teacher (read guru) and therapist. I know exactly what he does, and I don't go around telling people in any detail, usually, on purpose, because then I have to go into long explanations, or I get wierd energy, and I just prefer not to. So I usually just say therapist. So, I said it.

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My dh's job comes with a top-secret security clearance and he is not allowed to share many details with me regarding his day to day work. He is a communications specialist in the military. I know that part of his job is to set up, maintain, and operate satellite dishes, various radio equipment, telephone lines, etc. Beyond that, I am not privy to the classified information that he handles.

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