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The Girl is MINE, MINE, MINE

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Well, we didn't understand a word of the entire proceeding but at the end the Judge said to us in English "the adoption decree is final. you must take care of her now."


Which of course, was kind of an abrupt way to end the proceedings but I will take it! :D


I have a daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well, we didn't understand a word of the entire proceeding but at the end the Judge said to us in English "the adoption decree is final. you must take care of her now."


Oh my! This is so wonderful. I bet those words will ring in your ears forever.

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This is so awesomely wonderful, Heather. Just think, not that long ago you were wondering if you should leave your job and travel to the other side of the world to a new, exotic place for a challenging new job. And now you have a lovely daughter. God had it all planned and you could not have even imagined it. I'm just so very, very, very happy for you. :)

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I'm am THRILLED that your Princess is officially yours now on paper. We all know she was "yours" a long time ago.


Give her hugs and kisses and "welcome to your forever homes" from all of us WTMers!




I still remember back to reading your posts out loud to my hubby and both of us crying when the grandma had said no. I was gutted for you. And then the fabulous news that she had changed her mind. SIGH.


Anyway, thrilled. I'm thrilled, I tell you!


Love each other well.

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I don't know if I posted on any of your earlier threads. . . but I just wanted to let you know that one more virtual stranger is so happy for you.


I not only have read all the threads, but stalked your blog for photos, and kept stalking the boards here for updates when you were hoping/praying/trying to add her to your family. . .


I felt your excitement, worry, devastation, and finally, elation as the process went on. . . and I am so very happy for you and your family. What a blessing you must be to your daughter. . .and how very right that she is with you. Some things are just meant to be!



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Well, we didn't understand a word of the entire proceeding but at the end the Judge said to us in English "the adoption decree is final. you must take care of her now."


Which of course, was kind of an abrupt way to end the proceedings but I will take it! :D


I have a daughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Heather I was looking at your blog to see pictures of Princess Natalie - she's gorgeous!!! You have a beautiful family! Congratulations!!!!!! :)

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