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How old were you when you had your last child?

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Guest pelsteen

Our son was born when I was 37 and our daughter when I was 40. Of course, I met my husband when he was 25 and I was 30 and married when I was 35 and he was 29. Subsequent events have made me very glad that God showed me that he, not one of the other men, was the one man I needed.

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22 - when I had my first.

26 - when I had my second and last.

I would have loved to have had another one.


DH and I will have an empty nest by the time we are 45. I'm not sure what to think about that.[/quote


I will be 45 with a empty nest. (my dh is 7 years older)


1st 23yo

2nd 27yo


The unselfish part of me wish that I would of had more kids. The very selfish part of me looks forward to travel and stuff that I didn't get to do in my 20's since I married and had children young.

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a month shy of 38

she was breech so was a c-section

she was and is perfect and beautiful

i had no problems other than swollen feet and a small scar that is right below my bikini bottoms, so you can't see it

best wishes, hth!



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I was 21 when I had my first and ummmm. I was surpised when my OB tried to schedule me for one of those BIG needle in the belly things for my last. The conversation went like this, "Why on earth would you want to stick a big needle in me!" "Well, we routinely schedule it for women over 35." "What! I'm not over 35." "Well, you were born in '68 and its 2004." "I think I'm going to just skip the needle anyway. I don't really care what year it is."

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My baby was born last year, when I was 36. It was my easiest pregnancy/delivery so far.


We haven't decided yet if we'll have more, but part of me feels like I finally know what I am doing birthing-wise, and I may as well put that knowledge and experience to good use. :D My husband says that's not a good enough reason to have another. :glare: So, we'll see...

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My baby was born last year, when I was 36. It was my easiest pregnancy/delivery so far.


We haven't decided yet if we'll have more, but part of me feels like I finally know what I am doing birthing-wise, and I may as well put that knowledge and experience to good use. :D My husband says that's not a good enough reason to have another. :glare: So, we'll see...


"Trying for a girl" is a good enough reason.... :lol:

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39 years and 2 months.


And, I agree with the PP who said some OB's will treat you like a medical miracle or in my experience like you are in dire need of swift medical attention...because you are over 35. I ignored all of that and made out fine. He is a sweet little blessing and a perfectly healthy almost 5 month old at the moment.

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37, at home, absolute breeze. I worked p/t until the end, no problems. Oldest was 10, and even changed diapers before they became smelly. He also carried her in the Bjorn whever I wasn't wearing her. Sometimes we argued about it. Child is a gem; super easy-going and easy to please.

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36 and 37 for the first 2. 41 for the last. We wanted 3 dc in 3 years since we started so late, but the 3rd dc took his own sweet time. ;)


When a friend of mine was on the fence about having a 4th, I told her I wish we were able to have 4. She did get preg again and her twins are due in the fall!:lol:

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Well, a few months ago, I would have said 26. However, we have been blessed with a "second round" surprise! So, as of November, I will have to start saying 37!


I never intended to have kids at this age, but it is "better late than never", and we were starting to realize "never" would be hitting us in the face soon enough. I know plenty of people who had their 1st kids at my age, so it isn't really that old, LOL! Since I have built-in babysitters this time around, I am hoping to enjoy this baby more in my calmer, wiser state ;).

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