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Let's share our favorite modern authors.

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For much of my reading life I have had an affinity for classics, but recently I have found some really great, well-written, thoughtful modern novels. I would love to find more. So, I thought I would share that Khaled Hosseini and Elizabeth Strout are two of my favorite current writers. Whose contemporary work could you recommend? Thanks for sharing.

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Top tier favorites:

Terry Pratchett

Kurt Vonnegut

Walter Moers

Truman Capote


Second tier:

Colum McCann

Jeffrey Eugenides

Robert Graves

Dai Sijie

Kazuo Ishiguro


Third tier:

Jasper Fforde

Ann Patchett

Isabel Allende

Jonathan Carroll

Donna Tartt

Hunter S. Thompson

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I love Sarah Dunant (I'm a history goob), Audren Niffenegger, and recently discovered Yann Martel.


Also adore JK Rowling and George R.R. Martin. :)


Last night while waiting for TBlood to begin its new season I saw...HBO is tackling George RR Martin's series. Link here

http://geeksofdoom.com/2010/06/14/hbo-unveils-trailer-image-for-george-r-r-martin-adaptation-game-of-thrones/ Maybe you already knew this but I wanted to be sure. I am aflutter, kerfluffled and a few other words that cannot be printed here.

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Haruki Murakami is a literary god- Kafka on the Shore changed my life. I also like Philip Pullman and Margaret Atwood.


Ian McEwan is great if you're in the right sort of mood.


Sorry I can't think of more. I've been reading a ton of Victorian lit lately, and my brain seems to have forgotten about most of what I've read that was published during the current or last century, lol.


Has anyone read Philip Roth? I want to, but I always end up intimidated by the size of his books.

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Margaret Atwood's books are absolutely fantastic. Her writing leaves me in awe every time.


Philippa Gregory is awesome for those who like historical fiction.


I've really been enjoying Jodi Picoult books lately...be warned however, they deal with hefty issues and are rarely light reading.

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I love Laurie R. King, too.


I think many ladies here would appreciate Carol Goodman (The Lake of Dead Languages, The Seduction of Water, Arcadia Falls...maybe the more conservative would not appreciate some of the sexual content, but the writing is very good and there are many classical goodies within, lol).


I like Ha Jin and Kazuo Ishiguro. David Lodge. Bill Bryson. Geraldine Brooks. Lisa See. Douglas Preston. Gail Godwin.


Many, many more, but several I've only read once so I hesitate to recommend. :)

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I love the Beat writers. Kerouac infected me when I was 14 and I have been trying to recover ever since. I love Thompson, The Rum Diaries is insanely beautiful (fairly new release.) I also think that Tom Perrotta is very talented (Little Children is a one of kind experience). I like Kate Christensen, The Great Man blew my mind. I also can't forget Nick Hornby! I love David Foster Wallace, he will be missed. Mary Roach, Stiff is fascinating. Mary Karr, Lit was terribly emotionally and worth the agony! Wow, I could go on and on! I love authors and all the gifts they give me!:001_smile:

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Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. My favorite modern fiction author.


A. S. Byatt I'm conflicted about. I want to like her more, yet she is a bit longwinded and pretentious.


As for authors who are modern because they wrote after 1900, I'll vote for Eleanor Farjeon.


And my favorite fantasy author is Diana Wynne Jones.

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My favorite reads in the past few years, or maybe a bit more than the past few years ...


The Kite Runner

then wait about 6 months (or else it's Afghanistan overkill) before reading his even better book

Thousand Splendid Suns - this one, by far, is amongst one of the best books I have ever read

The Help

The Five People You Meet in Heaven

Tuesdays with Morrie - pretty much any Mitch Albom book – we even got the DVDs of three of his books and really liked them - light reading, but very deep

The House of Spirits by Isabel Allende and anything else by her ... am crazy about Isabel Allende, although this one will always be my favorite

Can't Wait to Get to Heaven by Fannie Flagg ... fabulous :)

Anything by Maeve Binchy ... sweet and light, and oftentimes funny

Funny in Farsi

Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett

The Secret Life of Bees

The Book Thief

A Respectable Trade by Philippa Gregory

Most John Grisham books – more so his older ones

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

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Kurt Vonnegut

I really loved Like Water for Elephants.

Margaret Atwood

Neil Gaiman, but he is becoming almost mainstream now...I still think of him as a comic book writer. :lol:

I like A.S. Byattt a bit. I am ok with pretentious if they talk pretty. :lol:

Frank Miller

Alan Moore



ETA: What counts as contemporary?


There are a lot of books I thought were brilliant but I might not necessarily list them because I was horrified by them (Life of Pi) am too embarassed to mention them on this board AND was horrified (Chuck Palahniuk) or I found them too depressing to ever want to read them again, ever. (Angela's Ashes)


If a book makes me cry my eyes out, throw up in my mouth a little, or just makes me depressed for days I don't really list it among favorites even though it might actually be a good book.


I still shudder from Life of Pi and I read it when it was new.


"Oh look! Look at this cover! It looks like a perfectly whimsical book, how delightful!"



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The Kite Runner

then wait about 6 months (or else it's Afghanistan overkill) before reading his even better book

Thousand Splendid Suns - this one, by far, is amongst one of the best books I have ever read



:iagree:. I read A Thousand Splendid Suns first. I rarely read novels but someone told me I had to read this one- so glad I did. Powerful.

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Last year I discovered Elizabeth Goudge, who wrote in the 30's-50's. I really like her books--am currently finishing the Eliot chronicles. (It's a 3-generation family story, and I don't usually go for those. It's the only one she wrote AFAIK.) I also loved City of Bells.

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Not in any particular order:


Philippa Gregory

Jodi Picoult

JK Rowling

Stephen King

Michael Crichton

John Grisham

Laurel K. Hamilton

J.R. Ward

Diana Gabaldon

Charlaine Harris

Piers Anthony (in particular, his "Incarnations of Immortality" series. That was really interesting, even though I don't read a lot of fantasy in general)!


I'm sure there are more but those come to mind first.

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Quite a few already listed. I'll add Steve Berry and Matthew Riley. I also like John Dunning, Ted Bell and Johnathan Kellerman. (I'm not overly fond of Faye Kellerman's (Johnathan Kellerman's wife) books.)

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