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How long have you been here? (looking for 'oldies' from a few years ago)

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Pretty much from the beginning, I think. My name has changed as my life has changed, but has always been some form of "Joanne" or "Happy Homeschooler".


I was here after I read the first edition of WTM. Here when Vegsource imploded and had a mass exodus. Here for all the legendary threads, memorable trolls.


Here when I lived in AZ, back to TX, for a proposed move to FL, here when my house didn't sell and I got divorced instead.


Hm. The only time I wasn't here was my oldest son's "K" year when I did FIAR and I was on those boards. Boy, the conversations about TWTM on those boards back then were, um, passionate! So, I read TWTM to see what the hoopla was about and planted my HappilyHomeschooling bottom here ever since.

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Since Nov. 2000. I was Suzanne in CA for a long time, then I moved, and changed my "last name". :)


I took a year off, from Jan. '07 to Jan. '08 because I needed to get a handle on my time management. I thought I could come back, and just swing in now and then. But, the board change sucked me in and I'm as addicted just as addicted as I was before! But, I'm in transition, learning to "do" the higher grades, wondering about high school, lots of new territory. I need this place!

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possibly 3 - 4 years? More? Less?


I had to get a mammogram yesterday and thought it had been a good 7-10 years since my last one - at the other hospital across town. Lo and behold, the tech found an scan from 3 years ago that THEY did. I have no memory of it at all!


Also- if it was two years ago that we had to 1. replace the roof when the tree fell on it and 2. replace the van when hubby crashed it, how did we mamange to pay off the FIVE-year loan this February???


Time confuses me.


So - maybe I have been here since the beginning. I have no idea.



half a century old next June (2009).


I think.

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I found TWTM at the library on Friday in Sept '99 and found the boards immediately. Been here ever since.


At first I was Carole in MA, then we moved and I was Carole in DE. With the new boards I took a new name --- Blue Hen --- but I've been here a long time.

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I lurked for about 6 months then couldn't keep my mouth shut. :D


I was "Laura in PA" until about two years ago, maybe three. Then I changed because I couldn't remember who I was. (I had different board names at different places.) I changed so that my name was the same everywhere and I could remember who I was.

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Bought the book in 2001 and found the boards right away. Been here ever since.


I'm not a huge poster but I pipe up every once in awhile. Love this place and really feel like it's my big group of extended family. You can get an answer to almost anything.

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Been around since 2000.


I had read TWTM when my middle child was 3. Found the board and have been checking in ever since. My name has changed as I have moved around alot. I remember a couple of years ago I posted to someone who had been began homeschooling and had lots of rambling ideas about how she was going to schedule her child. I made a comment to her about taking it easy when she was first starting to teach. She had a snarky reply. Something like, "Don't get upset if I do not respond to you. I only reply to people who have been around for awhile." Anyway, I take the hits and keep plowing forward. I can remember some very dear women who gave great advice along the way. I don't see them post anymore. I hope they are still around and just lurking and will jump in to post. Too often I am hit and miss with posting. Sometimes more than others. Depends on my internet connection, what country I'm living in and if I even have anything of value to post.


This has been my place to receive support and I'm thankful to be part of this group. You guys(gals:001_smile:) are awesome!




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2003, I think. I mostly lurked for years though. I found it hard to "break into" the old boards back then. It seemed that everyone knew each other and I felt left out. I still watched the boards though because there was so much great info. Then about 6 months ago I started posting more, especially in the last month or so. I don't follow WTM anymore, but I love the advice given on this board especially. I do use some WTM concepts and occasionally I find someone using some of the same curriculum as me. We do use SOTW, though. We absolutely LOVE it!

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Fall of '04 after reading WTM & starting to hs dd then 5. I have only logged in a handful of times to ask questions and promptly forgot username & PW everytime. Occasionally looked at what was being discussed. I like the new board much better. Circumstances have me at my computer more than usual right now so I'm making use of the opportunity to brush up on my written communication skills and share/glean hs experiences. When I return to 'business as usual' I plan on routinely visiting. I'm using HST now & that will mean I'm on the comp daily during hs.

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I've been on the boards for about 8 1/2 years - it's been my best source for advice and info. on curriculum. Plus, it's where I learned about Flylady, Librarything, BackyardChickens, AllRecipes, Quiver's fabulous rolls, Draconian Homeschoolers, and countless other goodies!


I love the diversity and the passion for homeschooling that I find here from people all over the world.

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I found WTM (and the boards) when I was pregnant with my oldest ds. I started reading in the couple of months before 9/11, posting sometime that fall. I've always been Kay in Cal... which goes to show I was not feeling very original that day back in 2001. :tongue_smilie:

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I was on the boards years ago, at one time as Gail in Ohio -- I think I'd been GailV earlier, but I thought it was too like Gail in Va (sometimes I got us confused:blushing:). Then I stopped visiting for a couple of years or so because I didn't like the board format.


Now that it's vBulletin I'm back. I'm addicted to those little email subscription notices on the vBulletin boards. I have my email program open even as I type this, and am listening for the little "ding" that tells me that one of my other posts might have been answered.

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I've always had a hard time pinpointing it. I'd say since 2001 since that's when I really started using the internet much and about the same time someone introduced me to TWTM. I know I found the board not long after that, but I didn't post much for the first few months. I used to post as Jenni in KS.

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since Feb 2001 when we first started thinking about hsing. I found WTMind (note my board name :-)) then and felt like I had "come home!" Then I found you all and have been on here regularly since then....through all the trolls and name changes. I went from Mindy originally to WTMindy when there was another person posting as Mindy on the old boards.

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was when my oldest was in K and I read WTM. I'd visited the boards earlier, but only started reading them regularly the summer of 2000, before we started homeschooling in the fall.


But I pass "Kelli's Old Timer's Test": I remember the dancing microphone.

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I've been hanging around since 2000. Probably November or December.

We started homeschooling in the summer months of 2000, but I didn't find TWTM until autumn.

I was Crissy in WA until the final months of the old board when I did a little decluttering (it was all the rage back then ;)).

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I've been around and posting for about 2 years now. Before that I was at Sonlight for almost 2 years.


I found the Sonlight boards when my oldest was in PreK and we used that for preK and part of K. I liked the Sonlight books but not the schedules and science and such so I was looking for a change.


I started reading more about Charlotte Mason thinking that I would go in that direction but decided to pick up TWTM and it just clicked for us and really clicked for my dds too. I followed the book to the website and the boards.


I didn't post and lurked a little on the old general boards but I have always been active on the curriculum boards. I also own and moderate the GiftedUsingWTM yahoo group.:001_smile:

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