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How much do you spend each year (per child)?


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Anyone willing to answer that?! It got me to thinking after reading the post about the woman who spends absolutely no money and her son is doing well. Yikes, I don't have the time/patience for finding all the free internet stuff, planning lessons, etc.


So my question:


How much do you spend each year altogether and/or per child? I just have one child I am going to homeschool for the first time and I know that if you have more you can share resources, re-use books, etc. So do you find it is a lot less for your 2nd or 3rd child since you have some of the supplies?


I am estimating it is going to cost me about $550 my first year (hopefully getting some of it used!). Does that sounds about right?

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It will cost me a bit less than you for my three children. However, I don't really have much of an expense for my second and third kids for math and language arts at their ages, and all other subjects are combined. So I could understand how our costs could be similar with one child vs additional children when combining children for many subjects.

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For curriculum (workbooks, textbooks, teacher's manuals, science kits, etc.) and excluding outside classes, it might be around $600 per year for both kids. Since I re-use a lot of materials for the 2nd child, this breaks out to about $400 on the older and $200 on the younger.


The thing that gets expensive quickly for us: books for our family library. Though I could get most at the library, I like having a bunch at home...things like the color fairy books, Bethlehem books, DK books, history resources, a lot of the classics that are on the WTM lit lists. So this part could be anywhere from $400 per year to over $600, depending on the year.



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Wow, that really opened my eyes. So, for this year coming up including some of what I have already bought it will be around $720. This is not including shipping either. I think I need to rethink my history plans, they are getting too pricey...


I rethought my history and well my expenses will drop a lot. So, now I am looking at about $450-500. That sounds so much better!

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Oh mercy, was that no cost thread around here or elsewhere?? I certainly wouldn't feel guilt-tripped by that. I think when you have a lot of money you tend to find ways to spend it. ;) There are lots of great things out there, and it's wonderful to be able to buy them. There is lots you can do without or make or borrow or get from the library too. I'm glad I've been able to buy things over the years, and I know I've bought some things I didn't need, simply because I could. I wouldn't put yourself under artificial constraints. Your budget is what it is. I think I've typically spent $1K-2K a year on homeschooling, and I've never kept track. We've had tons of cost threads over the years, and you'll hear a lot with numbers like mine and a lot with numbers a lot less. I buy all my books, and we love having them around. One kid definitely is more expensive than 2 or 3 (just dividing out per child). It will get more expensive each year too.


Try to find some things used. See if your local group has a used sale each spring, ours does. Haunt the sale/swap boards. I don't think anyone should feel guilty for buying curriculum or spending money on homeschooling, mercy. Everyone's situation is different, and the energy that lady had (and time) to pull all that together for free might not fit your situation or mine. People go through stages of life with new babies, death in the family, burnout, etc. where plunking out for something uber-expensive (for them) really is WORTH IT. If you have the money to spend and want it and feel good about it, get it. You'll make some mistakes, have some successes, and you'll find the balance for yourself. :)

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I've spent about $175 on stuff for K next year, and will probably spend another $50. That's just for things like books and manipulatives, not for things that will come up during the year like swim lessons, soccer fees, or museum trip costs.


Most of those expenses weren't strictly "necessary" -- I'm sure I could have spent less -- but I'm fine with the costs as they are.

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We spent $400 for next year's purchases. We will incorporate some things we already own as well. This is for 2 children in 3rd & 1st grade. I could have done it for less of course, but we used our tax return. Plus, I feel really good about our choices & I didn't compromise on what I actually wanted. Overall, I think the price is small considering what it's for, ykwim?




ETA - I didn't think about classes, field trips, & co-ops! That would make it more, but I'm not sure how much. I would need to sit down and really think about it!

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I put $200 a month in a special account. On average I spend $600 - $1000 a year, for my two young children now ( I buy all consumables ahead for my daughter ), we are very hands on. The extra is saved for college courses in highschool, or after highschool.


I have three graduates, this plan worked well with them. Some years I spent less, some years more. But when science labs , or community college science classes got EXPENSIVE ..... it didn't hurt my pocket book.

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I spent 1200 for my soon to be 7th grader. We have some very cool stuff for next year. On average when homeschooling all three at once, it was 1000 per child, per year. This was just books, guides and hands on stuff. Field trips and sports were extra.

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We live on a tight budget for me to stay home, which is way more important to us than money. I have already homeschooled almost free (minus the cost of printer paper which I buy in bulk when Staples has bogo on cases, ink which I buy generic in bulk on Ebay, crayons and pencils which I stock up on when Walmart has back to school sales, etc)


I am not a big visitor of our library, I buy pretty much every book we read.. but I buy them at yardsales, flea markets, thrift stores, and online.


I would say I average $200 per year.

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I'm spending about $400 this next year for DD's stuff. This doesn't count field trips and things like that. Talking to the parents of kids in public school, we'd spend more than that if she was in public school. This is for 2nd grade, btw. I didn't spend that much for K or 1st.

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I have a running total of what I've spent for the rest of this year and some of next years cost. It's on my Wakefield Academy blog.


Last year I spent about 1000.00 for one student and my own self-ed. This year I think it will balance out about 700.00 -800.00, maybe a little more once I tack on science supplies.


Next year will be our 7th year of schooling and I'm pretty frugal, one year I had 100.00 to spend for the entire year. I'm trying to budget well even though I have my budget has expanded.

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I spend quite a bit on hsing things. We get money from our school division for each child, so I use all of that money. I buy lots of books because it is important to me to have a good home library. We live out in no man's land and it isn't easy to get the books I need from the library at the time that I need them.


I spend more on my oldest than I do for my younger two as I use my oldest's curriculum hand-me-downs for them.

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More than I really need to-probably about $600 on core curriculum for next year (which, admittedly, includes the entire Sonlight core 1/2 with readers-DH was concerned about books not being available through the local library), but since we're coming from a parochial school bill of 6K for tuition ALONE (plus school supplies, uniforms, and the various other expenses that seem to turn up weekly), it seems like a pretty big savings.

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It looks like next year will be about $600 on curriculum but $450 or so of that is reusable for kid #2. I spend around the same amount on books for our home library and then a ridiculous amount ($400-$500 a month) on extracurriculars for 2 kids, 5 and 3.

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We budget $100 per month for home school, so $1200 per year which now works out to $600 per child. The first year or two I did a bit cheaper and was able to build up a bank balance so I can get materials in advance of when I need them. Of course I could home school for less than that, but that is a comfortable amount that lets me sample different curricula, double up in some subjects (like Singapore and Horizons for math), and buy lots of books. The last couple of years I have spent my whole budget.

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I will spend about $1400 for next year, but spend much more on my oldest for high school than I do the other three. I also reuse lots of things as I've been doing this for 14 years. I only wish what worked for the older ones would always work for the youngers, which hasn't really been the case. That would save me some money.

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Probably around $1800 for 2 kids, which covers books, Teaching Company courses, Discovery Streaming Plus, assorted other subscriptions, Zoo/Museum memberships, and various science supplies (e.g. microscope, slides, dissection supplies, lab kits & materials, etc). Oh, and Amazon Prime membership. :tongue_smilie:


DD7 also takes violin lessons ($120/mo), and DS12 goes on a 1-week paleontology dig every spring and fall ($500 X2) but I don't really count those as homeschooling expenses. We're very lucky in that my in-laws put money in an account for the kids every year, which used to go towards private tuition, so we can afford lots of "frills" now that we're homeschooling.



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I don't count extracurricular activities since I would do those no matter what.

Curriculum for dd 6.5-so far I think around $500. I will stock up on art stuff, but we budget $75 for library books every month, but whatever I decide for curriculum I just purchase.


Ds 3.75 is going to preschool for 4k & I think I spent $20 on a VP workbook plus he will sit in on SOTW & Apologia Zoology.

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It really varies. When I used calvert for BOTH kids (which lasted a whole 8 weeks before I sold it, but that is a different post...), I spent almost 1K per kid. Not to mention all the curriculum that I had to buy 8 weeks later when I sold the Calvert.:glare:


Since then, I have grown in my homeschool curriculum buying abilities:tongue_smilie: and have started to find what is really working for my kids. This year, I spent around $250 per child. Mostly, that is because I have switched to R&S and they are CHEAP. French, alone, cost over $100, but it will last for both kids to go through a 3 year program...so, in the long run, it was the best choice to buy it this way.


Even better is the fact that R&S is non-consumable (for the most part), so I can pass down all I buy now for my older son TO my younger son when the time comes.

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I'm averaging about $500/yr for BOTH my elementary children. We use our local library alot. We don't pay for alot of field trips as both our dd's are in Daisy Scouts and currently get alot of activites from that including field trips. We're going to register our family this year at the Adventure Science Center, orig. costing a family nearly $200/yr, we've met the requirments for $20/yr...:001_huh:!! So worth it to us. Next year the only thing I'll have to purchase is 1-3 workbooks per child since I've decided to NOT copy those pages on handwriting and grammar and allow them to use the actual workbook.


I am saving all my TM's and reusing those. I've saved all our materials that we've been done using for a couple years now for our future homeschooling children :) Anything that I can print and page protect and use as a "master copy", I am. I've finally gotten rid of things we don't and won't use to make room for the things we'll be using. Never did I think I'd be a mama that would be picking for certain curriculum books and such, because before I was the printing freebie, spending hours upon hours finding resources and preparing lessons...boy I'm glad I got over those days!

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So my question:


How much do you spend each year altogether and/or per child? I just have one child I am going to homeschool for the first time and I know that if you have more you can share resources, re-use books, etc. So do you find it is a lot less for your 2nd or 3rd child since you have some of the supplies?


I am estimating it is going to cost me about $550 my first year (hopefully getting some of it used!). Does that sounds about right?


I think that is a normal amount for your situation. I added up my costs last year for three kids and it was about $1,400.00. More of it is for the oldest (7th grader) and I spend very little on the youngest.


Edited to add: that is just the cost of materials and curriculum. I spend additional for classes, sports and co-op. It's a fuzzy line there, determining what is actually a homeschooling expense and what would be an expense of children anyway.

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I guess I'm a really big spender. My 7th grader is enrolled in an online middle school. That was $1550. Calvert for my 3rd grader, $795. That isn't counting enrichment classes. We've probably spent about $650 on those since December. Plus field trips...


Then there are the dance classes, which we would do even if we didn't homeschool, those run $200 a month. Yeah that sounds expensive, but it's six classes per week.

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I haven't kept track the way I should, but I am trying better this year. :D I'm going to guess that I have $500-$700 per child (but not my k'er). This doesn't include dance, museum trips, etc. I purchased OPGTR and HWT for my 5 year old, and I plan on picking up Singapore math. I found a second-hand copy of FIAR for $12 that I think will round us out nicely. Most of my cost for her will be in all the fun manipulatives that I keep discovering. I'm using R&S for English with my middle two, which is inexpensive (even more, since I keep passing it down!). Honestly, when I add up Math, History, Latin, Vocab., Writing, English, etc...the cost isn't crazy. The REAL problem...umm...Hi, my name is Amy and I have been addicted to books for as long as I can remember...:D

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I have spent somewhere around $1K+. I stopped keeping track because I don't want to know anymore. :001_smile: I DO know that I've spent a lot less than it would cost me to send my dd to a private school, and I haven't broken our family budget so that's good enough for me. I tend to buy a lot of extra books, when I can't get them from the library so that tends to make it more expensive I think.(Also, I did do Classical Conversations this year, which is a chunk of change). I'm doing better buying things used, but low cost is not my goal. My time is worth something. I don't think anyone needs to feel guilty for $ spent on schooling if they are staying within their family's overall budget. We have an "Education should be free" mentality in our Public School culture which isn't always good. Yes, you can homeschool for free; but if I had to do it, I'd probably go insane.

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This is hard to be specific. Each year has been different as our approach has changed. Next year I am planning (hoping) to be able to get Tapestry of Grace. However, I haven't decided if I will buy it used. I am planning to stretch Year 2 over two years and we will be reusing it down the line. I estimate we will spend around $500-$600 total, but it may end up being more. I am not counting outside classes. We have been in a coop for several years and that has cost us around $1000 for the year for two kids. I am pretty sure we will not continue with that next year.



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My total for two kids will probably run between $2500 and $3000 for 2010-2011. With that said, however, that includes at least $1000 in 'reference books' that we wouldn't be buying if dh weren't currently bringing in extra $$. Apart from that, most of the total IS books, or science kits. Total spent on 'actual curriculum' for both kids is just about $800.

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I've spent about $1000 this year and will spend the same for next year. Even that is less than my hs budget, but I'm sure the cost will go up as my ds gets older. Most of my $$ goes to building our home library. I buy everything new so that it will last through at least 4 kids, buy mostly non-consumables, and spend extra $ covering all of my materials. When my 2nd ds comes of age, I'll need to spend less than $50 replacing consumables...mostly math workbooks.


It's very cheap considering what we paid for our church preschool last year and will again this coming fall for our 4yo :001_huh:.

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I would say it is around $1K for two students if you count field trips, etc. Next year they will be sharing history and science and I am purchasing new math for the younger (different than his older brother had), so the price will be similar, maybe 50-100 dollars more for the older ds. Once we are established in our programs of choice (BJU for math and English, WP for history/reading) it should be less evenly divided.

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I allocate about $200 a week on homeschooling, and have had several splurges in the beginning. So for one year, it comes to a 5-digit figure easily. This is our first year so I don't expect to spend this much in the following years. Next year I'd love to see something more reasonable so I can buy more food and clothes.


I do go to the library a few times a month, but also have an irresistable addiction to books. That's where most of my budget goes.

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I'll probably spend $2,000 - $2,500 total for three children for curriculum next year. However, we used to create our own curriculum and have just this year decided that I can't keep up with that style anymore now that they are all getting older and needing more. So, only the youngest will be in the position of re-using curriculum, and a some of the middle child's I guess. All new for the oldest, and a lot of new for the middle child. More will be able to be reused in following years.


I like it when people point out how expensive private school is to make a point about how reasonable the cost of homeschooling is. With the price of the local private school in mind, I am saving $12,000 by homeschooling.

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I don't really keep track, as I buy things that I know we will use or that I think will be fun to use as I see them on the FSOT boards. I very, very rarely buy anything new!


I have splurged for the newer versions of the MUS materials, since they will be going through mulitple students and I want them to hold up for us.


I'm guessing I probably spend around $500 per year, maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less. When it comes time to purchase the next levels of Phonics Road my total will jump quite a bit, but the replacement student packs are pretty reasonable!

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Well, I am so under budget, I never know how to analyze my expenditures!


Here's what I'm spending for our school year starting in January:


MEP, CSMP, Sheldon's Grammar, KISS grammar---free

Rainbow American History-----------------------$6

Golden Bk. of World History----------------------$6

Ambleside Lit (books on CD, etc.)----------------$12

WRTR-------------------------------------------25 cents

Hillyer & Huey geography series------------------$3

The Geog. Bk and Geog. A to Z-------------------$3.50

Cuisenaire rods----------------------------------$1


Rainbow Bk. of Nature----------------------------$8


1st edition of WTM-------------------------------$9

Adler's math book---------------------------------$5

Copy paper and ink-------------------------------$12 (for the year)

Connections logic book----------------------------$8


So it looks like I'm just over $100 for the year. Maybe add in a few writing tablets, some markers for DWC (hopefully cheap!), and The Story of Classical Music CD I recently ordered, and we tip the scales at just under $150. Not too bad... ( I did add in shipping costs for any book ordered.)

Edited by Poke Salad Annie
added something on list
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Well, I am so under budget, I never know how to analyze my expenditures!


Here's what I'm spending for our school year starting in January:


MEP, CSMP, Sheldon's Grammar, KISS grammar---free

Rainbow American History-----------------------$6

Golden Bk. of World History----------------------$6

Ambleside Lit (books on CD, etc.)----------------$12

WRTR-------------------------------------------25 cents

Hillyer & Huey geography series------------------$3

The Geog. Bk and Geog. A to Z-------------------$3.50

Cuisenaire rods----------------------------------$1


Rainbow Bk. of Nature----------------------------$8


1st edition of WTM-------------------------------$9

Adler's math book---------------------------------$5

Copy paper and ink-------------------------------$12 (for the year)

Connections logic book----------------------------$8


So it looks like I'm just over $100 for the year. Maybe add in a few writing tablets, some markers for DWC (hopefully cheap!), and The Story of Classical Music CD I recently ordered, and we tip the scales at just under $150. Not too bad... ( I did add in shipping costs for any book ordered.)


I don't even comprehend this. I don't understand how you could get things for so cheap including postage. Are you purchasing these things at garage sales or something? If so, you have one heck of a garage sale neighborhood! Therefore, I'm jealous. Good job!

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I spend more now than I did in the beginning. It was a few hundred then, lol. But now we use SL and our next year bill will be over 1K. I don't regret it though. The books are building our library. The kids read them over and over. I could sell them together if I needed to recoup some money. But yes, our next year is our most expensive but we love SL and it's worth it to me for the schedule :-)

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I don't even comprehend this. I don't understand how you could get things for so cheap including postage. Are you purchasing these things at garage sales or something? If so, you have one heck of a garage sale neighborhood! Therefore, I'm jealous. Good job!


Most often I find our goodies in thrift stores. If I see something I'm interested in that I deem worthy of ordering, I scour all the used book sellers, and also use coupons if there are any that apply. A few of the books I found while looking through a used bookstore. The Hillyer and Huey set I found at a thrift store for 50 cents each book. I love the storytelling-type narrative of these books. I am adding in the other books listed for extra interest, and freebies from the web.


It is very possible to homeschool this way, using the WTM as your guide. Since we are behind on the history cycle, I am using two books to get an overview of American and world history, going slowly through, and notebooking according to directions in the WTM.


It seems so easy to simply order a pre-scheduled curriculum, and that works for a great number of people. I just prefer to find things that work for us. I enjoy the thrill of the hunt, and have found a great many treasures that way.

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I will have 3 in 2nd through 6th grades and 1 pre-schooler next year.


Next year we will spend:


Pre-school - $22 (3 workbooks)


2nd grade -- $8 (penmanship) -- reusing everything else


3rd grade -- $8 (penmanship) -- reusing everything else


6th grade -- $1700. This is for all the books and materials for Lit, Language, Vocabulary from the Roots Up, U.S. History 1885 to present, Life Science, Art and Music (not lessons), Chalk Dust Math Pre Algebra or Algebra I, not sure which one to do yet, logic, and Latin. However, if I can find an extra $1000, we'll be doing Latin with Veritas Academy/Online... the one course. If I could, I'd start him in the summer program, but we'll just have to see if I can find the extra $$$.

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Last year I spent around 1200.00 for two children. I bought two complete curriculums because it was my first year homeschooling. I wanted to make sure I had everything. But, this year will be different, so far, I have only spent around 400.00. I will most likely spend another 100.00 once I buy additional supplies. So, Basically 500.00 for the 2010-2011 year. Much better then last year. :D

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Most often I find our goodies in thrift stores. If I see something I'm interested in that I deem worthy of ordering, I scour all the used book sellers, and also use coupons if there are any that apply. A few of the books I found while looking through a used bookstore. The Hillyer and Huey set I found at a thrift store for 50 cents each book. I love the storytelling-type narrative of these books. I am adding in the other books listed for extra interest, and freebies from the web.


It is very possible to homeschool this way, using the WTM as your guide. Since we are behind on the history cycle, I am using two books to get an overview of American and world history, going slowly through, and notebooking according to directions in the WTM.


It seems so easy to simply order a pre-scheduled curriculum, and that works for a great number of people. I just prefer to find things that work for us. I enjoy the thrill of the hunt, and have found a great many treasures that way.


Wow! I'm impressed by you! Good job!

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