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The Weirdest Fact About You

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I was sent home from my college bowling class by a Secret Service agent.

Sounds interesting. Can you share why?



I don't have any exciting secrets. My life is pretty much an open book to those who know me irl. Some people are surprised to find out that:

1. I once participated in a running race up a mountain (this is surprising because I am most emphatically not the active, outdoorsy type).

2. I have flown a plane (but only for about half a minute lol)

3. I am an avid Trekkie and have seen everything (except the animated series, which doesn't count dangnabit!!)

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hotdrink, you edit too fast!


Hillary Clinton was speaking in front of the student union in...'96?. I was coming up a back alley from the parking garage, not realizing they'd shut the entire union down. There he was, dressed all in black, with shades on and his gun holster visible. "Where are you going, miss?" he demanded. "Bowling," I squeaked. "Bowling is canceled."


I didn't question him.


Someone also once left a note on my door inviting me to go "Boweling", but I declined.


I am fascinated by the absorbed twin story.

Edited by Saille
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I shaved my head and donned a tee-shirt that said "You can't rape a .38" and tried to infiltrate a separatist commune (no men allowed) to find a pair of hitchhikers suspected of murdering my old bf. I also went to the Rainbow Gathering that year, armed with a gun, and spent most of my time in the parking lot checking the VIN number of white Ford vans. Since everyone was nude, I recall tromping up to a mounted forest ranger buck naked and giving him fliers on my missing friend.


BTW, Mr. FJG, if you ever do turn up alive, you owe me!!

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I shaved my head and donned a tee-shirt that said "You can't rape a .38" and tried to infiltrate a separatist commune (no men allowed) to find a pair of hitchhikers suspected of murdering my old bf. I also went to the Rainbow Gathering that year, armed with a gun, and spent most of my time in the parking lot checking the VIN number of white Ford vans. Since everyone was nude, I recall tromping up to a mounted forest ranger buck naked and giving him fliers on my missing friend.


BTW, Mr. FJG, if you ever do turn up alive, you owe me!!



You win.


I hiked and camped 180 miles across Poland.

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When the phone rings I can tell if it is my mother (and this skill predates caller id and individual ringtones).

I can do that with my mother and now dh's mother.



Strange fact about me.... Well, I've sat here for 5 minutes trying to think of something. hmmmm..... The newbies might not know I used to be a firefighter.

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I shaved my head and donned a tee-shirt that said "You can't rape a .38" and tried to infiltrate a separatist commune (no men allowed) to find a pair of hitchhikers suspected of murdering my old bf. I also went to the Rainbow Gathering that year, armed with a gun, and spent most of my time in the parking lot checking the VIN number of white Ford vans. Since everyone was nude, I recall tromping up to a mounted forest ranger buck naked and giving him fliers on my missing friend.


BTW, Mr. FJG, if you ever do turn up alive, you owe me!!



you win


I'm not even going to post after this one!! ;)

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Most people know I'm a guitar nut by my screen name, but I'm also a big car nut. I love to detail cars and have a passion for old classic muscle cars. I used to be a moderator on 3 different auto detailing sites and spent most of my time answering questions and giving detailing advice. I once rebuilt a carburetor and am still kicking myself for not getting a second job in order to be able to afford a Toyota Supra that I had a chance to get for crazy cheap. UGH! Hindsight!


I also got in trouble with the police in high school once and when the officer escorted me home to talk to my mother he wound up asking my mom out on a date. Weird. She actually went out with him too. Double weird. :eek:


Oh and eta... I also play the cello. I actually won medals for playing in a quartet. :)

Edited by Ibbygirl
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When I was a child, I almost drowned in manure. We were playing hide and seek and the manured rice paddie looked identical (at least to me) to the rest of the ground. I fell in and rapidly started to sink in it like quicksand. My next older brother yelled "I'll save you!" and fell in the manure too. The dog jumped in, but I think he did that on purpose. I was up to my armpits before my dad and eldest brother hauled me out. My poor mom stripped us, hosed us off and had us go back home with all the car windows wide open. She threatened to make the dog run behind the car but she relented and let him come home with us. My dad regaled my wedding guests with this story at my wedding reception:lol::001_huh:

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I knew my grandmother died before anyone told me. I was in my 7th grade history class and knew something was wrong with her. I started crying and my teacher sent me to the office. They told me I had probably just dozed off and had a bad dream. While I was there, my dad walked in and when he saw me we both started crying. It was absolutely the weirdest thing that ever happened to me.

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I knew my grandmother died before anyone told me. I was in my 7th grade history class and knew something was wrong with her. I started crying and my teacher sent me to the office. They told me I had probably just dozed off and had a bad dream. While I was there, my dad walked in and when he saw me we both started crying. It was absolutely the weirdest thing that ever happened to me.



This is soooo strange. I saw (imagined) my house on fire at the same time my dad died in a house fire hundreds of miles away. It was one of those times when you just can't shake the feeling even if you know it's not true. We found out the next morning. I was also in the 7th grade.



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I fell and broke out my two front permanent teeth as a child. I was goofing off doing something my mom had given me permission to do. It took years before we told my dad the truth. A few months later I had a bicycle accident with a friend and she broke out her front teeth.


It's a generational thing too. My mom broke out her front teeth sliding down a haystack with her brother. Then when ds was about 7 we knocked heads on accident and I chipped the front of his permanent front tooth. I cried for days even though it was simply a tiny chip.


Oh and I stole a car once, I didn't drive though:001_huh:. There might have been alcohol involved and we only took it around the block. The owner was a cute guy that had gotten out of the car where a group of us were gathered. Needless to say it did not have the endearing affect we had hoped. I think we walked back around the block and handed him the keys.

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I'm that person who gets picked out of audiences for things. When I went to Branson last year, we stopped at a park in Joplin for lunch and I got interviewed for the evening news, and then later that night, DH and I got asked to be part of the Dolly Parton show. Earlier in the summer, I'd been picked to be part of a medicine man act at a Wild West show. It's a good thing I'm a bit of an exhibitionist.


I was also born with a hole in my head. It's now a bald little lump surrounded by a flat spot on the back of my head. Nobody knows it unless I tell them, though... it's not noticeable.


I've been on "Car Talk." They really are that hilarious.


Starr, I think you're pretty close to winning with yours!

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I met a bus full of Chippendale's dancers.

I, too, had a bizarre premonition. I refused to buy my aunt a baby gift. 2 weeks later the child was stillborn.

When I was 13, I rode in a stolen car doing 80 through residential streets at 2 a.m., driven by a stoned guy with no license, to a house my brother and his drunk friends had broken into.

I can still recite the 1st 18 lines of the prologue to The Canterbury Tales in Middle English, and the "To be, or not to be" soliloquy from Hamlet. We had to memorize them in 12th grade AP English.

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I knew when both my grandmother and grandfather were going to die. I didn't know the hour or day...but I knew the time was close. Pappy went into the hospital and the night we took him in, I told my mom he would never come home. 9 months later, he died in the hospital (having never come home. I was 11). About 5 years later, we had Christmas at my grandma's house and as we left (I was 15), I sat in the back and cried. I knew I would never see another Christmas with her. She did December 5 of the next year.


My mother has a track record of talking to someone and seeing huge amounts of flowers - hours later, that person dies. It has happened about 5 times in her lifetime. It freaks me out. I often prayed, as a kid, that God would just skip over me with the 6th sense stuff! For the most part, He did. My grandma (the one whose death I predicted), had dreams. She could sense things in her dreams - and if she had them 3 nights in a row, they always came true. Once, her dreams saved her SILs life.

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I wore false teeth from age 5 to 6. I had knocked out my teeth while riding my tricycle when I was 3yo, and a couple of years later my dad (a recently trained dental technician) made me a nice set of false teeth. I shocked my teachers and amazed my friends by popping them out. As you can imagine I was very popular in kindergarten. :lol:

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I knew when both my grandmother and grandfather were going to die.


That happened to me too!! I remember packing my bags to go to visit my grandparents and while I was packing I had this overwhelming impression/feeling that my grandfather had died. I remember sliding to the floor and saying out loud to myself, "he's dead." not a second later the telephone rang in the kitchen and a moment later I heard my mom crying and saying "no! no!" He had died. :( :crying:


Right before my grandmother died I had a vivid dream that my tooth fell out. This has always been an omen that someone close to you will die. 5 days later my grandmother died. Every time I have dreamed of teeth falling out, someone in my family has died in the same week. :crying:

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When I was 13, I rode in a stolen car doing 80 through residential streets at 2 a.m., driven by a stoned guy with no license, to a house my brother and his drunk friends had broken into.



I too had a ride in a (unbeknownst to me) stolen car at 13.


I got picked up walking home from Junior High by a local "hard-guy" of my acquaintance. We'd gotten about 3 blocks when the police pulled us over. Just when the cop had gone back to his car to run my friend's license, he returned saying that he had to respond to a bank robbery in progress.


When the police officer drove off, it was then I learned the car was stolen.


I walked home.



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During high school I considered myself to be a Hari Krishna - yes the people who used to sell flowers at airports (many, many decades ago!)


I stole my parent's car for a day and drove around visiting my friends (I didn't have a driver's license.)


I can't cook. I mean I really, literally, don't know how to cook anything!

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I still have dd1 and dd2's placentas in the freezer. It just ended up that way (literally never threw them out) and now I find myself unable to part with them! One day, I'll bury them under a freshly planted tree. When ds2 came along, I made placenta prints with his placenta. Then dh steamed it, sliced it, dehydrated it, and I ground it up and encapsulated the powder to aid with post partum recovery. Just two things I always wondered about so I did them!

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Elfinbaby -- you've got to win with that one!


I also stole a car when I was a teenager. I was fifteen and with my bestfriend, who's parents had left us alone while they went on a hunting trip. We went for a joyride in the family car, neither of us having a license -- let alone any driving experience. We scraped the fender on the fence backing out the driveway on one trip, but the fatal one was when we went to the store and ran into my friend's mother's best friend. That one got us busted. :lol: (I cannot believe how utterly stupid we were!)


I sat and visited with Mel Tillis in his backstage dressing room for an hour after a concert in 1980. He didn't stutter once!


Oh, and my second cousin's name was Sherlock Holmes. No joke.


Okay, and one more...I was driven to the hospital in a police car to have my third child.


What a fun thread!




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I don't have any amazing stories like the ones posted here but I will share my lame ones.


I once got on all 4's, baaing like a sheep while ds (then 5) rode on my back to win a radio contest that got him a chance to do Mutton busting in the rodeo(we won a spot but dd made us late so he never got his turn though he did get all the prizes for it)


In junior high I was the only girl on the school Hi-Q team(like reach for the top) and was on tv a few times(though always too scared to actually buzz in lol I was terribly shy back then)


I once ran topless across a foot bridge on a dare from my friends during a slumber party when we were 15. And to think that was back in my "good" days before I started rebelling.


I had my 4th in an ambulance, definitely not the same as going in a police car for her

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I still have dd1 and dd2's placentas in the freezer. It just ended up that way (literally never threw them out) and now I find myself unable to part with them! One day, I'll bury them under a freshly planted tree. When ds2 came along, I made placenta prints with his placenta. Then dh steamed it, sliced it, dehydrated it, and I ground it up and encapsulated the powder to aid with post partum recovery. Just two things I always wondered about so I did them!


You are awesome! :lol:

We brought ours home from the hospital and buried them in our garden, we forgot about the 2nd one and found it in the garage months later. The photos of burying the 1st placenta is all peaceful and beautiful, the 2nd photo everyone looks like they're going to barf. :lol: good times.


I have many weird facts including things like revolutionaries, monks, and art.

My best weird fact hands down is that I've seen a leprechaun.. :D

I was in 2nd grade and I know what I saw. I accept there could be a "logical explanation", but I never found one. I believe it was life telling me "why not?"


Don't worry though, if you ask me for advice on a curriculum we use, I don't consult the "little green guys" first. I'm just crazy not CRAZY :D

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