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Do you all save curriculum for other children

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even if it will be several years before you use it again, if at all? I am using MFW CtG this year with Anna so it will be at least 3 years before we go through the rotation again. And that's assuming we will continue to use MFW and history rotations. I think we will stick with MFW, but I'm not sure. I don't have a lot of room to store curriculum, and the money from selling it would be nice to fund next year's purchases. Oh and what about less expensive stuff like R&S math and english? Just wondering what the hive does.

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I'd keep it. But I've never gotten rid of a book in my life ;). And I've been collecting stuff for homeschooling for the past few years, none of which will be used - except for my self-ed - for another few years, at least (assuming it is used at all). I like having lots of choices on hand.

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I am saving it. Or at least, I thought I was until I offered to lend someone our Prima Latina. Then I found out I was saving it and dh was throwing it away :glare:


I am saving our SotW, FLL, and WWE (thank goodness those are book/books, dh would never dare to throw away one of my books). For the others (Hey Andrew!, Latina Christiana) they'll get torn up and used for mulch. We write in the workbooks.

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Guest janainaz

My older son is almost 10 and I have saved everything for my ds5. I will need to purchase new workbooks and activity pages (SOTW, Saxon Math, Spelling Workout, Latina Christiana, FLL3....). We use God's Design for Science and they changed their format a bit and added a CD, I'm not sure what I'll do about that one, but I've always got the internet to supplement and spice things up.


I am saving all the curriculum so that I won't have to be purchasing materials for two kids. Without a doubt, that would be very costly! When I'm done with anything ds5 uses, it will be passed right along to my niece and off our shelves.

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This was our first year purchasing curricula for ds. I intend to save his Saxon math and Latin textbooks, along with some miscellaneous music and art books. I don't think he has anything else that I was thrilled enough with to store for 4 years (or wasn't consumable). I figure we'll find something better between now and then.

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I purchased a ton of curriculum for my daughter thinking that it would be an investment all the way through for my boys only to realize, not long into the whole journey, that my dd's learning style was waaaaay different than my boys. So, I make an assessment at the end of each year as to whether I think what my older son is using will be something that would work for my younger son. At least for most of the core subjects, my boys are on the same page. :)


Interestingly, both Rainbow Science and Apologia science have worked for my dd as well as my sons! Yay, at least one investment that has paid off.

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until all my kids are finished with it. Once ds has used the book, it gets sold or at least in the pile to sell.


Even the cheap stuff like R&S.


I look at it like this: t's a front end load. I have to buy it all now going through the history rotation the first time. But by the time ds enters high school, I'll have done high school twice. I shouldn't have to buy anything. There will be vocabulary workbooks and little stuff like that. An occasional book that doesn't work, but for the most part, it will be like homeschooling for free. :-)

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I am on my third copy of SOTW because I kept giving it away when I thought I was not going to use it. LOL.

I keep the good stuff. Even though my oldest is 12 and my youngest is in utero, I KNOW what I am comfortable with. If my kids need something different I will cross that bridge when I get to it. So far I have been able to use Saxon and FLL through four kids. I plan to use it with my four year old and any future children. I am also keeping R&S Grammar books because those are quality and no matter how many times I try to leave them behind I always come back to them.

Those are the only things I HAVE to keep though. The rest I usually decide on when Im cleaning out the school closet.


Oh yeah, and Im keeping this copy of SOTW, no matter what. :)

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If it works for us, I keep it, and if it doesn't, I sell it. Some things, I hold onto to try later (we've started Prima Latina at least 4 times with zero success. We started it again last week and this time, the kids are loving it). We found, for example, that we like SOTW as an audio book, but aren't really into the activity guides or text. So, I've sold/am selling what we bought in hard copy, but I'll keep the audio books to use again when my 3yo starts through. Everything that has worked for DS is being saved for my 3yo. I will need to buy new singapore workbooks for her, but we've already got all the textbooks, extra practice, intensive practice *and* CWPs for all the levels (and all the workbooks for DS and older DD).

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I keep it all until all of mine have been through it and my oldest and my twins are three years a part. If I sold it, I am sure I wouldn't get the same amount I spent and then I'd have to buy it again and I might lose some serious money on it.


I do lend it out to family and VERY close friends.

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I definitely save dd's curr. for her little brother, unless I'm absolutely certain that it won't work for him. It's better to have it and not need it, because I can still sell it if I realize we aren't going to reuse it. If I sell it and then want to reuse it, I would have to pay full price again to re-purchase it. It just makes more sense to me to keep it. And we have very little space for storing anything in our house, so I understand that dilemma.

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I haven't read any of the other responses but I know what I'm doing. My youngest of the oldest two is 8 years older than the 3 year old. I'm keeping the things I've "tried and trued" because I KNOW that I'll use them. Well, I know as much as I can but ultimately we'll see when we get there. I wouldn't want to try and put back together things that might be out of print by the time we get that age. I've actually saved most of the things for kindergarten and the grammar years even though I didn't know there would be a 3rd boy.


However, I have SO much I do need to get rid of. :)

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My oldest and youngest are 14 years apart. She is using much of the same curriculum I used for him. I will say that I did buy SOTW for her because I never found a history curriculum that I liked for the older ones and I love SOTW. I do get rid of things after her (pass it along because it is too old to sell). She is definitely the last.



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I'm 'planning' on using TOG, SOTW with the littles too. Math, I'm saving the Saxon...not sure which kid might use it, but it will really depend if they do...I plan to start the littles on Singapore, probably next year. Since Singapore doesn't go past gr 6, I figure I may as well hang on to the 7/8 Saxon we have!

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I had every intention of using things multiple times. But #1 and #2 are five school years apart chronologically and light years apart when it comes to learning style, so when my oldest is finished with a curricula I sell it. Things like history spines and reference books don't count--but math texts and teacher guides, Latin programs, etc. I don't keep. Chances are that if I do happen to use the same thing with my younger two it will be years later and a new edition will have been published in the meantime, or I'll have found something even better.

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so far I have saved everything. I have room though so I dont have to take that into consideration. This is the first year of reusing a previously bought curriculum and I am glad that I have it. Another thing to condier is how much easier it is the second time around. I remember things from the first time, know what I liked or wanted to change.

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If I used it - and I (and the kids) enjoyed it - I save it for the next child. I'll even buy additional workbooks so I don't have to worry if the company updates their curriculum, it will still work with my TM.


I prefer teaching from the same books year after year. The repetition is a good thing for me - if I had more than 3 kids, I would probably want to mix it up a little more, though. :p

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I save nothing from my oldest. I have 6 grades between her and my next student. I save everything from ds7, because dd5 is just one grade behind him. This decision is made easier because 1) we don't have the room to store 6 years of curriculum, 2) dd12 and ds7 are extremely different and I doubt that there will be much overlap in the materials I use for them, and 3) I fund next year's purchases by selling last year's materials.

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Mine are six years apart in school. I did save my books. I have slowly begun to cull out some of them now that my younger son is growing up. But I had room to hold them over. If I didn't have the room, I wouldn't hesitate to rid myself of things. Several of the things I saved have been updated, discontinued, etc. just in six years. Texts are constantly changing; new things come out that are better, etc.

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I save most everything. Some things I have really gotten my money's worth - for example, my lower level Saxon math book has gone through six children. Sometimes something that worked for child #1, but not for child #3, might work for child #5, and so on. I have been buying stuff since 1995, so I have a ton of stuff. I'm attached.

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I save it, hence my book management problem. The only time I get rid of curricula is if it is hated by myself and/or more than one child. There is no Saxon in this house. If I like it or one child likes it then I save it just in case it might work with another child as well. So far of the two children that have made it to high school only a few programs were used by both of them but I intend to do an intensive HS review sometime soon and who knows which programs I will like. Plus you can never tell when someone might need to review or brush up on a certain subject and that would probably be easier with the program they used.

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I save it until I either find something better or I realize that it will not work for the learning style of the next child. Things like R&S I save because they don't have a choice in it, other books like ecoutez, parlez I sold because I found a program I like better for all the kids kwim. In the end I save more than I sell, mainly because I do not want the expense of buying it again. Many times I have gotten great deals on the things I am using, there is no guarantee of getting that deal again.


I will be tossing Sl core K when ds is done with it, and buying it again for dd when she is ready. I got it used and it was an older edition. By the time dd needs it they will have likely altered it again from it's current edition, so I want to buy new for her for that one.

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If I like it, then I keep it for my littles. I do have room to store it though, and now that I have found things that work for us I don't have to buy 3 different science or math programs to get the job done each year lol. There are nearly 4 years between my dd and my littles and I think dh may be coming around to the idea of adoption, so we may have this cirr. for a long time. :001_smile:

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I keep everything, but I know from experience that the next child may not use any of it LOL. So... especially in math and LA I don't get extra workbooks. History and science are pretty much a given, but we are literature based. Languages will be done no matter what.


I have found that most curriculum choices can be adapted to a second child, especially if cost is a big factor. I can add hands on or audio choices, etc.

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The youngest of my oldest will be in 8th next year. The smallest will be in 1st come fall.


Some things I saved, other things, I wish I hadn't.


Two things to consider, whatever you decide to do. If you keep items for several years, there's a good chance that the latest and greatest edition will be available before you re-use it. That means (a) you better have already purchased the previous editions' workbooks, or they won't be available, and (b) when you really are done with it, there won't be a resale market for it because folks will be looking for the latest edition, not an old one (that's not always the case, but I've experienced it more often than not).


For example, Saxon math workbooks are very edition specific, so if you're keeping the book, order workbooks ahead of time and store them with the text book. Conversely, I have an old Saxon 54 which I used for everyone and might use for my little one. I doubt I could sell it, I'll probably give it away.


A couple of my books have been used til they fell apart, so I feel I got my money's worth... Spelling Power, Reading in 100EL... those were great for all my kids.


As far as classic literature, I don't keep paperbacks. If they are significant, I purchase a nice hardback to keep. If not, they go right to the used book store to help fund the next batch of paperback purchases.


There's a lot more available out there now than when I first started, so there are other things I will definitely not use, but will probably only be able to give away. If I were going to do it again, I think I'd be much more likely to sell it off quick, then replace when I need it again. Storing and carrying these things through our many moves has been a slight pain in the neck. JMO.

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even if it will be several years before you use it again, if at all? I am using MFW CtG this year with Anna so it will be at least 3 years before we go through the rotation again. And that's assuming we will continue to use MFW and history rotations. I think we will stick with MFW, but I'm not sure. I don't have a lot of room to store curriculum, and the money from selling it would be nice to fund next year's purchases. Oh and what about less expensive stuff like R&S math and english? Just wondering what the hive does.



I keep it unless I know I won't use it again (if I buy something and find I hate it).


Currently, we have mostly just high school stuff and a few middle school stuff that I will use with our current 5th and 3rd graders when they are older.


I will need to replace some workbooks and study guides.

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I'd keep it. But I've never gotten rid of a book in my life ;). And I've been collecting stuff for homeschooling for the past few years, none of which will be used - except for my self-ed - for another few years, at least (assuming it is used at all). I like having lots of choices on hand.

Me too! :D

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If I am pretty confident I am going to use it again, I keep it. If I am not confident I want to reuse it, then I am *trying* to let go.


I have just recently started selling off a few things here and there that I am not confident I will want again for my youngest. I need to post another list, lol.


I figure if I am less than 50% confident I want to reuse it, it is better to sell it now while it is still popular, current, and has some good resale value. (Fashions come and go; new editions come out. . .) I can always rebuy it if I really want it later. If I get a decent price NOW, then I can rebuy it used for about the same cost LATER, lol. Worst case, I rebuy new and pay a bit more over the long term, but I had use of my cash in the intervening years.


Sooo, I am saving all the SL Cores. . . So I have 3,4,5 sitting waiting for dd7 who is now in Core 1 (and I already bought Core 2 used, so I have that for next year.). . . I save all my Singapore Math Texts and they're on their 3rd child now. . .


I let go of all my R&S English (2,3,4,5,6) just this past week b/c I have discovered MCT and think it is unlikely I will go back to R&S. . .


The real selling will commence as my youngest grows out of stuff. . . That's when I will force myself to let go of the SL cores, etc.

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