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Phonics/Grammar Ă¢â‚¬â€œ ETC and Language Lessons for Little Ones Volume 3

Reading (a program or literature?) Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Headsprout and reading one book a day

Health Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Cooking with me, exercising everyday

Science Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Science Castle

History Ă¢â‚¬â€œ tagging along with older siblings doing modern history

Math Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Singapore 1A and 1B

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Please tell me what your 1st grader uses for:



Reading (a program or literature?)





For my little ones back in the day, the only Official School Stuff I did was Spalding for phonics/spelling, nothing for grammar at that age, simple arithmetic, field trips and library books for history and science, nothing official for health, other than what mommies teach their dc anyway at that age. :-)

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Phonics - OPTGR We got to about lesson 90 and hit a wall, put it away for three months, and now that ds is reading much better, OPTGR is a breeze rather than pulling hen's teeth.

Grammar - none. We tried First Language Lessons, but I would rather wait until they can catch on faster rather than do all the repetition that's in FLL.

Reading - started with BOB books, now doing readers from the library (Henry and Mudge, Dr. Seuss, and others)

Health - Playing outside, riding bike when we go on our walks. I consider "health" to be P.E.

Science - we followed WTM and studied animals. We used Fowler's little books from the library that WTM recommends and read all of them that our library had in stock. That along with the Childcraft book about animals which was our "spine."

History - SOTW 1 We do the reading from the text and then whatever history and literature selections I can get at our local library (usually at least half of them, though we don't do all the books we are able to get our hands on).

Math - Singapore 1A/1B

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He doesn't use anything for either of these subjects. I don't teach phonics because he can decode anything and his spelling gets better as he reads more. I won't teach grammar because when he's a year older he'll start getting it through Latin instruction.


Reading (a program or literature?)


Literature. He's not a big reader, preferring to draw and write his own stories, so I recently made up a list that he's required to read from. I ask him to choose a certain number of books from each category each week.




He likes the Alvin Silverstein books-- Proteins, Carbohydrates, etc. He's read those on his own time, and I report that to the school district as "health." We don't have a formal program for this subject.




He does nature study, keeping a journal. We're reading from a book about local ecology right now.




We were reading A Child's History of the World and The Usborne Book of World History, but he requested something more like a school textbook. Now he's working in Galore Park's Junior History 1. I'm not entirely pleased with the decision not to have him complete an overview of history before his first grade year is over, but for now this acceptable. We can finish reading CHOW in the summer at bedtime to make it more palatable to him; history is a bonus subject.




We're using RightStart B.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

DS6 is in 1st this year and DD5 will be next year. We've been happy with everything this year and will continue on with the same. :)


Phonics/Grammar: We use the combo of FLL/WWE/AAS and love it. (For phonics, we just use books but I've learned that I'm an oddball and that it works only because I'm personally very comfortable with it.)


Reading (a program or literature?): Good books culled from lots of quality lists (AO, VP, WP, Sonlight, WTM, The Read-Aloud Handbook, Honey for a Child's Heart, etc.) Do be sure to include poetry. I'm going to buy Teaching the Classics soon.


Health: Real life. We also cover it as it comes up in science.


Science: Inquiry style R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey rearranged ala BFSU with some Delta Science in a Nutshell kits rolled in. (When R.E.A.L. releases Physics in the spring, they will have all four subjects out for grammar stage.)


History: We're doing two years of homemade American history. (We started this year with Native Americans and will go through the Civil War. We will continue on to present next year. Then we'll do SOTW w/AG for 4 years.)


Math: Singapore Math (Standards Ed.) with Rightstart games and other living math type add-ins.

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Phonics/Grammar ~ No phonics dd finished 100 Easy Lessons in K. Grammar FFL 1/2


Reading (a program or literature?) ~ Literature, we really just read anything she was interested in. But also use CLP Nature readers, she loved them.


Health ~ Covered in FIAR unit studies.


Science ~ FIAR units, God's Design, Apologia, nature studies. We mostly did unit studies around FIAR. Used the others during the summer.


History ~ FIAR units, SOTW. I started using SOTW on it's own but it is not working well for us. Now I'm using them as part of our unit studies with FIAR & GTG.


Math ~ Math U See

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We are about to start grade one in January (Australian school year starts in Feb but we are year round schooling). We have selected the following resources:


Phonics/Grammar - phonics we are halfway through OPGTR and aiming to finish it during first grade. We tell ds about basic parts of speech in passing, but are not planning to use a formal grammar program at this stage (unless he wants to!)


Reading - for his reading aloud to me, we are working through Fitzroy Readers, as well as some other phonically controlled books (eg Dr Seuss) and simpler children's books. For me reading aloud to him, we have a mixture of children's classics, Greek myths etc (as suggested in TWTM) and other books chosen to suit his current interests.


Health - I don't really treat this as a subject, but it's kinda covered under human biology, exercise, nutrition, cooking etc. We pretty much cover topics as they arise.


Science - We have purchased Real Science Odyssey, but we are heavily modifying it to suit his needs, as we have already covered a lot of the grade 1 stuff. This is supplemented with science experiments from other books, and experiments of our own design, and stuff from his Double Helix Club magazines. And also he does electronics as a special interest study. (This sounds like a lot, but it isn't since we are not requiring any 'writing up' of science activities as yet.)


History - We use SOTW and supplementary books, but mostly as part of our read aloud program, so I'm not going to require regular narrations etc to begin with (will probably introduce this later in the year).


Math - We alternate between Mathspower, a couple of other workbooks and practical math activities.

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Phonics: Primary Phonics


Grammar: nothing


Reading: library books (both for read-alouds and practice reading)


Health: nothing


Science: library books on topics of interest to her. Nothing formal.


History: library books on topics of interest to her. Nothing formal.


Math: mostly math games (ie "living math"), supplement with Miquon Orange and Singapore 1A.



We're very, very relaxed here. But, DD has started to enjoy learning again, so it's paying off :)

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Phonics--we just switched from Explode the Code to Itchy Alphabet, because I realized ETC wasn't working for him.

Grammar--None. Well, we did Madlibs today.:)

Reading--Not ready for much. Doing first lessons in McGuffey's reader.

Health--None, but we do do life skills and work on habit training, so, in essance, health is in there.

Science--Nature study, read nature books or other books of interest, projects of interest, starting Science Wiz chemistry with older brother and then we will start Elemental science Earth Science and Astronomy in February.

History--Story of the World with Ancient History Portfolio (we do not do this consistently, just come back to it now and then) Beautiful Feet/Ambleside Yr. one American history, listens in on Ambleside Yr. one read alouds with older brother, timeline

Math--Math It. Will be starting Miquon at some point this year, I think.


Much of what I do with him is because he is tagging along with his older brother. I did not think he was ready for Year one in Ambleside, so I created his own program. However, it usually works out that he joins us so I often let what I had planned for him go and just let him be part of our Year one plans. Not sure what I'll do with him next year........

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Phonics/Grammar -We are finishing up Phonics Pathways. Then we will be moving on to a mix of Language Smarts (Critical Thinking Co.) and The Sentence Family for Grammar. Next year we will do Rod & Staff English 2.


Reading (a program or literature?)- Whatever books she likes from home or the library. She loves to read so this is not a hard thing. Sometimes I will have her read something that goes along with our history studies.


Health- Don't really do anything for this. Just practice healthy living.


Science- Sonlight Science 1, along with big sister. We do a lot of Nature Journaling also.


History- Story of the World 1 w/ some of the Activity Guide


Math- Math-U-See Alpha, and math games

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Please tell me what your 1st grader uses for:


Phonics/Grammar-MCP Phonics A and MCP Phonics is Fun Level 1/First Language Lessons 1/2

Reading (a program or literature?)-CLP Kindergarten Readers, Abeka Tiptoes and Stepping Stones


Science-CLP's Our Father's World, CLP's Nature Reader 1, and Harcourt Brace Science

History-History for Little Pilgrims and BJU Heritage Studies 1

Math-Singapore Primary US 1A/1B

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Phonics/Grammar- Rod & Staff 1st grade Phonics (no grammar until 2nd grade)

Reading (a program or literature?)- Rod & Staff 1st grade Reading (we switch to literature in 2nd grade)

Health- nothing

Science- Apologia Zoology 1 plus CLP God's Wonderful Works (both of these are with his 2nd grade sister)

History- We are reading the books from Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory without using the guide (Stories of the Pilgrims, Pioneers & Patriots, etc)

Math- CLE

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Phonics/Grammar- Ordinary Parents Guide, First Language Lessons, Writing With Ease

Reading- Ordinary Parents Guide, various easy reader books

Health- nothing specifically, just as it comes up + Family Exercise Nights!

Science- R.E.A.L. Science (life science - DONE); Apologia Zoology 1; Handbook of Nature Study

History- SOTW Ancients + selections from Echoes of Glory for Jewish history

Math- Singapore 1A/1B


+ Zaner-Bloser 1 for printing (DONE; now we just do copywork)

+ Spelling Workout A/B-Modern Curriculum Press

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Please tell me what your 1st grader uses for:



Reading (a program or literature?)






Phonics: Spalding

Grammar: FLL 1/2

Reading: Pathway Readers, McGuffey Reader First Primer, anything we can get our hands on that is at or slightly above reading level (or sometimes below, just for fun :))

Science: NOEO Bio I

History: SOTW1 with AG

Math: RightStart

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Phonics/Grammar - Phonics Pathways, along with ETC, various word family activities and copy work

Reading (a program or literature?) - Early readers, mostly "old fashioned" ones like Dick and Jane, though she likes Bob books too

Health - just day-to-day stuff right now. We talk about germs, nutrition, etc.

Science - she and my 3rd grader are using e=mcq Elementary Life Science

History - Story of the World vol. 1

Math - Saxon Math 1

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Phonics/Grammar--we used Phonics Pathways until he just *couldn't* handle it anymore. FLL for grammar.

Reading (a program or literature?)--no program. He reads to me half an hour each day.

Health--nothing specific. Hygiene is just learned through life, PE at the Y in Karate and swimming.

Science--God's Design series (though it's a little advanced as written)


Math--just switched from Saxon to Math-U-See (which he loves)

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Please tell me what your 1st grader uses for:



Reading (a program or literature?)






Phonics: OPG

Grammar: FLL and directed copywork

Reading: books read aloud to me/dh, and we read aloud to the dc

Health: nothing formal at all right now... we'll cover this as part of human body/germs/medicine/plants study eventually. We do cover safety, manners, good health habits (we talk about why we choose to eat this instead of that, what it does for our body, what not brushing your teeth can do, etc.)

Science: R.E.A.L. Science Odyssey Earth & Space with bits of many other things thrown in to extend it to a full calendar year (Ring of Fire and God's Design are 2 of the larger supplements, though I don't use those completely).

History: WP AS1 + LA readers 1 (not the LA program, just the books they use for readers) with room for Beautiful Feet Early Am. Primary discussion questions and flexibility for some book substitutions from other lists

Math: Horizons 1 with an Abeka-style orderly focus on mastering fact tables and a Singapore flair for 'finding the 10's' and 'rearranging numbers' in problems.


No simple or short answer from me, nosiree. :D

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I'll try to remember!


Phonics/Grammar - my son read through Phonics Pathways with me. We did it all orally. I used FLL for grammar, doing it all in one year, also orally. I used Modern Curriculum Press Spelling Workout level A and B in first grade, doing two lessons per week. I also used their phonics workbook with him, but didn't try to match it up with the spelling. After that year, I felt he had a solid grounding in phonics and so I didn't use that workbook any longer.


Reading (a program or literature?) - I read aloud to him all day, LOL! I read for history, geography, science, and literature! Mostly for lit, it was great books that went along with our history studies, mostly folklore for the ancients time period. He read through most of the Bob books series to start off, then I worked him through other graded reader series, level ones, then twos, then moved him into reading some of the library books I brought in for lit on his own.


Health - I didn't really do "health", per se, that year. I read through a couple of manners books with him; we studied the human body some as part of biology studies, and we read about human reproduction as part of that study.


Science - I put together my own study of biology for the year, which included a ton of reading from fun books to introduce the subject thoroughly, but also keeping of critters, field trips, and experiments/worksheets.


History - I put together my own study, but used SOTW as my base, along with tons of good library books.


Math - I actually used both Singapore and Saxon that year in order to cover some of the bases Saxon does well that Singapore does not cover at all (or not much), such as calendar stuff, time, money, drill work in math facts, etc.

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Phonics/Grammar Rod and Staff 1st grade

Reading (a program or literature?) Rod and Staff 1st grade

Health Covered various topics through units from Science (human body, germs, etc.) Through girl scouts try its: fire safety, teeth care, etc.

Science WTM life science: notebooking w/Usborne Encyclopedias and activities and experiments from library books on the topics.

History Story of the World w/A.G.

Math Rod and Staff (last year my 1st grader was in the 2nd grade math. Next yr my 1st grader will be about halfway through the 1st and will move into the 2nd grade mid year at the rate we are going. )


As we move through the WTM cycles my younger dd, who will be 1st next year, will have a slightly different year, as we will not be in Life Science next year. She will also not be in SOTW 1 as we will be in vol. 3 next year. But the core subjects will still be from Rod and Staff, just at her pace. I start them when they are ready and move at their pace.

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Phonics/Grammar: Dancing Bears and First Language Lessons

Reading: lots of books, mostly Dr. Seuss and Ray McKie at the moment, I read aloud mostly from the Sonlight list

Health: a couple of different dance classes and human body study, no real "health" curriculum, though

Science: Sonlight 1

History: Story of the World: Ancient Times

Math: Right Start B and MEP 1

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Phonics/Grammar...OPGTR, ETC, Headsprout, , FLL


Reading (a program or literature?)...Pathway Readers (just the readers)




Science...NOEO Chemistry (with big brother)


History...Piecing together my own early American History (with big brother)


Math...RS Level B (moving to C in a few weeks) and elements of Living Math (books, games, "real life" stuff)

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This is our current plan, to be phased in over the next few weeks as we get the materials:


Grammar: FLL; for spelling, I'm using Phonics Pathways to come up with my own lessons. I'd love AAS, but we can't afford it right now.


Reading: Literature, both general and history-related


Health: Planning to do some lapbooks (i.e. teeth/dental health, health and safety, etc.), also will cover the body during science


Science: Life science, basically as outlined in TWTM. We'll probably use Kingfisher's First Encyclopedia of Animals as our spine.


History: SOTW Ancients


Math: RS level B

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Phonics--Word Mastery, plus supplemental worksheets, BOB and HOP readers

Grammar--discussions of topics as they come up in Word Mastery, her free writing, or her Latin lessons

Reading--Grimm's Fairy Tales is our main literature selection for the year; lots of read alouds of all sorts on all subjects as well

Health--informal discussion of topics as they come up

Science--building a Tree of Life, learning about the major animal groups. When that's done, we'll do an ecology unit study of our local environment: the Sonoran Desert.

History--How Children Lived, with a simple timeline to hang cards about each child on. When that's done we'll be doing a unit study on Arizona's history/peoples.

Math--Miquon, supplemented with some other worksheets I got at her enrichment program, plus math story books/living math type stuff.

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Though we aren't at 1st grade yet, here is what I am thinking about using so far:


Bible: CLE Bible 2

Math: Horizons 1/2 with Flash Kids Math 2 as supplement

Science: God's Design for Life

LA: Rod & Staff: Preparing to Build and R&S: Spelling by Structure

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This is what we plan to do next year:


Language Arts: finish OPGTR, if not already done


finish WWE 1, possibly start WWE 2

FLL 1/2, with fun supplements and living books

Song School Latin


Reading (a program or literature?): DD and I will pick books on her level for her to read. She will narrate some of them. I'll read aloud books to go along with our geography theme as well as other classic and fun books.


Health: just everyday life


Science: Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding, focusing on biomes, animal/plant identification, life cycles, and food chains


History: We'll be doing world geography instead using Galloping the Globe.


Math: Right Start B, Singapore PM 1A/1B, or both

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Phonics/Grammar:OPG (lesson 185ish?)/FLL (lesson 35)

Reading:She reads "I can read" books (Amelia Bedilia, Frog & Toad, Curious George, Dr. Seuss, etc.

Health: Gymnastics, Community Sports, lots of walks when it is not freezing!

Science: I *try* to do an experiment once a week and read books from the library (I plan on doing fun experiments for a while and then do what WTM suggests - Kingfisher and such)

History:I looked at K12 History scope & sequence and we are doing this without buying it. For example, first, we studied Australia (looked on youtube for videos on the great barrier reef, the outback, etc., checked out books from the library (about 20-30?), and found it on the globe, the oceans around it, etc. We have continued on in the order K12 suggests. We are now studying Native Americans (again, checking out TONS of books, etc. and spending as much time as we want on the subject before moving on). I decided to do this (was advised to do this by those on this board) because I thought my dd was a little young yet for SOTW and I thought this would be a good opportunity to solidify some geography and just get into history and learning about the world. It worked! She (we all) loves it and my 2 yo knows most of the continents :)

Math:Saxon 1 (We did Abeka K last year and it was too hard)...this is the right pace for us.

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Our next year:


Language Arts:

Finish OPG


WWE 1 or HWT (dependent on writing skill)




Independent reading - early readers tied to history and/or science

Literature reading/notebook - selections from AG tied to SOTW 1



Right Start B



Elemental Science - Biology



SOTW 1 Ancients & AG projects/activities


I feel like a broken record as so many of us have the same plans for 1st grade. I guess that means I made some good choices!

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Please tell me what your 1st grader uses for:


Phonics/Grammar- ETC

Reading (a program or literature?) - Literature

Health - A Beka

Science - Considering God's Creation (Human Body unit); Made By God Animals; RS4K Pre-Chemistry

History - Literature (Older Sister's Beautiful Feet American History Guide for Spine)

Math - A Beka


These are the simple answers. The long answers are as follows :lol::


Phonics/Reading: I would have used A Beka for Phonics and reading if she was not reading 3 letter words and blends well going into 1st grade. I finished the Bob books, and started checking easy readers out from the library. We would check out 20 readers at a time. She just finished ETC 3 so I'm going to stop and solidify the phonics rules we've already learned. Next year, she'll pick up phonics with ETC 4 and 5. With my oldest, we did Rod and Staff for 2 years and I really think it was a waste of time. I am in total agreement with the way SWB teaches reading and phonics. Books are so much better for furthering a child's reading abilities.


Science: It wasn't getting done, so I threw her in with her older sister. Sigh, life is much better :001_smile: That's why there's a popourri of science going on. I'm doing what they're both interested in. We did animals last semester, human body this quarter, and we'll do chemistry in the last quarter.


History: Cannot be in two separate time periods. I was losing my mind! So, this semester I'm 100% Charlotte Mason with her and she's doing American History with her sister. Some reading is the same, some is different, but life is MUCH easier.




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Many of these are new this semester.


Phonics/Grammar: CLE LA 1

Reading (a program or literature?): CLE I Wonder/ Lots of books

Health: A Beka 1st grade

Science: RS4K Pre-Level 1 Chemistry and Funtastik Frogs books on physics topics

History: Usborne IL History Encyclopedia (he LOVES non-fiction)

Math : CLE 2

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Our first grade plans for 2010 include...


Language Arts:

Spell to Write and Read (phonics/spelling)

Shurley English 1 w/FLL 2 (grammar additional to SWR, but both modified)

Latin's Not So Tough w/Song School Latin



SWR recommendations for living books, McGuffey Readers, etc... but also possibly adding Veritas Press's First Favorites Literature Guides (Volumes 1 and 2).



God's Design for Life



P90X w/daddy and I. Just kidding! :laugh: Seriously though, outside of our science lessons... real life.


History/Geography (World):

A Child's History of the World (read aloud)

A Child's Geography, Volume 1: Explore His Earth

A Child's Geography, Volume 2: Explore the Holy Land


Math: RightStart Level C and Singapore PM 2A/2B

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Our plans for 2010:


Phonics/Grammar: Language Lessons for Very Young 3, Finish OPGTR, HWOT (she is a lefty and needs lots of practice)

Reading (a program or literature?): Book selections from Veritas Press, Sonlight, HOD emerging readers, lots of read alouds

Health: Tumbling/Trampoline and daily life

Science: ??

History: ??

Math : Singapore 1A & 1B, McRuffy manipulatives, other math games

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Please tell me what your 1st grader uses for:



Reading (a program or literature?)






This year, we are using:

MCP Plaid Phonics

Spelling Workout A

BJU Press Science (has some health components)

History is unit studies by country using library books

Horizons Math

Five in a Row (literature)

Critical Thinking: Reading, Thinking and Reasoning Skills

No grammar

See my blog: http://myfamilyiseternal.blogspot.com/2009/10/view-of-our-first-year.html


Next year, we will use:

Spelling Workout B (no phonics)

Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding

Tapestry of Grace (history/literature/some grammar but not a full program)


Maybe Critical Thinking again? (We love it, but I don't know if there will be time for it.)

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I have two first graders.



History- SL Core 1, secularly with SOTW and Enc. for World History w/History Pockets

Science- a combination of Noeo Books, SL books, RS4K, and Pearson Diamond Series with various experiments and labs

Math- Singapore 1B, Aleks quicktables (own level), and Math Mammoth

Gym/Health-swimming lessons and homeschool gym & swim at the YMCA

Grammar/Writing- FLL (skipping a lot), WWE and Voyages in English as it correlates

Bible-AO units



Spelling-starting AAS this month

Phonics/Reading- one is doing ETC and HOP, the other MCP Plaid C and SL 2Int. Readers/LA, both also do UniqueReader at their own levels

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Language Arts:


Headsprout, OPGTR

First Language Lessons

Handwriting without Tears



Sonlight Readers 1



Apologia Exploring Creation with Astronomy



Sonlight Core 1 w/History Pockets


Math: Math U See Alpha ( We may be changing this)

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Phonics/Grammar - Phonics Pathways, Explode the Code, ETC Online, and CLE LA 1

Reading - CLE Reading 1, Reading books from HOD Emerging Readers list for fun/extra

Health - We do not use a formal program for this in 1st grade

Science - CLE Science 1

History - CLE Social Studies 1, HOD Little Hearts Biblical History

Math - CLE Math 1


We also use Pentime 2 for handwriting, R&S for Art, HOD Little Hearts for storytime (I read to him), Thinking Skills workbook (problem solving), Map Skills Geography, and Hooked on French.


In co-op, we do Gymnastics and Art. :)

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Phonics/Grammar OPGTR. No formal grammar, but we do copywork everyday and I use it to point out basics, like capitalization and punctuation.


Reading (a program or literature?) He reads to me: started with Bob books and have moved on from there using graded readers from our collection and the library, (like Step into Reading) and beginning readers like the Frog and Toad books.

I read to him: Library books of his and my choice. Lots of Fairy Tales and Mythology form well illustrated picture books.


Health Nothing formal. We are moving into human biology in Science class and that will cover alot. We also discuss food choices, taking care of our bodies with exercise, germs and how they are spread, and personal grooming. These things just seem to come up.


Science We are following the WTM biology rotation and are studying animals right now. We use the Handbook of Nature Study, library books, several animal encyclopedias we own, One Small Square books, and lots of outdoor exploration with our field guides.


History SOTW vol 1 supplemented with library books


Math Horizons Math 1.

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Phonics/Grammar: Plaid Phonics or Explode the Code

Reading (a program or literature?): I don't do anything specific, other than keep feeding them books.

Health: Nothing here, either.

Science: Currently Real Science 4 Kids, but I think Nancy Larson Science is great for this age.

History: BiblioPlan

Math: Saxon 2


We also do Writing With Ease.

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Phonics/Grammar: A Beka Phonics/ A Beka Language (both Grade 1), daily journaling, ABeka handwriting (but we're now supplementing w/ K stuff I printed online, because his handwriting leaves much to be desired.), A Beka Spelling 1


Reading (a program or literature?): good literature/books, A Beka Reading/Readers. . .Also some BOB books, some readers I got at yard sales, etc. . .


Health: A Beka Health, Safety, Manners I; gymnastics classes


Science: Human Body (Usborne), A Beka first grade science, and will be supplementing w/ other science readers. I'm not huge on the A Beka science thus far.


History: Geography sticker book, Heritage Studies I, will read through A Beka's history reader for first garde, Community Helpers


Math: A Beka math 1, supplemented w/ online work and Singapore


Also: Chess Club


Bible: Big Truths for Little Kids, Awana book, CEF mailbox club


Art: weekly art projects/crafts (at least we try!)

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