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Book A Week in 2010 - Who wants to continue or join in?

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Kay started the 2009 challenge at the beginning of the year and dropped out for personal reasons. I ended up taking it over. I've had a few folks expressing interest in doing another round for 2010.


Who would like to continue and who would like to join in?


The rules are simple.


1) Read at least one book a week

2) Re-reads count as long as they are reread after the beginning of the year

3) All forms of books count including audio books and e-books.

4) School related books don't count - unless you want them too.



To keep it simple, even though Jan 1 is a Friday, the book week would start on Sunday the 3rd, so we have the regular week instead of going from Thursday to Wednesday.


Who wants to read 52 books in 52 weeks?

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Me too! I don't mind if the blog happens or not because I don't use it. I'm quite happy posting and reading here. Not sure if I'll manage a book a week next year since I won't be breastfeeding a newborn (doesn't that provide wonderful chunks of reading time?) and I'm intending to start working on WEM. :w00t: Still, it's less about reading that many books and more about consistently reading, isn't it? "Ah, I've finished another chapter of Anna Karenina" is a worthy enough contribution, yes? If it isn't, I'll be sure to post the details of the picture books I'm reading to the kids, hehehe.




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Well, i'd love to but it is way to ambitious for me at this point. I think i could manage a book a month, well that is my plan anyway. Considering it has been over a year since i read anything for pleasure i think that would be a good start. Like Rosie, i am happy to contribute which chapters of a certain book i have read in the week which is a motivator in itself if that is OK.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy

Definitely! I'm glad you guys are doing it again. I regret not participating last year (especially since I ended up reading enough to be in the mix anyway!). Having to report should increase the quality of my choices considerably. :D


Off to my bookshelves (and Amazon) to start a list...

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I loved doing this reading challenge this year. I found myself in a pattern, though. I would only read easy books or short books to make sure that I could get my 52 books in (which I did.) As a result, I didn't read too many classics or non-fiction books. This was my reason for doing the challenge. So I don't think I will do the challenge next year but I would still like to post when I do finish a book.

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I loved doing this reading challenge this year. I found myself in a pattern, though. I would only read easy books or short books to make sure that I could get my 52 books in (which I did.) As a result, I didn't read too many classics or non-fiction books. This was my reason for doing the challenge. So I don't think I will do the challenge next year but I would still like to post when I do finish a book.



How about we grant ourselves triple points for the classics? ;) Maybe I'll cross breed the 52 challenge with Amber's idea of one a month to come out with a monthly classic and fill any gaps with other easy/short books.



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I loved doing this reading challenge this year. I found myself in a pattern, though. I would only read easy books or short books to make sure that I could get my 52 books in (which I did.) As a result, I didn't read too many classics or non-fiction books. This was my reason for doing the challenge. So I don't think I will do the challenge next year but I would still like to post when I do finish a book.



Yes, the classics are so much harder to read not only because of the writing style, but the length. I might manage to read one classic a month. If you want to set a goal to read a certain number of classics, then go for it. You can still report your progress here. Set your own goal, let us know what it is and we'll be here cheering you on. Maybe we should have a alternative challenge within the challenge - Read one classic a month.

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I'll continue to pipe up in the conversation like Rosie & Amber are planning. (Figure you're already kind of used to me being in this thread anyway since I've been posting in it for the last couple of months, lol.)


I know I won't read 52 books, but I do like posting in this thread & reading to see what others are recommending (or not). So many of the books I like are long &/or complex (plus, just getting reading time is sometimes a challenge); I consider reading 12-20 a pretty good goal for myself. (I think I've read about 18 or 19 books this year for myself. My 'stats' would look better by page count, lol.)


So, please count me as an 'in', just at a reduced number. :001_smile:

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Yes, the classics are so much harder to read not only because of the writing style, but the length. I might manage to read one classic a month. If you want to set a goal to read a certain number of classics, then go for it. You can still report your progress here. Set your own goal, let us know what it is and we'll be here cheering you on. Maybe we should have a alternative challenge within the challenge - Read one classic a month.


I can do this--one classic a month. Then if I get that finished I can fill in the rest of the month with more contemporary books. Okay, I am in!

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Can I reinvent the rules? I usually can't do a book a week unless it is a light and/or short book, however, I am often reading 5 books at a time and I could realistically finish a book a week.


So would that be 'cheating' if that were my policy?


I don't think anyone is that picky. At least, I'm not. My goal for this year was to read 52 books in 52 weeks. Some weeks I do little reading and other weeks I do a lot. Sometimes I have three or four books going at once and I end up finishing several of them in the same week.


I think of it as a book a week averaged over a year.

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Thanks, Robin, for being the coordinator.


I failed in my attempt to do this last year as it seemed to be the year of fat books for me (Moby Dick, An Instance of the Finger Post, Quo Vadis...) But the real reason that I failed is that I spend too much time on the Internet. By buying into the 52 books in 52 week concept, perhaps I will Walk Away from the Computer which I really need to do.


With appreciation,


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Can I reinvent the rules? I usually can't do a book a week unless it is a light and/or short book, however, I am often reading 5 books at a time and I could realistically finish a book a week.


So would that be 'cheating' if that were my policy?


There are no hard and fast rules. The challenge is all about reading, pure and simple. For some folks it is difficult to even find the time to read one book a week. It helps to have a goal and an incentive to read. Plus it is all about fun and enjoying your reading time. Having someone to say to "Hey I'm reading xxx this week, what about you?" Sharing.



The goal is 52 books. However you manage the goal of 52 books is up to you.

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With Robin's permission I have created a social group that will serve both the book-a-week challenge and the 20/20/20 challenge. I know Robin's group has been posting a thread each week and don't want to intrude on what works. It is not a requirement to join to participate in either challenge, however I wanted to leave the option open for anyone who is excited about expanding their reading horizons for 2010.




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I'd be interested in doing this, but I'm not on the boards as much anymore. Is there a thread that gets updated that I can subscribe to?





Every week I will be posting a Book A Week in 2010 thread. It's not one particular thread. Plus elegantlion has started a social group you can check out. Or you can sign up on the blog

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Absolutely! I just need to remember to keep remembering to update my posts on what I've read.


Someone mentioned Jaymie and Claire and their books and that's REALLY slowed my average down for the fall this year but they are SO good! They are just SO big! LOL I was averaging way more than a book a week until I got hooked on them. Those guys take forever to read. :)

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I would love to take the challege! I have recently in the last year started to devour books. We discovered Sonlight last year and my dd is doing Core 5. Sonlight has been wonderful for us! At first I thought that all of the read alouds were incredibly intimidating, but I found that I loved our reading time. I have since pretty much quit watching t.v. and I spend LOTS of time reading. I have a pile of books waiting for me, so I am excited to share this challenge with others!

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I promise to really try to keep track this year. I am pretty sure I reached my goal...but I also didn't keep track. GRRRRR!!!!


Anyway...instead of kicking myself, I figured I'd give it a go again....and really try to keep track this time.


~~Faithe...who is really looking forward to seeing everyones lists so I can get some new ideas. To whoever suggested Hunger Games, ds and I both 3enjoyed that one this week. Thanks!



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