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OK, would you say something to your dh if...

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he is the most wonderful dh on the planet, EXCEPT that he regularly gets you THE lamest present for your bday:thumbdown:


I mean, I adore the man, but I think that if I open up one more pretty bag with a CALENDAR (and it is always Psalms with pretty pictures) in it, I am going to lose. it. lol.:rolleyes:


I havent mentioned it yet, but....


Would you??


(he really thinks I like this!)



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At Hanukkah/Christmas (we celebrate both in our house) I often order or buy my own gifts, and then hand them to DH to wrap up and "give" me. Or if it is something I don't need to try on or buy myself, I will give him a list of very clear, specific items to choose from. I've been known to hand him the sale flyer from Target with desired items circled in red.


I learned years ago that this was the best way to actually get something I want and like. DH does usually get me a couple of small things he chooses on his own, too.


I recommend you telling your DH (in a loving way of course, not rudely) just what it is you would like, and even where he can buy it.

Michelle T

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Yes. I say that with certainty, because I have. :blushing:


Dh and I have an open and honest relationship (not saying you don't) and I figured it was best to suck it up and be brutally honest for 5 min. than it would be to suck it up and be deceivingly pleased with a gift for the next several months/years. Besides, your dh loves you and probably would like to get you something you really like and that would make you happy. He can't do this if you don't tell him that you don't like what he gets you. :) That's my theory anyways. :leaving:


ETA: The conversation went really well, and instead of being disappointed, my dh was actually relieved that I told him. Phew. :D

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I get lame gifts for my husband, and would appreciate a little guidance. I know they are lame. But the man wants me to read his mind...? I don't think so. I don't have the time for that.


Talk to him. Tell him what you want. But don't be too subtle about it. Years ago, before the internet, my good friend used to set out catalogues with pages folded down at the corner, indicating items she especially liked. Then she'd find the catalogue in the recycling. So she'd get it out, smooth out the pages, and put a sticky note on the item she wanted. Again, she'd find it in the recycling. Finally, she said, "Honey. Buy me that," pointing. He'd say, "Oh. What is this magazine?"

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I would *LOVE* the calendar, but next year - I would suggest we go shopping together and have him pick out what he likes - or maybe just make my own purchase and call it birthday to myself. My sister buys herself her own gifts for her birthday, because her husband is great, but just doesn't know how to get a really great gift for her.


My husband is totally opposite (although my brother in law is his brother). He will put together a great birthday gift, even though all I want is a kitchen gadget! He rolls his eyes when I say I want a rice cooker instead of the opal ring set, or a new outfit (he does have esquisite taste).


Funny how things end up...

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I walked mine around a store and showed him what I liked. I also always have an Amazon wish list going. I sometimes have to remind him of it. We talk openly about what we like or want. I'm not a big gift person, but I do like to get something I like for my birthday or Christmas. If you can't do that then buy yourself something you love.

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Men are practical. Mine prefers me to email him a wishlist, which I do. Then I randomly bring up the "Hey, what are you getting me for my birthday!" conversation so I can remind him that I already sent the wishlist every couple of months. My birthday is 2 weeks after Christmas, which is for the best, I think. Then he can take care of Christmas and my birthday all in one go. He likes to be efficient that way, but not efficient in other ways, such as never ordering the two items early enough that they'll arrive on time. Before I started doing this, he would buy me a couple of movies with captions so he could watch them with me.


I'm lame at giving him gifts too. Great at it for everyone else, lame at buying for him. He wants to be surprised so I can't just buy what he wants. I even flunked out when I bought him the entire series of books after he professed to love the first one. You know what happened, don't you? He opened the bag and told me he hated the books. How am I supposed to know he hates books if he says he loves them? :svengo: Then about 4 months later he remembered he liked them and read the next couple. Oh well, hehehe. At least we try. I'm sure I'll get it right one year. :)



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If I were the lame gift-giver, I'd want to know.


If you can tell him gently, and he'd be semi-receptive to hearing it (I mean, some hurt feelings are to be expected but if he knows it's coming from a place of love) .... tell him.


Manners would be to be appreciative of what you got; love would be to gently tell the truth. IMO ;)

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I tell my wonderful Dh what I want. I got tired of the lame gifts!


:iagree: Sure, I keep a running list on the computer. If he doesn't already know for sure about something I would like, he can check the list. I ALWAYS make sure he has seen the list a few weeks before my B-day, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, our Anniversary and Christmas! Just give your DH a list of things you would like and make sure Psalms Calendar isn't on it. No need to say anything about gifts of the past, talk about the future. "This year...I would really like something from this list! You can choose so it will still be a surprise! Thanks honey!"

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:iagree: Sure, I keep a running list on the computer. If he doesn't already know for sure about something I would like, he can check the list. I ALWAYS make sure he has seen the list a few weeks before my B-day, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, our Anniversary and Christmas! Just give your DH a list of things you would like and make sure Psalms Calendar isn't on it. No need to say anything about gifts of the past, talk about the future. "This year...I would really like something from this list! You can choose so it will still be a surprise! Thanks honey!"



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Oh, I am very direct with my dh.

Last year he bought me a moped (small motorbike) off the side of the road. It was a bargain. It didn't even start. Its still in the front carport- I used it once. I never asked for it. But its ok- he buys me good things as well.

But I do tell him exactly what I want when I want something, and definitely for Christmas and birthdays. Although he might also get me something he finds.

Dh is one of those guys who loves to give gifts. He's not always the best as knowing what I want, but he tries hard. I tell him though.

2 days ago I told him I wanted to make a solar dehydrator and could he find me the parts? Within hours I had one in the back yard- not finished yet, but I made sun burgers in it today and I am thrilled!

I am up front about it. I am even up front when I dont particularly like something. I dunno but it seems to be a form of honesty to me. I can be grateful that he thought about me, and grateful that he bought me something, but I am not going to pretend I like something I dont. How else will he learn? He is the same with me.

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I have to be very clear with dh about what I want for Birthday, Christmas, Anniversary, and Valentine's Day. He has no clue. I tell him and he gets it. He always gets me gifts he picks out himself too. I usually get a calendar at Christmas, but he's learned that I will tell him exactly which one I want.


Maybe you could just hand him a list for Christmas and say, "I thought you could use some ideas about what to get me." He would probably appreciate the help.

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Dh gave me a bright red fuzzy housecoat last Christmas ~ I hate red. :tongue_smilie:


Dh gave me a bright red NintendoDS for our anniversary ~ what did I just say about red? :tongue_smilie:


But I love him ~ so I love his presents. I've worn that fuzzy red housecoat every day for the whole year. :D

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Keep the calenders. Someday you might long for just one more.;) Who knows, maybe he has some deep reason for them LOL. He may think "she can buy a ------ any time of the year. She would buy herself a cheap ugly calendar. This one will make her smile everyday." Accept the love behind the gift.:)

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I am the poor gift giver in our house. I have had to start learning from my dh. When we are out and about and I say I really like something, or just seem to really like something, he makes a note of it on his phone. He sometimes will even take a picture. When we are at home and I say " I really need/want a..." Soon after he will go put something on his phone. Gifts are his love language.

I have started taking notes of the things he wants (that are not too expensive;)) or ask him for a list. This really helps me. I am so proud of myself when I hit a home run with a gift for him :D.

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For my first mother's day 18 or so years ago when our new baby was just 3 weeks old I was expecting something very sentimental. You know, like an apron with her feetprint or an "I love Mommy" type of item. Instead, apparently a month or so before the big day when we were walking through Target we had walked past the hand held Dirt Devil vacs and I had apparently said, "OH I'd like to have that!" My DH was so proud of himself because now he knew the perfect gift to give me. Afterall, I had even said I wanted it! And to really make it special he bought the EXTRA attachments that weren't included. He was so excited when I opened the presents. We have a picture of me sitting in bed that morning opening the packages because he couldn't wait any longer to give them to me. In the picture I looked perfectly happy but inside I was realizing that if I wanted a sentimental gift from my baby I was going to need to make it myself. :) I didn't say anything to him for about 6 months as I didn't want to spoil that moment for him. But eventually (I think as Christmas neared) I layed the groundwork for him to understand me a bit better and the types of gifts I would like. And finally...the whole story came out and has become one of our funny, laughable family stories that we have both told many times. So while I am NOT a fan of the "just suck it up and stop complaining" approach, I AM a fan of not ruining the moment, but then find an honest way to approach it later. And if your DH is truly as wonderful as mine, he'll take it all non-defensively, turn it in to a humorous story and your gifts MIGHT get a bit better - although I have certainly been known now to buy a few for him to give me so I know at least there is something I was hoping for.

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Haven't read the replies. My dh was guilty of this, so we changed it. We stopped waiting for the other to buy us the perfect gift. We now talk about what we would like, maybe even shop for it together, but ultimately we each buy our own gift for Christmas and/or birthday. We do still get each other a little small something to unwrap. Nothing big though - $10 to $20 max. That way nobody is upset that the spouse spent $200 on something they really didn't want or need. This has solved so many hurt feelings, I can't begin to tell you. I know my dh loves me, but he really stinks in the gift dept most of the time. Very occasionally, he still will surprise me with a thoughtful (yet not expensive) gift for Christmas. A few years back, he gave me what he called the perfect cup of cocoa. A cocoa machine with different cocoa ingredients. I was so happy, but didn't expect it. This works for us!

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Don't say anything - love what you get. I lost my husband suddenly in an accident this year - and would of course trade all gifts (lame or good) for one moment with him again. Don't mean to be a downer - but if he loves you and is there with you - that is a great gift itself. TD

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I agree with others who say to tell him what you want. Guys often don't know, and they usually WANT you to tell them. It makes their lives easier, and since most of them truly want to make us happy, they'll usually buy us what we want if it's a reasonable request.

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My dh was the worst gift giver. One Christmas, I received the worlds UGLIEST pjs. I asked for something pretty, yet I could wear around the kids. He bought me this satin set...top and pants. They were teal, with HUGE pink, blue flowers on them, with green leaves. I was pregnant with Tazzie at the time, and quickly discovered after he was born that holding a baby while wearing them was like trying to juggle wet soap.


The next year, he bought me hot pink flannel jammies with drunken polar bears on them. I kid you not. They were holding martinis, and either sitting in their own pee, or on a bit of ice.


I finally told him, "If in doubt, jewelery"...except he bought me peridot earrings for my birthday. I LOATHE my birthstone, it looks like neon snot. *sigh*

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Don't say anything - love what you get. I lost my husband suddenly in an accident this year - and would of course trade all gifts (lame or good) for one moment with him again. Don't mean to be a downer - but if he loves you and is there with you - that is a great gift itself. TD


:grouphug: I am so very sorry. Thank you for the needed perspective.

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My advice would be next year to say: "Honey, you don't need to get me anything. We don't need to be giving gifts. Let's just enjoy each other's company."



I read these threads & my head boggles.


I don't get the obsession with gifts in adults.


And yes, I've read the 5 Love Languages & I've reall all about the gift one & I believe that love language is about gifts as tokens. It shouldn't matter what it is, it really is the thought that counts. (I have a memory of a story in which a dad brings home something every day for his little son - & it's things like a paper clip, an empty matchbox, a button, a pinecone... )


In my world, if there is something you want, then you say to your partner - Honey, I really want this & I think we can afford it. What do you think? It doesn't have to be a special occasion, it doesn't have to be a present, it doesn't have to be a birthday - you are grown up now, you can buy yourself things when you like.


If another person enjoys buying you things because it gives THEM pleasure to buy things for others (one of my grandmas was like this), then you let them & just take what comes as a *gift*. It doesn't matter what it is - it's something someone who loves and cares for you wanted you to have. If that person says "I want to give you something special and I was thinking of this or this - what do you think?" then you give them some pointers because it would please *them* to please you. Otherwise you just smile at what comes your way.


As you can guess, we're not big gift people here. Dh occasionally buys me flowers and chocolates and fancy teas - when the mood strikes him. I can't remember the last time I bought him anything.... he's a big boy, he can buy his own things & gifts are not his love language so there's no need for me to fill his cup that way. If it were, I would - but I'd be getting him small token things.


I really think that if your love language is gifts, you don't care an awful lot what the item actually is. If you do care about it a lot, I believe it's no longer about it being a love language. It's about something else...... (linked I suspect to at least one & maybe more than one item on the list of seven deadly sins....)


It all becomes very absurd after a while - all the gift giving because we HAVE to, the subsequent exchanging/returning of unsuitable presents, the gift cards (??? that's got to be the most absurd; why are we swapping $50 back and forth? You give me a $50 gift card & I give you a $50 gift card? What is the point of this?)


I think I probably need to put on my flameproof undies now.


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My advice would be next year to say: "Honey, you don't need to get me anything. We don't need to be giving gifts. Let's just enjoy each other's company."



I read these threads & my head boggles.


I don't get the obsession with gifts in adults.


And yes, I've read the 5 Love Languages & I've reall all about the gift one & I believe that love language is about gifts as tokens. It shouldn't matter what it is, it really is the thought that counts. (I have a memory of a story in which a dad brings home something every day for his little son - & it's things like a paper clip, an empty matchbox, a button, a pinecone... )


In my world, if there is something you want, then you say to your partner - Honey, I really want this & I think we can afford it. What do you think? It doesn't have to be a special occasion, it doesn't have to be a present, it doesn't have to be a birthday - you are grown up now, you can buy yourself things when you like.


If another person enjoys buying you things because it gives THEM pleasure to buy things for others (one of my grandmas was like this), then you let them & just take what comes as a *gift*. It doesn't matter what it is - it's something someone who loves and cares for you wanted you to have. If that person says "I want to give you something special and I was thinking of this or this - what do you think?" then you give them some pointers because it would please *them* to please you. Otherwise you just smile at what comes your way.


As you can guess, we're not big gift people here. Dh occasionally buys me flowers and chocolates and fancy teas - when the mood strikes him. I can't remember the last time I bought him anything.... he's a big boy, he can buy his own things & gifts are not his love language so there's no need for me to fill his cup that way. If it were, I would - but I'd be getting him small token things.


I really think that if your love language is gifts, you don't care an awful lot what the item actually is. If you do care about it a lot, I believe it's no longer about it being a love language. It's about something else...... (linked I suspect to at least one & maybe more than one item on the list of seven deadly sins....)


It all becomes very absurd after a while - all the gift giving because we HAVE to, the subsequent exchanging/returning of unsuitable presents, the gift cards (??? that's got to be the most absurd; why are we swapping $50 back and forth? You give me a $50 gift card & I give you a $50 gift card? What is the point of this?)


I think I probably need to put on my flameproof undies now.



No flames here, lol. I really do agree with you. We are not big gift givers here, either. And, generally, I do get what I really want when I want it, myself.


It was just this silly calendar that comes back to haunt me, year after year. :tongue_smilie: I always buy a different one, with LARGE squares because it is what our large family needs for organization. So, I have a hard time finding a place for the one dh gets me (and it always just feels unnecessary, since I use a different one for the family).


But, the loss of the previous poster was an important reminder. I think that I'll probably keep "enjoying" my annual Psalms calendar.


Thank you all!



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I don't think I'd ever tell dh his gifts are lame. But I'd be dropping hints starting Halloween! That's what I have been doing for the past few years and it's gotten us beyond the "lame."


This year I'm going for an AeroGarden. I live in South Florida and I can't grow salad greens in the summer. I'd love to grow them indoors so I can stop buying the tired, wilted, week-old lettuce from the grocery store. As an added incentive, I let him know how much fresh salad *he'd* be eating if he got me one.


Drop many, many hints, or just come right out and ask for something you want.


Good luck and Merry Christmas!

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My husband claims he never knows what to buy me. He's always bringing home silly or strange gifts.


One gift I received this year was The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate.


So I've taken to emailing my husband links to items I would like. My birthday and Christmas are coming up and I sent him a link to a pair of brown boots I want, with my size included, and a note that said "Aren't these beautiful? I would LOVE a pair of boots like this!"


If your husband really is as wonderful as you say he is, you should be able to talk to him about this.

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So, I have a hard time finding a place for the one dh gets me (and it always just feels unnecessary, since I use a different one for the family).



I can help you with that - I buy several calendars from various animal rescue organizations because I want to support their annual fundraisers (& I love the pics!)


There is one main calendar in my little office nook where we write appointments etc & the rest get scattered.


Here are some of the places they go:


-each bathroom; behind the door, or by the mirror. I actually find the bathroom calendars really helpful because when I'm in there I can look at the week & month & think about how things are looking etc. Guests always come out exclaiming over the cute dog they saw (these calendars usually have the animal's story too & how they ended up in rescue & their happy ending & I know people read them because they talk about them....)


-workroom downstairs


-each kid gets one in their bedroom


-in the garage, by the door to the house


What is funny is that despite all these calendars we all tend to be the sort of people who have no clue about the date..... lucky we're never too far from one so we can check :)

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He's getting you one because he thinks you like it, but he's wrong. He's trying to please you, so I'd clue him in as gently as possible. Have an alternative (or several) ready to suggest, just in case you end up getting the alternative every birthday for the next ten years. Make sure it's something you wouldn't get tired of receiving. Even if it's a different calendar, LOL.

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My husband would rather get me something that I love and enjoy, than spend money on something that I flinch when opening, and hide in the back of a drawer. If nothing else, buying me pjs that I wouldn't wear is a waste of money.


The point of gift giving, to me, is to get the other person something they'd truly enjoy. I'd rather have a list, be let know that something they want/need, than get them a gift that doesn't bless them in some way.

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This year I asked Dh if he was curious which store I wanted my gift from. (He doesn't like to be told what to get for me) So he thought about it and agreed. Anything from Bath and Body Works! I figured he couldn't go wrong, he could still pick it out, and I LOVE perfume and lotions ;)


My husband mentioned he wanted this


New tools, comes in a case, at Lowes, $100. He said his cheap ones at home are wearing out and would like new, nice tools that will last.

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I drop very obvious hints at what I like. I do this for several items that I'd like to have. That way he still feels like he's picked something out for me.:D I still get lame gifts sometimes ( elephant earrings, mismatches pjs that he "matched" together ). I just give him a big thank you, wear/use whatever and tell myself he's an awesome husband. :lol:

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