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Mothers of BOYS

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My boys are well behaved and they actually spent hours and hours coloring as small children, so not everything resonates with me that people say about boys. But I would have thought it was insane to have the schedule we have now with sports. I am used to it, and it feels "normal" to me now, but I never would have believed it.

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I really thought, before I had boys, that I would curb violent play (sword play, even gun play) but I don't. I'm also shocked at how interested my two older boys are with war, even though their father is a war veteran and doesn't make any bones about how joining the military will not be an acceptable option for our boys. They gravitate towards games like Call of Duty and also strategy games like Rise of Nations, Colonization, and Civilization. I really thought those things were nurture vs. nature.


I never thought we'd have so much penis talk or enjoy farts so much.

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1. Turning anything and everything into a weapon.

2. Never using items for their intended purpose.

3. Inability to regulate the strength of their grip. Oh, I need to squeeze this tube of toothpaste ONTO THE CEILING.

4. Inability to prevent oneself from pushing a button.

5. Inability to multi-task (I understand my husband so much more now).

6. Inability to stay clean for even FIVE MINUTES.

7. No sense of gross factor or maybe they embrace the gross factor. I dont have that figured out yet.

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1. Turning anything and everything into a weapon.

2. Never using items for their intended purpose.

3. Inability to regulate the strength of their grip. Oh, I need to squeeze this tube of toothpaste ONTO THE CEILING.

4. Inability to prevent oneself from pushing a button.

5. Inability to multi-task (I understand my husband so much more now).

6. Inability to stay clean for even FIVE MINUTES.

7. No sense of gross factor or maybe they embrace the gross factor. I dont have that figured out yet.





Wow. Exactly.


Number 2 made me laugh. It really describes my kids well.

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The inability to keep a mop in the house unless it is under lock and key. :tongue_smilie:


Mops with spring mechanisms get taken apart.

Mops without spring mechanisms make their way to the back yard to fullfill their true destiny as lances, jousting sticks and pole vaults.

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Please list everything that you now consider NORMAL that you would have thought CRAZY before you had boys!


I need a perspective adjustment. Maybe this will help.



Need to lift and tote heavy things.


Need to wrestle.


Inability to put dirty plate in dishwasher rather than sink.


The smell...my bros showered at school after sports before coming home...never knew it was that bad.


The sensitivity.

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1. Turning anything and everything into a weapon.

2. Never using items for their intended purpose.

3. Inability to regulate the strength of their grip. Oh, I need to squeeze this tube of toothpaste ONTO THE CEILING.

4. Inability to prevent oneself from pushing a button.

5. Inability to multi-task (I understand my husband so much more now).

6. Inability to stay clean for even FIVE MINUTES.

7. No sense of gross factor or maybe they embrace the gross factor. I dont have that figured out yet.



Yup, this list is perfect.

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I can just say "yeah that" to everything listed thus far. ;) Dh and I also thought we'd never do the whole sword/gun/lightsaber thing, but we are bombarded by them around here. And, even if we didn't have the toy ones from the store, they'd figure out how to fashion guns, swords, and lightsabers out of anything else in the house. :)

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Growing up in girlville I was completely unprepared for boys. I think the biggest thing was the mood swings that come around age 11. I thought girls were the moody one. YIKES! Actually asked our dr if I needed to take the oldest to a therapist. I finally figured out he was sayng no through his laughs. Also boys have to touch poke or somehow breathe on everything. Especially each other. Then there are what we call boy noises that they can create on demand. And whoever said they are smell was oh so right.

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I have one, married to a man who has never quite grown up, and I was a tomboy. I was sort of prepared to have a boy.


1. everything becomes a weapon

2. questioning everything (maybe more personality than gender)

3. sitting quietly and reading is not high on the priority list

4. being summonsed to watch him play video games and wreck the cars on purpose while driving backward around the track

5. Lack of concern for attire, but still very picky :glare:

6. ability to be upset one moment and hugging you the next

7. the fact he looks and acts like a carbon copy of his father



I love having a boy. I grew up with one sister and would have been less prepared to have a girl.

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Everything needs to be methodically and concisely explained. Over and over and over and over...


Socks are optional. No matter what.


Also, its not unusual to notice that they are wearing the same clothes...for several days in a row.


Oh yes, the socks. My ds will outgrow them before they wear out. :lol:

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Adrenaline and lots of it - they really aren't afraid :scared:


Grunting - why use 10 words when one will do


There is no painting your nails and talking about your feelings - just say what you mean and move on


Even a boy who has never seen a weapon or a car will immediately turn anything he sees into a car or a weapon - complete with sound affects


Need to simultaneously be cool :coolgleamA: and hug your mother


Totally separate boxes in the brain for each and every subject and the boxes never connect - can you say one track mind. On the upside they can spend a whole day totally focused on the tiniest details of a car or computer or other project and never get bored or distracted :D


Lots and lots of wrestling - even among the big boys, and when it is over everybody just moves on regardless of who got hurt or who won

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- Turning anything and everything into a gun or sword. I totally believed nature vs. nurture before DS was born. And we don't allow guns, knives, swords in our house!

- The NEED to burn off energy. My DD was good playing around the house, going to the park every few days when she was DS's age. DS gets antsy and you can tell he's wound like a coil without getting a chance to run every day.

- That he isn't looking at me, he's not hearing me. And multi-step directions are (at least for now) are impossible.

- How young their fascination/pride begins with their privates. LOL! 6 months ago DS told me, "Me love my pee." :lol:

- Their lack of impulse control. DD would see something she wanted (but wasn't allowed) and you could see gears going trying to figure out how to get it. DS see something he wants and just goes for it without regard for the consequences of his actions.

- That it's not possible for him to be quiet for 1 entire visit to the library. LOL!

- How much boys eat, even when they're little. And that it's impossible for them to eat without wearing at least as much as they get in their tummies.

- How cuddly and loveable that boys can be. And how much they adore their mommies.

- How much pride he would take from opening doors for us, helping us, and protecting us. DS is always the first to run over when I need help with anything and he finds such joy in it. And he's the master bug catcher when DH isn't here. He'll run over and catch the bug saying, "I'll save you!"


When I found out I was having a boy, I was actually really upset about it because all I pictured were the out-of-control boys whose parents justify their behavior by saying "boys will be boys." Then I realized that having a boy doesn't mean that he act like that. Almost 3 years into being the mom of a boy, I can't imagine life without him. And I wouldn't trade him for anything. :D

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Being SO far behind girls in potty training! My oldest DD showed signs of readiness at 1 3/4 and was fully trained by 2 1/2. My boy showed no interest whatsoever until 3 1/2 and he's STILL only 90% trained at 4 :001_rolleyes:


Some of the best advice that I got from the moms of other boys was to PT before their 2nd birthday. I had 4 different moms of boys at different times tell me "get them trained before 2 or wait till they're 4." Something about 3-year olds and PTing doesn't work, LOL! We decided to give it a try since DD PT'ed at 20 months. DS trained at 23 months and was night trained before spring.

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:lol: I think the Drama is preparing me fairly well for a boy then. She fits over half of those. (She has sensory-seeking issues as well as being a rambunctious, stubborn girl who doesn't believe in "no"--so she doesn't believe in gravity and must climb/throw/stomp/kick/headbutt/yell at everything in her path :001_huh:.) We have now destroyed 4 Nerf swords (they have been used and abused--including eaten--to death) since the Drama came around, lol. Crayons sometimes go on paper, and other times they go in her mouth, jammed up her nose, or flying across the room. Etc, etc, etc.

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The need to move constantly.

The desire for a hug from Mom during the day, even if they act like they don't want one.

The sound of the refrigerator opened at least every 5 minutes.

The sight of them eating cereal 15 minutes after supper.

The need to do laundry only as a last resort.

The need to move constantly - bears repeating.

The desire to turn every pencil into 5 or a weapon, sometimes both.

The reality of knowing my learning room will never be without drumming sounds again.

The reality that reading might not be their first choice.


But, I love my guys because, for the most part, they are learning but just in a different way than I learn. Makes my life exciting!!

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Having a little brother and hearing Mom and her friends speaking about boys, I was prepared for the grunting and boyisms and we have plenty of those, lol. :001_smile: What's surprised me about my sons is how SWEET they are. My dd picks flowers for herself. My sons pick flowers to give to me. When I'm ill, they give me hugs and clean the kitchen. They open doors and insist on carrying packages for me. I expected dd to be sweet (and she is), but I didn't expect it of my boys. :D

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He actually wears socks, but prefers not to change them.


This is my oldest! We have to remind him EVERY day to change his socks and underwear EVERY day. Ewww!


I had three brothers (I was the only girl) and now have three sons. My list is similar to everyone else's list, it seems. :-)


I wasn't prepared for how much they eat. They can eat an entire meal and be opening the fridge for a snack 20 minutes later. AND, they're not teenagers yet! :blink:


I wasn't prepared for their stinkiness! Thank goodness for the new Dial for Men 3-D Odor Defense body wash. AND, they're not teenagers yet! :eek:


My boys LOVE to read ... and will read for hours on end by their own choice ... but they also need plenty of fresh air and running around. If they don't get exercise, they start to drive me and each other crazy.


Everything is a weapon. Most games devolve into wrestling matches.


They don't know their own strength. I have had to explain to all three boys that it isn't necessary to hug mom as hard as they can.


We've had to explain that play fighting is play fighting and therefore you shouldn't be trying to hit your brother with your lightsaber/sword/fists as hard as you can. It's just supposed to be for pretend.


We've had to explain repeatedly that jokes that involve body parts and or noises are not appropriate at dinner.


Boys have the most difficult time consistently keeping all of their urine IN the potty and NOT all over the exterior of the potty/floor/wall/garbage can next to the potty.


Boys need to be reminded to GO POTTY instead of standing there talking to me while holding themselves. And then told to FLUSH the toilet and WASH YOUR HANDS. WITH SOAP.

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My "boy" is 29 and this thread is bringing back some fun and sweet memories.


He called me just now to say hello, check up on his little sisters, and to let me know he's going grocery shopping. He lives nearby, and hugs Dad more than he wrestles with him nowadays. He gives the best hugs, and to this day, does not know his own strength. We call him our gentle giant.

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1. Turning anything and everything into a weapon.

2. Never using items for their intended purpose.

3. Inability to regulate the strength of their grip. Oh, I need to squeeze this tube of toothpaste ONTO THE CEILING.

4. Inability to prevent oneself from pushing a button.

5. Inability to multi-task (I understand my husband so much more now).

6. Inability to stay clean for even FIVE MINUTES.

7. No sense of gross factor or maybe they embrace the gross factor. I dont have that figured out yet.


Until Tazzie, I thought kids shoving things (other than fingers) up their nose was an Urban myth. Nope. Peas, twice in the same meal. *sigh*


Other issues:


  1. No sense of privacy...at least other people's. Tazzie is quite proud of himself when he catches his Daddy peeing, and can then join in. "We made an 'X'!" No, I'm not kidding.

  2. Underwear is all thats needed to wear.


  3. Underwear is also optional in the summer.

  4. Serenading the neighbour lady with the 'Nekkid Song' is ok. While nekkid of course.


  5. Thank Heavens the neighbour lady has two sons. Didn't phase her at all.

  6. Tazzie needs 'fresh air' several times a day. 'Fresh air' = running around outside, yelling, climbing, dangling off anything and everything.

  7. No censoring. Whatever is thought is out the mouth. And the more embarrassing it is, the louder it is.

  8. Mommy is the only acceptable female for the first 10-12 years. Declarations of "When I grow up, you and Daddy have to get a 'vorce, cause I wanna marry you!"

  9. Making sisters howl is more than a hobby, its a vocation.

  10. Despite a gun ban in the house, can turn anything into a weapon. Sandwiches can be shaped into a gun with careful bites. Blocks can snap into guns or swords. Hockey sticks, broom handles, mops...all acceptable swords/spears.

  11. When all the energy is burned out, the favourite place to be is snuggling with Mommy. :001_wub:



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My boy is only 10 months, but already the differences are showing. He LOVES dirt, twigs, sand and tanbark. They are, oh, so tasty! His sister used to find the dirtiness and grittiness absolutely offensive! I didn't realise the whole belly button lint thing started so early. I found sand in his belly button the other day, and his dad was so proud. My daughter has never had sand in her belly button.



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6. Inability to stay clean for even FIVE MINUTES.




Even dss12 is ALWAYS messy. Food on his face, stain on his shirt, hair needs to be combed; something. Why are boys always messy, sticky, or stinky? I didin't know that. I have no brothers, so of course now I have three boys. :D

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1. Turning anything and everything into a weapon.

2. Never using items for their intended purpose.

3. Inability to regulate the strength of their grip. Oh, I need to squeeze this tube of toothpaste ONTO THE CEILING.

4. Inability to prevent oneself from pushing a button.

5. Inability to multi-task (I understand my husband so much more now).

6. Inability to stay clean for even FIVE MINUTES.

7. No sense of gross factor or maybe they embrace the gross factor. I dont have that figured out yet.


Oh I love #4!!! When things get out of whack in our house, we know DS has been busy with buttons on somehting!

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I agree with everything posted already. I grew up with two sisters, so nothing prepared me for four boys.


I love how my boys, no matter how old they are, want their mom when they are sick, sad, disappointed, or simply have something on their mind. There is a special mom/son bond that is incredibly special.

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These crack me up! I totally agree! Every truck, trailer, etc. in our house has no wheels. They destroy everything (not in an angry way, but in a... "hey if this truck doesn't have wheels then we need to call a tow-truck and take it to the body shop" way). My 5 year old hates underwear and won't wear it unless forced to and he also refuses to wipe or flush, so when he does wear underwear we got the skidmarks thing going. They are also obsessed with bodily functions/noises and their little "things" already.

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I love the fact that mine memorized how the universal remote works by age 2. And my ds is quite considerate. When he and his sister get to watch a DVD at the end of the day, my dd inevitably must run to the bathroom. Ds always pauses the video (no one taught him) until she returns. Thoughtfulness and "using his powers for good" all in one!


Other than that, I'm not really phased. I grew up with one sister. But, my Dad was from a family of all boys and my Mom had 10 brothers. I don't think my sister and I were taught how to do "girl" very well. ;)

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How they can make realistic noises for just about any weapon or vechicle in existance...this started at around age 3 in our house.


How they are very protective of Mommy (like to attack Daddy for any reason -for example Dad tickles Mom, takes her blanket, you name it...they're in attack mode.)


Gross is an understatement. But so is sweet.


(I was also amazed how many really cute baby boy clothes there are!)

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This is my oldest! We have to remind him EVERY day to change his socks and underwear EVERY day.


My boys LOVE to read ... and will read for hours on end by their own choice ... but they also need plenty of fresh air and running around. If they don't get exercise, they start to drive me and each other crazy.


Everything is a weapon. Most games devolve into wrestling matches.


They don't know their own strength. I have had to explain to all three boys that it isn't necessary to hug mom as hard as they can.


We've had to explain that play fighting is play fighting and therefore you shouldn't be trying to hit your brother with your lightsaber/sword/fists as hard as you can. It's just supposed to be for pretend.


Yes to ALL of these.


So many of all of our lists are the same -- good to know it really IS normal boy behavior. Before I had my second boy I thought there was something seriously wrong with my first. Ha! (Now I've noticed the trend.)

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1. Turning anything and everything into a weapon.

2. Never using items for their intended purpose.

3. Inability to regulate the strength of their grip. Oh, I need to squeeze this tube of toothpaste ONTO THE CEILING.

4. Inability to prevent oneself from pushing a button.

5. Inability to multi-task (I understand my husband so much more now).

6. Inability to stay clean for even FIVE MINUTES.

7. No sense of gross factor or maybe they embrace the gross factor. I dont have that figured out yet.


:iagree: They do embrace the gross factor, but as men most learn to only discuss it when women are not present lol. I seriously never thought there would be so much bathroom talk in our house before we had boys. :lol:

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