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What movie endings make you cry every time?

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It's a Wonderful Life is one movie I can think of, off hand. And then there are all those read-aloud books. Good grief! You'd think after going through some of them at least four times that I could get a grip..... I just finished sobbing through half of Lantern Bearers. Bronze Bow is one that gets me every time. There are tons!

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The Scarlet And The Black--

If you haven't seen this made for tv movie with Gregory Peck, you might consider it. It's about a priest who saves people during WWII. The crying part for me comes at the very, very end--the "epilogue," if you will. It's beautiful and totally unexpected.

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Homeward Bound - when the old dog appears over the hill. "Shadow!"


Also when they show the Irish mom putting her two children back to bed in Titanic, know as she does that they are doomed....and the old couple cuddled together as the water comes in the room... and the father on the boat telling his sobbing girls "There will be another boat for the Daddies"..oh, heck, a LOT of Titanic. But the stuff based on real people who died - not Jack and Rose.


Born Free - when Elsa shows up again.


Up - same place everyone cries.

Edited by JFSinIL
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Goodness, I cry at everything. A shorter list would be what don't I cry at.


Me, too. Not always just at the end, and sometimes all the way through. Many of the ones that get me crying have already been mentioned. I'm trying to think of a few...


Atonement (I was fine all the way through it, but the end had me sobbing hysterically)


Little Women (the one with Susan Sarandon, Claire Danes, Winona Ryder, etc.)


Pride and Prejudice (all of them, but especially the Keira Knightley version when he gives his "You have bewitched me" speech)


One True Thing (Meryl Streep)


Pay It Forward


A Very Long Engagement


Moulin Rouge


Say Anything


August Rush


Cold Mountain


Where the Heart Is


... I know there are so many more....

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Steel Magnolias

Terms of Endearment





Love both of these movies, but they are tearjerkers like no other.


It doesn't help that I first saw Terms of Endearment in the movie theater, about 6 months after my most beloved aunt had died of cancer. :(


Also The Notebook. And Sense and Sensibility with Emma Thompson's crying scene.

Edited by LynnG in Hawaii
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A River Runs Through It is the only movie that makes me cry every. single. time I watch it, and for some reason I am compelled to watch it every time that I see it is on. I have no idea why.



Oh my yes, that is an amazing story. I have never read the book and need to put that on my list.


Another one for me is Out of Africa :crying:

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I cry pretty easily and some of the ones already mentioned really get me.


Steel Magnolias



A River Runs Through It


The movie that is by far the saddest I've ever seen is


My Life


It is the only movie that I have ever seen in a theater where you could hear men sobbing out loud. I cried for days.

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Goodness, I cry at everything. A shorter list would be what don't I cry at.

Me too.


My "ugly cry", like sit in the dark room staring at the dark tv screen for a couple of hours and sobbing, was Schindler's List. That movie still haunts me.


Most of my others are on this list too - I can cry at a commercial.

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No rhyme nor reason here:


Dogfight (River Phoenix)

Synecdoche, NY (mostly a constant weeping through the last third of the film)

Penn and Teller Get Killed (giddy tears of joy)


To Live

Howard's End

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Out of Africa, when Karen speaks at Denys's funeral. If I am watching this when MrTea comes home late at night, he knows that I need a good cry so he will sit with me til the movie ends, then hug me and ask if everything is okay.


Gladiator makes me weep at the end, so I watch it for cry therapy, too.

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