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My dh just called to say his place of employment is shutting down.

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Permanently. He has worked there for 22 yrs.


I don't know what we're going to do. We are middle aged, live in a small town where our home will now be worthless and the prospects for ANY other job for either of us is grim.


I broke it to our kids. The boys look at it as an adventure, my dd is devastated. I want to be supportive to my dh and not bring him down with my own anxieties. I also want to practice what I preach namely, trust in the Lord and lean not on my own understanding.

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Wow, I can't imagine.


You are awesome to want to emotionally support your hubby through this.


We'll be praying for you and your family.


For the righteous will never be moved;

he will be remembered forever.

He is not afraid of bad news;

his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.

His heart is steady; Ps. 112:6-8a


Just wanted to give you one more verse to hold on to.

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I am sorry to hear that you are going through a tough time. My dh was laid off 4 years ago 2 weeks after a glowing performance review... he had the ONE job he could hold in the town we lived in... and losing that job meant we were moving out of state for many reasons. It was heart-wrenching and tough, however, the Lord was in charge! We were richly blessed and we are so much better off than we were- better living situation, better job, better educational opportunities for my children, etc. Hang in there and pray for guidance. The Lord will give it.

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Wow, I can't imagine.


You are awesome to want to emotionally support your hubby through this.


We'll be praying for you and your family.


For the righteous will never be moved;

he will be remembered forever.

He is not afraid of bad news;

his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.

His heart is steady; Ps. 112:6-8a


Just wanted to give you one more verse to hold on to.


Thank you. Perfect verse.

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Permanently. He has worked there for 22 yrs.


I don't know what we're going to do. We are middle aged, live in a small town where our home will now be worthless and the prospects for ANY other job for either of us is grim.


I broke it to our kids. The boys look at it as an adventure, my dd is devastated. I want to be supportive to my dh and not bring him down with my own anxieties. I also want to practice what I preach namely, trust in the Lord and lean not on my own understanding.


I'm so sorry. Take a few minutes to grieve and then come up with a plan...You will all be fine.

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:grouphug: Oh, Rose, I'm so sorry!


What did your dh do for those 22 years? Is it a skill that, with creativity, he can put to use on his own? If so, maybe taking the boys' view on it will be helpful for everyone to get through this difficult time and brainstorm something wonderful your dh can put his 22 years of experience into for this next season.



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(((((Rose))))) I'm SO sorry. I know how gut-wrenching this is, and all the questions in your head. My husband was laid off in April and while he's been working as a handyman pretty steadily since then -- although not full time -- we're now heading into the winter months when there's a natural slow-down in that field. We do not know what is ahead, but we'll make it. Right now I'm trying to think of a winter-related business that might fly pretty easily. We DO have an offer on our house -- which came straight out of the blue -- although that's still iffy; that would be nice. But even if it doesn't sell right now, we just keep thinking and talking and trusting.



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Rose, my heart goes out to you. My family is in a very similar situation, except the business is supposed to go back into production in three months. All workers are cut back to working one day per week for the three months. Last year it was similar, but they didn't call dh back to work for two months longer than promised. It took us months to catch back up again, now we are here again. It is no fun trying to get by on half of your income.


I have lost faith in the company where dh works, they have not kept their word too often -- and they are Christian people! Dh feels it is time to apply elsewhere, so during the layoff he will do that. He is 57 years old though, and feels so overwhelmed. We are really praying that another offer comes in. Unemployment is really high, especially in our area, but despite these things I am reminded that God is greater than our situation, no matter how grim it seems.


I will pray for you, Rose, and if you think of us please pray too.




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I totally understand how you feel! Boy, do I ever. My dh was at his job for 11 yrs when they laid him off. He was laid off for 4 months. He applied everywhere. NO ONE called in that time but ONE place. He had one interview and two days later, they hired him.


The only downfall? It's two hours from our current home. We are looking to put our house on the market and see where the Lord leads.


It's exciting and scary all wrapped up into one. Like you though, we are trusting in our God. He is so much bigger than us and knows infinetly (sp?) more than we do.


Praying for you!

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Rose, my heart goes out to you. My family is in a very similar situation, except the business is supposed to go back into production in three months. All workers are cut back to working one day per week for the three months. Last year it was similar, but they didn't call dh back to work for two months longer than promised. It took us months to catch back up again, now we are here again. It is no fun trying to get by on half of your income.


I have lost faith in the company where dh works, they have not kept their word too often -- and they are Christian people! Dh feels it is time to apply elsewhere, so during the layoff he will do that. He is 57 years old though, and feels so overwhelmed. We are really praying that another offer comes in. Unemployment is really high, especially in our area, but despite these things I am reminded that God is greater than our situation, no matter how grim it seems.


I will pray for you, Rose, and if you think of us please pray too.





I will absolutely pray for you and ask God to give you the strength to be a light to your dh and family and to others around you as they witness these tough times. I so want to as I said before, practice what I preach. It's easy to say you trust God when everything is rosy, not so much when times are tough. Prayers to you. :grouphug:

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I totally understand how you feel! Boy, do I ever. My dh was at his job for 11 yrs when they laid him off. He was laid off for 4 months. He applied everywhere. NO ONE called in that time but ONE place. He had one interview and two days later, they hired him.


The only downfall? It's two hours from our current home. We are looking to put our house on the market and see where the Lord leads.


It's exciting and scary all wrapped up into one. Like you though, we are trusting in our God. He is so much bigger than us and knows infinetly (sp?) more than we do.


Praying for you!


Thank you. I know God has a plan. I so want to be able to continue to stay home and teach the kids at home. My dh so supports us in this endeavor and I know he will do all he can to allow this to continue. Fortunately my kids are older and it may be possible for me to work and homeschool but we live in an area where there are not a lot of jobs for anyone.

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If the company or the government offer any type of career counseling

or personal counseling, I would encourage you (your DH) to take advantage of it. Sometimes they can give good advise in finding a job. When you haven't had to look for a job in over 20 years, it can be daunting.


Stay positive. Be open to all possibilities. I've seen people lose jobs and then get good jobs even in this economy.


Best wishes.

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