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What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten?

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Dh is currently watching serveral shows on Travel and food channels that center around eating strange...OK yucky , horrible , disgusting sounds food. So what is the strangest thing you have ever eaten on purpose?

For me it would have to be raw octopus. I had it while I was living in Hawaii and it was fantastic. Now a lot of people would say the steamed crabs we eat here in Maryland are disgusting, but we love them, I guess it is all in what you are accustomed too.

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Rattlesnake. Before kids, I worked as a quality engineer in a small manufacturing facility. I was doing this training called 6 Sigma. One trip for the class was to go to Phoenix. The group went out to some western town thing and had dinner there. Someone ordered rattlesnake for the table to try. Kind of tasted like just fried something or other.

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Kim Chi in Korea


Yummmmmm.. I LOVE kim chi!


My husband loves to eat Balut (sp? or is it Baloot?) It is an egg with duck (or chicken?) fetus still intact. .


Okay - that is just, well, ewwwww . . . Call me chicken, but, well, ewwwww!


I guess I'm not that adventurous! I've eaten alligator and squid and tripe. Those are about the weirdest things I've ventured to try!

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We were in Brazil when I was 7, and well, when you're in the Amazon jungle and told that it's what's for dinner (or breakfast, or lunch, or snack) you eat it. without questions. I just remember it was soft and you had to bite off the end and suck it out.

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Now a lot of people would say the steamed crabs we eat here in Maryland are disgusting, but we love them, I guess it is all in what you are accustomed too.


Crab, disgusting?? Getting all of the meat out of a steamed crab is an art form!


My story concerns something that I won't try but my husband and son did. A good friend of ours said that sea urchin is something that everyone should try--once. So my husband and son did try it at a sushi restaurant--once. My husband's comment was that it tasted like "velvet", the point being that the texture is so peculiar that one forgets the taste. They are braver souls than I.



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I was in a social situation in Taiwan where I couldn't turn it down (we had been invited to share a neighbour's Chinese New Year meal). It was stuffed with pork and herbs and didn't actually taste too bad - just a bit rubbery. I couldn't get the idea of what it actually was out of my head though.


I also ate turtle 'paw'. It tasted like duck, but having the whole turtle lying on the serving dish was a bit too much for me.



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Kangaroo. I was an exchange student in High school. We lived on a farm and used to shoot them and then have "wallaby stew". We also ate rabbit. and I have had emu, but I've had it here in the States, not in Australia. I've had octopus once, didn't really like it...


As for baloot..I saw that episode of Survivor, and I wouldn't really want to be in the same room! eeewww!

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I've also had sea urchin gonads (uni); it's quite good, but I don't recommend anything less than Grade A uni. I've also tried raw (but not living) shrimp, octopus, tripe, escargot, authentic haggis & vegan haggis (I only count the latter as "strange"), and frogs legs. An acquaintance of mine recently ate small live octopuses in Singapore. I couldn't bring myself to do that in a million years.

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I ate frog legs once, because in my Dad's family, people eat that. They did taste like chicken, not bad at all. But I don't think I'll be eating them again.


Asparagus was the first thing that popped in my mind too, Tutor. I tried it because it was served at a friend's house for breakfast, and I did not want to offend my friend by not eating it.


I love asparagus! It's my favorite vegetable.

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My husband loves to eat Balut (sp? or is it Baloot?) It is an egg with duck (or chicken?) fetus still intact. He's Filipino so he can claim it as an ethnic delicacy. I have to turn my head and not watch if he's eating it! (They featured it on Survivor once.)


The weirdest thing I've eaten is sea urchin in Japan.


Where's the barfing avatar when you need it!:D

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Whenever my grandparents sent a beefer to the slaughter house, we would have scrambled brains and eggs for breakfast the next morning. I quit eating them when I realized the name meant actual brains.




:ohmy: That made me laugh.:001_smile:

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I was gagging as I read some of the responses here. I am not adventurous at all. Although I do eat gator all the time I never considered it strange. LOL I guess what one considers strange largely depends on where they are raised. I think I would have to pass on many of the dishes you women have tried. You all are WAY more brave than I am.

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steamed clams. I am a yankee living in the south married to a southener and they think that is just sick.


I've eaten alligator in S. Fl. It's the everglades afterall.


My fil lives on the panhandle of FL and I kid you not we pass through this little town that is known as the possum capital of the world. One can actually purchase potted possum. I smelled it but sure as heck would not eat it. ewe ewe ewe.

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I am a Southerner living in the north, and I'd never heard of calamari, steamers, or fried clams that have their bellies still on them (or whatever you call that round, bloated sphere). I won't eat any of those.


steamed clams. I am a yankee living in the south married to a southener and they think that is just sick.



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Hmmm. I can't say for sure, since I used to eat at restaurants in Vancouver where they served things from the ocean I ate and I don't know what they were. These were in Chinese restaurants that served REAL Chinese food and didn't serve differently to "round eyes." My philosophy at that time was that if I didn't know what it was, it was fine. (I was young and adventurous.)


But I can say I've eaten a peacock egg (so far no one's mentioned that), rattlesnake, smoked moose, dirt (on purpose to be funny when I was in kindergarten), haggis, but hated it and didn't know what was in it until afterward, tongue (okay, weird to me), beef tripe (to help someone out who ordered the wrong thing at one of those Chinese restaurants I mentioned--another half-Icelandic person I know was adventurous as me about those things. No doubt other things I knew about but have forgotten.


Things I've eaten I don't think weird: frogs legs (boring, not as good as chicken), freshly caught and steamed clams, veranichi, escargot, meat cooked with fruit (in a Morroccan restaurant).

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In Chinatown in LA. A group of us went with a friend who is native of China and he insisted we try everything. They were having lobster wars that night and we ended up only paying about $100 for 8 of us to eat and that included 5 lobsters.


I probably ate more weird stuff the next morning when he took us to DimSum (sp?). The menu was in Chinese and he ordered everything.

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Dh is currently watching serveral shows on Travel and food channels that center around eating strange...OK yucky , horrible , disgusting sounds food. So what is the strangest thing you have ever eaten on purpose?

For me it would have to be raw octopus. I had it while I was living in Hawaii and it was fantastic. Now a lot of people would say the steamed crabs we eat here in Maryland are disgusting, but we love them, I guess it is all in what you are accustomed too.


Seriously ground hippopotamus meat made into sloppy joes. :) I actually didn't know that's what I was eating until after the dinner.


Other strange foods I've eating include monkey, and flying ants.

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I am from Spain, so a lot of the things already mentioned are/have been part of my normal diet: frog legs (crunchy), snails (in a spicy tomato sauce, I love those-better than the French style garlic and butter snails!), tripes (yum!), rabbit (with lots of garlic and white wine, delicious!), brains (those were when I was young and camouflaged in by mom), calamari (to die for, one of my cravings when pregnant!), raw octopus (a delicacy from Galicia), blood sausage (both Spanish and Scottish varieties), haggis, buffalo curd (creamy), horse meat...


I think though the best one is probably bulls' testicles (sliced thin and cooked as a thin steak). They actually taste great and are thought of a delicacy for the sick.


I can't think of anything else, does venison count as strange?

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--Pig ears cooked by my mother. She ate a lot of "odd pig parts" when she was a kid. I drew the line at the ears and refused to try chit'lins, mountain oysters, hog maws, or head cheese.


--Sliced eel cooked in broth. It was served at a formal dinner I attended in Beijing which meant I had to eat it so as not to be impolite. It was very bony, but it tasted pretty good.

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Chicken feet! (Chinese style) Didn't like them very much.


I like ahi sashimi (raw tuna), but not other types of sashimi. Calimari is ok, as long as there is a good dipping sauce!


My dh loves dried cuttlefish, a taste he developed growing up in Hawaii. I ban the stuff from the house because of the smell!

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