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December as a name

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Has anyone ever heard of December used as a first name? Curious minds want to know.




ETA Just for the record, this is not a name I am considering for an unborn child. I have a different reason for being curious.

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Yep, I used to work with a December.


I also know a


January, April, May, June, July, August (middle name), September, and of course December.


ETA-It also comes to mind that I knew a February at some point, I don't remember where or when I knew her though. It is always funny how our brains can remember only 1/2 of something.

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Never heard it used as a name, but I think it would be a pretty name for a girl. I always thought Winter would be a nice name too. I like unusual names :)


I would name a girl Winter or December WAY before I'd name her Spring! (That name was mentioned in another thread. Poor kid!)

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I had a student once who was named "December." Her nickname was "Emmy" Everyone knew her as "Emmy," she wrote "Emmy" on her papers; I really only knew name was actually "December" because she was registered in school with her given name, "December."


I grew up with a girl whose last name was "August" and her first and middle names were "April May" So she was April May August.



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I have, but I can't remember where - I think one of my teacher friends had a December in her class. (I'm thinking it's the same friend who also had all three kids in one family over the years - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.)


I like it!

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I had a friend named September, and I think it is a very glamorous name. But that is probably because September was from Las Vegas and was, indeed, very glamorous. (This was back when almost nobody lived in Las Vegas except for casino owners and workers.)


I also like October and November. I think November is a little more silky of a name. But remember when she asks what her name means, you will have to say "tenth month of the year." Or ninth month of the year if you choose the name November. Long story as to why they are named that; look up the wikipedia article for "December" to find out why.


Will you have to change her name if she is premature or late?



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I think an unusual name is one of those things that some kids can handle and some can't. Unfortunately, you won't have any idea which type of kid you have until long after the decision has been made. I don't see anything wrong with it as long as you pair it with a more traditional middle name so that the child has options.

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I don't even think it is that strange as to be made fun of. I think it is a pretty name and unusual. I consider myself to have a very "normal" name, and still kids made fun of it in gradeschool. I remember there was a period where the "cool" kids in the class went through everyone's names and came up with ways to make fun of them.


I do not know anyone named December; I did go to highschool with a girl named Tuesday. And just for trivial knowledge, I know several people here named after Arabic days of the week and months of the Islamic calendar.

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Is the OP considering using this name?


If so, I missed that. If you're feeling adventurous with names, I have a suggestion. Run it through a translator just for fun and see what it is in other languages. (For instance, the Italian word for December is Dicembre. I think it would be pronounced dee CEM bray.)

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Long story as to why they are named that; look up the wikipedia article for "December" to find out why.



December (11px-Loudspeaker.svg.png Listen (help·info)) is the twelfth and last month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of seven Gregorian months with the length of 31 days.

In Latin, decem means "ten". December was also the tenth month in the Roman calendar until a monthless winter period was divided between January and February.

December's flower is the narcissus or holly. December's birthstones are turquoise, lapis lazuli, zircon, topaz (blue), or tanzanite.[citation needed]

December is the month with the shortest daylight hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest daylight hours of the year in the Southern Hemisphere.

December starts on the same day of the week as September.




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  • 2 weeks later...

A December cut my fabric for me today at Hobby Lobby! I told her about the discussion here. Her input - she was teased about it as a child ("Kids were bad; adults were worse," she said) but she loves having a unique name now. (She looked to be in her late 20's.)


I still think it's a nice name.

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