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Which is your favorite vacuum?

Which time-tested, tried-and-true vacuum is the only one that will do for you?  

  1. 1. Which time-tested, tried-and-true vacuum is the only one that will do for you?

    • Bissell or Bosch
    • Dirt Devil or Dyson
    • Electrolux or Eureka
    • Hoover, Kenmore, or Kirby
    • Miele or Oreck
    • Panasonic, Roomba, or SEBO
    • Vacuums suck
    • You'll have to ask my maid
    • I find my pets do an incredible job with this chore

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Probably not a possibility, but I love my built-in (vacuum in a wall) Beam vac.


Oh, I miss my central vac and vac-pan! It was an Electrolux and could consume small pets and children from a city block away if I was careless.


Where's that small luxury thread again?:D

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I'm going to be a heretic. I have a Meile, and for the money, I can't say it's all that fantastic. I do think a HEPA filter is important, but i am not sure that needs to be a Meile, kwim?


ETA: I didn't see the Vacuums suck option the first time. I am going to go with that one. Further, vacuuming sucks. lol

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I voted "You can't handle the truth" LOL


I've owned hoovers, and oreck, a dyson, a dirt devil and a bissell.


The hoovers were ok but they were also bagged which could be a pain. The oreck seemed great in the beginning but then the back of the tube that leads up to the bag kept breaking and although they kept paying to fix it they wouldn't admit something was faulty with it since the repair place never found anything Odd was being sucked up that would cause it. The Dirt Devil was ok, but nothing great.


The Dyson only lasted a year and when I asked about the loss of suction that happened even though they claim it never will I was told "Well I guess it's just time to buy a new one" Well I don't have $500 to throw away yearly on a vaccumm, so out it went and we now own a bissell Pet hair eraser and it picks up twice as much as the Dyson ever did. I've owned the Bissell for about 1.5 years now so we'll see what happens over time.

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We had a Kirby when we first married that was a hand-me-down. It had been DH's Great-grandmother's than his grandma's and a few other people and then ours. The thing was over 50 years old and still kicking! We did kill it :) And replaced it with a Kirby. (My mom was replacing her cheap vacuums every couple years) I did get a outdated model (G-4) on ebay for about $200 instead of buying new for over a thousand.

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I haven't found one I like yet. I've had a Eureka, a Dirt Devil and I now have a Bissell. I wasn't terribly happy with any of them. The Eureka died after 2 years. The Dirt Devil died after 6 years. I have a special loathing for my Bissell. It is vastly inferior to both of my previous vacuums. The Eureka and Dirt Devil were bagged vacs; the Bissell is a bagless. We're heading into Year 3....

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One that works. You know....actually runs and picks stuff up off the floors. I don't care what brand it is, as long as it run and KEEPS running. Those are hard to find.

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We had a Kirby when we first married that was a hand-me-down. It had been DH's Great-grandmother's than his grandma's and a few other people and then ours. The thing was over 50 years old and still kicking! We did kill it :) And replaced it with a Kirby. (My mom was replacing her cheap vacuums every couple years) I did get a outdated model (G-4) on ebay for about $200 instead of buying new for over a thousand.


Even at over $1000 (Mine was $1200 ten years ago) they're cheaper than buying a $200 model every 2-3 years. I figure at 50 years your great grandmother's Kirby cost $20 a year (and I doubt she paid $1000 for it.). That's 1/5 the cost of the "cheapie" replaced every two years. I don't think they can ever be outdated either as the new HEPA bags fit my G5.


No $200 vacuum would last two years in my house. We have a Siberian Husky. Nuff said? :D


I even use it to clean drywall dust (and it does not put it back into the air) because it's cheaper to pay the Kirby dealer to clean it when I'm done with a project than to buy the $$ drywall filters for my shop vac (which still allows it to put dust into the air).

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Kirby! Ours is 8 years old - I've never had a problem with it. We also got a great deal. It's the ultimate g (was brand new 8 years ago) and the salesman made a mistake and sold it for $550. I almost passed out at the time, but it has been more than worth it. Not to mention the carpet cleaner works pretty well as well.


The only thing I don't like is you can only get the bags at vacuum store which are never open on Sundays. That when I always realize I need a new bag.

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I LOVE my miele. LOVE. L.O.V.E.




We bought it because it was the bet rated for allergens.


I have a canister, and it cyclones the dirt around so that when I take the bag out, that baby is PACKED. It's quiet, maneuvers well, has no dust up (the air is vented out differently so that it doesn't blow up dirt around the machine, that way when you vacuum you get it all.) We've had it for 8 years and it's in perfect shape and I vacuum every day. I had an electrolux before that, but I wouldn't buy another one of them.


It almost makes me sing when I vacuum. :tongue_smilie:

Edited by justamouse
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Dyson Animal- 3 years and counting.


To those who have Dyson's, remember to change/clean the internal filter. I didn't even know it had one until I complained that it wasn't picking up as much, and my DH figured it out. ;)


Dyson here, too - I've had ours for probably 5 years now and still love it. Along with cleaning the filter, it can lose suction if one of the joints gets knocked loose. I noticed that issue once and after checking the joints (and the compartment that the filter goes in), found a section that had been bumped out of place when I was taking the filter out or putting it back in. Once I re-seated that, it was back to normal!

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my kirby is awesome, although it's heavy. i hardly think Kirby deserves to be in the same category as Hoover!


I agree! Hoover? Maybe Kenmore's higher end vacuums--but Hoover? Ugh! :lol:


I don't relish lugging it around either. It's weight means it doesn't handle nicely, but is also a big part of the reason why they're so indestructible. I'm just forever doing bare floors trying not to run it over the hose or cord because then it gets stuck.

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I love my Rainbow! I sometimes feel guilty because we spent so much money on a vacuum, but it works so good. If it lasts anywhere near as long as I've read in reviews it will be well worth it. Plus it's great just to freshen the air or make the place smell nice. Besides, I try to use the extra money we paid as a personal incentive to vacuum more often. :lol:

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