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What's for supper tonight?

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Right now, most of our meals are based on what's ready in the garden.

Last night:

Creamed new potatoes.

Sauteed zuchinni, yellow summer squash, onions.

Cucumber & onions in vinegar.

Corn on the cob, to see if it was ready!



Spaghetti squash with a tomato based sauce.

Sauteed peppers, onion, and maybe some Italian sausage.

Corn on the cob, just because it's ready!





Fried squash/pumpkin blossoms

Cucumber & onions in vinegar.

Green Beans, lightly sauteed in the bacon grease with a vinegar dressing.

Corn on the cob, we won't tire of it for days!

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Tonight we are having turkey burgers on whole wheat buns smothered with sauteed mushrooms, garlic, and onion. Our side dish is zucchini and fresh sweet corn sauteed with garlic/olive oil and tossed with fresh basil.


For dessert we are having light brownies made with cooked sweet potato.

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I have some ham that needs to be used up so I'm thinking about omlets. How about you?



Another idea for the ham is shave it thinly. Put a little ham on top of a seasoned, cooked chicken breast and top with (I use low fat) swiss cheese. Broil for a couple of minutes. Yum! I can't remember the name of this dish; is it Cordon Bleu?

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Pasta salad, made with locally-grown tomatoes, basil, pole beans, garlic, and feta cheese. I'm using a recipe from last week's New York Times.


The local stores (the pie shop, the gas station, all the farmers' markets) are bursting with vegetables this year. It must be all the rain we got this spring and early summer.

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I loathe this question, particularly because I hear it not once, but 4 times a day. I would have had twice as many children if they didn't have to ask that question. not really :tongue_smilie:Then I read all of your mouth-watering replies and I want to cry. The kids are each having a friend spend the night, so it's hamburgers on the grill, store-bought potato salad, veggies and hummus, chips and dip, and probably ice cream. It's my dh's 14th night out of town this month and we have two more nights to go. I am fresh out of ideas and motivation. Let them eat cereal-it is organic after-all.

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Depends on how many kids are here tonight. If just me and little one then probably something simple like egg sandwiches. If the boys are here then I will be cooking up a pot of spaghetti. We had a beef veggie soup with veggies from teh neighbor's garden last night, but none of the kids were as thrilled with it as I was(oh well meant I had enough leftovers for lunch today)

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How does Indian pot roast differ from regular pot roast?

Mainly the spices -- ginger, garlic, cloves, cinnamon, etc. Also the meat is cooked first in a pressure cooker -- it needs to be to a point where you can break it apart easily with your fingers. It has a thickish gravy at the end that the meat is in; when I made pot roast with my grandma growing up we would make gravy at the end (after taking the meat and vegetables out of the pot) and the gravy was in a separate bowl.


Thinking about it, I guess the only thing similar between this particular recipe and the "traditional" one I grew up with is the cut of meat you start with, lol...

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Shabu Shabu (beef and chicken) with ponzu sauce.




Homemade Tomato Soup using the fresh-from-the-backyard tomatoes that are ripening

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The boys will be having burgers on the grill. Hubby and I will have grilled portobellos instead of the burger patties.


We'll all delight in sauteed italian eggplant from the neighbors garden. Fresh sweet corn from a farmer up the road. And a tomato, cucumber, feta salad from our own garden.


For dessert...we'll be having Secret Chocolate Cake which uses beets. YUM!!!


We still have hours until dinner and I'm starting to drool!

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Golden chicken breasts, rice, salad and a soft veggie.


Golden chicken marinade

1 cup lemon juice

4 tbsp. soy sauce

1/2 cup salad oil

1 tbsp. oregano

1 tbsp. basil

2 cloves garlic



I marinate for several hours (or overnight if I can) then grill 'em.


We have to do a softer food today because ds went to the orthodontist to get spacers for his Herbst appliance. His mouth is somewhat tender. I am still working on my ear infection issues.

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