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So-o-o many new faces. Perhaps it is time for a new intro thread.

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I'm Jodi aka my3starsofthesea. I'm 37 years old. I'm married to David (soon to be 42), we'll be celebrating 15 years of blissful marriage in November! He's my soulmate and best friend.


We live in Arkansas, where we have 3 children, oldest dd is 12, middle ds is 9, and our youngest dd is 7.


We just completed our 4th year of homeschooling. I started after my oldest completed 3rd grade. She was constantly sick, and missed tons of days of school. My other 2 children have been homeschooled since K. We love homeschooling, being together, and learning together. I enjoy the flexibility homeschooling gives us, and our kids are much healthier as well now too!


We've always used Sonlight for our Core curriculum, but we add lots of other things in as well.


I've been chosen to be part of The TOS Homeschool Crew this year, and will be receiving lots of curriculum to review, and I'm looking forward to trying out new things!


I'm also a blogger.


My family blog is called Green Acres ~ about our family's move from New Jersey to rural Arkansas.


And, I also have a homeschool resource blog called The Homeschool Desk


Looking forward to getting to know everyone here!



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I'm Tammy in the mountains of Western North Carolina. We live outside of a small town just north of Asheville. I have been married to my dh for almost 28 years. He owns four independent shipping stores and also works as comptroller for a real estate development company. We have six children who are 23, 21, 15, 12, 10, 9. The 12 and 9 yos are girls we adopted at birth, and the rest are boys.


I am Christian, but I can't stand judmental people, racist people, ignorant people, or people who can't figure out how to merge in traffic. I hate confrontation, unless someone is mean to one of my kids. That's why you never see me post on the contraversial threads.


My oldest two sons have graduated. The oldest is a very creative poet writing musician who knows more about history than most of his professors, keeps his nose in a book, is in no hurry to finish college, enjoys life more than anyone I know, gives homeless people money almost every day, works for my dh, and has 6 tattoos last time I counted.


My second son is very driven, competitive, finished high school at 14, got his AA, didn't know what he wanted to major in, joined the Marine Corp. He is now in A-stan. He thinks he wants to major in political science when he gets out, which will be in one year and 46 days (can you tell I'm counting). They are both engaged to wonderful young women.


My 15yo son is a enthusiastic people person who loves fire and guns. He loves to spend time with elderly people (he thinks they're interesting), is a great student, has tons of friends (I never know how many boys are going to come up out of my basement), and is a Junior Olympian in track & field.


My 12yo dd is a dancer. She is in the Preperatory Ensemble for Asheville Ballet Company and Asheville Jazz Works. She just got her pointe shoes about 6 months ago. She would rather be making jewelry, sewing, or cooking, but does her school work anyway. She is taller than I am and her legs come up to my waist - she looks 16, which I hate.


My 10yo son loves baseball. He plays in Spring, Summer, and Fall and is a fantastic short stop. Academics come easy for him and he loves to read. He never stops making noise of some sort, drumming or talking, and I'm sure he would be on medication if he was in ps.:001_smile:

He has a great big heart and is my biggest cuddler.


My 9yo dd is a competitive gymnast, who trains at least 15 hours a week, sometimes more. She is a diligent worker, sometimes getting up before I do to start her school work. It doesn't come as easy for her, but she does better than some of her siblings because she works so hard. She is a sweet, sweet girl and definitely the baby.


We started homeschooling in 1995 because the ps tried to skipped my second son from K to 2nd grade and he was still bored. It quickly became a lifestyle choice for us and we've never looked back.


We use TOG, Apologia, Saxon, Latin, KISS Grammar, Logic, and lots and lots of reading.


I love these boards. I have learned so much from everyone here. I just kind of stumbled on them about a year ago and started posting in January. I haven't posted much the last couple of weeks because I've been cleaning out everything in my house.:hurray: I have one closet to go.


ETA: I'm 45 and my dh is 50

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I'm Jennifer, married to Michael for a little over 11 years, and I'm 33 y.o., with 5 kiddos- 4 boys and a girl right smack dab in the middle. Their ages are 11, 8, 4, 2, and 3 mo.


We've been hsing for about 4 years now. My oldest went to public school for K and 1st before the Lord layed it on my heart to bring him home.


I'm a curriculum junkie whose is constantly torn between WTM methods, SL, and MFW. This year it will be SL 6 (middle ages portion only) w/ SOTW activity book for ds8, and SL PK4/5 and/or MFWK for dd4. If only I could decide...

Also, LOF, Horizons, WS Apprentice and Queen's LL (taking a 1 yr break from GwG), FLL2 and WWE2, and NOEO Chem II.


I've been on SL's board for a few years now, but just these last few months have been drawn over here. I think it was from re-reading TWTM. Now that we are going into 6th grade I've been feeling the need to buckle down and get serious!


So glad to meet you all!


(oh yeah, I'm in GA :))

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I'm Sarah, I just turned 35, my children have kindly been counting backwards since I turned 30 so on paper I'm 25.:D


We live in Northwest Missouri, we transplanted from Washington 5 years ago. Still getting used to the change of scenery but we're comfortable.


I've been homeschooling since my first was born. It seems like forever ago and I only wish I had known/had the resources that are available now!


married to Kevin for 16 years. Known as "Mommy" or "Mother" to:








Rachel-8 mos.


Our current curriculum is in my siggy, we will be doing Sonlight 100 this fall and phasing in more of TWTM.


I found the boards a couple of months ago while reading TWTM, this place is wonderful! I love learning so much.

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I'm in my early 40's. I've been on this board for quite awhile. I have three children: My oldest daughter is almost 17 and will be a senior in the fall at a local private christian high school. My younger daughter is 14 and will be joining her older sister at the private school in the fall as a freshman. My son is 11 and will be doing 6th grade in the fall. He is stuck at home with me for a few more years until high school. :) We have been homeschooling for 9 years. My oldest went to ps through 3rd grade. I took my middle daughter out of kindergarten midway and that is how we started our homeschool journey. My youngest has always been homeschooled.


We enjoy homeschooling but my husband wanted the kids to experience high school. My oldest went to public school for one year but was not very happy. The following year we found the private school that she attends now and she is very happy.


We used a variety of materials and follow the WTM loosely.

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Your name: Jennifer

rough age: 34

how many children: 4-ds16, dd8, ds6, and dd1-she's still waiting for us in China

curriculum: FIAR, Winter Promise, Saxon math, PLL

how long you have been homeschooling: finishing up our 3rd year

how or why you decided to do that: felt led by the Holy Spirit

how you came across the board: it was mentioned on another homeschooling board that I frequent

general location where you live: small town on the Gulf Coast

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IRL I am SK, married 29 years (next Saturday) to TR, my fabulous dh. We both grew up in separate areas of central Georgia and now live about an hour's drive from our respective hometowns.


Children, ages and grades:

ER, 19 (in a couple of weeks), will be a college sophomore in the fall

EK, 14, will be in 9th grade in the fall


We've homeschooled eclectically for 13 years (since ER was in first grade).


I am a former PS and private school teacher (I hold a bachelor's degree in Christian Studies and a master's degree in education) who decided I could do a better job of teaching my kids than any of the traditional schools could.


I found the WTM boards after I was (unfairly) banned from another board a long, long time ago and went looking for another place to hang out. I found a few other homeschool boards & posted there from time to time, but this one is my favorite. :D

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Hi everyone,

My name is Lisa and I have only been on here a couple of weeks. I am 34 and my husband is 35. We have three kids dd 14, dd 12, and ds 7.5 I have homeschooled for 9 years. My husband is a chimney sweep but his is working on our online store that specializes in marketing the Amway Global products. I love watching him grow and change throughout this process. Oldest daughter is a competitive gymnast for the past 7 years, middle daughter loves to draw, and youngest (son) plays outside whenever he wants and lives to antagonize his sisters. He is an expert skiier at the age of 7 1/2. Want to encourage that but not sure if I'm up for the financial and traveling end of that sport. We'll see. We've learned a few things about time consuming sports (gymnastics=minimum of 20hrs a week). Live on 10 acres. Don't have a garden. Nursing one tomato plant and one geranium. Killed all of the watermelon and catalope seedlings because I never got around to tilling the ground and planting them. My kids are seriously disappointed in mom. (re the plants). I swing back and forth between my kids are awesome and doing great.....to oh my gosh they are screwed up for life. I can't believe my husband is allowing me to hold the fate of their future in my hands. Doesn't he know how I am..............................deep breath. He swears they will be just fine. Bounced all over with curriculum. We are christians. Probably way more conservative than I realized after checking out some comments on here but love how everyone can connect through this journey of homeschool. Believe in way less government, no socialism, circumcised, addicted to caffeine, have one whole couch devoted to laundry and crumbs on the floor. Focused on financial independence, debt free lifestyle and reaching for the stars. Growing and changing everyday. Love God and thankful for Jesus Christ. Love everyone even if they don't believe the same things. Anyhoo..........I'll leave it at that. Lisa in the real Northern California. 2hrs past Sacramento.

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Your name: Allene

rough age :31,

how many children :2 right now, almost 10 years and 4.5 year old

grades :5th/6th and prek/k

maybe their curriculum listed in sig, at least most of it is

how long you have been homeschooling: forever,

how or why you decided to do that: both hubby and i did not care for our ps experience and there were startling issues with our local school so we chose hs early on(birth),

how you came across the board: friend

maybe where your are from or general location where you live, and anything else we may find interesting.: Northeastern PA.

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I am Nancy (34) married to Gustav (37) for 12.5 years and am an uprooted New Englander living in L.A. for the past 3 years. I have 5 children, ds12 (7th), dd10 (6th), dd9 (4th), ds5 (1st), ds2 (into everything) and have always homeschooled them. My husband and I met in music school. He's a classical composer and I'm a flutist with a degree in music ed.

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I'll play...


I'm Apryl, 33, and have been married to Tom for 16 years. He recently answered the call to Ministry. We got married at the ripe old ages of 16 and 18...and although we've had some rocky moments, I wouldn't trade him for the world. We live in East Tennessee, and hpe to be able to buy some acreage and begin homesteading soon. I love to garden, read, scrapbook, and fix up things around our house.


We have 3 daughters:


Kelsie, who's 12 and wonderfully quirky.

Sarah, who's the oldest twin by 17 minutes, and is 9 (and my girly girl)

and Miranda who's the 'baby' of the family and is also 9 (my somewhat shy girl)


We use primarily Sonlight, and have only been homeschooling for a year. I pulled the girls after being frustrated by the lack of education, and the 'socialization' they were getting.


We also have a pet leopard gecko named Rex, and a ferret named Coconut Columbus.


I also have a photography business that I'm really not doing much with right now.

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Caitilin, age almost 31 (eek!--I feel 17 still!); married to my sweet DH 12-years-in-August; I have been on the boards off and on for several years, since the "old format" days; we have been hsing since my twins were in K--and now can't imagine anything else, although High school is still a bit intimidating; we try to do TWTM "lite," but really like the philosophy behind it; high church Episcopalian in a Catholic HS group; we do all holidays with "imaginary" people like Santa and the Easter bunny, and we love Halloween costumes!; liberal in many areas, conservative in others, don't fit in any boxes; big fans of Harry Potter and the like; trying to have free range kids; novice gardener; cloth diapering, extended nursing, extended rear-facing, but not really attachment parenting; my parenting philosophy is informed by the story Understood Betsy, and from a comment of my mother's: starting the day that they're born, you have to let go of your children a little bit more every day. I enjoy the variety of life here on the boards!

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I'm Inna, SAHM of two girls (almost 6 and 3) and expecting baby boy in early September.


I was born and raised in Uzbekistan, emigrated to Israel, met my future husband there and moved to US. English is not my first language, so please bear with me. :001_smile:


I'm a Messianic Jew.


We live in Central California, but periodically think about moving somewhere else.


The idea of homeschooling was completely foreign to me, but once I've learned more about it there was no doubt that I want to do that. We've started our second year of homeschooling with my oldest.

We use MUS, Sing Spell Read and Write, HWT, Spelling Workout, NOEO Science, TSOW 1 and lots of library books.

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I'm Mrs. F. I've been visiting (addicted?) to this board for several months now, although I've only recently come out of lurkdom and started posting more. I'm 35, and dh and I have been married almost 10 years. We have four kids, ages 9,7,5, & 2 1/2. We are currently living in South Carolina, but dh is military, so who knows where we'll be in three years. In August we will be starting our second year homeschooling. We brought the kids home because I couldn't stand to watch my older son switch schools again. (One mid-year move was enough trauma.) The emotional aspect was bad enough, but I didn't realize how different the standards would be from state to state. Dh and I decided that we knew what we were getting into when he joined the military 12 years ago, but the kids had no choice being born into this lifestyle, so I homeschool to make the burden of military living a little bit lighter for them.


This year, my older son will be using Saxon Math , Easy Grammar, Writing Strands, Sequential Spelling, HOD Bigger for history, and Harcourt Science. Dd 7 is doing Saxon, Voyages in English, HWT, ETC, HOD Bigger, and Harcourt Science. Ds5 will work on HWT, Saxon Math, 100 EZ lessons, and Rod & Staff workbooks. Admittedly not very WTM, but I'm certainly leaning in that direction and already plan to use SOTW 1 and the recommended resources with all 3 kids next year.


I also want to say that I've been very grateful that I've been able to come to this board for homeschool and non-hs guidance, friendship and even just adult conversation. :001_smile:

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Hi there. As you can see, I'm pretty new here.


We live in MN with our two dogs and four kids. Check out my sig line for ages. I HSed my oldest ds for 1st grade and put both him and my youngest ds in PS this past year. After that adventure, I'm ready for them to come home:D.


My dh and I have been married for three years and my step son (his adopted son from his 1st marriage) lives with us.


We live in the country and love it! Let's see...my dh was recently laid off and we're in the nasty process of applying for a job.


So, that's about it. If you'd like to know anything else, please ask. I realize this post is scattered, but I'm tired, lol:lol:.

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I'm sportymom, though we're not that sporty...I think I've registered a few times over the past 7 years or so but didn't post ever, then when I wanted to post I couldn't remember my username/password. So sportymom it is. My kids do baseball/soccer leagues, play outside tons, but it's all just fun.


I'm 34, live in SW Ohio and have been married for 12 years. We have 4 children, 10, 7, 5, 18m. Two boys, two girls. We have been homeschooling all along but I've really been getting serious about classical homeschooling for the past 3 years or so. Let's see, we use Classical Conversations (love it!!) Saxon & Horizons, SOTW, FLL, lots of library books for history and science, dictation & narrations, probably more but it's summer vaca (though we still truck along w/math and reading...)!


There are lots of days when this is not fun and it's really hard...but these boards always make me feel better.:001_smile:

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We started our homeschool journey with 2 boys(ages 12 and 13) from the get-go! It has been a wonderful and challenging experience but the memories created and the time shared has been a blessing I will forever be thankful for! We currently live in southern Illinois about 75 miles east of St. Louis in a small town with virtually no homeschool community and activities. It has been an adjustment for me leaving cities as we previously lived in Springfield, MO, Shreveport, LA, Lafayette, LA and Little Rock, AR. I miss the city but we live on a lake where my oldest can fish, jug, target shot and practice his bow. Our family loves the outdoors, hunting,golf, fishing, dogs....2 Labs and my husband swears I will be an old lady with 29 dogs if given the chance when I get older.

We use a hodge-podge of curriculum and I have used these boards for advice on so man subjects. I compare it to having my own personal "Ann Landers" but she comes with many opinions and voices which I love!

Christian...but struggle with finding a church where we fit


love flowers, homemade ice cream, yellow meat watermelon, "Coffeehouse" on satellite radio,Ticket to Ride game,grandparents,old Jimmy Stewart or Cary Grant movies, Elvis, Stevie Ray Vaughn, crayon color dandelion, the hands of my boys, talking with my mother-in-law(my best friend) and travel.

I appreciate everyone who has given me advice or suggestions on my posts. It makes the decisions easier sometimes!

Peace, joy, and contentment is it.

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Hi, I'm Michelle (41) and have been married to Matt (41) for 14 years. We have 4 dc: 9 yo twin boys, 7 yo dd, and 3 yo dd. We just finished our 6th year of homeschooling. We live in the Dallas area. Both my parents and my dh's parents are very supportive of our homeschooling, which is great.


Our curriculum for last year is in my siggy and I'm not entirely sure what we are doing for next year. We have been following the WTM but will be using ideas from LCC next year. We will be adding LFC A, WWE, Shurley Grammar 4, and WT next year.


My 3 older dc take martial arts, piano, PE at the YMCA, and we are in a co-op. I've been on the boards a little over a year but do more reading than posting. I love the information and support this board provides. And I'm just a little addicted...:tongue_smilie:

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I'm Pamela and this thread has encouraged me to come out of lurkdom and introduce myself. I am 32 and live in a rural area of North Florida on 30 acres. My husband and I just celebrated our ten year anniversary and our daughter will be 6 in the fall.


Our daughter- E- loves to play and explore outside, pick flowers, help with our animals, play with friends, read books and learn. I am a confirmed and unrepentant curriculum junkie. I also enjoy traveling, reading, horses, and planning house/ farm improvement projects. My husband likes to do the projects I plan (a slight exaggeration), travel, surf, take care of his honey bees, watch movies, and read.


My daughter has done preschool and kindergarten at home and so far we are all loving it. Tomorrow is our last day for this academic year and then we will take a month off and start back up in mid-July. I plan to school year-round in 4 quarters.


I first came to this forum a few years ago after reading WTM (first edition) and have learned a lot from everyone here. I guess it is time I started contributing!


The curriculum we used this year:

Rightstart Math A

Reading Made Easy, then Pathway 1st grade reader/ workbook

Explode the Code books 1-2, Beyond the Code book 1

Handwriting Without Tears- kindergarten

All About Spelling

Leading Little Ones to God

Mindbenders 1

dabbled in French

Noeo Biology 1 dropouts

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Some good info would be:


Your name, rough age (20s, 30, 40s, etc.), how many children and their ages and grades, maybe their curriculum, how long you have been homeschooling, how or why you decided to do that, how you came across the board, maybe where your are from or general location where you live, and anything else we may find interesting.


Hi, I am Donna. I am the mother to 3 dc (ds 13, ds 11, and dd very soon to be 7). I have been homeschooling since my oldest was 4yo and decided to do it because the public schools in our area weren't great, he had been reading for a year, and his birthday missed to cut-off for K. I didn't find the WTM at first but when I did, I loved it and through the book, found this website.


I live in southern NJ.

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Hi, my name is Kathy and I am a curriculum junkie. I love to look at them, read about them, and second guess my choices when I see a new one. We are completing our first year homeschooling and it has been quite the adventure. We started on this path because of the bullying my son was experiencing in school. We tried for 2 years to work it out with the school. In 4th grade my son developed Trichotillomania (hair pulling) and pulled out all of his eyelashes from the stress. At that point dh and I knew we had to do something. I had been researching homeschooling for most of those 2 years because I felt the calling to do it. The Well Trained Mind was one of the first books I read and I loved it. We don't follow all of it. I consider us to be classically inspired. Convincing dh was another matter. Once the hair pulling began he was able to see the wisdom in bringing him home. We figured we won't screw up our kids any worse then our parents screwed us up and the worst thing that would happen is they would go back to school the following year. We will be continuing the journey for another year.


I am on the other side of 40. Dh and I will be married 17 years this December. We have lived in the Garden State (NJ) for the past eleven years but at heart I think I will always be a New Yorker.


I think toilet paper should go under, I shave (waxing hurts), I don't care if someone says Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, I wear shoes in the house and I really don't like being asked to remove my shoes in other people's houses unless I know in advance that you are a non shoe wearing house, I consider myselve a Conservative (I believe in conserving the Constitution, the environment, women's rights, and so on). I am on a simplifying journey as I try to declutter and find new ways to live frugally.

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I'm Kim, married 15 years to the love of my life (I broke off a silly, childish engagement to be with him. Thank goodness!) and mom to my 9 yo Star Wars, Lego loving son and my 7 yo crafty farm girl. The kids have never attended school. DH and I read Gatto when our son was a toddler and never looked back.


We're finishing up Ambleside Online Year 2 this summer and will begin Sonlight Core 3 when we're done. Stuff that we use all the time, Lively Latin, WWE, FLL, MathUSee, Discovering Great Artists, and R.E.A.L Science. I try to do nature study stuff with the Handbook of Nature Study, but haven't been consistent lately.


We school year round so we can take breaks when we need/want. We're fortunate to run a family business that allows to have the winter "off" for the most part. Homeschooling is a lifestyle that we love.


I love reading, crocheting, and taking care of our menagerie. We currently have: 6 chickens, 5 cats, 2 rabbits, 1 parakeet, 1 gerbil, 1 dog. All rescues except for chickens!



Edited by sparrow
My daughter isn't 8. YET!
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My name is Jenne (although I am using Jennefer in real life right now). I lived in Arizona until December and then we moved to the the San Jose area of California due to job relocation.


I am 37 years old and have been married for 16 years. We joke that our marriage is old enough to get a driver's license. He works for a big search engine company that is in Mountain View. We have three kids.


The oldest is dd10. She is ten years old and an absolute book worm. She reads anything and everything for many many hours a day. She is the reason we originally started homeschooling, an October birthday and an advanced child do not work well together.


The middle is ds8. He is eight and loves to build things. Recently he enjoys knex. But he loves any building toy. He likes to watch tv especially the Food Network. He is really really good at math, but hates writing and all things grammar. He will talk about it forever, just no pencils, please!


The youngest is ds5. He just turned five. He loves snuggling with Mom, playing with legos and being in the middle of everything. He loves reading, is good at, but uninterested in, math and likes crafts.


As for curriculum, we have used a little of everything. In the fall we will be doing Videotext Algebra, History Odyssey, One Year Adventure Novel, IEW Writing B, Right Start Math, All About Spelling and other stuff I can't think of right now. We are loosely following the Latin Centered Curriculum minus the Latin. (Don't laugh! I am out of brain cells to try to teach another subject and Latin is out.)


On the contraversial topics: Religion = confused, Vaccinations = we did, Breastfeeding = whatever works for you, shoes indoors = not usually.

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I'm Lisa, married with two girls-ages 6 and 12.


I have homeschooled them all along. We started with 1 year at a time with older dd until recently where we have decided to homeschool through high school. My dh often laments, "Why didn't we learn this in school?" He hopes to one day have enough time in his schedule to tackle reading some of the many books in our house.


I would say I am very eclectic with what type of homeschooling philosophy we follow. I am often torn between Charlotte Mason and Classical. For now, we follow a little of both. I recently summed up my ideal curriculum with this combination:

Ambleside Online

Yesterday's Classics

Classical Writing

math, Latin and other languages


I am still sorting out the details with regard to my overall curriculum plan and how I want to use it. It really does take awhile to get there. I have had to let go of much of what I had learned in college (degree in Elementary Education) and more importantly add to it. This coupled with managing our school time (not letting life interfere/interrupt it) well have been most challenging for me. After 7 years of homeschooling I think I finally have sorted most of this out. The wisdom from the ladies,and gentlemen too, here (and the inspiration too) are beyond helpful! I have come to lean on this forum more and more since I have sadly come to realize that my views on homeschooling are so different that I have found little support in my own hometown. Don't get me wrong! There are some lovely people here. We just don't see education the same way. That's okay, we still enjoy their friendship-we just don't compare homeschooling notes anymore.


Thanks everyone for your years of support and SWB for providing the forum. I come often with the hope that I can help someone else in return for all that I have received.


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I'm Kathy, 53yo. Eloped at 17 and dropped out of high school ("accelerated" classes). Marriage lasted all of 6 months and produced oldest ps'ed ds, now 34, married and living in Baltimore. Finished high school in night school, then wandered aimlessly for a few years until decided to go to college. Moved back home and got in a couple years of college before marrying dh (high school sweetheart). Married for 30 years (with plenty of rough spots) this summer. Went back to college at 24yo and finally graduated with BS in Medical Technology at 27yo. Hope I never have to actually use it, but it's nice to have, sometimes.


Dh has worked in semiconductor industry for years so we've lived in NC, Northern VA, ID, NH, and are back in VA (SW, where we hope to retire someday). He now does something with gallium arsenide. No idea what, but he likes it and that's what counts.


5 always hs'ed dc, ages 26ds, 24ds, 21dd, 19dd, 16dd -- all still living at home. Hs'ing since ~1988. Began with KONOS, WRTR, Saxon, etc. Now using WTM (since 2000), 'new math' type things from the '60's & '70's, other logic things, various Bible things, etc. Hoping to do as much college as possible at home ... then, we'll just have to see.


Mostly just stay home and do school. Christian (home church), vegan, many chickens, 6 peacocks, 3 cats, 2 dogs, lots of bears and kritters in the woods, guns, no net at home, 125 acres, rascally hillbilly neighbor in one direction, horse breeder in another direction, black family who've owned their land for over a hundred years (!) in another direction, and a couple of others down our long, gravel driveway. Dc garden, play various musical instruments, maintain house and property, write, art, sew, etc., etc., etc., in their 'spare' time. I'm lucky if I can do a little of what they're doing in their school. I do what I can, when I can. Dh teaches some subjects to ds's and plays bridge with dd's.


Been on boards since ~2000. Thanks to SWB, Jessie Wise, and many others here. And library is about to close, so must go.



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My name is Kirsten. I've been lurking here for a month or so. I'm a 28 year old Catholic convert. I've been married for nearly six years to my wonderful husband. We have two boys, one who is turning five on Sunday and a 20 month old. The five year old has gone to private preschool for three years but we have decided to homeschool him for kindergarten as we are not fans of the public school system and we can't justify the high price of private kindergarten when he can already do everything they'll be learning there next year. Truth be told, I have always wanted to homeschool my kids and I am really getting excited about having the chance to do this. I set up the learning room this week and it's now my favorite place in the house.


We'll be using FIAR as a spine, Phonics Museum for grammar and writing, Rightstart B and Miquon orange/red for math, and Catholic Mosaic and the St. Joseph Catechism for religion. We're not strictly classical yet, but I plan to head in that direction pretty quickly as he matures a bit. He's got some sensory issues and behavioral stuff we'll be working on this year, though, so I don't want to push him too hard when he's still little and dealing with all that.


My soon to be two year old will be hanging out right alongside us, listening in on FIAR and doing some of his own little Montessori type activities.


We live on a small acreage in rural Virginia. My husband commutes to the DC area 3-4 times a week for his work at a tech company. I work from home as a copywriter and editor for some lobbying groups. We have a sullen, angsty cat and an obnoxious, hyperactive kitten. We also have eleven young hens who should be giving us eggs pretty soon.


I guess that's about all there is to tell about us. I think it's funny that the spell check keeps underlining "homeschool" on a homeschooling board. :)

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I'm Karen. I'm married to Albert for 20 years in September. My husband has put a deposit on a cruise to celebrate our anniversary.


We have 2 boys going into 4/5th and 6/7th grade. It was very difficult for us to have children. Then God blessed us with two. We just want God to glorified in their lives.


They are wonderful to have. We enjoy our boys a great deal. They keep us busy with their activities now.


We still live in our starter home. We have lived here for 17 years. We paid it off last year and are totally debt free. Can you image being debt free and living on one income? I have written my story in the Old Schoolhouse Magazine's e-book called Successful Living On One Income. It is an amazing feeling to not owe anyone or anything. It is freeing. It can be done. We did it when the economy was bad.


Curriculum that we use:


I am schooling over the summer. So, here's the summer plan:


6th grade: Classical Writing Homer, Singapore Math 6A, Challenging Word Problems 5, Life of Fred Decimals and Percents, Latina Christiana II, and Exploring Creation Through Botany, Story of the World and Our Island Story.


3/4 grader: First Language Lessons 3, Singapore Math 3A, Challenging Word Problems 2, Prima Latina, Exploring Creation Through Botany, Story of the World.


Blessing to all!





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Hi :) My name is Kristi. I live on the border of the East TX Pineywoods. I have been married 18 years. I will be 38 on Monday. We have one son that is 11. I finally graduated college at age 35!! Since then I have been a school librarian--this year I went to a new school and worked very part-time. This past year was our first year to homeschool. Before that our son attended private school. We used the Bob Jones full kit this year. I was a little nervous and didn't want to miss anything. We also used Latin's Not So Tough. Next year we are branching out but still using BJU for English and History. Our plans for next year also include LOF, RS4K, Hey Andrew and I'm writing my own Lit/Reading curr. and we'll have Art and Music Appreciation in there also. My son will get to take electives at the school I work at. Those will include P.E., Foreign Language, Art and Computer. I wish I had started homeschooling earlier! It is the best decision that we as a family have ever made.

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Hi, I'm Tina. Been married for 6 years and have two boys ages almost 5 and 2 1/2. We currently live in Virginia.


I plan on starting my adventures in homeschooling in the fall, though we will do some very loose, unstructured schooly things over the summer.


So far I've mostly been devouring all the wealth of info out there about homeschooling. I've checked out practically every book on the subject at the library, read tons of posts here and on a couple other boards and yahoo groups. And I've bought quite a few books too many to get started! Some are not even for next year,:lol: Must. stop.


Right now I'm using 100EZ lessons and Kumon workbooks. I plan to use Rightstart and possibly some Singapore workbooks for reinforcement. We may dabble in some fun science experiments, but for now I'm trying to just get the basics in.

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kristi, 34, married 16 years, 5 kids dd 12, dd 9, ds 7, ds 5, ds 20 mos and one in the spring. hs since the beginning. i consider us eclectic classical. i like to come on the boards occasionally for inspiration and ideas. also anytime i need a good question answered.

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Hi. I'm Tina. I've been visiting here since 2001 (ish) when I read the first edition of TWTM. I am married to John (O-man) for 14 years and we live in a coastal city in FL.


I started home schooling by privately tutoring someone for 1.5 years, then began our journey with the oldest in K. Fast forward to present day and peek at my signature to see how old the lot is and what we use (which reminds me, I need to update soon!).


Although we live a somewhat conservative christian lifestyle, I actually home school b/c I thought I could provide a better academic environment and b/c I was always impressed by the home schoolers I met (that was back in the day, that's not always the case now ;)). I researched private, public and home school extensively and decided to give this a try...all this time later and I can't imagine doing anything else. The journey has been long, hard, and amazing.


I love TOG and I love the results we get from Singapore Math. I love Apologia Elem. Sciences (we use them as a springboard, then read, read, read on the topics). I love The Phonics Road and The Latin Road by Barbara Beers. I so wish I found them earlier.


Other than home schooling, I keep busy cleaning and walking our new puppy. Really not much time for other things just yet, but the kiddos will start Community College in 3 years, one year after another, so my load will be declining soon. This is encouraging. I am tired, but the gift this brings outweighs my lack of sleep and I know, in the end, this will be the most worthwhile adventure of my life.


I don't come around here much over the last couple of years, I'm too busy schooling, but when I need to know something, this is the place to come. There is much, much wisdom in the Hive....for which I am eternally grateful!


Check out my blog to learn more....happy home schooling!

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I am Jessica. I live about 4 blocks outside of Chicago. I am a full time teacher of Spanish and English. I sent DD to PK last year and she had a horrible experience. I pulled her out and worked with her over the last year. She plans to attend school in the fall at a small Catholic school near our home (we are Catholic). We will probably be moving into the afterschooling world since DD is so involved in so many great things beyond academics. She embraces life and wants to try EVERYTHING! My DS is a wild man who is along for the ride! He will be thrilled to have papa and gammie all to himself this fall when sister goes to school.


In our short time we have found success with ETC, Bob Books, Saxon and Singapore math, Kumon products, Leapfrog videos, Starfall and recently Headsprout. DD is a math wiz. She now has articulated that she wants to learn to read, but it is not easy for her. She does not seem to have a natural ear for differentiating sounds in language. She is excited to be learning to read, though!


I have been here for around a year. My posts are sporadic, but I do love the wealth of knowledge this site provides!

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Hi! I'm Lori (32), and have been married to Randy (37) almost 8 years. We have two kids. Dd (4) and ds (1). We are a Christian family that lives out in the country on a mini-farm. I never really thought much about homeschooling, but we decided in March that it was the best option for our family. We started hs'ing dd in April and have been loving it. Sure we have our days where we are both frustrated, but for the most part, it's been a great experience. We're taking it year at a time, but I think we'll be in it for the long haul :)

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I've posted on and off here for a few (several?) months, but I've been lurking for much longer.


I am: Christian, a writer of fantasy, a naturalized American, wife to my college sweetie for six years, a bookaholic, novice gardener, amateur baker, beginning draw-er (as in, one who draws, not part of a piece of furniture!). I: get very quiet during labor; exclusively breastfed; coslept only to save everyone's sanity but keep my babies in their crib in my room for a year; have conservative views; look at the glass and think "Hey, who's been drinking out of *my* glass???"; am waging a never-ending war against clutter; go barefoot inside the house but not outside; and live in the frozen Northwest.


My kids are: Sir I. who'll be five this year and starting "official" K this fall (shhh, we're already doing K-level work); Miss M. my almost-three-year-old; and the ten-month-old Baron (also known as 'Baby Godzilla'--his brother came up with that one!). Sir I. and I are using Alphaphonics for reading, Startwrite for handwriting, and Singapore and Miquon for math.

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I'm 31 and have three children. My daughter is 4, my middle son is 2, and my baby boy is 4 months. Right now my kids are just learning about everything we encounter. We do lots of educational games and hands-on activities and lots and lots of reading. I lean towards Montessori and Charlotte Mason philosophies. As they get older, we'll move into a more Classical approach (though I think these 3 philosophies complement one another very well). I want my children to grow into wise, good, confident, generous adults who not only do what they love but love helping others, too.


Since my daughter is 4, I have been homeschooling for that long. I am still undecided as to whether or not I'm up for the challenge. And, I liked so many of my teachers in school, and still keep in contact with some of them, that I would kind of like my children to also have the opportunity to experience these kinds of connections. So, I may be afterschooling or being a part-time homeschooler (go to school for some subjects, stay home for others????). I have a little while before I decide. And, it'll depend on the school district we're in when my daughter is old enough for school. We have a bad habit of moving every 2 years or so when my husband gets new, interesting job offers. :)


I taught 8th grade English in an excellent school district before staying home. I love learning and want to pass this love to my children. While my own educational experience was, in many ways, pretty good, I look back and wish I had received less indoctrination on the part of some of my teachers, had not been bullied by some of my classmates, had learned more of the Classics and logic and Latin and had enjoyed a more rigorous academic life (my biggest lament).


I've been considering homeschooling for quite some time. While I knew of The Well-Trained Mind and The Well-Educated Mind, I did not know of this forum. A friend of our family directed me to it!


We've lived in Iowa, Ohio, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. I'm tired of moving all our books.


My daughter is involved in Suzuki violin and gymnastics. My ds2 desperately wants to play the "lio-lin" just like his big sister. As a family we enjoy reading books, working in the garden, making crafts and doing artwork, going on nature walks, putting together puzzles, cooking and baking (though eating the food is another story--vegetables are scary for my kids apparently), singing songs, listening to music (classical, bluegrass, oldies, show tunes, big band, etc.), and playing outside.


Some of my favorite books: The Killer Angels, John Adams, Pride and Prejudice, the Little House on the Prairie series, The Lord of the Rings, The Count of Monte Cristo, Fahrenheit 451, and many of Cicero's writings (why didn't I read "On Friendship" while in middle or high school?! it would've saved me a lot of grief).


I like African violets, cats (we have 2), swing dancing, and baking bread. I love conversations over a nice hot cup of coffee.


Things I need to work on: being more patient, doing more volunteer work (more than just writing checks), and keeping a better organized, tidier house than what I do (especially my poor desk). Oh, and getting to sleep earlier!

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I'm Sarah, 26, live in AL with DH and our 3 little ones:) DH and I were both homeschooled the whole way through, and always planned to teach our own children as well. My DD has learned to read over the past year and will be officially starting kindergarten in just a couple months! I found this website after my SIL introduced me to classical homeschooling. I thought it was just a bunch of hoity-toity, overzealous people teaching their kids latin. lol:) Not true at all!!! :D I love the information I've found through this board and The Well-Trained Mind!

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I want to come back to this and read everyone's replies but for now I'll just introduce myself:)


I'm SheWillFly or July. I'm in that late 20s early 30s age bracket. I'm married to Bart. We just had our 9th anniversary. We have 3 kids, Bear (7), Bird (5) and Pirate (4). We live in Pennsylvania.


I've been homeschooling informally for about 4 years. This last year is the first one where I really had a plan. Next year I will be teaching all three. I'm excited and totally anxious about having my oldest home for school as well. We loosely follow a blend of WTM and CM.

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I'll play!

I am Cheryl

We live in California.

We have a DS-24, DD -21, DS-14 and DD-12.

I am in the late 40's bracket almost 50's bracket...phew! that's old. Anyway-I've been married to Doug for 27 years and he's in the late 50's almost 60s bracket but does physical labor and looks like he's in his late 30s-40s.

We have graduated two from homeschool-high school and public college (U.C.L.A) and nursing school. We are still homeschooling a 10th grader and a 7th grader. We are motivated to teach towards our kids strengths and let their weaknesses be gently reinforced. We tend to not test but have the sponge approach to education.


We are in a transition time of our lives, with our older two. David,our 24 year old, is moving to the East Coast for work and his masters degree; and Carissa, our 21 year old, just got engaged to Sean on Friday.

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Hi, I'm Sasharowan, homeschooling mom of 4. Ds13, dd9, ds8, and ds3. We've been homeschooling since day one. Officially for 7 years now. We will use MUS, R.E.A.L. science Chem, McHenry's Chem, HO Modern Level 1, History of US, IEW, GWG 3&4, First Start French and lots of reading. The kids are involved in gymnastics, theater, and scouts now, although there has been basketball, baseball, taekwondo, and dance in the past. And the little one hasn't even started yet. I am hitting 40 this year. I have worked odd jobs, but nothing toward a career. I have a BA in liberal studies, gotten mostly as an excuse to get out of the house after spending 3 years straight either pregnant or nursing and going stir crazy. DH was working and going to school for several years while kids 2 and 3 were on the way and little. When he graduated with his BA (also going unused) and kid 3 was 1, I went back for mine. Got mine and then had kid 4. Since then have tried to make sure I get some Mommytime so I don't go totally stir crazy. Plus its easier to do stuff when there is only one toddler. I found the forums just before the big changeover and starting reading some. That inspired me to get the book and read it and I have been slowly switching over since then. Although some stuff we were already doing.

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So..... I'm Tami - from PA (original - I know). I'm 36 and I've been married to my awesome hubby for over 15 years. We have two boys who are 14 (going into 9th grade) and 12 (going into 7th grade); they consider it their full-time job to eat all day, every day. I've always homeschooled them. My oldest has a December b-day - which meant he wasn't allowed to start kindergarten until the next school year, but he was more than ready. I started doing workbooks with him at home and then just never stopped! We'll be using Apologia Biology, Chalk Dust Algebra II, Notgrass World History, Wordly Wise - plus a bunch of other stuff, because I'm nothing if not a curriculum junkie - for 9th grade. I don't have all of the 7th grade curriculum hammered out yet, but, so far, we have A Beka Science, Easy Grammar, Vocabu-Lit/Vocab. from Classical Roots, World Geography workbook, and we'll continue to cover American History by reading books. I'm searching for a good math program......... We used A Beka Basic Math & Key to Algebra books 1-5 last year. I've been lurking at this site for quite some time. I hate wearing shoes, I love to read, I'm a black-recommended belt in taekwondo, and I love to laugh :) Nice to meet you all!

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Hi, I'm Jennifer, married 11years to Don. We live in southern Montana where snow just realized it's spring. My garden looks like a milk cooler due to all plants that are not under a sheet being covered with milk jugs.

I love to be outside and have just finished planting my "garden" of 3500 sq ft. I've been going to respond and introduce myself, but since I seem to have a way of stopping threads like a fencepost in a baler, I figured I'd give everyone else their chance to post.

I am a recovering "foot-in-mouther" (hence my ability to immediately stop the Free Range Kids thread)


We have 5 children and are currently utilizing every means possible to educate them - public, private, home, pre, none. I believe that every family needs to make the choice best for their children and family. When my oldest was 5 and I found out it was a 1 hour bus ride to kg, I suggested homeschooling; he went out and hid in the culvert. We have progressed in our relationship - he now lives ( for the summer ) 250 miles away with my dad. He attended public school til 5th grade when we switched him to the Christian school where his brother attended preschool. We were pretty happy with the set up until ds #3 was ready for school. I had him screened for kg at 5 yo and they put him in 1st grade - he was academically and physically ahead of his age. Two years of school almost ruined him for learning. So I took Dr Dobson's advice and took him out of school. (loosely interpretted by me - he says boys are not ready for the school environment until about 8 yo) He was going to have the year off before we put him in with his correct age group.

By November, he was begging for school.

He finished 3rd grade in May and now I have no choice but to keep him home. What a relief.

My ds #2 will start 5th grade at home - his choice - and ds #4 kg at home.

15 yo will be attending high school in town and all others at home.

My 5th grader is very social and was torn about coming home until he saw the level of work of the 3rd grader. Since I don't have any "requirements" I just taught Daniel what he was ready for - and the work was usually more advanced than 4th grade at school.

All my children are voracious readers and have been ahead of the pack in their classes. I just can't see holding them back just so "no child will be behind" them.


I am very opinionated, and often suffer from "foot-in-mouth syndrome." I am one of those people who needs a "bless her heart" every once in a while. Breastfed exclusively; co-sleeper when the baby wanted it; red meat; hunt for food; 35 balls in the yard left there by free-range boys; leave my pop-up camper up all summer and let boys sleep in it whenever they want (if it's not supposed to freeze); see a glass and think/say "would it kill someone to put this in the dishwasher?"; Santa - yes (they know it's me) and hand made stockings, halloween - for the candy; God first, family second, career third, oh wait, my family is my career; understand that tolerance is not necessary - especially at the expense of principles - but love is; prefer noggin to nickjr, but insist on muted commercials; would have gone to a TEA party except it was snowing; have learned that homemaker is not the same as housekeeper.


Hopefully I am not the last poster. It's not good for my sensitive constitution.

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Some good info would be:


Your name, rough age (20s, 30, 40s, etc.), how many children and their ages and grades, maybe their curriculum, how long you have been homeschooling, how or why you decided to do that, how you came across the board, maybe where your are from or general location where you live, and anything else we may find interesting.


Welcome aboard!



Kelly, I'm the mama. I'm roughly in my early thirties. :) We're expecting our ninth child and they range from expecting to 13. We've been homeschooling for 8 years now since the youngest was five. I first read The Well Trained Mind waaaaaaayyy back around 2001 when Ana was at the end of K/ beginning of 1st. We're from Iowa, though we started homeschooling when DH was in the military in California.

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I'm Ann, married for almost 16 years to a great guy. His engineering traits drive me crazy, but they keep me steady when I need them. We are both in our mid 40's, although he is about 15 months older. We have 3 beautiful, headstrong girls and live in the OKC area. Curriculum choices are in my sig line. My oldest fences (as in swords, not stolen property) and the 2 younger ones swim.


I am a conservative Christian (Lutheran) but can't stand legalism. I was running this morning and thinking my songs on my MP3 describe me - a mix of Newsboys, Aerosmith, Ringo Starr, Prince, Switchfoot, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, and a bunch of one hit wonders from the 70's and 80's. I'm just all over the place.


I was born in Baltimore, moved to NC at the age of 8, left there to go to college in Atlanta at the age of 20, moved to Los Angeles in 1991, moved close to Edward AFB in 1992 and then met my dh. We miss the mountains and desert but have enjoyed our 7 years in OK.


We love science fiction. We are currently making our way through FarScape thanks to netflix. We also are huge fans of "The Prisoner", Monty Python, James Bond and Babylon 5. And the original Bob Newhart Show will always be a favorite here. My kids can read heavy duty books, but by the end of the day, I just don't have it in me.


My indulgent secret - I love Twilight. Poorly written, predictable plot, overbearing male character, wimpy female. But I'm a sucker for romance.


Now, my youngest wants to put in a smiley (or 2).:banghead::party:

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I'm Mirandi. I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 9 years. I'm a classically-trained pianist-turned homeschooling mommy. We have a DS 6 (isaac), DD 4.5 (ella), and our bonus DS almost 1 (schaefer). We just finished schooling isaac for kindergarten; ella will continue at our classical preschool but i'm starting to casually give her math and language arts lessons; she's in on all the read-aloud action anyway :) we're pretty granola -- cloth diaper, organic, no chemical cleaners, non-antibacterial soap, *limited* refined sugar, etc.



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Thanks to my husband's job transfers, I have been on WTM boards for several years under different names. Currently, I use jeanine in tx; but I have also been jeanine in wa, jeanine in al, and jeanine in va. We are moving to San Antonio next week, so I get to keep my current name this time. :001_smile:


I am almost 40 and have been married for 14 years to my husband Cephas. Next year, our 11 dd will be in 7th grade, and our 9 ds will be in 5th grade. I have homeschooled both of them since pre-k using WTM.


7th grade: R & S Grammar & Bible, Lightning Lit 7, WTM History, Chalkdust Algebra I, Apologia General Science, Henle Latin, Spanish, Vocab From Classical Roots & Wordly Wise. Girl Scout, Piano, Horseback Riding.


5th grade: R & S Grammar & Bible, WTM Lit, WTM History, Saxon 7/6, Apologia Astronomy, Latina Christiana II, Spanish, Vocab From Classical Roots & Wordly Wise. Cub Scout, Piano, Kuk Sool Won.


This is a great thread.

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Board related info: Breastfed only, WTM classical, married young but it's not for everyone, still wearing crocs, semi-free range kids but still protective, coslept, hate reality TV but love LOST, mainstream Christian, progressive, Dyson vacuum, made my own laundry detergent for a while but quit, sons are circumcised, love my Kindle 2, theistic evolution, curly girl, vaccinate, against Prop 8, classical pronounciation, Motivated Mom not Flylady, no guns, planning to homeschool until college, dating not courtship, frugal living but not obsessively so, I once walked past Harrison Ford in the hall as I was going into the local hospital.


OK, that last one was a freebie. ;)


Kay, that is the funniest summary I have ever heard! And now I have to follow suit!


First, the boring facts:


My name is Danielle, I live in Maryland. I am 38. My kids are Kyla, entering seventh, Collin, entering fourth and Mason Pre-K 4.5. I started out as something of an unschooler who also believed in Math instruction and have gone more structured every year. Now I aim pretty close to WTM.


Here is the really fun stuff that Kay pointed out everyone really would rather hear:


Never wore crocs, always thought they looked ridiculous; yes to makeup and haircolor; no to denim jumpers and prairie dresses; Libertarian brain, Republican card; breastfed mainly but had nothing against a bottle now and then; cloth diapered for years, but quit thanks to a low-water washer; frugal and green but I drive an Escalade without apology; rather the book than the movie any day; two babies with epidural, two without; want more kids but it's not gonna happen; do allow sleepovers and think they are great; yes I wax, but not New York style; theistic evolution, I guess; grow a garden and can tomatoes; go organic but eat a hotdog now and then, with relish, in both senses of the word; want to see Alaska, but would take a trip to Hawaii if anyone's handing them out; all IBM but going Mac soon; hate Verizon, committed to Nextel; no spanking philosophically, but I've had my weak moments; Duggars are nuts, but lucky; married to the same hot guy all these years.

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