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Things you'd never thought you'd say...

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"Aren't you ever going to spend any of your money?"


I asked DS3 this a couple of days ago. He has spent his money on something only once and that was his 1/4 share of a Game Cube, when those had been out for awhile and Santa was not forthcoming. Oh, and he chips in for his share of the Christmas gifts the kids give. He does have to pay for his subscription to Bill James Online, starting now, which is $3 a month. He wasn't happy to hear that.


It feels strange to ask a kid why he isn't spending money, when the other kids spend it practically the minute they get it.

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I have had several variations of "stop reading and..." around here, the most recent was "You better be actually using in that bathroom and not reading again" said to my 5 yr old who disappeared into the bathroom for 20 minutes.


"Go give your sister a bath" is something I never thought I would have to say, but after my 10yr old got the briliant idea to give her his yogurt right after I had bathed and got her ready for bed that is exactly what I told him to do.


"We do not wash our hair with_____" also is one that I have said often as the kids were toddlers and at the stage of rubbing everything in their hair, the blank has been filled with soup, beans, yogurt, ice cream, chili etc. I swear I give my toddlers 3-4 baths a day.

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"Pull your brother's hair and pull it *hard*"



2yods was yanking on his sister's long hair and would not stop. He thought her reactions were funny! :) So I told her...


"Next time, pull his hair and pull it hard!"


That was the very last time he ever pulled anyone's hair.:001_smile:

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Oh there've been ever so many, but the most surreal one has to be, "Take that fork out of your bottom!"



Once when I was pregnant with one of the later ones (I forget now... it all melds into one after a while), I got cramp in my leg just as I was dishing up supper. I was squealing, "Do something!" and dh jabbed me in the ... upper thigh region ... with his fork. It did take my mind of the cramp - I laughed so hard. The boys were all little at the time and any time I was in pain after that for any reason, one of them would suggest, "Fork bum?"

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"No one is this house is allowed to do anyone elses chores." This is actually a problem here. I have a house full of hormonal girls and for some reason if they find out someone else has done their chores, they will bust out in tears. I am not exactly sure why but I have had to repeatedly stop my dh from helping (read: doing it for) them.


"No, I am not buying anymore fruits and vegetables this week. Eat something else."


Also the ever famous: Stop reading and . . .

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