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Taking down the Christmas decorations, anyone?

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Haha! It is my tradition. We open presents, play a bit, eat lunch, and then I start taking down the decorations all over the house. Everything is down now except the big tree and the little tree in my ds5's room. He has requested that we PLEASE keep those up until after New Year's Day. Poor kid!


So...anyone else turn anti-Christmas the minute it is over? I love the holiday and look forward to it, but when it is done, I just can't get the red and green and all the santas out of my house fast enough. :tongue_smilie:

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So...anyone else turn anti-Christmas the minute it is over? I love the holiday and look forward to it, but when it is done, I just can't get the red and green and all the santas out of my house fast enough.


Do you start Christmas early? We didn't put our tree up until the 21st, so we haven't had time to get tired of it yet.



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Tomorrow is soon enough :-)


I had never heard of anyone taking down their Christmas tree ON CHRISTMAS DAY until just the last year or so. I had no idea that anyone did such a thing.


Our house has been decorated since Thanksgiving weekend, but even so, I couldn't take it down today. I want to enjoy the moment. Tomorrow is soon enough. :-)

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I don't do decorations all over the house. My decor any time of the year is very minimal, oriented toward natural things and candles, and it reflects the seasons. My primary Christmas decoration is the tree, and no way would I take that down already. The Christmas season extends through Epiphany as far as I'm concerned.:)

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I decorated the house the weekend after Thanksgiving, but we didn't get the tree up until the 15th. However, now everything is down EXCEPT the tree. My little guy is the only reason for that...but I don't mind the tree. It was all of the santa stuff and the snowmen (that I love every day BEFORE Christmas) that just had to go. Tomorrow, I will take down the outside decor and change the flag to reflect "winter." :)


Another reason, and probably the BIGGEST reason I take down decorations on Christmas or the day after is because my ds9 goes to be with his dad for a week just after Christmas each year. As much as I am happy that he gets time with his dad, it utterly depresses me if I see Christmas stuff and my ds is not home. :(

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My traditional clean-up day is the 26th. That way I'm not so tired and Christmas is officially over (for our family who celebrates it as a gift giving occasion and has nothing whatsoever to do with any religious meanings). The kids even help. :)

Edited by Night Elf
Defining Christmas time for our family
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I have a friend that starts taking hers down while her kids are opening presents. :001_huh:


I wanted to do that - dh didn't like the idea:glare: It'll all be gone before lunch tomorrow;), and I'll be doing some super quick winter cleaning this weekend before I start another week of school on Mon.

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Traditionally Christmas goes for 12 days between Christmas and Epiphany.... with the period before not being for Christmas carols but separate Advent songs. I think this would help prevent the burnout that is so common these days. It was the stores and businesses that made Christmas so crazy beforehand even rewriting the meaning of 12 days to being before Christmas. lol. I plan on trying to return to that in the years to come, but in our overly commercialized Christmas world that might not be doable.


I am not of a church tradition that formally celebrates this way either but to me it makes much more sense. In any case, we do not take decorations down until after New Years.... after the 12 days and Epiphany.

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We only decorated the tree on the 24th, so we won't take it down until New Year's day or the day after. Dh went to all the trouble of getting the tree, so we like to have it up for at least a week. My family has always been one for putting up the tree very close to Christmas and leaving it up until New Year's. When my sister and I were very little, my parents didn't even put up the tree until after we went to bed on the 24th--we woke up to quite the surprise in the morning.

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But we do not have a lot, since our Christmas decorations consist of several miniature nativity scenes and a Christmas tree. But I have a friend who keeps her tree up until February. She is so into decorating her Christmas tree that it actually becomes a work of art and she just can't bring herself to take it down.


Claire in NM

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It was all of the santa stuff and the snowmen (that I love every day BEFORE Christmas) that just had to go.


Well, yeah, as a minimalist I'd go bonkers with that kind of stuff around, so I here ya there.;)


Another reason, and probably the BIGGEST reason I take down decorations on Christmas or the day after is because my ds9 goes to be with his dad for a week just after Christmas each year. As much as I am happy that he gets time with his dad, it utterly depresses me if I see Christmas stuff and my ds is not home. :(


But...your 5 yo is still around, right? I know you said that's why the tree is still up, but I wonder if it isn't sort of sending him a message ~ "un"decorating so quickly just because your older son is going to be away? Just musing...

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We usually only get decorations up sometime mid-December. No way would I ever take them down on Christmas Day! I always leave them up at least through Epiphany. Depending on how energetic I am, I get them down around that day. But I don't sweat it if they don't come down right then. I actually prefer to have color in the house from the decorations during the dark, dreary days of January. Once the tree and decorations come down, it's a long, slowwww countdown until the warmth of late spring days comes to brighten my days again.

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We usually only get decorations up sometime mid-December. No way would I ever take them down on Christmas Day! I always leave them up at least through Epiphany. Depending on how energetic I am, I get them down around that day. But I don't sweat it if they don't come down right then. I actually prefer to have color in the house from the decorations during the dark, dreary days of January. Once the tree and decorations come down, it's a long, slowwww countdown until the warmth of late spring days comes to brighten my days again.


We postponed our decorating and shopping until after ER got home from college for the holidays last Thursday.

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I hadn't really thought of my little one thinking anything of me taking down the decorations. I did leave the tree for him and he doesn't know that the un-decorating has anything at all to do with his brother. I am not 100% sure that it does...just that for me, when Christmas is over, Christmas is over. LOL I too am a minimalist - I can't stand clutter or colors that don't really go together and, unfortunately, Christmas seems to bring out the worst of those two things in my house.

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I like to get it down the weekend after Christmas, but I've promised the kids we'll can keep it up this year until the roads are clear and all the presents arrive (we're missing about half the smaller presents, and presents from on of their grandmas). I'm hoping to have everything here Monday, and have it down that night.

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Since my kids make me put it all up the day after Thanksgiving (as I was cleaning up from Thanksgiving dinner they took down all my Thanksgiving decorations to make room for Christmas and then wondered why I didn't start hauling out the Christmas stuff from the basement RIGHT THAT MINUTE!!!) I take it down TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! A full month of red/green, of keeping four cats and a Labrador out of the tree, is quite enough for me, thank you very much!!!

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We celebrate the church year...which means we had Advent the last 4 weeks. Christmas started on Christmas Eve, and we will celebrate the 12days of Christmas--meaning we just STARTED our celebration. Most of December is a time of preparation for the celebration and more importantly, a time of contemplation.


So...today is only the 2nd day of Christmas. I'm hoping to go out and decorate the lamp post today, and I just put up the Nativity scene (meant to do it Christmas Eve, but it didn't happen). We will have 10 more days of Christmas. On Epiphany (Jan 6), the tree will come down and the celebration will be done.


:) I love it this way. We get all the running around and "busy-ness" done and then we ENJOY Christmas.


:)) Jean

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We leave up til the eighth, dh is Coptic Orthodox and Christmas is the seventh.


We leave outside lights up too, and people think we are strange.


That's funny about the outside lights. There are people here who leave up their lights most of the year.


To the OP: Are you crazy? We just put up our tree! We do all the decorating on Christmas eve, then take stuff down on 12th night. But yes. I'm pretty done by then.

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No way, that would depress me, and the rest of my family too. It would have been build up, build up, build up to Christmas, then bam-- it's over and all gone! It's still Christmas time here, and will be through New Years Day. I usually take down our Christmas decorations on New Years Day or the day after.

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Everything stays up until Theophany - the Eastern Orthodox celebration of Jesus' baptism and the coming of the Holy Spirit - which is the same date as Epiphany (which, I think, is the original meaning of the feast of Epiphany; if any Anglicans or Catholics can confirm this, I'd be grateful!)

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My little 4 foot tree was taken down on Christmas in the late afternoon. I usually put up a 10 foot tree, but I just wasn't in the mood for it this year. It took me all of 15 minutes to take the tree down and pack up. We do have some lights in the yard, and we will leave those up through New Year's Day. :001_smile:

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Well, the big tree went today...with my ds5's permission of course. He scored a cool new toy spaceship with his Christmas cash and he was too occupied to really care when I asked him. ;)


The only Christmas thing we have left in the house is the little tree in his room which he insists will stay up until NEXT Christmas (haha...we shall see about that one) and the few little decorations I have on my front porch. I have to change out the flag, put away the trees beside the door, change the door mat, and take down my snowman windsock....then I am FINISHED. Ahhhh...so nice to have my house back to minimal decor and CLEAN!

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