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If you have corelle dishes...


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I have plain white.  I do like them because they are light, fit well in the dishwasher, and can go in the microwave.  We just got ours recently, though.  Even though we've been married 36 years, we never had a new set of plates - we had DH's grandmother's old ugly ones and they weren't microwave-safe.  We always wanted to replace them, but it seemed wasteful to get rid of them when they worked just fine.  But I've been slowly replacing them with Corelle and am much happier.  

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I like them because arthritis of the hands runs in my family, and they are so much lighter. Plus, they take up way less room! With 6 of us we have a lot of dishes and the correlle are so much easier to store, fit in dishwasher, etc. I have the winter white I think it is? Before that I had a different all white pattern I like better, that has sort of a scalloped pattern to the edges. But I stick with plain white so that everything matches anything. Plus can look sort of fancy if used with a fancy tablecloth and napkins and such, but is fine for every day use. 

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I like them because they don't chip and barely break.  They are lightweight and store in a small area.  

The con is definitely that when they do break they shatter into a million microscopic shards.  We do occasionally get "dish splinters," no matter how well I clean up.  

I have the standard winter white because it goes with everything and will always be available.  

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I have a stack of 36 squared-off white ones that I got at a thrift store and use for big parties. I puffy heart LOVE them because they take up so little space in both storage, and in the soaking bin when I'm in the midst of dealing with a big party and don't have time to deal with dirty plates.  And the white goes with any table linens or color scheme I want, and the square-ish shape is vaguely more stylish/ intentional than regular round.

I have several sets of regular plates -- my grandmother used to make them -- which are pretty heavy ceramic, and in several different fairly-vibrant colors. I also have a set of textured black square ones that I use rarely but love.

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Another for lightweight for arthritic hands. My mom had corelle when I was growing up and I never remember a plate of hers ever breaking. I just got myself some corelle. The dinner plates are the Pioneer Woman pattern in Aqua and then I just got winter white bowls to go with them. So far they have survived a few times of being dropped. I handwash mine as we don't have a dishwasher but my mom's was always washed in the dishwasher for decades and never broke.

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Love them!  Echoing the others:  They are lightweight, dishwasher and microwave safe.  We do occasionally drop them, and they have not yet broken so I don't have the millions-of-slivers experience.  I have never lived with ceramic tile, however, so I believe everyone who says that about the slivers.  They don't seem to break on vinyl floors or carpet.  

I have some white, and some other random ones.  Don't love their patterns.  But love them so much anyway.  

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I got corelle meal bowls and dinner bowls to feed my hungry teen ds and we like them quite a bit. Our everyday dishes are Mikasa, but the dimensions on these corelle pieces are modern and easy to use the way we eat casual meals. If you're not quite certain about going all the way,  you could buy some pieces like these (2 meal bowls for $15, 4 dinner bowls for $25 at Target) and see what you think. 

I bought my mother an entire set of extra adorable, retro looking Corelle, again from Target. I'm not sure if Target gets unique patterns, but they were quite cute. My mother has been using them for a number of years now and likes that they are light weight, easy to lift in and out of her cupboards, and fit in her dishwasher nicely. 

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I like them. I like the plain white as it goes with everything. I got them probably 35 years old and have added a few small sets over the years, and some friends gave me extra leftover from their mom. I like the fact they are lightweight - I love the look of Fiesta but it is too heavy for me.  It is nice they are dishwasher/microwave safe. We have dropped a few over the years, and yes, they have shattered on the ceramic tile into a billion pieces. We sweep, sweep, vacuum, and often even a month later still find little shards or big ones under the refrigerator. People rarely go barefoot here, so we haven't had an issue with any injury. 

I wish they came in solid colors. I got a small set with a pattern (couple colors stripes around the edge) but got tired of it after a while. 

I will say that now there are a few plates that have scratches on them - from knives? dishwasher? I don't know. But I can't tell if that came from my original set, the friend's mom's set, or one of the newer pieces I put in (the advantage or disadvantage of just having the plain white!). But with like 25 plates, we are talking 2-3, so if it really bothered me, I could toss and still feel like it was a good value. 

But colors! I wish! That is really the only problem I have with Corelle. White is great, but I would like some colored serving dishes to brighten up the table! 

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I love mine. I've had some of them for decades--since even before DH and I got married--and have no idea what the name of the pattern is. Honestly I got them because even way back then they were easy to find and sensible. I'm not a fussy or fancy person and never had any interest in dinnerware beyond something to hold food and be easy to take care of. They're light and hard to break (I don't remember ever breaking one) and a lot of them fit in the dishwasher. Now that I'm old and have arthritis that affects many joints (RA and OA) having lightweight dishes is a must, so it's never occurred to me to think of changing.

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I have had Corelle for my entire married life…48 years. I received the winter frost as a wedding gift. Eventually, I gave that set my DD when she moved out to go to college, and I moved onto the scalloped edge white dishes. I do love color and many of my serving bowls are colorful. I also like using cloth napkins, and I have a huge drawer full of colorful napkins.

Yes, we’ve broken a few over the years, but after the first one, we learned how to clean up very carefully.  No tears over broken dinnerware. Easily replaced.
They fit well in any of my dishwashers…larger ceramic kind of dishes don’t always fit well.
I love how many  I can stack in a small space in my cupboard. We just served 18 people for thanksgiving, and the plates were all in one small shelf.

My hands have never been strong, so I’ve never wanted heavy dishes.

3 of my 4 kids households have either used them in the past,  ( moved into something more colorful) or are still using them in their homes today.


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I have never broken one. I didn't used to like them much as they just seemed like cheap dishes. But I do like how thin they are and how they are not plastic. I know someone has broken some as we only have a few plates left. We have had them since before we were married I think. There is very little that I have had 30+ years. Honestly, I think I have a couple pieces of Tupperware and then silverware, but nothing else in my kitchen is that old. So it does last. I think it is likely good to have some. I like my stoneware and fiesta dishes better. 

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I love them. Our main dishes for my entire adult life have been corellle. Early on, I had the white dishes with cornflower blue floral edging. Several years ago I got a white set with a black modern design around the edge. 

I like them because they last for ages and ages, are low profile and light, fit well in our dishwasher, and stand up nicely to the general abuse of family life. It is true they shatter spectacularly if they fall from a height onto a ceramic tile floor but fortunately, none of us were very butter-fingered with dishes and I think it only happened 2 or 3 times in twenty years. 

I would happily never buy any other type of dishes as long as I live. At our beach house, there are Pfaltzgraph dishes and I hate them. The bowls are very deep and don’t really fit into the dishwasher, and everything is so thick that a stack of six plates takes up as much room in the cabinet as twenty of Corelle. The only thing I like about the Pfaltzgraph set is the nice large mugs - good for morning coffee. 

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The ONLY drawback to Corelle is their tendency to shatter into tiny slivers of "glass confetti" if they do break. Thankfully that doesn't happen very often, only once every couple years for me. I hate cleaning it up and always vow to try something different...but always end up sticking with my Corelle. I've used it my whole married life.

Lightweight, easy to fit in cupboards, easy to fit in the dishwasher, easy to find replacements, nice-looking, inexpensive, non-chemical leaching. I doubt I will ever buy anything else. I had a whole set of white Fiestaware and never used it.

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4 minutes ago, Karen A said:

I looked at those too... but I like darker color table cloths and I question if the contrast is too much. My red stoneware looks so pretty on my current table cloths so I am just not sure what I like. 

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I love mine. They’re super light which is way easier in the body. They fit well in the dishwasher. Even after several years of washing they don’t have that gritty texture other china gets from the dishwasher. I have plain white and one set with a kind of raised white floral pattern.

The shattering thing is a pain but we’ve only broken one or two as they’re pretty tough. They also don’t seem to chip. DH does find the bowls a bit small so he bought some massive chunky stoneware bowls (which I’m not a huge fan of as they’re thick and awkward and fill up half the dishwasher). 

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We appreciate them being lead free and lightweight. I have plain white, and use them for everything. On the holidays, I break out my King Crown Ruby Thumbprint. Otherwise, always the white corelle and it works well. I like the fact that with my white, I can use any color scheme, and all my cloth napkins regardless of pattern, look just fine with them.

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18 hours ago, rebcoola said:

They take up so little room. We have  plates, dessert plates, large bowls and small bowls for 16 fits on 2 small cupboard sheleves.

Yup. I have dinner plates, lunch or salad sized plates (not sure what they are called - but mostly what I use), bowls, and dessert plates (for well, snacks and desserts). In one small area. 

1 hour ago, Dmmetler said:

We have white with scalloped edges, mixed with plain white since, after 30 years, there has been some attrition. We have ceramic tile in the kitchen, and pretty much the only things that don't break when dropped are metal pans and Tupperware. 

Same. I had the white Enhancements with the pretty embossed edge but they stopped making that so got the regular winter white ones and it isn't that noticable that they are not all the same. I'm not entertaining the queen anyway, lol. 

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I have broken a few over the decades, as we have ceramic tile and I'm a klutz. I have gotten clean up to a science though! 

1. Sweep up/pick up bigger pieces. Put broken pieces into a cardboard box or thick paper bag. 

2. Vacuum floor. Carefully - and way more area than you think you need to vacuum. 

3. Swiffer! This is the key, I find. Do a wet swiffer, or even a dry and then wet, to snag the tiny pieces. As long as we finish by swiffering we have not had any issues with pieces turning up later. (knock on wood!)

If you didn't have a swiffer, use a damp paper towel. Key is to have that semi soft surface that is damp to grab onto the tiny shards. Regular mop won't do it. 

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I like that I can grab three at a time with one hand when putting them away. I don’t like that they discontinued my pattern and then the bisque color. I do grab the plain bisque when I see it at thrift stores. We’ve never broken any yet but we don’t have granite or tile in the kitchen. 

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I, too, have always had Corelle, as did my mom. I like them for the same reasons as everyone else.  Have only lost one or two pieces in 30 years. 

 I did replace mine a few years back.  I had had some white ones and some with a blue pattern on the edges.  I replaced them after reading about possible lead content in older pieces, plus I wanted a little fresher look.  ANd the ones I got have a bigger version of the same pattern.  Then I picked up the snack plates with a blue swirl at Walmart for contrast.  Now I don't see those there. 

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