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World problems/news ( Used to be Anybody concerned about Friday, then I changed it to concerned about world problems)


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2 hours ago, Corraleno said:

Right, but the warning was released Monday and they haven't followed through so far — is there a reason to think something is specifically going to happen this weekend? Like if the Israeli government is explicitly warning to stay off social media this weekend, then that suggests they are planning something that is likely to trigger Hamas to follow through on the threat. I'm just wondering where the designation of "this weekend" is coming from, because if there's not a specific reason to think it's going to happen on those days, then the warning is really to avoid social media for as long as this war continues, because it could happen at any time.

What I heard (and I can’t even cite source if I wanted to, so I’m not claiming it to be fact by any means) was that there is a Friday deadline for Palestinien hostage release, and videos would be released if that did not happen.

Again, it’s only what I heard who knows where at this point.

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The areas of Chicago that I think could experience violence would be the West Rogers Park neighborhood, and the suburbs of Skokie, Highland Park and Glencoe, possibly not Friday but maybe Saturday when many Jews are going to service. I hope not, though.

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My thinking on the social media warning was that it really wasn’t worth tracking down sources.  It won’t hurt anyone in my house if we Netflix instead of YouTube this weekend with the younger kiddo and I needed to talk about the possibility of videos with older kids anyway, so it wasn’t worth putting a lot of effort into it.  Tiny chance of something bad, compared to no effort needed to prevent it, sure.  We’ll just avoid YouTube this weekend, no big deal.  

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2 hours ago, Melissa Louise said:

I'm in a major city and I live 2 min drive away from a suburb where men were out on the streets with fireworks, celebrating Hamas' massacre of Jewish people.

Friday for me as someone who isn't Jewish or working at any major landmark is a usual day for me. I will go to work etc. 

I am not worried about this for myself or for family.

Yes, something could happen (the risk is very low) but something could happen any day.

For Jewish targets, well, I hope the NSW Police have got their **** together by now and are providing the protection needed.


Separately, yes, calling for violent terrorist action can have real world impacts.

Look at what happened to Rushdie. At Charlie Hebdo.

At a global level, it's not ideal.




Yeah, there was the 23 and Me hack looking for Jews, apparently.  Well, maybe they found me.  I am something like 3% Ashkenazi Jew, genetically.  My son figured out a few years ago that my last name means that a long, long, long time ago- like before the 15th century, we were Jews who voluntarily converted to Christianity,  (How voluntarily, I have no idea).  But why I say the 15th century is because on the trip to Poland in 1974 my parents took me, we actually saw a church built then that was funded by my great, whatever grandfather - no idea how many back.

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6 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

Yeah, there was the 23 and Me hack looking for Jews, apparently.  Well, maybe they found me.  I am something like 3% Ashkenazi Jew, genetically.  My son figured out a few years ago that my last name means that a long, long, long time ago- like before the 15th century, we were Jews who voluntarily converted to Christianity,  (How voluntarily, I have no idea).  But why I say the 15th century is because on the trip to Poland in 1974 my parents took me, we actually saw a church built then that was funded by my great, whatever grandfather - no idea how many back.

Are you in Israel?

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4 hours ago, Melissa Louise said:

I know kids are consuming content related to this they shouldn't, because I heard older boys yesterday in the playground making jokes about some of the videos that have come out of the last week, and had to speak to them about it. Totally desensitized 12 year olds. It's sad.



It is one of the considerable differences in my upbringing in the 60s and 70s, and now.  I was reading the Washington Post daily and watching Brinkley and Huntley -on the nightly news, reading lots and listening to what adults said, and looking around.  Like I knew that people in Iran didn't like the Shah of Iran because there were posters up on telephone polls. Cause I was curious and a good, fast reader< I found books that were controversial at an earlier age.  But nothing like what you can find on the internet now, and that is available on your phone. 

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NSW police may be given extra stop and search powers ahead of the weekend. 

“Earlier, Acting Commissioner David Hudson said NSW Police was considering authorising the use of "extraordinary" powers to search and identify protesters ahead of the rally.

Acting Commissioner Hudson said the event was deemed unauthorised this week due to a form not being submitted within the required time frame.

It followed a protest in front of the Sydney Opera House earlier this week where racial epithets were chanted by some attendees.”

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And more men arrested, this time in front of the Sydney Jewish Museum, giving Nazi salutes. I'm getting pretty uncomfortable with the literal Nazis on the street. 

I think the search powers above are in response to use of flares, fireworks etc which are illegal and were used last week. 



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7 hours ago, BeachGal said:

The areas of Chicago that I think could experience violence would be the West Rogers Park neighborhood, and the suburbs of Skokie, Highland Park and Glencoe, possibly not Friday but maybe Saturday when many Jews are going to service. I hope not, though.

Yeah, I was thinking about that area. There's a holocaust museum in Skokie, too. 

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14 hours ago, BeachGal said:

The areas of Chicago that I think could experience violence would be the West Rogers Park neighborhood, and the suburbs of Skokie, Highland Park and Glencoe, possibly not Friday but maybe Saturday when many Jews are going to service. I hope not, though.

Ok, my hubby is at a conference this weekend in the Rosemont area in Chicago.  Should I be worried...  UGGH   I never know about any of this stuff....

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29 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

Ok, my hubby is at a conference this weekend in the Rosemont area in Chicago.  Should I be worried...  UGGH   I never know about any of this stuff....

Not at all. I don’t think any organized violence will be carried out here. Demonstrations, maybe. If anything were to happen, I’d think it would be someone acting alone.

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[ I promised myself that my self would not succumb to getting drawn in to Hamas-Israel threads...

but (sigh)... ]


re Sydney arrests

9 hours ago, Melissa Louise said:

And more men arrested, this time in front of the Sydney Jewish Museum, giving Nazi salutes. I'm getting pretty uncomfortable with the literal Nazis on the street. 

I think the search powers above are in response to use of flares, fireworks etc which are illegal and were used last week. 


-- not yet seeing US responsible-press coverage of this.

May I ask -- were the men arrested even vaguely connected to Hamas or Palestinians, or "just" homegrown white Christian Nazis happy to seize on a highly visible moment to stoke resentment against ((( Israel / "zionists" / Jews / "globalists" / etc ))) ?

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As a moderator, I get fun job of deciding what is political and what is not. 

This thread has been reported.

I will most likely be deleting and making edits from time to time. I won’t have time to go through the whole thread in one setting, so please don’t be offended if I edit or delete your post while someone else’s is still there down thread. Most likely I couldn’t get around to it or just forgot about the thread until it gets reported again. 

If you have an issue with my editing, please take it to Susan. I barely have time to edit much less discuss why I edited your post. 

My heart goes out to everyone involved. And I do see the need to discuss these atrocities, but please leave the politics out. 

Thanks and hugs to everyone. 

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7 minutes ago, SKL said:

Another friend is attending an India-Pakistan cricket match today.

And a whole group of my friends are headed for a leisure trip to Kashmir.

Hopefully things stay peaceful wherever our loved ones are.

Those are some other hot spots. May they have fun and not worry while they are there.

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5 hours ago, Pam in CT said:

[ I promised myself that my self would not succumb to getting drawn in to Hamas-Israel threads...

but (sigh)... ]


re Sydney arrests

-- not yet seeing US responsible-press coverage of this.

May I ask -- were the men arrested even vaguely connected to Hamas or Palestinians, or "just" homegrown white Christian Nazis happy to seize on a highly visible moment to stoke resentment against ((( Israel / "zionists" / Jews / "globalists" / etc ))) ?

No idea - does it matter? 

I really wish ppl would stop insisting these reports in my city are lies/propaganda - I don't post lies - all these ugly things come out of the woodwork and emboldened since last week are reported in responsible AU press including the national broadcaster and by NSW Police. 

I mean, who gives a toss what ethnicity their local Nazi is or what motivation they have?

I don't really care if a Nazi is threatening Jews to forment white resentment about Zionists, or if they are shouting out 'g the Jews' to forment brown resentment of Zionists, just don't be Nazi-ing it up on my streets. As in, my actual streets. Where I live.

Anyway, about to go hand out YES how to vote cards for a referendum on Aboriginal representation that's about to fail because I live in a racist hell hole of a country.

Jokers to the left, right and center, and none of it 'lies' or 'propaganda'.






Edited by Melissa Louise
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1 hour ago, Melissa Louise said:

No idea - does it matter? 

I really wish ppl would stop insisting these reports in my city are lies/propaganda - I don't post lies - all these ugly things come out of the woodwork and emboldened since last week are reported in responsible AU press including the national broadcaster and by NSW Police. 

I mean, who gives a toss what ethnicity their local Nazi is or what motivation they have?

I don't really care if a Nazi is threatening Jews to forment white resentment about Zionists, or if they are shouting out 'g the Jews' to forment brown resentment of Zionists, just don't be Nazi-ing it up on my streets. As in, my actual streets. Where I live.

Anyway, about to go hand out YES how to vote cards for a referendum on Aboriginal representation that's about to fail because I live in a racist hell hole of a country.

Jokers to the left, right and center, and none of it 'lies' or 'propaganda'.






I agree with you on this! I am sorry the referendum is doomed to fail. It is gut wrenching. I get it. Same racist pit on this side of the planet. Hugs.

I truly believe you are telling the truth. Half the sh$t that goes down on my county/region of Michigan, USA can't be posted here because no one would believe it no matter how much journalistic evidence was provided.

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@TravelingChris @YaelAldrich my older DDs are big history buffs and have been doing a deep dive into the history of Israel and the mid east. One of them discovered a young woman named Debbie Lechtman. @rootsmetals on Instagram. She is unique in all of the garbage I have been wading through in the media (not social media—ALL media) in that she lists extensive footnotes/references on her articles (including primary sources). Then provides link to her website for an even longer bibliography. 

My youngest has been asking a lot of questions revealing my own embarrassing gaps in knowledge of history. I have been using Lechtman’s material to try to fill in some of those gaps because it is well organized and accessible. Are y’all familiar with her? 

Same dd(17) also happens to be taking a course this year on "wars and revolutions". One of the books the teacher is using as a spine is Why Nations Go to War. (John G. Stoessinger) We aren't far enough into the book yet, but it will get into the Israeli Palestinian conflict in depth. Interestingly, all on her own, she just started reading Ordinary Men-- Christopher Browning. 

To answer the OP, I am not concerned for myself. I am slightly more concerned for dd and son in law in DC. SIL is a Ranger--now Old Guard. He is careful, and I really don't think he is too worried. Like others have said I am much more concerned about acts of violence/aggression in our Jewish communities. Not my own personal safety. My city has been very "quiet" so far today. No news of protests, etc

Edited by popmom
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22 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

Yeah, there was the 23 and Me hack looking for Jews, apparently.  Well, maybe they found me.  I am something like 3% Ashkenazi Jew, genetically.  My son figured out a few years ago that my last name means that a long, long, long time ago- like before the 15th century, we were Jews who voluntarily converted to Christianity,  (How voluntarily, I have no idea).  But why I say the 15th century is because on the trip to Poland in 1974 my parents took me, we actually saw a church built then that was funded by my great, whatever grandfather - no idea how many back.

Is that seriously what that hack was about? I got the email. 😕

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3 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

I agree with you on this! I am sorry the referendum is doomed to fail. It is gut wrenching. I get it. Same racist pit on this side of the planet. Hugs.

I truly believe you are telling the truth. Half the sh$t that goes down on my county/region of Michigan, USA can't be posted here because no one would believe it no matter how much journalistic evidence was provided.

Thank you.

We can all only do and say what we feel inside is right, whether that pleases others or not.

This is one of several links to the disputed story about Nazis in front of the Jewish Museum. I am glad we have racial vilification laws and a law against displaying Nazi imagery.

It serves no-one for Nazis to be on the street.


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41 minutes ago, Melissa Louise said:

My heart hurts.

My sis lives in France, thankfully not in Paris, but her sister in law does and has a little girl in school though I do not know which one. I need to reach out. So much pain in the world....

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5 hours ago, popmom said:

Is that seriously what that hack was about? I got the email. 😕

Yrs.  He (they?) tricked some, I guess, Jewish people to be friends or whatever on the site and went with genealogical relatives from there. I saw the story on Yahoo - and can't remember its source.  23and me isn't saying stuff in emails not to spread panic.

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6 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

I agree with you on this! I am sorry the referendum is doomed to fail. It is gut wrenching. I get it. Same racist pit on this side of the planet. Hugs.

I truly believe you are telling the truth. Half the sh$t that goes down on my county/region of Michigan, USA can't be posted here because no one would believe it no matter how much journalistic evidence was provided.

It isn't only that.  It is really hard to get news from non-major news sites.   For example, we just yesterday the crazy story of a guy from Arkansas who decided to come to my city (And Arkansas is at least 4 hours away) and do a bank robbery.  He was caught heading back in Iuka, MS - at least 2 hours away depending on construction delays.

Melissa Louise, sorry that you live so close to rabid Nazi-types.  

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  • TravelingChris changed the title to Anybody els e concerned about World problems

Bomb threat at the Louvra, and people are running.

Also. The French police have arrested many more people in relation to the stabbing at the school today.

Finally, Eqypt is allowing foreigners, including Americans, to leave GAZA.  And on a really good not, lots of Palestinians are leaving northern Gaza and not paying attention to Hamas orders to stay.

Finally, US State Dept is very concerned that Azerbahan may be close to invading Armenia.  And from footage it seems like Iran is actually invading Iraq--- Tanks, etc on the road to Iraq,























On 10/12/2023 at 3:08 PM, bolt. said:



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1 hour ago, Susan Wise Bauer said:

FWIW, when these threads get locked or removed, it's generally not because of the topic itself--it's because of uncivil remarks or ad hominem attacks from the folks who respond. Keep it civil (you're doing a decent job here) and offer information and suggestions rather than accusations. Thanks.



Thank you SWB. I appreciate it when these threads are left up and can be within board rules.  I love the depth of information these boardies have. 

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3 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

Bomb threat at the Louvra, and people are running.

Also. The French police have arrested many more people in relation to the stabbing at the school today.

Finally, Eqypt is allowing foreigners, including Americans, to leave GAZA.  And on a really good not, lots of Palestinians are leaving northern Gaza and not paying attention to Hamas orders to stay.

Finally, US State Dept is very concerned that Azerbahan may be close to invading Armenia.  And from footage it seems like Iran is actually invading Iraq--- Tanks, etc on the road to Iraq,


Yrs.  He (they?) tricked some, I guess, Jewish people to be friends or whatever on the site and went with genealogical relatives from there. I saw the story on Yahoo - and can't remember its source.  23and me isn't saying stuff in emails not to spread panic.

It would be really helpful if you could provide links for these snippets of information that you are coming across. They aren't on my usual news sources, and I don't know where to start looking for more in-depth data on the topics.

Edited by bolt.
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8 minutes ago, bolt. said:

It would be really helpful if you could provide links for these snippets of information that you are coming across. They aren't on my usual news sources, and I don't know where to start looking for more in-depth data on the topics.

Yes agree!

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Bomb threat at Louvre and Versailles


”PARIS (AP) — The Louvre Museum in Paris and Versailles Palace evacuated visitors and staff Saturday after receiving bomb threats. The government has put France on high security alert after a fatal school stabbing by a suspected extremist.

The Louvre communication service said no one was hurt and no incident was reported. Paris police said officers searched the museum after it received written bomb threats.

The former royal palace at Versailles also received bomb threats, a national police spokesperson said. The palace and its sprawling gardens were being evacuated while police examine the area, the spokesperson said.”

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Azerbajan and Arn=menian - Politico.  I also heard Vivek Ramaswammy ask why we care about Israel-Gaza and not that one and I didn't know what he was talking about.  (I am not voting for him in the Primary)/  Then I saw a tweet about this.   

I saw a tweet with the film of the Iranian tanks being moved.

The Louvre incident is on most of the major sites and lots of photos of people running outside, people being shuffled out, and a statement by the museum that it was closed,    That was at 5am CT time that I was seeing all this.---AP has as report<  know


-https://www.france24.com/en/france/20231014-france-to-deploy-7-000-soldiers-after-teacher-s-fatal-stabbing- this has about more people arrested but the even more updated story had even more people arrested who had potential terror contacts w the Chechen who did the stabbing.  Also, there is a story out there of 2 hero teachers who tried to stop the attack.

https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/national-international/israel-allows-palestinians-to-flee-north-gaza-ahead-of-expected-groun If you go to this page, you will see the update about foreigners being allowed to leave Gaza and go to Egypt where they will be taken to Cairo and get planes back to their countries - I know there are US Citizens and Canadians there because I have seen reporting about both off those groups but I figure there are also British, French, etc





















On 10/12/2023 at 3:08 PM, bolt. said:

But, no, TravellingChris, I'm not meaning to suggest that you, yourself, are clickbaiting people. You're someone 'known' to us, and you aren't gaining anything from 'clicks' or engagement here. I know that you started the thread honestly to talk with people about something you wanted to talk about.


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On 10/13/2023 at 9:44 AM, Pam in CT said:

 re Sydney arrests

-- not yet seeing US responsible-press coverage of this.


Why does it matter if it's US coverage? That seems a bit insulting to our Aussie friends. 

It has "responsible-press" coverage, presumably more so in Australia because that's where it happened. At minimum, there are also UK reports, and it's on MSN's Australian portal (with MSN being being based in the United States).

Unfortunately, Nazis being arrested is simply not unusual enough to be prominent global news. 

On 10/13/2023 at 9:44 AM, Pam in CT said:

 May I ask -- were the men arrested even vaguely connected to Hamas or Palestinians, or "just" homegrown white Christian Nazis happy to seize on a highly visible moment to stoke resentment against ((( Israel / "zionists" / Jews / "globalists" / etc ))) ?

I think that's somewhat the point - people and organizations who have no connection to Hamas will seize the moment. Seeing Hamas 'succeed' emboldens and motivates others. Terrorism breeds terrorism, hate breeds hate, violence breeds violence. 

It would be much better if we only had to worry about people and organizations who are actually connected to Hamas or Palestine. 

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I just heard on Fox News and saw the film-- Apparently- while 30 German Citizens have left Gaza into Egypt, they have not let the more numerous Canadians or Americans out.  Egypt is super scared of getting terrorists sneaking into their country-- they had a lot of problems with ISIS  and  Hamas is an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist group that also fomented Al Queda. and MB was founded in Egypt.






















On 10/12/2023 at 3:08 PM, bolt. said:

But, no, TravellingChris, I'm not meaning to suggest that you, yourself, are clickbaiting people. You're someone 'known' to us, and you aren't gaining anything from 'clicks' or engagement here. I know that you started the thread honestly to talk with people about something you wanted to talk about.


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2 minutes ago, katilac said:

Why does it matter if it's US coverage? That seems a bit insulting to our Aussie friends. 

It has "responsible-press" coverage, presumably more so in Australia because that's where it happened. At minimum, there are also UK reports, and it's on MSN's Australian portal (with MSN being being based in the United States).

Unfortunately, Nazis being arrested is simply not unusual enough to be prominent global news. 

I think that's somewhat the point - people and organizations who have no connection to Hamas will seize the moment. Seeing Hamas 'succeed' emboldens and motivates others. Terrorism breeds terrorism, hate breeds hate, violence breeds violence. 

It would be much better if we only had to worry about people and organizations who are actually connected to Hamas or Palestine. 

Yes, somebody has taken to marking supposedly Jewish homes in Berlin with Star of David symbols.  Was it Hamas supporters or the neo-Nazis in Germany?    

I also saw a vile post by Nick Fuentes (I am not a follower of his, and this was posted within a post like I am seeing the Hamas posts, etc- I don't follow them either, but some people do follow hateful people to keep tabs on them), a USA anti-semite- who tries to pretend he is a regular conservative but then calls out all the Jewish conservatives as war-mongers, etc.  

I saw another post by an American black nationalist who called for a war against the Jews and all the white people.   \

Oh, and by the way, the most vile posts are being copied from Tik Tok - which the CCP is nicely using to continue to foment hate. Tik Tok has been apparently censoring pro-Israeli talk and talk about the massacres, but none of the anti-semitic posts/  (I am not on Tik-Tok, but I see Tik Tok posts in other places like Twitter and news stories. 

The point is that there are a lot of evil people out there and U can see all sorts of others deciding to make things worse.

If you are as old as me- you may remember the late 60s and 70s as being full of terrorism from everywhere.  Palestinian groups, , Baader Meinhofff, IRA, there were ones in Italy and Japan, Americans hijacking planes to Cuba, and on and on and on. And to juxtapose this, I had a very multicultural upbringing in suburban DC and had friends from all over the place- so I always knew not to blame all blank people- whether Irish, Palestinians, or whoever.

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  • TravelingChris changed the title to World problems/news ( Used to be Anybody concerned about Friday, then I changed it to concerned about world problems)

Todyas news update- Elections in a lot of places.  Louisiana had primaries yesterday and these are open primaries, meaning both R and D candidates in one primary (and I am not sure if they have other party candidates too).  If a candidate wins a majority in the primary, they straight out win.  Jeff Landry, a Republican won. https://apnews.com/article/louisiana-governor-race-election-2023-ed79c5a80af6e59593985c9be4ce5dc8

In NZ, https://apnews.com/article/new-zealand-election-luxon-hipkins-ardern-9309fc1816569adac27efe0e7ec77c25, a conservative was elected.

In AU, the proposition that Melissa Louise mentioned up-thread failed as she predicted. https://apnews.com/article/australia-indigenous-voice-referendum-6e9a9a7916a6024479d9e985f28e2d5e

Poland is having elections today too.https://apnews.com/article/poland-election-vote-720f7b81838c33ccb2865fb3bc6e0414 

Ecuador, too- vote between the son of a banana heir and an attorney.  They have had a big rise in problems, including cartel violence. One of the original candidates was assassinated in August.


and the Argentinians will be having an election next Sunday.  They are having hyperinflation.  The leading candidate was a football (soccer) goalie, a musician, and then an economist/professor/politician.  https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/argentina-election-race-close-with-milei-lead-pollsters-say-2023-10-13/

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On 10/13/2023 at 4:53 PM, Faith-manor said:

I truly believe you are telling the truth. Half the sh$t that goes down on my county/region of Michigan, USA can't be posted here because no one would believe it no matter how much journalistic evidence was provided.

Yes, the last time we had a major mega multi-state attack by a certain group, and certain people were celebrating openly on camera, this was heavily censored after the fact, and anyone who remembered it was deemed a racist liar.

So I totally believe what people IRL have seen.  Especially people who don't have a history of supporting that particular narrative.

And I also don't believe much of anything reported after the media has had a few minutes to cleanse and spin.

It's crazy how technology has been used to push real knowledge backwards.

I follow the Babylon Bee on Twitter (it helps keep me sane).  They had a meme yesterday "Hamas Disappointed Liberals Don't Believe They Massacred Jews After They Went To All The Trouble To Livestream It."

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On 10/13/2023 at 11:59 AM, YaelAldrich said:

Those are some other hot spots. May they have fun and not worry while they are there.

So far so good.  Police escort from the airport.  Troops and tanks is sight of the hotel.  "Cool," say those present.

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4 hours ago, SKL said:

So far so good.  Police escort from the airport.  Troops and tanks is sight of the hotel.  "Cool," say those present.

We lived in Europe from 2003 to 06.  It was an era with a lot of terrorism.  We got used to seeing very well-armed police., and moe questions at borders. And most of the time, we were not changing our plans, either.  However, we did have to cancel a trip to England when they had their subway and bus bombings in London happen the day before we were set to go.

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I’m assuming everyone saw the horror story about the Illinois landlord who stabbed his tenants six year old son to death for being Muslim 😞 

I also find myself wondering if everyone around the globe chanting “from the river to the sea” understands what they’re saying.

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