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What's YOUR weather like?


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We live in the desert. It is 58 and we are having our first rain storm of the year. Do you know that one is hard pressed to even find a house with a fireplace out here???? :crying:


Wondering how the weather is in other places this week before Christmas....

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PLEASE DON"T HATE ME. . .I watch Al Roker with his big weather map every morning and this morning it looked like the whole country with the exception of the south east and south west coasts looked cold. And the SW coast (CA) Looked like it was gonna get some snow today. . .


Here. . .the high is 76 today. It's 67 right now. It's overcast. . .not sunny, but it sure sounds like we've got the most temperate weather in the whole US right now.

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We have begun to thaw! The ice is melting off the patio and the roads. I can probably make it to my ds's dental appointment in an hour. We've had an ice freeze for the past several days. 17 degrees in OK is C.O.L.D.! Lucky for us the ice storm last year left us with a lot of fire wood. The wood stove has been cranked up for several days now - the kiddos and dogs love it!

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In WI the weather has been harsh this winter. Yesterday it was brutal, then the temp climbed up a bit so we got snow. Today we are around 19F at the moment. In the evening it is going to get colder again. Tomorrow and Friday we are under winter storm advisory, so it will be nasty. Overnight temps have already reached the below zero (F). If the cold does not kill you, the wind chill will.


For those in the south, please do enjoy your beautiful weather.

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PLEASE DON"T HATE ME. . .I watch Al Roker with his big weather map every morning and this morning it looked like the whole country with the exception of the south east and south west coasts looked cold. And the SW coast (CA) Looked like it was gonna get some snow today. . .


Here. . .the high is 76 today. It's 67 right now. It's overcast. . .not sunny, but it sure sounds like we've got the most temperate weather in the whole US right now.


I'll join you in the "don't hate me" corner--High 80, Low 70

Hey, there's a reason people & birds come south for the winter.:)

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Most probably wouldn't understand this but I love living here in New England for the change of seasons. Just when I'm getting sick of the cold weather, spring starts to move in. On the reverse, just when I can't stand the heat any longer, fall starts ushering in cool mornings to let me know winter's on it's way. I've lived all over the world in different climates, and this is where I wanted to settle.


Today we had a couple of light flurries as the temps are hovering right around freezing. I love hunkering down in front of the wood stove with a hot cup of tea, especially when it's snowy out. I don't really mind winter or the cold-- it's just for a little while. I know in Northern NE the winters are more harsh... friends of ours live in VT and they have snow from October to May! THAT is a little more than I would like to have, I must admit. But here, the weather's just right. :001_smile:

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It's about 75 degrees here in central AL. The bad thing is it's been really rainy so we can't take advantage of the warm weather to go to the park!


Yep. We just went to the store...I assumed it was kinda chilly, so grabbed a jacket. Uh, not needed. Shorts and tees weather for sure. I'm ready to be through the rainy season though, honestly. Isn't this a tad early? Isn't Jan the rainy time here? Then again, we had a cold Thanksgiving, so, we're all messed up down here this year aren't we?

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S.CA here too, Santa Clarita, and its about 41 and raining some, and windy, and brrrrr (for us warm blooded people). It would be nice if I could just stay in and drink my cocoa. Unfortunately, we are leaving for Idaho on Monday (where it is genuinely cold), so I have lots of errands. Also, my dd's do AWANA in a town between here and the higher Antelope Valley. It is currently snowing there, and I will have to drive them up this evening (Christmas party....missing isn't an option iykwim). I don't worry too much about ice as it isn't really cold enough to make the snow stick to the freeway, but when it is snowing it is hard to see. Course ds12 is jazzed that it might be snowing....figures. I'll get snow out of my system next week when we are in the 0-20 degree icebox in McCall, ID :o).

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Cold, wet, overcast. Blech. :tongue_smilie: A typical winter day in New Jersey.


This reminds me of something sort of funny. A few months after my husband and I were married we were lying in bed one Saturday morning -- wow, we actually used to do this? -- and I looked out the window and said, "Looks like another cold, damp day in New Jersey."


My husband thought I said, "Another cold, dam* day in New Jersey." He was shocked, since I don't usually say such things. "Honey?" he said.


We clarified it, and ever after that, whenever the weather is cold and dreary, like it is today, we laugh and say, "It's another cold, dam* day in New Jersey!"

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I live northwest of Boston, where we got socked last Friday with the worst ice storm in years. Trees and power lines down everywhere. We were very lucky that we never lost power, but there are still lots of people without it now 5 days later. Our jam-packed Sunday got postponed a week due to the power outages.


We had our first snow last night, which finished up with more freezing rain, but this time just enough to make the roads icy.


Friday night we're supposed to be getting 6-10 inches of snow! I just called and switched our Nutcracker tickets to tomorrow night, which will hopefully be a lull between the storms.


Woo-hoo it's winter!

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It's snowing and about 30º, it will get down to 24º tonight. We are getting another storm with 6+ inches.


I LOVE winter, skiing, sledding, hot cocoa with marshmallows floating, cold feet toasting around a warm fire, watching the bright red cheeked kids come to warm around the wood-stove and then go back out for snowball fights, toasty warm acorn socks, having family and friends over almost every-other night for dinner and board games, ice skating, snowmobiling and spooning my hubby to get warmer:) at bedtime.....did mention I LOVE winter!

Edited by Pongo
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It's been snowing off and on all day but it is 34 degrees so it is melting after it hits the ground.


I was wondering how my parents are faring down that way; apparently, there's nothing out of the ordinary for them to deal with. Which is a good thing; they're older and don't care for weather above 70 or below 50.;) On the other hand, we have blizzard conditions going on up here in north Whatcom County.

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Sunny today with a high of 10C (I think about 50F). That's warmer than it has been lately. We've had really crazy weather the past month. Literally gray, rainy, horrible one day, then sunny and beautiful the next, and alternating between rain and sun daily. Very weird.

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We live in the desert. It is 58 and we are having our first rain storm of the year. Do you know that one is hard pressed to even find a house with a fireplace out here???? :crying:


Wondering how the weather is in other places this week before Christmas....



I'm loving the chill and the rain, Monica. It seems so seasonal but makes me homesick for PA. I keep convincing myself it's going to snow:001_smile:


We have a chiminea on our front porch. We light that and roast marshmallows when we start to crave that wood burning smell this time of year.



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I'm loving the chill and the rain, Monica. It seems so seasonal but makes me homesick for PA. I keep convincing myself it's going to snow:001_smile:


We have a chiminea on our front porch. We light that and roast marshmallows when we start to crave that wood burning smell this time of year.




Oh, I'm loving it, too - I wish it was colder! Can I come roast marshmallows on your porch? Fun! :) Was it last year or the year before it was snowing pretty close by, wasn't it?


BTW - my kids are still sick - I'll pm you soon, maybe after the holidays, okay?

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Oh, I'm loving it, too - I wish it was colder! Can I come roast marshmallows on your porch? Fun! :) Was it last year or the year before it was snowing pretty close by, wasn't it?


BTW - my kids are still sick - I'll pm you soon, maybe after the holidays, okay?


Last year, I think, but I do remember the day after we moved here in March of '06 it snowed in the mountains all around the Phoenix metro area. That was so cool.


After the holidays is better for me too. I'm officially in a time crunch and really shouldn't be on here. I'm procrastinating :blushing:

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it's getting old! (NH ice storm from last Thursday - lots of trees and branches down on wires...) We are very fortunate to have a generator that we use in the morning and evening to warm up the house, cook and flush toilets, but the day times get chilly and dark, especially in the afternoon. I'm hoping we'll have power soon so I can get to my Christmas baking! Not to mention that we have major cabin fever here, and all the fun Christmas activities have been cancelled or postponed. :glare:

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it's getting old! (NH ice storm from last Thursday - lots of trees and branches down on wires...) We are very fortunate to have a generator that we use in the morning and evening to warm up the house, cook and flush toilets, but the day times get chilly and dark, especially in the afternoon. I'm hoping we'll have power soon so I can get to my Christmas baking! Not to mention that we have major cabin fever here, and all the fun Christmas activities have been cancelled or postponed. :glare:


Six days? That is indeed getting old! I'm sure the crews are working around the clock dealing with it all. Enforced cabin fever isn't particularly enjoyable. It's one thing to choose to stay in, cozy up, read, play games, etc. It's another to have no other options! I sure hope everything is in order for you again soon!

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Chicago-ugh:tongue_smilie:..snowed pretty good last night 6" (i work 2nd shift)i had our plow out most of yesterday evening clearing the walks an alley ways around our building +salting . I get off work at 11: pm hit the Express way(<joke) it was a parking lot. i live 21 miles from work. so i made it on to I-55 got up to 35 maybe 40 mph. and the cab in the left lane next to me spun out 360* used all 3 lanes , just missed the back of my car .. got home at midnight and cleared snow from our driveway and walks till 1:am ..back up at 7:am to watch my little girl ..


calling for a big Ice storm Thursday evening , might end up spending the night here at work :001_huh:.. till they can get the streets safe for travel ,lol can use the OT .




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