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My son had Covid last December so we aren't sure what variant he had but he lost the taste and smell after he was physically feeling better so maybe 5 or 6 days in?  He still has moments where it isn't right.  For instance, I made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies last week and offered a plate for him to take to his apartment but he stopped and tasted a corner first and decided to leave them here because they didn't taste right 😞

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Ds just had it and a bunch of his friends got it at the same time (bachelor party in New Orleans).  He was the only one in the group who didn't lose taste/smell but I don't know when they actually lost theirs.  Hope you feel better soon.  

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1 minute ago, SeaConquest said:

I am sorry, Farrar. Since Omicron, the loss of taste/smell is not as pervasive as a Covid symptom.

Yeah, I know. I'm really hoping to avoid that one. And all the long stuff. And, you know, everything but what it is now, which is totally manageable. But. 

Got it from my yoga teacher. We hang out and yoga once a week. She's not even sick! But her dh is now. Sigh.

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I didn't precisely lose mine, but it changed. There's still something missing, a month after I tested positive. Cooking isn't the same, which is a real bummer, because I love to cook. I hope it will all come back. Coffee was gross for several weeks, but I like it again now, so I have hope. 

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Okay, now I'm dreading the next couple of days. But I was anyway! SO it's all the same, I guess. 

I had a student to meet with and she was like or we could do it later in the week... and I was like, no! Get me now! I could be unconscious later!

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Just had COVID about 3 weeks ago. Lost taste and smell about day 4 and it came back in fits and starts over the next 5-7 days. Each morning when I went to the bathroom, I would open up and take a deep whiff of shampoo and bath wash. It FREAKED me out to lose it as that (after long covid) was my biggest fear. I cook with my smeller to guide me. 

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2 hours ago, Farrar said:

If you didn't lose your smell/taste right away, does that mean you won't? Or do some people get a week in and then lose it or have it altered?

DD lost taste and smell on day 4. Although she has always had a very diminished sense of smell so she thinks she could have lost it a day earlier and not noticed...

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A friend of mine swears one of the ginger immunity shots restored her loss of taste / smell from Covid,  

I lost mine a few days after a positive RAT.  It came back pretty quickly, but I’ve struggled with sense of smell lessened.  My teens smell stuff that revolts them (probably a vegetable, lol) and I can’t smell it. But, I can smell my favorite candle, etc just fine so that helps.

sorry you’re sick! 

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I’m recovering on day 9 of Covid. I didn’t completely lose my sense of smell/taste, but it was definitely altered on days 3-6. It’s back to normal now. I currently just have some residual congestion and energy isn’t quite back to normal yet. Dh is on day 7, and his smell/taste has been fine. Ds just tested positive today. He currently only has a mild sore throat. 

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For the 4 of us, I lost smell on day 6.  I only had a sinus infection-type of illness (no fever, although I did sleep more like 8-9 hrs compared to my usual 7).  One kid had loss of smell as their only symptom and was only mildly positive for a few days.  Spouse and other kid never lost smell/taste (one had typical kid virus symptoms - mild fever and curl-up-on-the-couch for a day or 2, then back playing in the snow within 72 hrs, spouse had a bad cold that came, went a way, and came back for a few more days).  Spouse just had a second go of it and never lost smell (it was an even more mild cold - spouse was out working in the garden in 95 degree heat with no problem in between doing work things from home) - none of the rest of us got it again.  For those of us who lost smell/taste, it came back over a few weeks, with parts of it back after a few days.  It was super weird - at one point I could taste garlic but not onions.  Among the last things to have flavor again was chocolate. 

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3 hours ago, Rosie_0801 said:

I'm on probably day four and have been in an inexplicably good mood all week. I think I must have contracted Red Dwarf's "reverse flu" at the same time. 😂

Lol… I’m sorry you got covid but glad you are feeling so positive 😂

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I lost mine 5 days in. Try finding something that you can smell (for me it was a jar of pickles) Also, train your smell using lemon essential oil. Breath in the oil while imagining the smell of lemon. Try to imagine the taste as well. I was desperate and found info about the burnt Orange method (Google) Not sure if it was the catalyst but after doing it twice, my smell started to come back! Took about a week or 10 days. 

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I lost my taste around day 10 and it is still altered 3 weeks later.  I was pretty surprised because I assumed I was in the clear by that time.  I am now 90% back but a few things are still odd.  For instance, I cannot detect spiciness....which as the household cook who cooks primarily by taste has made for some interesting times around here.  Beer and wine taste terrible too which luckily is very easy to avoid.  I assume I had some variant of Omicron being this late in the game. 

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Thanks for asking, @Catwoman. Pretty cruddy and feverish. But still nowhere near as bad as some flus I've had. So knock on wood. Also, still smelling and tasting! And I'm on day 3 of symptoms, so again, knock on wood. It seems like it's rare to have it altered after about day 5 or 6.

How are my fellow sufferers?

Edited by Farrar
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Dh has fever and feels pretty cruddy but is still working. I still just feel like it’s a regular cold but am super tired and my head feels wonky. Not really dizzy or lightheaded but just off. Dc are all still sleeping and I’m really hoping youngest can avoid getting it.

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No one else here is sick yet. I think tomorrow will be the first test. That's the point where I think they may start dropping. I have been only leaving my room with an N95 since I found out and trying to stay mostly in here, but it feels like there's no way they haven't all had a pretty big exposure.

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6 minutes ago, Farrar said:

No one else here is sick yet. I think tomorrow will be the first test. That's the point where I think they may start dropping. I have been only leaving my room with an N95 since I found out and trying to stay mostly in here, but it feels like there's no way they haven't all had a pretty big exposure.

I didn’t test positive until day four for me. The very next day Ds was positive, and the day after that Dh was positive. There’s only two people left but I’m expecting Ds’ fiancé to test positive today because she wasn’t feeling great last night. 

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11 minutes ago, Joker2 said:

I didn’t test positive until day four for me. The very next day Ds was positive, and the day after that Dh was positive. There’s only two people left but I’m expecting Ds’ fiancé to test positive today because she wasn’t feeling great last night. 

I actually still haven't tested positive. I gave up wasting the rapids. I had a known exposure and have classic symptoms that developed three days later. There's no way it's not Covid. I had a kid drop off a PCR for me yesterday so I should get those results later today and I assume those will finally be positive.

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55 minutes ago, Farrar said:

I actually still haven't tested positive. I gave up wasting the rapids. I had a known exposure and have classic symptoms that developed three days later. There's no way it's not Covid. I had a kid drop off a PCR for me yesterday so I should get those results later today and I assume those will finally be positive.

Dh only was positive on his PCR, despite having symptoms and feeling pretty sick, his rapids were all negative. I’m feeling overall better….not 100%, but much better. Just have lingering congestion/sinus pressure. I did still test positive on a rapid test this morning, though (day 10 since symptom onset). 

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I wanted to pop in and say that by some miracle youngest is still testing negative and feels fine. They had a sore throat one day but that’s been it. So, four of us have it and feel yucky but youngest has been spared. They were the one I was most worried about (ASD, POTS, Hypermobile EDS, PT twice a week) so I feel some relief knowing they’re ok.

I feel perfectly fine now except my stomach. I’ve had gastrointestinal issues since about day five and I really hope it ends soon because it’s awful. 

Hope everyone else here is feeling better soon!

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I still feel cruddy but everyone else in the house is testing negative and feels fine. I got in an argument with dh about being lax about the isolation (he popped in the bedroom without a mask!!! then he did it again!!!) but otherwise, I've stayed in one room, the windows have all been open all over the house, and I've only left the room with an N95. Here's hoping no one else gets it!

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5 hours ago, Joker2 said:

I wanted to pop in and say that by some miracle youngest is still testing negative and feels fine. They had a sore throat one day but that’s been it. So, four of us have it and feel yucky but youngest has been spared. They were the one I was most worried about (ASD, POTS, Hypermobile EDS, PT twice a week) so I feel some relief knowing they’re ok.

I feel perfectly fine now except my stomach. I’ve had gastrointestinal issues since about day five and I really hope it ends soon because it’s awful. 

Hope everyone else here is feeling better soon!

I hate stomach stuff — I think it’s the worst way to be sick, because it seems like it will never end, and it’s hard to concentrate on anything else when you have gastro trouble. I hope you start feeling much better very soon!

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32 minutes ago, Farrar said:

I still feel cruddy but everyone else in the house is testing negative and feels fine. I got in an argument with dh about being lax about the isolation (he popped in the bedroom without a mask!!! then he did it again!!!) but otherwise, I've stayed in one room, the windows have all been open all over the house, and I've only left the room with an N95. Here's hoping no one else gets it!

I wish you were feeling better — I hope no one else gets it. When your dh popped in without a mask, it must have been so frustrating, because it’s not like you want to be isolated in there all the time, but you’re doing it to keep everyone else safe!

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Joining this thread because I tested positive today. We’re in the middle of packing up our house to move (with an international flight) on Friday, so I’m not sure what’s going to happen.  Day three of symptoms, nasty sore throat and a fever with very mild congestion.  I guess I’ll enjoy lying in bed today instead of dealing with the packers?

I’m curious how others are doing who are a few days ahead of me.

Edited by Amira
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14 minutes ago, Amira said:

Joining this thread because I tested positive today. We’re in the middle of packing up our house to move (with an international flight) on Friday, so I’m not sure what’s going to happen.  Day three of symptoms, nasty sore throat and a fever with very milk congestion.  I guess I’ll enjoy lying in bed today instead of dealing with the packers?

I’m curious how others are doing who are a few days ahead of me.

I'm sorry. That's terrible timing. Get well soon!

Would it be possible for your partner to move on time with the kids and leave you to recover with friends?  Or alternatively,  could the movers arrange storage at your destination,  and you all wait it out in temporary accommodation, only moving when all are well? 

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13 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

I'm sorry. That's terrible timing. Get well soon!

Would it be possible for your partner to move on time with the kids and leave you to recover with friends?  Or alternatively,  could the movers arrange storage at your destination,  and you all wait it out in temporary accommodation, only moving when all are well? 

Thank you.

We’ll have to see what our options are in a couple of hours.  I’m really hoping we can simply stay in our current apartment a bit longer. We’re not on a super tight timeframe this summer so some delays are okay.  We just have to figure out what the next few days will look like and then rework our summer.

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I’m on day 13, (still testing positive 😳), but I feel fine…..congestion/sinus pressure is better, a little lingering fatigue, but much better than I’ve been. Dh on day 11 and ds on day 6 are both feeling fine now and testing negative. 

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2 hours ago, Amira said:

Joining this thread because I tested positive today. We’re in the middle of packing up our house to move (with an international flight) on Friday, so I’m not sure what’s going to happen.  Day three of symptoms, nasty sore throat and a fever with very milk congestion.  I guess I’ll enjoy lying in bed today instead of dealing with the packers?

I’m curious how others are doing who are a few days ahead of me.

That sounds difficult 😞 

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I’m day 11 today and tested negative yesterday. I feel completely fine except for my stomach issues. Those are still pretty bad and I’ll probably go to a doctor in a day or two if it doesn’t get better. I’ve also noticed my heart rate the past several days is on the low side according to my Apple Watch. My resting is usually between 62-65 and it’s been between 55-57. I’m not sure if it’s an issue or not since I’m still having the stomach issues and haven’t been doing very much at all. Everyone else here feels fine now though. 

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