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Anyone else going on 2 years with no colds at all?


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1 minute ago, itsheresomewhere said:

Not a cold in a year but that nasty stomach virus this year is horrible.  6-12 hours of pure misery.  We all just got over it last week.  We never got more than a cold or two a year so I can’t complain. 

Ugh! I'm so sorry. That sounds awful.

We've always some amount of childcare for social time, so we've always had a bunch of colds. This year, we have a mix of masked outdoor stuff and Zoom classes, so despite having TONS of social time, the kids aren't getting sick. It's really making think about the kinds of things we accept as normal in our lives... 

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We were up until this school year.  We've been on a rotation of child two getting sick than child one getting sick each for a week  at a time and then about a week of both healthy, then back to child to getting sick again and so on.  They've been covid negative every time we've tested and strep negative too.  They've just been regular old viruses

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1 minute ago, Not_a_Number said:

Ugh! I'm so sorry. That sounds awful.

We've always some amount of childcare for social time, so we've always had a bunch of colds. This year, we have a mix of masked outdoor stuff and Zoom classes, so despite having TONS of social time, the kids aren't getting sick. It's really making think about the kinds of things we accept as normal in our lives... 

We have always been very good with it.  I am a huge advocate for vitamin D and give a lot of credit to it for helping. Even when my kids were in public school.  The only time we have had an issue with getting sick was the homeschool groups as the stay home if you are sick doesn’t apply to everyone.  

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2 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

We have always been very good with it.  I am a huge advocate for vitamin D and give a lot of credit to it for helping. Even when my kids were in public school.  The only time we have had an issue with getting sick was the homeschool groups as the stay home if you are sick doesn’t apply to everyone.  

I think preschool is really awful for spreading colds, unfortunately... the kids are constantly walking around with dripping noses. Older kids are more sensible, I think. They don't share their germs as freely! 

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5 minutes ago, LifeLovePassion said:

We were up until this school year.  We've been on a rotation of child two getting sick than child one getting sick each for a week  at a time and then about a week of both healthy, then back to child to getting sick again and so on.  They've been covid negative every time we've tested and strep negative too.  They've just been regular old viruses

Where are they catching them, do you know? 

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1 minute ago, Not_a_Number said:

Interesting. Anyone have any idea why?? 

I would love to know why, too. My allergies are definitely in response to something from outside. DS13 and I spend at least an hour outside daily, but DH is inside more than us. We're all sneezing, though! 

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I basically am. I did have some sort of immune reaction when ds got sick, which was likely a cold (I mean, it wasn't strep, Covid, or the flu, so a cold seems super likely). But I wouldn't describe myself as having had the cold. I had a day or two of dreading that I might get sick because I felt sort of icky, stuffy, and then I never actually got sick.

It's been delightful.

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11 minutes ago, itsheresomewhere said:

There has been a massive increase in allergies lately. One of our doctors is talking about how winter allergies have skyrocketed.  

Okay, but have they really though? Because one thing I've learned in the last two years is that... holy carp, I am having allergic reactions a LOT of the time. Like, what I would have dismissed before this to "I might be getting something" I now am AWARE is likely allergies, not a cold coming on. So I wonder if allergies are actually worse or awareness of allergies is just much higher.

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8 minutes ago, Farrar said:

Okay, but have they really though? Because one thing I've learned in the last two years is that... holy carp, I am having allergic reactions a LOT of the time. Like, what I would have dismissed before this to "I might be getting something" I now am AWARE is likely allergies, not a cold coming on. So I wonder if allergies are actually worse or awareness of allergies is just much higher.

I do think have for some people it has and there are others like you who have become aware of their bodies.  

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15 minutes ago, Farrar said:

Okay, but have they really though? Because one thing I've learned in the last two years is that... holy carp, I am having allergic reactions a LOT of the time. Like, what I would have dismissed before this to "I might be getting something" I now am AWARE is likely allergies, not a cold coming on. So I wonder if allergies are actually worse or awareness of allergies is just much higher.

OK, yes, I've definitely had this happen. I used to also feel "I might be getting something" whenever I felt stuffed up or had a sore throat. But now I know very well I'm getting nothing, because I've been exposed to nothing. It's been HIGHLY educational. 

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2 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

Just for my data point, are kids masking in school? 

This is 6-12 grades. Masking optional, I've left it up to the kids so far. Minimal masking overall. My kids are jabbed though. 

The local docs have seen more rsv cases and a lot of this strep mimic virus (both had a sore throat and I was surprised neither had it). 

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Just now, LifeLovePassion said:

This is 6-12 grades. Masking optional, I've left it up to the kids so far. Minimal masking overall. My kids are jabbed though. 

The local docs have seen more rsv cases and a lot of this strep mimic virus (both had a sore throat and I was surprised neither had it). 

Got it. Makes sense! 

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25 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

OK, yes, I've definitely had this happen. I used to also feel "I might be getting something" whenever I felt stuffed up or had a sore throat. But now I know very well I'm getting nothing, because I've been exposed to nothing. It's been HIGHLY educational. 

THIS!  It's really weird.

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7 minutes ago, EKS said:

No colds here either.

The interesting thing is that we've actually been very social for the last semester. It has just all been masked and outside. But we've had playdates with large gaggles of children, some of whom would have colds later or earlier (they didn't come to playdates sniffly or anything, though.) We've even started taking the subway again. 

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Just now, Not_a_Number said:

That's very different from our life, which used to include a lot of childcare :D. 

It was different here when my son was home and my husband was in academia. But even then, I would very rarely get sick. But the two of them would exchange colds throughout the winter.

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3 hours ago, itsheresomewhere said:

There has been a massive increase in allergies lately. One of our doctors is talking about how winter allergies have skyrocketed.  

3 hours ago, Not_a_Number said:

Interesting. Anyone have any idea why?? 

One major contributor is climate change. With warmer weather, pollen season gets prolonged and pollen concentration increases. Especially bad with ragweed, one of the main culprits for fall allergies.
Right now, a major allergen is juniper (cedars). Yes, they release their pollen in winter. Just so that there's always a plant to make us miserable.


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I was stuffed up last week, with a little chest congestion... but then it cleared, and now I'm fine? I can breathe, didn't have to steal anybody's rescue inhaler? I'm never ever ever ever going into the grocery store unmasked again. Or on the bus. Or anywhere. (Jury's out on the bookstore. I do like to linger....)

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We had something the Easter when Covid first started but couldn’t test at the time.  I’ve been for a test a couple of times with minor sniffles.  Kids got one really nasty thing in April last year from the pool.  Youngest got something nasty from his cousin (unfortunately totally different approach to Covid to us) but otherwise not too bad.

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3 hours ago, Farrar said:

Okay, but have they really though? Because one thing I've learned in the last two years is that... holy carp, I am having allergic reactions a LOT of the time. Like, what I would have dismissed before this to "I might be getting something" I now am AWARE is likely allergies, not a cold coming on. So I wonder if allergies are actually worse or awareness of allergies is just much higher.

Yes this.  I’ve also had people swear it was allergies and I’m 100pc they were sick.  My kid has bad seasonal allergies and I know the difference. Plus they literally never had allergies beforez

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Dh had Covid in February. My youngest dd caught a cold (not Covid, tested twice) in November. Neither of them passed them on to anyone else in the family. That’s it since January 2020. I did get strep over the summer (no idea how...) but other than that it’s been almost 2 years since I’ve been sick. 

It’s almost like being sick is no longer a normal part of my life. Next time I catch something I’ll probably be a big baby about it...

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Nope 😞 We got the normal colds last year and in the past 6 weeks we have gotten a stomach bug, a mild cold (just stuffy noses), and the world's worst cold (all kids got mild pink eye, I got an ear infection, and the coughing will. Not. Stop.) In good news: we haven't gotten covid as far as I know.

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No colds, no flu, no strep throat for me or my son who lives here. Dd did have a non-Covid cold recently. Ds22 had COVID (despite vax) but no other colds, flus or strep. Dh had COVID but no other illnesses either. 

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We all had one cold that passed around the family (tested 4 out of 5 for Covid, so not Covid). I had one cold this spring; nobody else caught it. One DD caught a cold at a different time than me, but didn't pass it to the rest of us.

I'm surprised the teens haven't caught more - their friends attend public school (although it has mandatory masking) and we stopped requiring our kids to mask when hanging with friends following their vaccines.

Considering pre-Covid, I caught anything and everything respiratory going around, I am pretty durn happy with 2 colds in almost 2 years. 


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No sinus infections, bronchitis or even the probable RSV that most of my family hot om September.   I don't get colds and haven't since I returned from living in Europe 15 years ago.  I have AI diseases and also on immunosuppressants . That mskes me get bacterial infections super quickly. So fast, that normslly within 24 hours I need antibiotics. 




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Actually, we've seen the opposite. Our teen has gotten sick four times just  since summer, with different symptoms every time; dh and I have each been sick once in that time. There's just a lot of stuff going around here.  As for allergies, I've heard local people complain about it, and when I took in our dog for what I thought was illness, our vet said it was allergies and that they are much worse than usual this year; she's seeing lots of first-time cases. 

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I rarely ever got sick even when the kids did bring home colds from school in pre-covid times. But, this summer when they were both working at McD's, they brought one home that got me. I felt like I had an elephant sitting on my chest for about 3 days, and mildly miserable for another 2-3 days with congestion and sinus pressure. Neither of the kids ever really developed into full on cold symptoms, but each had complained of mild sinus pressure and dry scratchy throats about a day apart from each other and about 3 days before I was knocked out. It was my first cold in I honestly can't even remember how long. Maybe 4 or 5 years. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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I have had multiple sore throats that I treated with extra vitamin D, hydration, and sleep. None turned into colds.

Ds has had several colds, but he goes to school. His school: fewer than 40 students, all masked, all teachers and  most vaxed, hepa filters running, everything that can be outdoors is. His last cold became a sinus infection that he just finished antibx for. 

My family cannot live in lockdown mode, so our exposure is higher. We are vaxed and wear masks and stay home if we have even a small symptom, but not so for everyone we are around.



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