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At what point would you lock down again?


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4 hours ago, heartlikealion said:


the pediatrician’s office used long nose swabs for the test. Dd (age 6) just had two up the nose and one in the throat. She tested positive for BOTH Covid and strep. They are starting to see those cases this week. Ds can’t get tested they said (no symptoms and can’t do much at his age anyway. Told him to take ibuprofen if he feels bad). Dh is trying to get a test at Walgreens for himself (he said it’s another kind of test and may take 3 days). 

dd got a massive shot of antibiotics for the strep. Last time the shot wasn’t as deep dh said. Poor baby!! She fell asleep in the car. I pray it’s not sore when she wakes up. 

I was supposed to get the kids on Friday but they will be in quarantine so I’ll just wait. They will all probably need to stay home approx 10 days. I’ve offered to drop off things on the front stoop if they need something. 

My dad is not taking enough precautions in my mind. I’m glad he didn’t see dd this visit. We found out she was showing signs of sickness the day he was going to see her. I suppose you could interpret that either way (fearful for him, fearful for her). 

I pray that the school year is easier from this point forward. Ugh. Ds got his vaccine Sat? He was kinda sluggish and had a sore arm on Sunday. But overall I think he’s ok. 

there's no way of knowing but I totally blame this on school. People are way too careless with Covid precautions on campus. 

Oh no 😞 . I hope she recovers quickly and easily!!

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4 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

File me back under “terrified” if I ever go to a dr for a Covid test. DD’s was awful and then dh rubbed her nose. Aren’t the short swabs accurate enough by now. Get with it, pediatrician offices 

I am so sorry, Heart! I hope you can get some sleep tonight, and that ds comes through okay.

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9 hours ago, Seasider too said:

I just went out for a night walk - way cooler than a day walk in August - and for the first time in months, a couple approaching from the opposite direction left the sidewalk as soon as they saw me, like 15 yards away, to go into the middle of the street. They passed me at wide berth, a good 20 feet, nodded and waved but did not speak. Both were masked despite us being the only three people in sight. 

Total flashback to June 2020. 

I’m seeing people masked outside again, too. Not a majority, but plenty.

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18 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

Just read this in a Kiplinger newsletter.  I would like to see more information on this.  

Delta infections have peaked in Missouri and Arkansas, the first two states to experience a surge of the variant COVID-19 infections. The peaks came roughly seven-to-eight weeks after these states saw their first increase in infection rates. Given this timetable, infections should be peaking next in Louisiana and Florida in one-to-two weeks. The next question is how quickly infection rates will come down after the peak. Infection rates initially declined rapidly after their peaks last winter, but the pace of decline slowed later. The same is proving true in the U.K., which saw its peak from Delta occur a month ago. This basic pattern is also being confirmed in Missouri’s southwest counties, the area with the first Delta surge in the U.S., which also peaked a month ago.



18 hours ago, Not_a_Number said:

I've been watching the UK numbers. Frankly, it's not at ALL obvious to me that things will keep going down, given that schools are starting up with no mitigation in lots of places. The graph of connections has gotten very, very connected... 

How long after it starts to come down do they wait before declaring it a "peak"?   And why do they think that its not going to get worse again?   

The optimism seems misplaced to me. 

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3 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:

How long after it starts to come down do they wait before declaring it a "peak"?   And why do they think that its not going to get worse again?   

The optimism seems misplaced to me. 

I agree; the idea that Missouri and Arkansas have "peaked" and will now decline quickly seems premature. The UK hit a sharp peak that seemed to decline and is now heading back up again, although more slowly.

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Edited by Corraleno
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6 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

I agree; the idea that Missouri and Alabama have "peaked" and will now decline quickly seems premature. The UK hit a sharp peak that seemed to decline and is now heading back up again, although more slowly.

Screen Shot 2021-08-17 at 9.19.56 AM.png

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Even if it heads up again a pause in exponential growth is a very good thing.

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2 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:


How long after it starts to come down do they wait before declaring it a "peak"?   And why do they think that its not going to get worse again?   

The optimism seems misplaced to me. 

This. I just googled back to school Little Rock. They started yesterday. Kansas City, MO starts next week. Universities are doing move in this week and next.

Saying we've seen the peak isn't optimistic, it's delusional.

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2 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

One thing that struck me about the data from the pediatric Covid study that came out yesterday is that it was from the second half of 2020, way before Delta. I expect the household attack rate is going to look even worse now. 

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8 minutes ago, chiguirre said:

This. I just googled back to school Little Rock. They started yesterday. Kansas City, MO starts next week. Universities are doing move in this week and next.

Saying we've seen the peak isn't optimistic, it's delusional.

I agree it's delusional.  Pandemics are not the place for optimism.  We've seen how the optimism in May made things less safe as places are slow to again require masks and distance etc.

We don't need to be pessimistic but continued caution would be wise, imo.

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16 minutes ago, chiguirre said:

This. I just googled back to school Little Rock. They started yesterday. Kansas City, MO starts next week. Universities are doing move in this week and next.

Saying we've seen the peak isn't optimistic, it's delusional.

I think this wave will be over basically when enough people have natural immunity for it to break. Given the infectiousness of this variant and the delusional reopenings, I think that’ll be when like 80% of the population has gotten it.

So we REALLY need boosters and kid vaccines to reduce the damage.

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7 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

With Hamilton, Disney, Wicked ticket sales slow, Broadway isn't back (cnbc.com)

This is sad for everyone that works in the industry.   I am not saying I think Broadway shows should be going on, but my heart hurts for the arts community.   I so want to take my kids to some Broadway shows

First time in ages it's not hard to get a Hamilton ticket, and I can't imagine going 😕 . I'm not even going into stores anymore. 

I wish we'd spent the money to support the arts as a society. And restaurants. And other places that the pandemic is hitting hard... 

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14 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

I think this wave will be over basically when enough people have natural immunity for it to break. Given the infectiousness of this variant and the delusional reopenings, I think that’ll be when like 80% of the population has gotten it.

So we REALLY need boosters and kid vaccines to reduce the damage.


I think when a million or so are dead, half our HCW's have quit, another several hundred thousand folks are dead from otherwise treatable injuries and diseases, another half million have long covid and apply for disability, and the burial industry runs out of child and baby coffins, then and only then will this die down. Until that time, this is the Hunger Games and all you can do is protect your family the best way you can, and hope the odds are ever in your favor!

Ya. I am having one of those days when I need a deserted island. I am so over humanity that it can hardly be adequately conveyed with words.

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23 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

Well, crap. 600% increase since may, and what they are seeing now says cases will continue to rise in next few weeks over our record breaking weekend even. Lovely. (this is the county I live in)


I saw that this morning, too. I often skim the news on my phone before rolling out of bed (usually while the cat has me pinned demanding his morning attention), and articles like that one do precisely nothing to make actually getting out of bed sound appealing. 

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11 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

First time in ages it's not hard to get a Hamilton ticket, and I can't imagine going 😕 . I'm not even going into stores anymore. 

I wish we'd spent the money to support the arts as a society. And restaurants. And other places that the pandemic is hitting hard... 

This. It could have been done. The political and social will was not there. But hey, tax money can keep being funneled to sports for stadiums and crap. 😠

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2 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:


I think when a million or so are dead, half our HCW's have quit, another several hundred thousand folks are dead from otherwise treatable injuries and diseases, another half million have long covid and apply for disability, and the burial industry runs out of child and baby coffins, then and only then will this die down. Until that time, this is the Hunger Games and all you can do is protect your family the best way you can, and hope the odds are ever in your favor!

Ya. I am having one of those days when I need a deserted island. I am so over humanity that it can hardly be adequately conveyed with words.

And THIS would be why I don't care if people close to me get an illegal booster. I can't see how I'm supposed to care about society's rules enough to follow totally meaningless laws that don't help anyone but the data collectors. 

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1 minute ago, Faith-manor said:

Ya. I am having one of those days when I need a deserted island. I am so over humanity that it can hardly be adequately conveyed with words.

Right there with you, Faith. 

I was at Whole Foods last night (masked, keeping distance from other shoppers, etc.) because I needed an air-conditioned place to kill a little time while waiting to pick up my bonus YA. At one point, I looked up to see who was crowding me in the rice aisle and saw a woman who was clearly at least eight months pregnant, unmasked and making no effort whatsoever to maintain distance between herself and other shoppers. I later ran into her and her companion again while trying to grab a plastic fork. She was standing in front of the servingware station chatting animatedly with her companion across the heads of other shoppers. I backed off and decided to just wait my turn to approach. Possibly my imagination, but it really seemed like she was looking at me and wondering why I was hanging around. (For the record, I might have said something polite but pointed about needing to get my fork, except that she and her companion were not speaking English.)

I mean, even assuming a language barrier, how do you not look around and realize that the vast majority of other people in the store are masked and feel obligated to at least keep your distance if you aren't masking? Just out of sheer politeness and respect?

Then, this morning, my boss told me that she and her family need to isolate for 10 days because her daughter's preschool class has a confirmed case. The parents of another preschooler sent their child to school while waiting for testing results. Can you even imagine? Both my boss and her partner are vaxxed and have been thoughtful and reasonably careful, so the odds are decent everyone will be okay. But the real fear of having her kiddo get sick was easy to see and hear bubbling right beneath the surface. 

Put that together with the fact that I live in stupid Florida -- with all that entails -- and I am not feeling super positive about humanity right now, myself.

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10 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

And THIS would be why I don't care if people close to me get an illegal booster. I can't see how I'm supposed to care about society's rules enough to follow totally meaningless laws that don't help anyone but the data collectors. 

Truth! They have turned this into a Titanic style every man, woman, and child for themselves situation. The let it rip people and the politicians who have sold their souls in order to win re-election can kiss my a$$. I will protect my family while ignoring them, and they better not ask for any sympathy when their family is affected because there isn't any left.

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10 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Right there with you, Faith. 

I was at Whole Foods last night (masked, keeping distance from other shoppers, etc.) because I needed an air-conditioned place to kill a little time while waiting to pick up my bonus YA. At one point, I looked up to see who was crowding me in the rice aisle and saw a woman who was clearly at least eight months pregnant, unmasked and making no effort whatsoever to maintain distance between herself and other shoppers. I later ran into her and her companion again while trying to grab a plastic fork. She was standing in front of the servingware station chatting animatedly with her companion across the heads of other shoppers. I backed off and decided to just wait my turn to approach. Possibly my imagination, but it really seemed like she was looking at me and wondering why I was hanging around. (For the record, I might have said something polite but pointed about needing to get my fork, except that she and her companion were not speaking English.)

I mean, even assuming a language barrier, how do you not look around and realize that the vast majority of other people in the store are masked and feel obligated to at least keep your distance if you aren't masking? Just out of sheer politeness and respect?

Then, this morning, my boss told me that she and her family need to isolate for 10 days because her daughter's preschool class has a confirmed case. The parents of another preschooler sent their child to school while waiting for testing results. Can you even imagine? Both my boss and her partner are vaxxed and have been thoughtful and reasonably careful, so the odds are decent everyone will be okay. But the real fear of having her kiddo get sick was easy to see and hear bubbling right beneath the surface. 

Put that together with the fact that I live in stupid Florida -- with all that entails -- and I am not feeling super positive about humanity right now, myself.

Oh my gosh! At this point, I am in favor of jail sentences with hard labor for people like that. Maybe if we put "Here is Mavis mining granite with a teaspoon at the North Pole because she knowingly sent her covid positive kid to school" on the 6pm news, it would be a deterrent!

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re Broadway / arts generally

1 hour ago, mommyoffive said:

With Hamilton, Disney, Wicked ticket sales slow, Broadway isn't back (cnbc.com)

This is sad for everyone that works in the industry.   I am not saying I think Broadway shows should be going on, but my heart hurts for the arts community.   I so want to take my kids to some Broadway shows

Theater and museums are what I'm missing most, at this point.  But no. Not at this point.

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2 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

I saw that this morning, too. I often skim the news on my phone before rolling out of bed (usually while the cat has me pinned demanding his morning attention), and articles like that one do precisely nothing to make actually getting out of bed sound appealing. 

Yup. And I read this right before having to go to the doctor's office to get blood drawn. I did NOT want to go into public. But I wore my KN94 that fits well enough I can see/feel it move in and out as I breathe, and they are really good about enforcing masking at the office - sign on the door they WILl ask you to leave if you don't mask - sat as far as I could, etc. Sigh. 

But house hunting makes me think we should look for a compound, not a house. 

2 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

Oh my gosh! At this point, I am in favor of jail sentences with hard labor for people like that. Maybe if we put "Here is Mavis mining granite with a teaspoon at the North Pole because she knowingly sent her covid positive kid to school" on the 6pm news, it would be a deterrent!

So am I thie only one thinking EVERY school has people doing this?

16 minutes ago, Ordinary Shoes said:

So get this one guys. AZ banned mask mandates for this school year. A group of school districts sued. The court came back yesterday and said that the law isn't effective until 9/29/21. A group of school districts ordered mask mandates yesterday because the law isn't effective yet. 

Now, our illustrious governor is attempting to bribe school districts up to $1,800 per student to comply with state law meaning mask and vaccine mandates. 

I can't even...

There's never enough for the schools here but masking is enough for them to come up with millions of dollars? And seriously??? Seriously this is the issue that gets them to open up their pocket book? I'm so angry right now that I'm shaking. 




3 minutes ago, Ordinary Shoes said:

It's obvious these people are insane. Legit. They're not going to do anything to keep us safe. They're even willing to sacrifice our kids. They're not even going to step idly by. You do you. Nope they are going to stop us from helping our own kids. 

And our governor sends his kids to the local Jesuit school that requires masking and vaccines. 

This is the Hunger Games, folks. We are are on our own. 

And my kid is sitting in a school right now with only 1/2 of the kids masked, happy to be with her friends. But I can't trust them to keep her safe. (She's Catholic school so our situation isn't affected by the state laws.) 


Regarding the bolded, you spelled evil wrong.

Also, your Governor officially outdid my Governor, and the Texas one, I think. I really hope this doesn't give mine any ideas. 

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33 minutes ago, melmichigan said:

Here people are fighting the 10 day quarantine for exposed kids.  They want them in school. The health department is said to have taken it to court and lost so they released a recommendation. 🤷‍♀️ You cannot make this stuff up.

They're not doing quarantines here. My husband has already gotten a close contact notification; he wasn't supposed to stay home and wasn't required to test unless he had symptoms. They keep saying that less than 1% of contacts who quarantined last year ended up testing positive, which 1. I'm skeptical of (how many parents who are already on a ten day quarantine were reporting positive tests to the school or even testing at all for mild symptoms? I imagine plenty of people assumed their sick kid had covid and didn't worry about testing since they were already required to be home anyway) and 2. I'm getting really impatient with school board types who seem totally unable to grasp the extent to which this year is not like last year. I mean, maybe in a month or two or three we'll be past this delta surge and we'll be there again, but we're not right now! Schools have been open 1-2 weeks here, and there are SO MANY MORE cases than there were last fall at this point. 

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Just got our first Potential exposure email.  That didn't take long.  4 days into this activity.   I don't even know what to say.  Of course I am going to be worried, this was with my 3 unvaccinated kids.  This place is taking precautions and all the kids are masked so there is that at least.  I am waffling on locking down and pulling them from everything and going how can you even hide from this virus now?  

My thoughts have been sad the last few days and then this.  Sad we are in this spot again when we shouldn't be.  Sad that this is now the 3rd school year for kids going through this.  Sad there is no kid vaccine yet.  Just so sad.  

I want to be doing normal summer things and planning a normal school year.  I am tired of worrying about everything everyday.  Trying to keep up to date on everything and weigh all the activities before we do to them.  I am tired of missing out on so much when I see so many other people just living life as normal. I just have no words.  

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1 minute ago, mommyoffive said:

Just got our first Potential exposure email.  That didn't take long.  4 days into this activity.   I don't even know what to say.  Of course I am going to be worried, this was with my 3 unvaccinated kids.  This place is taking precautions and all the kids are masked so there is that at least.  I am waffling on locking down and pulling them from everything and going how can you even hide from this virus now?  

My thoughts have been sad the last few days and then this.  Sad we are in this spot again when we shouldn't be.  Sad that this is now the 3rd school year for kids going through this.  Sad there is no kid vaccine yet.  Just so sad.  

I want to be doing normal summer things and planning a normal school year.  I am tired of worrying about everything everyday.  Trying to keep up to date on everything and weigh all the activities before we do to them.  I am tired of missing out on so much when I see so many other people just living life as normal. I just have no words.  

This. So much this. I am so  sorry.

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10 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

This. So much this. I am so  sorry.

Thanks.  I hemmed and hawed about them doing this.  They have been locked down since March 2020 with only one vacation and a few of the kids doing 1 week of in-person camps (with precautions).  We have been so careful and they have missed out on so much.  They are in online school so this activity was their only social time and was really important to them and they were sooo excited.  I knew with rising numbers it wasn't the best idea.  They put in lots of safety measures and are careful.  But still I knew it wasn't a great idea risk wise, but mental health wise it is/was.  Numbers were lower when we said yes.  Numbers I feel like here are going to get higher than where they are.  

I am kicking myself for saying yes to let them do this.  F***, I just hate being a parent during this.  

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My husband got quarantined twice and my younger son once, last Fall.

With my husband, he always knew his exposure and he felt like he was unlikely to be positive, and he tested negative.

With my son, we never had any idea of what any of the details were, we just knew he had been exposed.

It was so stressful, and made it hard to know how much to worry, or what advice to give.  

I hope things go well with your kids, I am so sorry you have had an exposure, it is so stressful!!!!!!  

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48 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

My thoughts have been sad the last few days and then this.  Sad we are in this spot again when we shouldn't be.  Sad that this is now the 3rd school year for kids going through this.  Sad there is no kid vaccine yet.  Just so sad.  

I want to be doing normal summer things and planning a normal school year.  I am tired of worrying about everything everyday.  Trying to keep up to date on everything and weigh all the activities before we do to them.  I am tired of missing out on so much when I see so many other people just living life as normal. I just have no words.  

It’s very frustrating. If it makes you feel better, you can remember that you are teaching your children a powerful lesson in social responsibility, a lesson that will likely stay with them for life. Doing things for the greater good when no one else seems to giving a flying F can feel futile, but it’s not. 

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On 8/16/2021 at 2:26 PM, ktgrok said:

I will say, at this point I don't expect our case numbers to rise anymore, as we are out of tests. We can't test more people than we already are, lots of people can't get tested...yeah. 

Testing seems easy in my part of Florida.  There were maybe 5 people in front of me today, and I spent about 3 minutes in line.  Same with my son a few days ago.  No appointment needed, just walk in. 

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2 hours ago, melmichigan said:

Here people are fighting the 10 day quarantine for exposed kids.  They want them in school. The health department is said to have taken it to court and lost so they released a recommendation. 🤷‍♀️ You cannot make this stuff up.

They shortened it to 5 days here - if you test negative on day 4. They are now added in testing locations at schools - rotating with one school per day. 

58 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

.  F***, I just hate being a parent during this.  


21 minutes ago, matrips said:

Testing seems easy in my part of Florida.  There were maybe 5 people in front of me today, and I spent about 3 minutes in line.  Same with my son a few days ago.  No appointment needed, just walk in. 

Wow! Can I ask general area? Was it a county run testing site or??

Here you have to make an appointment days out for the private places like pharmacies. The county drive up one is hours long, or was as of a week ago. I can't imagine it is better now, with cases even higher. 

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12 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

They shortened it to 5 days here - if you test negative on day 4. They are now added in testing locations at schools - rotating with one school per day. 


Wow! Can I ask general area? Was it a county run testing site or??

Here you have to make an appointment days out for the private places like pharmacies. The county drive up one is hours long, or was as of a week ago. I can't imagine it is better now, with cases even higher. 

Tampa area.  It was a county site we went to.

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10 minutes ago, matrips said:

Tampa area.  It was a county site we went to.

That's crazy how different it is. It was like that here early on, but as of a few days ago I saw news reports that it was more than a 2 hour line, and that they have had to close early pretty much every day as they are out of tests. 

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17 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

That's crazy how different it is. It was like that here early on, but as of a few days ago I saw news reports that it was more than a 2 hour line, and that they have had to close early pretty much every day as they are out of tests. 

I heard something like that a week or two ago around here too, but I think it’s because they had just re-opened testing sites, and did so on a Saturday.  There was likely a huge surge due to everyone coming back from summer vacations and starting school and wanting to be tested at the same time.  So maybe they were not out of tests, but that they had reached the maximum amount of folks in line they could test before they closed.  The three county sites are open 9-5, 7 days a week. 

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11 minutes ago, matrips said:

I heard something like that a week or two ago around here too, but I think it’s because they had just re-opened testing sites, and did so on a Saturday.  There was likely a huge surge due to everyone coming back from summer vacations and starting school and wanting to be tested at the same time.  So maybe they were not out of tests, but that they had reached the maximum amount of folks in line they could test before they closed.  The three county sites are open 9-5, 7 days a week. 

Well, that may be the difference -we only had one county site until just recently, when they added another. But as of today the one closer to me still closed early. 

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I haven't had my son going to in person indoor church/youth group or enrichment activities unless it is outside and masked. 

In the last 72 hours, I got notifications of Covid exposures for all 5 of the events he normally would be participating in. 5 for 5! 

Edited by calbear
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4 hours ago, melmichigan said:

Here people are fighting the 10 day quarantine for exposed kids.  They want them in school. The health department is said to have taken it to court and lost so they released a recommendation. 🤷‍♀️ You cannot make this stuff up.

Yup! In my wildest dreams, I could not come up with this sh$t! 

As for Duchey, I kind of thought, maybe DeathSantis was the rock bottom low. But, never underestimate the players in a game of limbo!

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1 hour ago, ktgrok said:

Ugh, Gvnr Abbot's team is saying, "oh, it's fine he was maskless in a maskless crowd and around people today - those people tested negative today". Um, they were exposed less than 24 hours ago, of course they did, you morons! 

Well, I guess I am just going to come out and say it. His staff appears to be walking brain stems. Higher function is just not happening. It is like an episode of Walking Dead!

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Our Hebrew school will be reopening in person shortly. I'm sure they'll be masking, but they'll be indoors, so there's no way we're doing it. We wrote them and told them that (we're happy enough to pay for it, but we won't be attending) -- so far, they've been refusing to respond to us 😕 . I'm sure the situation is chaotic and frustrating for them, but it's annoying. 

I'm sure we'll be getting "exposure" e-mails from them as soon as things reopen 😕 . 

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5 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

Our Hebrew school will be reopening in person shortly. I'm sure they'll be masking, but they'll be indoors, so there's no way we're doing it. We wrote them and told them that (we're happy enough to pay for it, but we won't be attending) -- so far, they've been refusing to respond to us 😕 . I'm sure the situation is chaotic and frustrating for them, but it's annoying. 

I'm sure we'll be getting "exposure" e-mails from them as soon as things reopen 😕 . 

Are things that bad in NYC? Our state numbers aren’t even half what they were in winter. We have done indoor things since last fall and have never had exposure through activities. I’m not saying at all that you should go if you aren’t comfortable, just that I don’t think we are in the same situation as the south and even California. And people are pretty good about masking. 

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17 minutes ago, freesia said:

Are things that bad in NYC? Our state numbers aren’t even half what they were in winter. We have done indoor things since last fall and have never had exposure through activities. I’m not saying at all that you should go if you aren’t comfortable, just that I don’t think we are in the same situation as the south and even California. And people are pretty good about masking. 

No, they aren't that bad in NYC yet, but that's with the summer bonus. Last year, cases at this point in the year were much, much lower -- summer cases are super low in the Northeast in general, since everyone's outside. 

When school starts and it gets colder, shit will hit the fan around here, and I'd guess in NY state in general. The issue is Delta, not something specifically strange about the south. The south is having things spread because this is the weather that sends people indoors. We'll have our turn when we're indoors. 

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1 minute ago, Not_a_Number said:

No, they aren't that bad in NYC yet, but that's with the summer bonus. Last year, cases at this point in the year were much, much lower -- summer cases are super low in the Northeast in general, since everyone's outside. 

When school starts and it gets colder, shit will hit the fan around here, and I'd guess in NY state in general. The issue is Delta, not something specifically strange about the south. The south is having things spread because this is the weather that sends people indoors. We'll have our turn when we're indoors. 

I agree. Michigan will be largely outdoor fun until after Labor Day, and then bam. We did really well last summers and then numbers began climbing in September, went bananas in October, and partial shut down in November. Now there won't be any kind of reining it in because the governor was stripped of emergency powers because our p.o.s. state legislature does not give a frick. They are a bunch of sociopaths!

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