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Calming things you do.....


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Walk the dog - he tends to pull a bit, so it keep me 'in the moment' and focus on him, which distracts me from my racing thoughts

Hike in the woods and take photos

Warm bath

Play the piano and sing along

Stretching / yoga

Pet the dog

Eat dark chocolate and have a drink - tea or cider if much calming is necessary 😉

Edited by wintermom
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Walking outside helps me a lot. 

Sewing, cross-stitching, but there does not seem to be a lot of time or space for that right now. Reading. 

When I have little bits of time, I scroll through a couple of Facebook groups I belong to, that are dedicated to photos of PA nature/wildlife. I get refreshed by looking at the beauty. 

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Long walk on our road.

Walking in the woods or on the beach.

Driving with the windows open and music playing (not a good idea today--cold!)

Warm bath.

Trail ride (when I am living near a good stable).

Going through the drive thru and getting some unhealthy fast food I almost never eat (such as a coke, hot fudge Sunday, and fries from McD's) and enjoying it without judgment.

Listening to Canyon Trilogy by R. Carlos Nakai


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a shower, a bath, a dip in the hot tub.

A walk around the block.

An aimless drive.

A cup of peppermint tea. 

Browsing through a cookbook or magazine.  

And my family knows I am really stressed when I resort to a mindless game of Centipede on DS's xbox.  

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I am making a little travel dollhouse for my granddaughter's birthday. A few days ago I weaved it a little rug. I had never done anything like that before and discovered I really like weaving. It was calming, relaxing, and I felt at rest while working on it. It might be something I do more of in the future, even if my first attempt was alarmingly wonky. LOL

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15 minutes ago, alisoncooks said:

Don't know if it's calming, but I've got this little guy sitting on my mantle, and I literally grin every time he catches my eye. (He's an early, self-purchased, Christmas gift...) 😉IMG_7171.thumb.JPG.6facf20bed08bdd5fcad40b415797d01.JPG

I want one! 

I do find him very soothing and he brings a smile to my face.   

I mainly read, rewatch old shows, listen to music, eat (unfortunately), yoga.

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I like all the ideas you guys are giving me.

Mine:    Reading and naps.

Edit:  TV as well (current favorite shows:  Schitt's Creek,  Mom, The Big Bang Theory, Gilmore Girls, Hallmark Christmas movies.

Edited by Ditto
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I watch West Wing and pretend it is real.  

I also like Designated Survivor.


I also like Grimm!  My husband often finds it really goofy but who cares 😉


Also candles, and hot tea.  Trying to spend time outside goes a long way for me, too.  Trying to keep on top of my house also helps me a lot.  

Edited by Lecka
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I work in my veggie garden. There's always something miraculous and amazing going on there--whether it's watching to see what the worms have accomplished in the compost, or the new seedlings coming up, clouds of whiteflies (thank you neem oil), watching the progress of a tomato bloom through pollination to baby tomato (yes I do scrutinize those blooms everyday lol). The other therapeutic benefit is the heavy work involved. It feels good to me what my body is capable of in spite of some health challenges. I think heavy work must release endorphins or something.

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I do laundry and clean out/organize drawers, cabinets, etc. These things calm me more than being still or leaving my house. The more I need to be calm, the more my washing machine is running. Ask me how tidy my drawers/cabinets are right now...I'm remarkably "chill" thanks to that activity. If I really, really need to chill I use the stationary bike, eat Cheetos or something else unhealthy, and watch Netflix shows.

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I work in my veggie garden.

I envy you. I have a thumb so black I "killed" a fake plant. No joke. I grow weeds...beautiful, abundant weeds. That's all. If my dc try to grow something they place it far away from where I would even walk by. Just my shadow would make their plants wither and die. So sad.

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I forgot to add watching the birds at the feeder outside my kitchen window. They are hilarious and inspiring at the same time. The littlest birds are the bullies. They sit inside the feeder and don't let the chickadees in. The juncos hang around on the ground under the feeder and eat the fallen seeds. They are too fat to sit in the feeder. 

These birds are inspiring because they are outside in the cold, rain, wind and snow feeding away, flying, perching, and doing their thing. I can barely manage to get my coffee and turn on the computer some mornings. 😉

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Long walks, especially in the woods. Almost anything outside in nature, even my backyard, is helpful. I love to watch the birds. Sunshine! 

Organizing or cleaning out something.

Hot shower or a bath with epsom salts

Hot tea

Read a novel 


Pet the silly dog

Listen to an audiobook


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I read a The Prudent Homemaker Blog.  I have never spoken with the lady that runs it, but she comes across as calm and utterly unflappable. It's very calming. 

For some reason, Sandra Dodd also calms me down 😅 I know she has the opposite effect on many people, but there's something about how she writes that can usually get me to stop freaking out. 

In the spirit of "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure", I realized that late night social media and news scrolling sent my anxiety sky high. Avoiding both of those has helped tremendously in my attempts to regain calmness.

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On 11/3/2020 at 6:27 PM, BakersDozen said:

I do laundry and clean out/organize drawers, cabinets, etc. These things calm me more than being still or leaving my house. The more I need to be calm, the more my washing machine is running. Ask me how tidy my drawers/cabinets are right now...I'm remarkably "chill" thanks to that activity. If I really, really need to chill I use the stationary bike, eat Cheetos or something else unhealthy, and watch Netflix shows.

Funny, I've been watching more YT videos on decluttering and cleaning too.  I find it helpful for motivation too.

I'm also one for a good book and a hot bath.  Every night.

I am so thankful that we have TV watching options.   Netflix, Amazon, AcornTV, Hulu... you name it - it won't have current news.  Wonderful!  

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