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Do you like pumpkin pie???

Do you like pumpkin pie?  

  1. 1. Do you like pumpkin pie?

    • Love it! One of my definite favorites!
    • It's pretty good. Just not my favorite.
    • I can eat it. Take it or leave it.
    • Can't stand the stuff.
    • I've got my own idea about pumpkin pie. See my post below.

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Especially my mom's, day after, cold from the 'fridge for breakfast (whip cream helps but is not necessary). Dad and I so love it cold that she eventually began to make it ahead of time and then put it away for later.


I can just about get the filling to taste like hers but the pie crust just isn't as light and flaky-darn it!

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I honestly don't know if I would love it so much if it weren't reserved for special holidays. I think that's part of the charm for me.



That being said - I am SO looking forward to it this year, with that fluffy whipped cream on top! (I didn't get any last year - boo hoo!) My husband won't eat it, so I'm making him pumpkin bars. At least we're having company over to help us eat it all!

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Its OK, just OK, I can take it or leave it. I really would much rather have a pecan pie or fruit pie than a pumpkin pie. Its just not that great and the only reason I have it at all is because of the holidays. I do like sweet potato pie slightly better than pumpkin but its not something I must have or want very often. I guess its OK to have one with Thanksgiving but other than that we never really have it during the rest of the year.

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I actually hate pumpkin pie....except when I'm pregnant.


For all three of my pregnancies I craved pumpkin pie. Twice it started before I even knew I was pregnant! Something in my body needs whatever pumpkin has to offer. For a joke once, when I was not pregnant, I told dh that I was wanting some of the stuff (ick) and he got this funny look on his face. :lol: I let him off the hook pretty fast. Thankfully, he does not seem to miss it.


I love pumpkin muffins though. Go figure.

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I love, love, LOVE pumpkin pie.....but......ONLY my mom's recipe. It is pumpkin custard and other people's pie or store-bought pumpkin pie tastes really odd and yucky.


I make it all the time, not just Thanksgiving, and like a PP, I often make it as just a custard without the crust.


Leave off the cool whip. Yuck. It tastes like plastic. Real whipped cream is yummy though.


Here is why I think I like pumpkin pie so much:


I was born 5 days before Thanksgiving, long, long ago. (so often times my birthday will fall on Thanksgiving and that is fun!) On the way home from the hospital on Thanksgiving Day, Mom and Dad stopped for just a bit at the family Thanksgiving gathering to show me off. Mom ate pumpkin pie. Only pumpkin pie. I figure I got a good taste of it in her breast milk and I've loved it ever since!

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The upcoming holiday with this traditional pie leads me to wondering...how many people really like it?


But I only love it if I make it.

I hate it with "Pumpkin pie spice". I think it is cloves or something in that that ruins the flavor for me. Cinnamon triggers migraines for me. Nutmeg tastes good with it


I only like the taste if i make it. I season with maple syrup and brown sugar or with brown sugar and molasses. I let the kids eat if for breakfast. I make homemade whipped cream with it. I crumble it up and make ice cream with it. Yumm.


The best part of cooking Thanksgiving is that I make stuff exactly the way I like it.

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pumpkin pie is my favorite sweet thing EVER.


My mother gets me a pumpkin pie every year for my birthday (April).


I can't even begin to say how depressing it is that you can't buy pumpkin pie where I live...I need to learn how to make it. I do make a killer pie crust, so I think I just might give it a try!

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I'm a 'only if I make it' pumpkin pie lover. I've tried others pies but they are usually too dry or don't have the right spices. Mine, mine is to die for. I do use nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon.


My kids are permitted to eat it for breakfast too. And they take after their Dad in that they like it with my homemade whipping cream.



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I'm a 'only if I make it' pumpkin pie lover. I've tried others pies but they are usually too dry or don't have the right spices. Mine, mine is to die for. I do use nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon.


My kids are permitted to eat it for breakfast too. And they take after their Dad in that they like it with my homemade whipping cream.





Opposite spices, but same principle.

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It's purpose is simply to be a vehicle for the cool whip. There is simply no reason to eat pumpkin pie unless you have cool whip - and lots of it!




but then again, i'll eat almost ANYTHING that has cool whip slathered all over it....;)


and I'm not picky about the recipe of the pie OR the cool whip, lol.

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but then again, i'll eat almost ANYTHING that has cool whip slathered all over it....;)


and I'm not picky about the recipe of the pie OR the cool whip, lol.

:iagree:yup you cant go wrong w/half a tub of cool whip. Heck just give me the tub and a spoon.

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I don't really care for it very much. I would eat it to be polite, but I would never seek it out. I much prefer Sweet Potato Pie because that's what we had at home and I just prefer the flavor of it.


Incidentally I do like pumpkin in other foods such as bread, muffins, cheesecake, etc.

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