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Is it possible to recover a delete FB thread?


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Last Friday things turned very very nasty on our local area FB group.   Someone posted warning others to NOT buy my house (due to my ex husband's criminal activities) and no moral person could raise a family here, etc. and from there progressed to mentions of a bullet to his head, trying to implicate me, questioning the ethics and license of my realtor, etc.  It was cyber er bullying at the very least and very likely crossed the lines into legal action as it was designed to hurt me financial and my realtor.

I was with my kids running errands and upset that I didn't think to screen shot it all.  Now the posts were removed.  Is there any way to prove it existed and who said what?

Oh, and to make it worse, the person that started the thread had her realtor call mine yesterday and ask to be the back up offer.  NO WAY would I ever sell to her now.   The whole thread might have been motivated to get the buyer to back out and then she could get it as I had multiple offers within 48 hours of listing and had just chosen someone else's offer.

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If you - or anyone in the group - gets email notifications of posts, you can get a copy of the original post anyway. 

If anyone commented on the thread and they have their email notifications turned on, they should have received copies of at least some of the comments. 

That is horrible. I am so sorry that happened to you. That person must have some very real problems. 


I'd contact the admins of the group too. They may have those email notifications (I'm an admin and I make sure I get those, I only get the original one unless I make comments). If this happened on my group, that post would have been documented and immediately removed and I would have done my very best to convince the other admins to remove that person from the group. Anyone who commented in any fashion other than rebuking the OP and supporters would be warned as well. 

Edited by Bambam
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48 minutes ago, Lanny said:

"progressed to mentions of a bullet to his head"  Your local Police Department or Sheriffs Department or FBI office can probably contact Facebook. That may constitute a crime.

He is incarcerated out of this area so this actually happening are almost nil.  Amazing the things people will post in FB.

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Shocking.  I mean, to the point my stomach rolled as I was reading your post.  I am with AM, what the heck?!

I think probably the high road is your best bet.  Just hold your head hig and move on. 

Except I would report what happened to the realtors broker or if she is the broker report it to the state board.of realtors.  

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2 hours ago, Arctic Mama said:

I’m sorry but what the hell?!  What on earth?  That person is HORRID and I hope they get shunned for daring to imply a house is tainted just because someone happened to live there and do something wicked, as though the people being hurt by that aren’t TOTALLY INNOCENT.


This makes me so mad for you.  And I have no idea how to recover those posts except maybe trying to get a screenshot via the way back machine or something similar?


GOOD FOR YOU for telling your realtor to not sell to them.  That is absolutely underhanded nonsense and God will judge them for it, victimizing your family like that.  It’s pretty much slander and extortion. Hopefully the community will too.

Dang, girl. I want you in MY corner when something bad happens! ?

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12 minutes ago, PinkyandtheBrains. said:


You can contact FB, provide as many details about the thread as possible. If you are planning to report to law enforcement then they may help you out. 

Yes, contact fb right away and then the police. 

What kind of group was this posted in? I'm horrified that someone would be that cruel, and I hope that others called her on it!

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2 minutes ago, Ottakee said:

There were 2 very nasty threads.   The moderator of the FB group did say it could be found.   Now to decide if I want to.

I can see going either way. I’m not a litigious person, I have never filed a lawsuit in my life. However, if this prevents the sale of your house, or prevents you from getting a fair price, I would be tempted to sue. If anything, just to get people to understand that their words do cause actual damage to actual people.

On the other hand, I could see ignoring it and trying to get past it. 

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22 minutes ago, Rachel said:

I can see going either way. I’m not a litigious person, I have never filed a lawsuit in my life. However, if this prevents the sale of your house, or prevents you from getting a fair price, I would be tempted to sue. If anything, just to get people to understand that their words do cause actual damage to actual people.

On the other hand, I could see ignoring it and trying to get past it. 

I am leaving it up to the realtor to decide.    Just to put such hateful things out there and then ask to be the backup for the sale of the house is pretty suspicious.

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41 minutes ago, Ottakee said:

There were 2 very nasty threads.   The moderator of the FB group did say it could be found.   Now to decide if I want to.


Get it if you can for documentation in case there is further harassment.  Also, I would leave any group that didn’t block/ban people who engaged in that sort of behavior.   Filing a police report would also be a good idea.  

My blood is boiling for you.  I hope whatever house that woman ends up buying has extensive damage that is not discovered during the inspection.  

Edited by LucyStoner
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1 hour ago, Ottakee said:

I am leaving it up to the realtor to decide.    Just to put such hateful things out there and then ask to be the backup for the sale of the house is pretty suspicious.

I am glad you can get a copy of it.  I revise my earlier opinion.  I would get a copy, file a police report, and then do nothing else unless the sale of your house is affected.  

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I would get a copy while you can.  I admin a facebook group, and I think there is a time limit for undeleting a post, (maybe 30 days?  I don't remember).  You don't have to act on the information after you receive it.  It may be better to have the info and not use it than to need the info and not be able to get it. 

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I would get a copy and once the copy was in hand, I would file a police report. I would not expect anything to happen from that report, but I would want it on record in case anything happened in the future. A lot of times people wait and want the LEO to do something , but options mfor action may be limitd because while that incident is one of many, as far as the LEO is concerned, it’s the first report. Better to get it on record now, imo.

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