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Am I being too sensitive? (Update down thread)

Night Elf

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Yesterday i worked a 5-hour shift. It was my understanding that I would be on the register part of that time. Instead I was working in my department in the back and I ran out of things to do after 2 hours. When I have nothing left to do, I either leave or I fold and price sheets. I didn't feel I could leave because they specifically asked me to work 12 to 5. So I just folded sheets. When I needed a break, I went out on the floor to rehang things that customers took off hangers and to rearrange the bins where we keep the sheets. I did so many sheets in the past few days that we now have too many out there. The boss's daughter was on the register yesterday and just didn't need my help. I emailed the boss after work at her work email which I've always used and asked why I was scheduled for 5 hours in my department because I ran out of things to do. She emailed me back saying that yesterday was not a normal day. Her daughter will usually act as manager on Saturdays and I'll help the regular cashier instead of being in my department the whole time. Then she said that all store emails should be sent to the info email. That really surprised me. She has never told me that before. I thought that email was for the general public. In fact, she once told me if I emailed her she'd see it on her phone and get back to me as soon as she could. So why all of a sudden is she telling me to use the info email? I'm really bothered by this. My stomach hurts because the tone of her email was a reprimand. I thought I was being helpful. They work on a tight budget and it doesn't make sense to pay me if I'm not doing something helpful. Doing sheets when we already have too many out isn't helpful. It just clutters up the bins and customers can't see what's in there without pulling them all out and putting them in other bins which creates a mess. I guess I could fold them and store them in the back but the truth is I have no where to store anything back there. All my totes are full and stacked really high on the shelves. I'm hurt by her email. What if our relationship is strained now? Do you think she thought I was tattling on her daughter? I went back and read my email and I don't see how she could have  interpreted it that way. I hope I didn't make her dislike me now. I thought both she and her daughter really liked me. Maybe I'm being too sensitive?

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You probably shouldn’t have emailed her at all. There’s nothing she can do after the fact to rework the schedule and questioning how she runs her business isn’t very helpful. Still, it sounds like you’re reading hostility into a message where non is intended. She probably just changed the way she sorts business and personal email.  It sounds to me like you’re spinning yourself up for no good reason. 

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I think tone is very hard to get on an e-mail.  When some people e-mail on devices with small keyboards, they just type short sentances that can sound rude if you read them in your head but are just really directly to the point.  She may just be changing how she deals with her e-mail.  As someone who regularly gets hundreds of e-mails a day, I can understand that.  

I don't disagree with KungFu that it was probably not necessary to e-mail her, so she may have just been slightly irritated with the tone of your e-mail.  That said, the average person moves on from this kind of stuff very quickly.  I wouldn't dwell on it at all. If you see her in person, "I might just say sorry about the e-mail confusion.  I'll be sure to use your other e-mail address in the future." and don't feel like you need to keep her posted on every little thing.

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Ugh. Tone in written communication is so hard! I get it wrong all the time! I, also, am very sensitive to any perceived distancing by others. 

That said, I do think you are being overly sensitive, and she may be as well. She may have interpreted your email as criticism or a complaint. Since you don’t know exactly why she requested you to use the other email, try not to assume it is personal. 

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The reason I emailed in the first place was to give her feedback on her suggesting I work 5 hours on Saturdays. At first it was to cover for the regular cashier who was out on vacation. Then I asked her if she meant it to be a permanent schedule and she yes. I told her that was no problem but it increases my hours to 21 and they have a hiring freeze going on right now. I do leave early during the week sometimes if I have nothing left to do. Neither she nor the manager have ever indicated that's a problem. They told me to do what I wanted to do because they knew I worked quickly and could get the department caught up fast. I've had another employee come to me and say she heard both of them comment on how wonderful an employee I am because I run circles in that department. So since they don't mind my leaving during the weekdays, I didn't know what they wanted for Saturdays. She was gone by the time my shift ended. Her daughter closed up. That's why I emailed her because I wanted to speak directly with her about the hours and about me taking a 30 minute break which I never do. The store was so slow. Her daughter told me to take as long as I needed. I just wanted to make sure it was okay with the boss that I had done that because we never discussed lunch breaks before this. Up until this week, I work only 4 hour shifts and don't need a lunch break. This week I worked two 6-hour shifts to help them out while the cashier is on vacation but I'm going back to my regular hours next week.

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I agree that this was not something that would warrant emailing your boss on a weekend.

About the email addresses: She may be checking the public info email on weekdays only, but has her individual one sent to her phone - she might have been irritated to be contacted on a weekend about something that did not required immediate attention. Also, questioning "why was I scheduled for this" may come across to her as you questioning her professional judgment. 

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4 minutes ago, Night Elf said:

Oh well. Thanks everyone. I've emailed her many times about small things and this was just the first time she seemed to have a problem with it. I've been there since January.

It may be that she thinks you shouldn't have to email her about small things anymore?   Or it could be that specific thing, because as others have said, it may have come off as critical of her and/or her daughter.  I am not a manager, but I can imagine thinking "what does she want me to do about this?" if I received a message like that. 

But I also think you should relax, and not worry about the schedule.  It's hard for a business to be sure they have just the right amount of coverage for customer service and back-office work, keeping people busy enough but not too busy.  

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Maybe she is frustrated because you have sent her several emails about small things that she does not consider important, and tolerated up until now, but has had enough. I would suggest just doing your job as best you can, and not worrying so much about the details. As Marbel said, for managers, it is not easy to find that sweet spot where you have enough staff but not too many. Managers cannot predict how busy the store will be on any given day.

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I use her email because in the past she told me to do so. She was the one who gave it to me. It's not on the website. And I haven't complained about anything. Mostly it's been about questions about how something turned out that she suggested and said to let her know. She's not in every day. And I emailed her on Saturday because it's a work day. They are closed Sunday and Monday. She was there for a while on Saturday but left, leaving her daughter in charge which was the first time I've seen that happen. Usually the manager is there but she's on vacation so I guess the daughter was helping out. She's a college student who is both taking classes and student teaching. Her mom told me she didn't know how much her daughter would even be able to work with such a busy school schedule. I think that was one of the reasons she asked me to start working on Saturdays. Her daughter usually works in the back so I was just surprised she stayed at the register all day. I think she wanted the break away from the back as much as I wanted one. ?

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Also, I want to add that she let me set my own hours. It was my idea to work 10 to 2 Tuesday through Friday and most weeks I left 2 hours early one weekday so I could go in for 2 hours on a Saturday. I guess she liked it and just wanted it to be more permanent. 

I don't know what's going to happen when the lady I'm covering for comes back to work. I can keep that department current working 12-16 hours a week. She was working 30 hours a week and I was helping her out 6 hours a week. I know my boss wants me to continue on the payroll even when the lady comes back but I don't think there's enough work in that department for two people.

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Yes, I'm confused. Bosses count on employees to be independent, do their job, and leave the boss alone to let them run the company. It is not your business to keep emailing her about minor details or to give feedback. Would it work for you to ask other employees about your questions? It is great that you are so efficient at your job, but your boss probably does not appreciate you pointing out inefficiencies. That is not your job. Also, I would not be using a personal email about business matters at all, unless it is related to an emergency about why you cannot come to work (flat tire, severely ill family member, etc.). It is professional to use business emails about business matters. It sounds to me like your boss needs you to be more self-reliant, get questions answered another way without emailing often, and stick to the established duties of your job without commentary. I don't think you have majorly damaged the relationship or anything, but I think it is important you understand the boundaries of your role as employee. It's one of those social code things.

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I think you are overthinking it all. I'm also one of those people who would read the email 100 times and hate to feel like I offended someone. Random thoughts: 

No, you shouldn't email your boss about this. This is something you bring up on a day they are not off. Yes, you should change to using the work email. Forget what she told you in the past, it has now changed. Also, don't worry about previous interactions, those are behind you. 

I would consider carrying a little notebook with you and write down things you think need to be discussed with her. Then take some time to prioritize which need to be dealt with immediately (as in seeing a co-worker steal something) and which can be handled later (like this weekend). Sometimes things can be dealt with in a 2 minute face-to-face conversation, sometimes they require an email or call after hours. 

Also, most people want more hours at their job. If they run out of things that they were assigned, they find something to do. I understand your situation is different, but she may have been taking aback by someone asking if their hours were really necessary. Then if there is really nothing else to do, ask the manager on staff if there is something you can do for them. If they honestly have nothing else for you to do, then make something. For instance, you discussed the lack of storage for tagged but not on the floor items. Is there a way to add shelving, change things around, etc? These are not projects you do on your own, just ideas and plans you could take to your boss - again in person - knowing that they may like them or not. 

The lunch break thing is probably different when you work 6 hours instead of 4. I don't know what your state laws are, but it may be that their required to give you a lunch break at 6. Take the 30 minutes. 

It will all be okay. 



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Honestly, all of the above is why I can’t work retail. I only ever did it ages ago, but I’m having flashbacks just reading the above. There’s never anything to do at small shops. Yet if you’re not busy and professional then you get in trouble. It’s a make-work job. I loathe those.

Practically speaking, I get why you emailed her, but also why it wasn’t a great idea. In general, I think you’re reading too much into it all around. Don’t email again. Don’t worry about efficiency or whether anything is working or makes any sense. Just do the thing, pretend to do other things when you inevitably have period with nothing to do, leave when it’s done.

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about the email thing - is this a store she owns?  or a one a chain that she manages?   as that seems odd.

for however much a store will hire someone and tell them they won't have to work registers - the reality is, some days you'll have to work registers.  1dd and 1ds both worked retail in college for large chains (3 - 4 years each), both hired to work specific 'jobs' that didn't entail working the register.  they both worked the register at times, sometimes for much of a shift.  1dd even helped unload trucks at times too.  

 some days are unusually quiet - for a variety of reasons, leading clerks to twiddle their thumbs or find something to do.   those are good times to make use of "to clean up" merchandise that is on display on the floor so customers can more easily find stuff.   (I avoid our local macy's becasue the women's dept is *always* such a mess, racks are overstuffed, and I can never find for what I"m looking.)

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I think you're fine.  A new job/experience always has a learning curve.  I wouldn't try to read into things too much.  Please try and let it go, and move forward with a positive attitude and it will all be good.  I'm quite sure that by next month, your boss will barely remember this incident.  I'd try to not email her so much (probably not at all for awhile) and just go with the flow.  If the shift is slow, so be it.  She probably wants back-up in case things suddenly get busy.  Better over-prepared than under-prepared. 

My dd had a retail job over the holidays and sometimes it was very busy and sometimes it was dead.  She was still expected to be there for the same number of hours...  She just folded clothes, put them back on the racks, and generally tried to be and look busy.  I suppose you could always ask the shift manager if there's anything else she can think of, but otherwise, just look busy.  ?   Maybe you can find other areas that just need a little straightening or something.  

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Whether I would have done things differently or not, I think you can stop worrying about how your boss feels.  Your boss told you to send future non-emergency emails to the business email.  Your boss did not say "I don't like you any more."  Your boss has probably already moved on as this is probably not personal from his/her point of view.  I think you can move on also.

I agree that discussing the need for your 5 hours is probably a good idea.  Sounds like this was a one-time thing, though, based on your boss's reply.  Going forward, I might just ask (clarify) whether they want you to hang around or punch out when the register is covered by others and there isn't anything else to do.  Or whether there is anything else you can work on at times like that.  I think it comes across as conscientious.

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Oh I didn't email her personal email address! It's her work email address.

I work for the Humane Society Thrift store. All our proceeds go to the upkeep of our organization and the care of the animals.

She likes when I ask her questions about the department. Both she and my manager came in and changed it all around after the lady I am covering for left on medical leave. They were making changes in the store and they finally felt like they could reorganize that department. I heard some insulting comments from them as they went through stuff, in reference to the lady I'm covering for. The lady I"m covering for got mad when she found out they went through the whole department. She considers it her personal department so there's going to be some major tension when she gets back. IF she comes back. My boss is thinking she's going to quit because she might not be able to do the work with her medical problems.

I actually got an email from her a little while ago. I did not email her again. She sent it from the Info email, not her work email, and said we'd talk more on Tuesday. She tries to accommodate everyone but sometimes things work out and sometimes they don't. I think she thinks I'm upset that I wasn't on the register Saturday. I'm not though. I was just confused because when she suggested I start working Saturdays, she wanted me on the register. Since I wasn't on the register, I wondered what I was doing there. I didn't have 5 hours worth of work to do in my department. Our donations have been very low. On Saturday I got a few sets of curtains, a few shower curtains, and two comforters. That's all. Everything else that came in was for other departments. I spent a lot of time on the floor making my department look nice. I rotated some stock. But really, I folded sheets for a long time and it just wasn't necessary. I've decided I won't say anything about sheets. I've got so many that I'm just going to fold them, price them, and stick them in a tote and label the tote with the sizes. That way when we do need more sheets on the floor, I'll have some ready to go. I'm just sad our donations are so low. We believe most people donate to Good Will as they are the best known. We're way small compared to them! 

My husband said I might have offended her and I certainly didn't mean to do that. I don't plan to bring up this conversation with her next week but will talk to her if she brings it up. I'll apologize for coming across as if I'm challenging her decisions but was talking out of my guilt for being paid but not being productive. I'll tell her I'll work whatever hours she feels she needs me as I just want to be helpful. Personally, I'm hoping she won't bring it up and we can just let it go. I don't want to be disliked like the lady I'm covering with. They feel she is difficult and head strong and not open to suggestions. They've made policies and she doesn't follow them. I don't want to be like that. They've come to me to tell me about policies that I never knew about because I wasn't trained to know them. When I commented on that, they said they understood because of who trained me.

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1 hour ago, Night Elf said:

Both she and my manager came in and changed it all around after the lady I am covering for left on medical leave. ... I heard some insulting comments from them as they went through stuff, in reference to the lady I'm covering for. ... IF she comes back. My boss is thinking she's going to quit because she might not be able to do the work with her medical problems.

It is beyond unprofessional to badmouth an employee in front of other employees, let alone discuss her medical situation, which is also a violation of privacy. This conduct is disturbing. (ETA: Expecting her to quit because of health problems raises the question whether they are actually discriminating, as she may qualify for accommodations per ADA.)


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36 minutes ago, regentrude said:

It is beyond unprofessional to badmouth an employee in front of other employees, let alone discuss her medical situation, which is also a violation of privacy. This conduct is disturbing. (ETA: Expecting her to quit because of health problems raises the question whether they are actually discriminating, as she may qualify for accommodations per ADA.)


They didn't know I was within hearing range, and they've never talked about her medical condition to me. I'm in contact with the lady I'm covering and she's telling me how she's doing and what's going on. The nature of the job is physical and she had back surgery. She still has hip problems and is slow to walk. I'm sure they'd provide accommodations for her if needed but I can't think of what they could do to make the job easier. You still have to lift heavy bedding and curtains and hang them up and transport them to the floor. You have to stand to fold sheets. The only thing we can do sitting down is when we're pricing crafts and fabric remnants and we get those in spurts. We can go weeks with nothing and then get in a whole box of sewing stuff and other fabric type stuff. The only time I sit down is to write out a price tag so I'm up and down a lot. I do take short breaks so I can sit and lean back to stretch my back.

ETA: my boss did tell me she wasn't sure if the lady was coming back because she was already gone longer than she originally asked for. The Board of Directors made my boss ask for a doctor's note of leave of absence. Maybe she shouldn't have told me that but she did, probably because she was letting me know I might need to be in charge a lot longer than I agreed to do. If the lady doesn't come back and they keep me in that department, I'll be totally fine. I'll miss the lady though because we got along really great. We text a couple of times a week and talk on the phone once a week. I let her know what's going with the department and she makes suggestions of things I might should look at doing. There is another employee there who is her friend and I know she tries to talk to her once a week. She lets me know when she talks to her but I don't tell her when I talk to the lady because the lady asked me not to tell anyone we're communicating. She said if she found out I was telling people we talk, she would cut off communication with me. Harsh, but it's her wish so I respect that.

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4 hours ago, maggie18 said:

 It sounds like this was supposed to be a JAWM thread and that you didn't really want people's opinions about you emailing your boss?

Oh no, I was asking for opinions because I wasn't able to see past the end of my nose. I need more to think about. Some of the posts made me uncomfortable because it shows I might have done something wrong and I never intended to do that. I really like my job there and just want to get along with everyone. 

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25 minutes ago, Night Elf said:

Oh no, I was asking for opinions because I wasn't able to see past the end of my nose. I need more to think about. Some of the posts made me uncomfortable because it shows I might have done something wrong and I never intended to do that. I really like my job there and just want to get along with everyone. 

Beth, try not to worry.  It seems that your employer likes you and the work you do. That means a lot. I bet you are also reliable and that also means a lot. Even if you did slip up in this communication, it doesn't mean you won't be able to get along going forward.  I have been working only about a month but the other day I did something that showed I either completely misunderstood or completely ignored something the manager told me to do.  Whoops. I received correction for my error, and that was that.  

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Your anxiety is making you feel like this is a big deal.

Minor reprimands or corrections from a boss do not need to strain a relationship. Recognize that feeling reprimanded hurts, remember that you know the boss values your work, and try to not ruminate on the interaction.

I think things will be fine.

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13 hours ago, Night Elf said:

Yes, I do have anxiety in general and am on medication for it. It really goes up when something uncomfortable happens. It's a nuisance.


But the question was about your earlier post last week about losing your meds.  Did you get that straightened out?

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20 minutes ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Since she emailed you a second time, she may have realized her first note came across a bit short.  It sounds to me like everything will blow over with no worries!  

That's what I'm hoping. I hope she doesn't bring it up. I just want to drop it and let it alone. It certainly won't happen again.

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18 hours ago, Night Elf said:

Yes, I do have anxiety in general and am on medication for it. It really goes up when something uncomfortable happens. It's a nuisance.


I completely understand! I would have had all the same thoughts you expressed. I tend to be overly sensitive to people and situations that really are only momentary. I have learned that in these type of situations time really is your friend. Any minor irritation on the part of people you are dealing with (caused by them or you or just simply by circumstance) will be forgotten and replaced with new interactions. 

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19 hours ago, maize said:

Your anxiety is making you feel like this is a big deal.

Minor reprimands or corrections from a boss do not need to strain a relationship. Recognize that feeling reprimanded hurts, remember that you know the boss values your work, and try to not ruminate on the interaction.

I think things will be fine.

This.  I have had to explain that to my son. He was devastated when he made a mistake at work and got reprimanded.  All his boss said was slow down and pay attention.....but Ds saw it as the end of the world.  I reminded him no employee is perfect and ds most definitely was not the first person to make a mistake.  

And in you case I am not even sure you made a mistake....maybe she was slightly irritated, but I feel sure she has already forgotten it.  

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1 hour ago, Night Elf said:

That's what I'm hoping. I hope she doesn't bring it up. I just want to drop it and let it alone. It certainly won't happen again.


If she does bring it up again, I suggest you handle it positively.  Mention that you know the store runs on a tight budget and that you don't like being "on the clock" if the work has run out.  Ask if she might have a list of housekeeping work that she'd like you to get to once your department is in order.  Things like deep cleaning an area, website updates, phone calls that need to be made, etc.  

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If you end up talking it over with her, it might be good to have some proactive ideas about how you could use your downtime productively. Maybe a way to let more people know that your organization needs certain types of donations or has certain types of things available— and even just to bring its existence to people’s attention. Or help in another part of store that isn’t caught up. Or help make better storage for things in the back...

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41 minutes ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:


If she does bring it up again, I suggest you handle it positively.  Mention that you know the store runs on a tight budget and that you don't like being "on the clock" if the work has run out.  Ask if she might have a list of housekeeping work that she'd like you to get to once your department is in order.  Things like deep cleaning an area, website updates, phone calls that need to be made, etc.  

That's a good idea. I don't know much about how other departments do things so I could learn. Our clothing department is always busy and they always have help, whether it's volunteers or community service workers. Maybe I could cross train there as well and ask her if she needs help doing something. She stops what she's doing to help me when I have a question. That department just seems overwhelming! Also, the front of the store is where all our glassware and many decor items are located. I could dust shelves and just make things look nice. I plan to tell her I just want to be helpful to her in whatever capacity she needs me and I'm happy to work any hours she thinks is best. I love being there, except when all I am doing is folding sheets. It's just so tedious, especially when I'm doing it by myself. But it's part of the job and I've gotten pretty good at it, even the Queen and King sizes which is hard to do by myself.

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Update: I worked with my boss for a few hours today and she was as sweet as could be. The person on the register during the morning/early afternoon has her own department to take care of but she works the register when there is no one else to do so. So she and I took turns. My department got very little in so I was at the register for 3 of my 4 hour shift. My boss didn't say so, but I think she wanted me cross trained just for this purpose, to give the other lady time to get to her own department. So when the lady I'm covering for comes back, I may spend more time on the register because there may not be enough work for both of us to do in that department. I'm okay with that. I love my department but the register isn't bad. I've still much to learn though. 

The kittens/cats at our shelter are under quarantine due to illness. I asked my boss if she still knew if they were and she said she didn't know. I told her that's how I ended up at the thrift store. The kitten room was quarantined because of ringworm. I volunteered to go in and clean it and darned if I didn't get ringworm! I couldn't go back to the shelter until my rash cleared up and after sitting home for 2 weeks doing nothing, I went in to the thrift store. My boss said she was extremely glad I did so because I've been a wonderful employee. So I knew then there were no hard feelings about what happened with the email. ?

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1 hour ago, Night Elf said:

Update: I worked with my boss for a few hours today and she was as sweet as could be. The person on the register during the morning/early afternoon has her own department to take care of but she works the register when there is no one else to do so. So she and I took turns. My department got very little in so I was at the register for 3 of my 4 hour shift. My boss didn't say so, but I think she wanted me cross trained just for this purpose, to give the other lady time to get to her own department. So when the lady I'm covering for comes back, I may spend more time on the register because there may not be enough work for both of us to do in that department. I'm okay with that. I love my department but the register isn't bad. I've still much to learn though. 

The kittens/cats at our shelter are under quarantine due to illness. I asked my boss if she still knew if they were and she said she didn't know. I told her that's how I ended up at the thrift store. The kitten room was quarantined because of ringworm. I volunteered to go in and clean it and darned if I didn't get ringworm! I couldn't go back to the shelter until my rash cleared up and after sitting home for 2 weeks doing nothing, I went in to the thrift store. My boss said she was extremely glad I did so because I've been a wonderful employee. So I knew then there were no hard feelings about what happened with the email. ?

This is great news.  And see?  We were right weren't we?  ?

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On 8/12/2018 at 2:14 PM, regentrude said:

It is beyond unprofessional to badmouth an employee in front of other employees, let alone discuss her medical situation, which is also a violation of privacy. This conduct is disturbing. (ETA: Expecting her to quit because of health problems raises the question whether they are actually discriminating, as she may qualify for accommodations per ADA.)


It doesn’t sound like they have enough employees for the ADA to apply. The minimum is 15 employees before ADA provisions are applicable.

OP, I am also surprised that she was discussing one employee with another. That is unprofessional. 

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