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I did it!!!


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Congrats! But I am laughing at your ‘the weather has changed’ comment since you live in Florida! We had two sunny and above freezing days this week and I’m all happy and optimistic about spring being here soon. But snow is predicted for tomorrow, so...


LOL, yeah....I still can't believe I managed to get SAD in Florida! But seriously, it's hot and sunny and I just want to bask in it naked. Seriously, I can FEEL the energy from it. It's so weird. 


I don't think I realized how bad it was until now....I'm actually HAPPY! I wasn't always sad before, but I wasn't happy - not like this. I still get a bit of anxiety, but mostly at that time of the month. But there are times I'm just so happy I could burst, and now I remember that that is my norm...I used to be like this all the time. Feels SO good. 

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You all know I've had mood issues since early on in my last pregnancy. And after. One of the things effected was my writing. I stopped, completely. Mind you, I was under contract and Harlequin could have requested I send back my advance, but they didn't. They offered love and support and time. And today I just sent in my finished book!!!!!!!! I can't believe it - I thought I might never write again. But I did. And it's done! I am so freaking proud of myself. And HAPPY. The weather has changed, and it's like I'm a different person. 


Anyway, wanted to share...y'all are with me when I'm down and so it seemed fair to share the up times as well. 


Cause I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Book number 6 is DONE!!!!!


WOOHOO! That is great news. So glad they were willing to work with you and that it all turned out well. When life gets crazy, my creativity and drive are derailed because it's those deep parts that generate the work.

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WOOHOO! That is great news. So glad they were willing to work with you and that it all turned out well. When life gets crazy, my creativity and drive are derailed because it's those deep parts that generate the work.


Exactly It's like I go into survival mode and creativity isn't part of that. 


I DO wonder how much of my increased writing is due to improved mood and how much of my improved mood is due to increased writing...I'm suspecting a feedback loop here. 

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Exactly It's like I go into survival mode and creativity isn't part of that. 


I DO wonder how much of my increased writing is due to improved mood and how much of my improved mood is due to increased writing...I'm suspecting a feedback loop here. 


Yup, chicken and egg! I always feel better when I write but sometimes getting to that point is so stinking hard. After all these years, I've made peace with the fact that it just takes me longer than others to write a book. Maybe when the homeschooling years are over I can go faster. A lot of my mental energy is spent on those needy little critters I try to educate  :lol:

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Yup, chicken and egg! I always feel better when I write but sometimes getting to that point is so stinking hard. After all these years, I've made peace with the fact that it just takes me longer than others to write a book. Maybe when the homeschooling years are over I can go faster. A lot of my mental energy is spent on those needy little critters I try to educate  :lol:


So true!!! I was ready to quit writing entirely, but I have a great idea for a new series, and I'm realizing it won't be this hard forever. Right now I get most of my writing done in my van. I take the sleepy baby for a ride, and when she passes out I park in the starbucks parking lot, drink a coffee, and write. It's my "office", lol. 

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So true!!! I was ready to quit writing entirely, but I have a great idea for a new series, and I'm realizing it won't be this hard forever. Right now I get most of my writing done in my van. I take the sleepy baby for a ride, and when she passes out I park in the starbucks parking lot, drink a coffee, and write. It's my "office", lol. 


Love it! I used to do that too since my younger kids wouldn't nap in their cribs. It's a little better than that now, obviously, but I still spend over an hour a day driving them, then during snippets of time when they are both at an activity I can pull out the laptop.


It IS bound to get easier, right? RIGHT???

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